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Show H AMERICAN INDIAN'S TEN H COMMANDMENTS H Richard Crokcr married an H Indian girl that believes in the H doctrlno advocated by her an- H. cestors, as follows: H 1 It was a sin to neglect tho old In any manner, or to refuse M to share with them the fruits H of tho chase or tho productfi of B; tho fields, and it was especially B: sinful to neglect or disregard aged or infirm parents. 2- To speak in derision or slightly of any ono who might Mfrs crippled in any manner or unfor- Bff A tunatb In any degree, or to re-fuso re-fuso to givo them aid or shelter. 3 To refuse to share food or H shelter with any ono who might H apply for cither, or to fail to care for tho sick or for the or- phan or tho widow. 4 To break any treaty or 1 agreement made at tho council fire when tho pipo of peaco had been smoked, or after the parties making tho treaty had partaken of food together. B C To violate tho chastity of any woman. B G To kill animals for any B other purpose than for food or B covering and for the protection B of growing crops or human life. B ' 7 To tell a falsehood, even B though it bo of the most inno- B cent character. B 8 To show cowardice In meet- B ing any kind of danger or to B shrink from exposure, pain, suf- B fering, sickness or death. B D To take human life unless B It was a protection to himself. H To tho statement of these sav- H ago doctrines by as fair a sav- H ago as over came from the tepee H Crokcr gavo grave attention. s Surely they offered no code of J procedure that ono of a newer H faith might not accept, and they formed but a small part of tho J Indian lore that came to him H .from his young wife. H Persons who havo Been them in their Flordia homo say that H they mako an Ideal couple. Tho H frost of 78 years has not brot H any chill to Richard Crokcr. He H is able to take part in outdoor H excerciscs that are so dear to his H wife, and together they are drifting along over life's rapids H toward the sunset. I Mrs. Crbker is frovently in- H terested in tho war. Her syai- H pathles and patriotism are H slvn in devoted labor for the Red Cross and for very agency contributing to victory that comes to her hands. |