Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING MAY 24 1834 20 Special Utah Drouth STOCK DEALS Investigator Warns g ’ Against Barm Panics Conservator Makes PrelimCover- - inary Report to nor on Arid Conditions STREAM PLOWS CUT DESCRIBED IN Conference S-- L To Map Program Of Drouth Relief conference at which A three-dafederal representatives and extension directors of eleven western states will consider the problem of bringing refarmers will lief to drouth-strickebe held In Salt Lake Thursday Friday and Saturday The regional conference of exten of Utah and Dr H T Dr Orin Turman- - (left) of slon directors fbr eleven western wonders of electricity at the Modernisation states will be held at the Hotel Utah Plumb who hill demonstrate exposition Thursday and Friday A government conference on rural rehabilitation “at which plans for a correlated federal program for drouth relief will be evolved will be held y MX?ry n WIN PRAISE RANKIN TRIAL Mir ion “Telva Assert Witnesses They Were ‘Sold Out’ by who will be Defendants tr Federal Officials Will Meet Many Sections Will Be Able to Salvage Most of With Extensiono Chiefs of Eleven States Crop - Professor Says Tli drouth situation in Utah is growing and apparently ierious more ao every day but it does not call tor pahic and the indiscriminate sac-to rifice of livestock without regard real values-i- t was reported to Governor Henry H Blood Wednesday by Professor George D Clyde of Logan the water conservator appointed by aitugovernor to survey the drouth 1500 PUPILS How they were induced to purchase stocks from the Lester L Rankin company under the promise that the prices would go up and how they were later “sold out” by the company when they failed to meet monthly instalments on their budget plan contracts was testified to by witnesses during Wednesday’s hearing in toe case in which Rankin and seven others are charged with use of toe mails in a Scheme to de- iNSONGFEST noted American contralto the School Children Entertain Capacity Crowd at Open Event ing of Three-Da- y soloist with a chorus of 3000 voices June 9 in the TABLEAUX ARE STAGED tabernacle Officials Outline Purpose of Festival Laud Work of City Music Supervisor She will sing at the music festival which fraud will be a The trial which started Monday is being conducted before Federal feature of the Judge Tillman D Johnson afternoon Witnesses Wednesday annual ' were Clarence Pierson and C E Roberts- both of Sundance Wyo D conference B Howell Portland Qre John E v - C H Gist Reardon Ogden and ’ of the M J A Greeley Colo The proceedings took an unexpectwater Utah of the Cooperation ed turn when Pierson on cross ex- of the L D S Users is obtaining a maximum use of amination admitted that he acted reMr available Clyde water the church as agent of the Lester Rankin comported He added that opening of and that he aold some stock pany $600000 with sources the water new to himself He testified that as the regrant from the federal emergency afhe was Clarence Pierson and seller is materially administration lief — as toe buyer he was C E Pierson Saturday result the fecting - In the livestock industry he told William Peterson of the Utah State Denied Profit Governor Blood the producers should Agricultural college extension servAn attempt was made by defense be encouraged to cull their herd and ice said counsel to get an admission from he had been auto reduca the fat stock in anticipation thorized Wednesday Century of Progress Fea- him that he did this to collect a comW A Lloyd In charge by winnext for feed aupply cf a short but he denied that the transof extension work in the western secture to Be Demonstrated mission ter as well as the present summer tion to call the conference It was action had netted him any profit of but they should do so in an orderlyis deemed advisable to this kind hpld the regionat Exposition and consistent manner and there Roberts testified that his dealings al conference prior to the Saturday in the a panic critics this spring when she appeared bo need for disorderly with the Rankin company began in Administrative problems meeting ' Will Pay with the New York Philharmonic-Symphonthe Marion Telva market before of March last just year and extension programs regarding Te Maka Report orchestra under Sponsored by the extension divi- bank holiday : he first had said He society discussed will be emergency projects TabOwn Expense the direction