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Show TROUBLE COMING If something Is not done to check the high cost of living, trouble is sure to follow. A man with a salary of $125 per month and a family of two or three children, goes behind every month If ho ndavors to live do--ccntly and the great majority of workers do not get a salary that large. The best advico ob-tatnablo ob-tatnablo is to the effect that tho I cost of groceries, meats and wearing appearel Ib going to continue con-tinue to mount upwards so that the pinch on tho poor and middle mid-dle classes is going to bo harder hard-er than ever. There is nothing that drlveB a man to desperation quicker than hunger or to see his loved ones suffer for the necessities of lifo and unless tho cost of living Is held within the reach of tho pcoplo of moderate incomo, that class Is going to become be-come uneasy and anarchy may develop . Bolshevism had its origin or-igin among tho poorer classes In Russia. Tho common American who toils hard for tho money he earns, is not going to sit quietly by and seo his rich neighbor neigh-bor getting richer because of tho high prico tho poor man is com pelled to pay for tho things ho needs to sustain lifo. Tho world is rolling close to a precipice; this nation Is not frco from tho spirit of Bolshevism as evidenced evidenc-ed by tho riots, strikes and disorders dis-orders that arc spreading over tho land. There are serious times ahead and unless a remedy rem-edy Is provided tho whole fabric of grovernmont is In danger of being torn asunder and when that hanens. anarchy will run I rampant. Every man must stand solidly upon his own feet and not be carried by tho spirit of tho times. Tho danger is npparent whether wo want to recognize it or not and the taw putting it out of our minds will not dispose dis-pose of it . A concerted, constructive con-structive movement must bo in-' in-' augurated to bring about the necessary relief and quell the disturbance that Is slowly gathering gath-ering momentum throughout the world. Verily wo are living in tho times Bpoken of in holy writ nB "perilous times" but apparently the great majority of ' mankind does not caro to in- convenience themselves by re cognizing It and are content to Bwhn along In tho maelstrom and trust to luck to find a safe landing Box Elder News. |