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Show Ladies' Self-Culture Self-Culture Glub Mrs. Chris Peterson acted ns hostess to tho members of the Ladies' Sclf-Cuture Club, July 25th, 1919. President Mrs. M. Foisted presided. There were twenty-one members mem-bers present with the following follow-ing named ladles as guests of the hostess: Mcsdamcs H. M. Smith, L. C. Chris-topherson, Chris-topherson, R. N. Nielson, R. M. Lclshman, W. II. Evans, Ralph Stayner, M. W. Garrett, Robert Evans, F. A. Hansen, J. W. Cottnm, James Jensen, Pet-Icr Pet-Icr Jensen, J. A. Brown, W. T. Hudson, Lewis Peterson, Osro Barnard, Andy Jensen, and the IMisses Vina Nielson of Hunts-vllle Hunts-vllle and Pearl Lillywhlte. The program: "Club Collect" Read by Mrs. F. M. NIsh. Talk on Art Mrs. G. C. Ily-mer Ily-mer (Illustrations) Piano Solo Miss Pari Lilly-white. Lilly-white. The home was bcautiffully decorated with garden flowers. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mes-dames Mes-dames J. W. Garrett, M. W. Gar-ett, Gar-ett, J. W. Cottam, J. G. Rhodes and Dixie Shelton. After a very, pleasant social -hiMurClibdjQ.ureel;tpmeet wlth Mrs. Horaco Welling at tho home of Mrs. Dixie Shelton, August Au-gust 8, 1919. . . MRS. DIXIE SHELTON Secretary. |