of the famous Arturo sion of the University of Utah the bought 2000 shares of Canada Dry The conservator now will prepare at toe conference Thursday and FriOffer Will to Toscanini in Carnegie hall On April a more formal and detailed report day and' if necessary one or more Farm Bureau famous “House of Magic” entertain- Gingerale company stock and later ernacle Appearance e 15 Miss Telva sang toe part of was persuaded by Rankin to take toe governor and will stand in readi- sessions will be held after the Saturment shown at the at of Amendment Century Reform in the love scene from the 1500 shares of Briilo Manufacturing ness to lend his assistance in adjust- day meeting Progress exposition in Chicago will company stock on the budget plan wasecond act of Wagner’s opera “TrisMr Lloyd and either Dr C W ing any friction over ’ the use of be presented at the modernization Marion Telva former prima don- tan and Isolde” She appeared with to Legislature Rankin told him in a telephone conter that may arise of director of extension Warburton and State exposition Broadway he said that “We are in na contralto of toe Metropolitan Gertrude Kappel and Paul Althouse “Natural flow in --Utah streams the department of agriculture or Dr street for an indefinite period start- versation with a large pool in New York and Opera company of New York will both stars of the Metropolitan he laid Wednesday "has been re- C B Smith assistant director will fed- ing Thursday evenings at 8 o’clock Bureau The Farm Utah Stafe this A E Eberhardt president of the duced to 20 to 25 per cent of nomal represent Praised by Critics of agricul- eration as part of its state tax reduc- Dr Orin Tugmah professor of have to take a large block of cusbe toe guest soloist at the music now at' toe ture at the Conference board of Stock You are one of our good Tha speakers for tola season and Salt Of on in tabernacle this the occasion at Lake the of Jier Utah to the physics singing will tion University propose program outlined toe purpose of toe festival tomers and we are setting aside 1500 on June 9- in connection with toe the New York Sun had this to normal mark for August In most State relief administrator! of westwill toe conduct demonstrations consay: of a toe next of session legislature areas of too state toe aupply la not ern states will attend Saturday’s conshares for you" annual conference of toe Mutual Im- “It is imperative to record that the which was launched to stimulate an stitutional amendment that will defi- modern wonders of electricity based Roberts testified - further that Ran- provement associations of the L D vocal honors interest among students and citizens sufficient to mature more than 25 ference went to the last named in conducted some upon on experiments taxes by tangible good music Mr Eberhardt praised kin told him there would be a sharp par cent of a normal crop - Some 6enator Cutting (R' N M) was nitely prohibit world’s whose of artist (Miss the beautifulscientists Telva) greatest for itate purposes rise in the stock and would guar-- ' Miss Telva Is making the trip to ly sustained and exquisitely spun the work of J Spencer Cornwall companies with primary water rights advised Wednesday by the farm ad- property H T Dr Plumb of known well Salt a decided was at This meeting of music in toe schools him $10000 In July Salt Lake at her own an Assoplus storage will obtain practically a justment administration electrical engineer who has antee'to make expense hav- tones of rich quality made her de- supervisor the Rocky ciated Press dispatch stated that it tha bureau's tax committee Wednes- Lake for his direction of toe festival normal of that year the witness said he ing volunteered her services of ‘Einsanrr because toe Wachend' conducted demonstralivery tax many at which the propublic The Hamilton school bugle corps called Rankin to tell him he would of her friendship wit) Mr and Mrs Ford and Monroe Douth bend Jn plana modification' of planting re- day afternoon to tions in Salt Lake and elsewhere for something to be remembered” and the west high school band played Sevier county Carbon county where strictions on farms under adjustment gram was discussed preparatory have difficulties in making his pay- Reuben Clark Jr She will sing with not has It announced educational been will assist to Dr the yet a purposes for presentation the opening number "Fanfare" A ment on the Briilo stock but was the Pleasant Valley reservoir and agreements to permit seeding of toe drafting billThe work was not com- Tugman in presenting the “House assured that the company would see a chorus of 3000 voices which will what she will sing at her appearance chorus of 1590 voices then sang toe vastly improved irrigation methods emergency forage crops to replace in legislature be direction of Noble in under Cain Salt of Lake will be Magic" and another meeting The next thing he of him through Everywhere 1 Look ” “To a Wild tha feed crops destroyed by the pleted help and west Millard county part s who is considered one Born in Mo Louis Miss Chicago 10 m in St a 31 at held Thursday May Rose” and “Merry June” Equipment Received “Lands under toe Davis and Weber drouth heard from the company he testi- of the ablest choral conductors in toe vocal career is nearly unique bureau The West high school band under The equipment weighing nearly fied was that his Briilo stock had canal and those 'in Cache county have A program lor purchasa of sur- the offices of thealso in she a front that attained rank country on record a ton went direction of Kenneth Roylance preto protect its been closed out fair prospects Thesa latter lands plus cattle In drouth areas where The committee carefully packed Renew toe at Acquaintance position assess of Metropolitan opera sented five selections that won enwas received delicate Instruments will have some losses and the value the feed situation la so acute that Insisting upon equalization Denies Speculation Mr and Mrs Clark are now in without having first proved herself cores of their crop la such that tha losses cattle cannot be longer carrledton the ment of the property tax as long as in several crates Wednesday at the witness the examination cross On toe in of Europe She houses opera New York where Mr Clark a memit is In existence The first section of tableaux preand under supervision of will be heavier in total than those In farmi also la under consideration he knew he couldn't make toe ber of toe first 7 come more nearly plac- exposition of toe L made her debut as soloist for the St sented Stephen Foster presidency Dr Tugman and Dr Plumb was set sqid less intensively cultivated sections Western senators and representa- “This would songs with but Briilo shares the on Louis payments and orchestra D partSymphony S church is acting president of which are on a mul- up in toe auditorium on the seccharacters from the Jackson schooL where there la little or no water sup- tives believe these plana In addition ing mine taxes counsel’s to defense not would because agree of toe of encouragement In addition to “My Old Kentucky benefit payments under crop adjust- tiple basis on the same level with ond floor of the exposition where contention that he Intended to specu- the Foreign Bondholders’ Protective ly ply this year sought Home” and “Old council They recently renewed their Madame Schumann-Heinment programs will provide a defi- farm taxes" said Tracy R Welling all demonstrations will be held Folks at Home” the covered 30 by for the naPamplng Plants late toe days fame of borders her of beyond acquaintance with Miss Telva there secretary tha committee and of the According to those who have seen first was “Old Black Joe” an old darky ' and would then let and tive soon achieved which she “Areal operating under pumping nite crop Insurance in cases of crop bureau payment toe Salt Lake appearance of toe city silk-towith the “House of Magic" at Chicago and hat leaning on a failure go She has won considerable acclaim cane 8 contralto arranged lor plants from ground water arc in good Agriculture officials said tha re- The committee members all of elsewhere and engineers familiar theMrstock The second group consisted had he testified purHowell toe her work concert on for condition this year plat- of art The singing of Miss Telva won whom were present discussed a gen- with Its features no other series of songs prepared by the Ensign chased shares of General Motors and high 4 “Tha water conservator has been lief administration would finance toe praise from New York music form as well as in the opera school The first “Slumber Song” like demonstrations is available as United and distribution of prod- eral income tax to raise sufficient Rankin processing from the cent 100 almost corporation cooperation per given ucts which could be used lor relief revenue to eliminate the levy on public attraction anywhere in the presented a mother and her little child and made a good profit on in- bis campaign to Increase the use tangible property for state purposes world It includes demonstrations company 2000 shares looking at a baby in a crib He later them bought of toe water available The farmers purposes which Is now 96 mills Mr Welling of scientific in electri- of Briilo upon representations made experiments Utah Scene Presented water conserved keeping have by said city aa developed In research labora- by Rankin he said and agreed that Numerous other scenes were pretheir streams together and irrigatThis would necessitate raising the tories tome to Rankin should sell just enough to sented including "Utah We Love ing with a large stream by rotation income tax rates to the constitutional practical needsapplicableothers present afford meet toe monthly payments required many Thee” toe state song by the Sumamong users by repairs to headgates maximum of 6 per cent lowering ex- Ing a dowonders into luture glimpse of Instead while the constant attendance plan ner school The tableau showed a lrrlgat purchase Mr by emptions and eliminating offsets Dr Tugman who will preside over by - ' ing this the witness declared the Ing by the restriction of toe Irrigatpioneer couple and children at play Welling said the demonstrations Jn the exposition Rankin and him out” “sold company ed area to confor into the supply availwith the state flag in toe background “To further accomplish toe elimina- auditorium has been a member of of marginal able by elimination then asked him to remit the loss the tion of the property tax" Mr Welling the Novelty Ihusic was presented by of Utah faculty fif- company had incurred in the differUniversity lands and In some cases for compendeclared “the committee considered teen Commission De- W Mont Ferry Arranges the bugle corps under direction of County connectwas and sale years and formerly to the the water purchase between ence sation by transferring Merva Morris and the West high a law levying excise taxes on a select- ed with research laboratories of the of toe stock more productive lands school string orchestra San Franed list of commodities and raising the termined Not to Boost Program and prices prominent electric companies Both Reardon and Gist also testi"Tha conservation program will go Orders to close the western tone inheritance tax rates Guekts of honor included Governor with the federal bureau of standards fied cisco Session and Mrs Henry H Blood Mayor and way toward providing teed advance supply depot which functhey had been “sold out" after 1934 I long Levy Asa is American He member comof the e the Rankin maintalnlnfkubsls-tencthat assured and livestock Mrs Louis Marcus State School Sufor tioned while toe army flew the air- Auto Runs Down Woman sociation for toe Advancement of being pany would "see them through” on gardens for people in rural mail w r e perintendent and Mrs C H SkidScience and toe American testiPhysical Each Ameripayments communities more Mr and Mrs Eberhardt Mr their monthly Determination not to increase toe The vyestem division of the Zone society Wednesday! to Standing Safety asked been had he “Additional supplies ara being defied further 1634 tax levy despite the fact that can Mining Congress will meet Sep- and Mrs A J West Mr and Mrs by Captain C Pf Demonstrations Set remit for losses toe company had there ia an $8000000 veloped by obtaining ground water decrease in tember 24 to 29 in the Palace hotel A R Curtis Miss Ellen Thomas Dr advance 39 of 554 E Charles Geratner Plumb has beenr'known reservoirs Dr as a in suffered and using dead storage and Mrs George Thomas Professor I assessed valuation was voiced Wedofficer on supply arrested Greenlawn Was Profit place at San Francisco It was announced and Mrs Thomas Made late to on mature and mountain lakes consulting engineer and lecturer Giles Mr and Mrs nesday by the members of toe counWhile of Ciptaln reckless driving charge driving scientific however ty commission subjects In Salt Lake tor On cross examination crops y Wednesday W Mont Ferry vice C Clarence Neslen Mr and Mrs B Kane and hU stall S a without brakes with 22 driving la faulty years engaged in research work Culinary Water admitted the Rankin company “We are in hopes that more prompt president and managing director of F Fowler Mr and Mrs W H Lovesy ara closing thelrl driver's license and driving with li- in toe field of electricity and has Gist Mr and Mrs Harley W Gustin Mr had aold some of his United corpo- payment of taxes and the valuation the “Many communities ara dependent books and settling cense plates Issued for another car a private Silyer King Coalition Mines com- and Mrs Christian Jn which he ration atock at toe top of toe mar- which will O Jenson Mr and laboratory on irrigation water for their culinary all accounts army undoubtedly be added by automobile which he was carries on many the after of chairman the pro- Mrs D E Hammond Mr and Mrs of his experiments ket resultingin a profit This profit the appendix tax rolls late in De- pany jsnational supplies and in some of these cull officers reported' Mrs John Knollmuel-lestruck driving Demonstrations of toe “House of he said was applied as first pay- cember will make available suffi- gram committee In charge of arrang- Nicholas G Smith Mr and Mrs John nary water la being hauled in As that the 37 of 1886 Lake street while she have been set by toe exposi- ment on a block of Briilo stock to cient revenue without Increasing the B Matheson Dr and Mrs D D sistance is being given such communi- depot established toe Magic" zone In at ing the program for the first meeta was standing safety tion management at 4 and 8 p m be purchased on toe budget plan ' Stockman Mr and Mrs Jesse N ties E E said Commissioner new levy” In division of three west side of Second South and Main daily except western the ing Smith Mr and Mrs Newell B Day-to- n Sunday and Memorial Witnesses during toe morning ses- Howe chairman of the commission “Ranges throughout the state are freight streets Wednesday at 7:30 p m day on which days toe exposition sion also testified to being closed Commissioners B F Quinn and A years and Mr and Mrs Guy La Suffering from drouth which causes transporting more treatment at the After emergency will not be openPlans have been defendants after having A Beesley also joined In statements lack of watering places for stock and The program will be arranged In Coste 300000 Knollmeulier was taken made for the attendance of students out by toe Mrs hospital The executive committee is comis now beginning to affect toe feed pounds of supplies invested considerable sums of money that they did not think it would cooperation with state committee to her home of the senior and junior high schools They were L D Staats of Portland be necessary to increase this year’s members representing the nonfer-rou- s posed of Dr Nuttall Mr Cornwall Steps are being taken with the C- and materials in E H Christensen report- of the Patrolman city and the university on cerV Pearson of Ogden and Dr A levy above last year’s 588 mills ooperation of toe forest service and t h r e months metal mining operators of Ari- Miss Stewart A B Kessler A J ed that Gerstner driving east on Sec- tain days at the afternoon demon- T the F K R A in obtaining additional without an acciN Currie of Malta Mont It was pointed out that there is zona California Colorado Idaho Hagen Fred D Keeler Miss Edith to stop strations was unable street South ond Water for livestock The contention of toe prosecution $1000000 anticipated revenue from Kansas Missouri Montana Nevada E Kendall and E W Fraser dent red and The 'governor’s drouth committee The nearest ap- - Captain Kane when toe traffic signal flashed The program Friday evening will led by U S Attorney Dan B Shields appendix rolls and an Increased val- New Mexico Oklahoma Oregon to avoid striking an automobile In is that Rankin and his associates con- uation of $506100 in toe Midvale tax- South Dakota Texas Utah and Wash be presented spent pert of Wednesday wrestling proach to a mishap was tha lorced front of him swerved to toe left run- Charge of Beer Sale by the South high' school band and-- a with toe plan to aupply 7000 acre-fee-t ducted "bucket shop” operations and ing unit which will aid in keeping ington boys’ and girls’ landing of a giant transport at Tintlc ning through the safety zone and strikTo Minor Stricken made no bonafide sales or purchases down toe levy of stored water for Sevier users by February 19 tot ship being slightly Members of toe Utah state commit- chorus The mixed chorus also will be Purchase from Millard users who damaged and Captain Kane’s cocker ing Mrs Knollmueller heard The on orders of clients choral presentation tee are Oscar N Friendly assistant nave fixed toe price at $65000 The spaniel "Patsy" sleeping throughout ' SURGICAL SOCIETY ELECTS FAMOUS SURGEON SPEAKS In a complaint signed In the county general manager and treasurer of the will include tableaux of American committee finally reached a decision the experience folk comand music of American songs Dr R Friel has been elected A to Hold Dr Howard A Kelly noted gynec- Park Utah Consolidated Mines attorney’s office Wednesday after- Wasatch P-- T that $25000 might be used from toe Captain Kane reported that the ident of Jthe Salt Lake Surgicalpresso- noon Jame addressed a pany E A Hamilton general man- composers Saturday toe combined Balcolort 82 arrested at ologist and surgeon $600000 at its disposal for such pur- depot would be closed school choruses and the United States Smelting high after it was announced Wednesday 458 Wast Second South street TuesFinal Meeting Friday group of surgeons and physicians of ager of the chase The matter is still under ne- June 1 with five civilian shortly re- ciety Dr Friel succeeds Dr Eliot Snow day after ha allegedly aold a pint of employes Salt Lake at a dinner -- Wednesday Refining St Mining company and Dr high school orchestra will be presented Engotiation among toe water users to their home station at Rock- the retiring president Other offi- beer to an evening at the Hotel Utah Dr Kelly D A Lyon director of toe Utah girl was Mrs ‘The committee approved appropri- turning Spencer Felt president of the spoke on “Famous Surgeons I Have gineering Experiment station at the well field San Diego Cat The re- cers elected were Dr R W Owens charged With contributing to toe deassociation ations chiefly for wells and pumpWasatch maining 85 employes ara Salt Lake vice president and Dr“ J Russell linquency of a minor University of Utah S toe final meeting of the Known" ing plants totaling $32000 Wednes- residents Wherritt secretary-treasure- r In police court Wednesday morning announces current year will be held Friday at day Projects approved are located a charge against Balcolorl of selling 3 Adam Bennion will be at Enterprise and Santa Clara Washbeer to a minor was stricken when pm Dr ington county Lake Shore Spanish guest speaker Gerald Irvine -prosecuting attorney Fork Lehi and Pleasant Grove Utah The program will consist of a trio said the city had no (ordinance proBenjamin L Rich of 74 Virginia of Mrs Adine Bradley and county Meadow Millard county composed to the minors sale beer street was elected vice president genof hibiting Neola and Wissiup in tha Uintah her sons Joe and Jack a spring dance ’ Balcolori The complaint against eral of the General National Society basin and also tha deepening of the girls and selecwas signed by Patrolman B O Brady by toe sixth gradeorchestra Sons of the American Revolution Election channel from Moon lake in Duchesne by toe school toe arresting officer Balcolori was tions at a convention of the organization officer will follow— ) county to be offered for the finest winreleased from toe county jail on of Selection of a?Mi ss Salt Lake” in Baltimore Wednesday it was stated ' association for a bronze plaque : bond of $300 Commemorating toe ascent of dow displays in a telegram from George Albert to rule as queen of the ’Greater James M Melvin Wins Large Beet Acreage ' ' for the proposed monument Smith of the council of the twelve Windows are expected to be ofEnsign peak by Brigham Young Lake Days” has already been Salt ‘ An Invitation will ba sent to City Advances Hour nd aevea companions on July ficially unveiled at 8 p m on who Is attending the convention aa a Lost by Water Lack" Election Union commade th entertainment Typo by June 1 Five awards will be made delegate every stake In toe church asking 28 1847 a monument of historic A large acreage of sugar beets al Of Garbage Collection Mr Rich was named vice’ presimittee but her identity will be 'that it aupply a rock eight by for the best windows portraying successwas the M Melvin James will be ofi the has been erected abandoned because importance ready twelve inches to be placed In Greater Salt Lake and five dent general last year after having secret until to final day of kept toe Lake Salt Typoin ful csndldate of the drouth and alfalfa dry land peak if tha petition of tot Mutual toe fact of toe monument Efawards for the windows best served as president of toe Utah state toe event It was announced WedGarbage collection during the sum- graphical union election lor secretary-treasuregrain and fruit trees are suffering fort will be made to obtain rocks mer dressed from an artistic standImprovement association of the society and also as a member of toe months will be advanced one Wednesannounced was nesday fof lack of adequate water Bays the Ensign stake ia granted by the it from the Sacred Grove the Hill hour Commissioner Harold B Lee board of governors of toe state point festival The E F succeed merchandising will Melvin Mr Jack-toweekly weather and crop report reday n Cumorah tha Temple lot In city commission it was groupL Plana for an unusual entertainContainers must Morris who retires ofter having will be Held on June I and which Wednesday leased Wednesday by J Cecil Alter county Missouri and from Wednesday by John D ment program are being worked on curbs by J a m begin- served as secretary of toe union- for 2 ia expected to bring about toe in charge of the local weather bureau SCENIC LECTURE GIVEN Giles executive secretary of toe toe sites of church templet A be placed Out by Vice Chairman Frederick 4 and continuing through- toe dolJunr of thousands r of ning twenty-fouoffice expenditure Scenic attractions of Nevada and years past Utah Pioneer Trails and Landrecord will be made of each conWheeler H Entertainment and out summer Commissioner Lee W H Jones was reelected presilars said members of the comin tome sections crops are in good marks association California were described to memtribution and will be placed in said theChairman George B EarL n mittee in Charge' The slogan - A condition considering toe weather dent end C A Laxman reading bers of B P O E lodge No 85 at metal box within the monupetition for permission do On the first day of the festival and “Buy Something Extra” has been Rhodes and livestock at tha higher elevations erect the monument will be filed clerk the Applequlst ment meeting Wednesday eve- - ' FACES GAMBLING CHARGE Salt Lake manufacturer! and ningregular are faring well the report adds The with toe city commission Thursadopted tor use throughout toe Shewell were 'elected to toe executoe Club by Philip C Hall in now being perfected It plana Denying a charge of keeping and tive committee wholesale merchants will entercampaign to precede the event— alfalfa crop u light and in some parts day and northwest represenre carried out the monument operating a gambling device Harold Business men have sent scores tain guests at a lunchof the state weevil and grasshoppers tative of toe California-Nevad- a TravUnder the proposal of the stake will be constructed immediately Cedarlund 42 1050 East Twenty-fir"of THIEVES RAID STORE eon to be held at the chamber of els association order both east and are taking their toll M I A the monument will be and will ba unveiled July 28 of South street was ordered to face trial Breaking glass In the rear door westspecial was The commerce for merchandise new luncheon The The weather continued hot and op- erected with atone obtained this year commemorating tha ' June 1 by Judge Daniel Harrington burglara entered the store of toe 8 USED PUMPS WANTED! majority of the city’s merchants planned in anticipation of hunpressive Wednesday the temperature from sites of historic Interest anniversary of tha in police court Wednesday Cedar- Allsteel Office Supply company 48 hotel and cafe owners have acdreds of buyers from neighboring R I Bucklntham in Salt Lake rising to 89 degree only in church history Serge B advertlaed hl uaed ascent original was pump (or isle He eold at tale own price cities coming to the city for the by Brigham lund arrested Tuesday after Exchange place Tuesday night and cepted the invitation to become one degree below toe high for toe Campbell is chairman of the bed end other I after he made tale ulle who Young his told morals squadsmen allegedly Seized a stole an overcoat two brief cases eodjkmsors of toe affair and praccompanions event Electric railway and bus deal season The weather bureau again stake monument committee A dry year meana pumpe are In He This is a good plact to raise an slot machine tell youra call Trlbune-TelHe was released on and a fountain pen and pencil lines are expected to make special demandwantTo Ada announced that no relief is in sight baa madf a request of to frails tically every retail store is planwhere BucUnsham aold ensign” bond of $23 rates lor toe festival Km police reported Wednesday ning to compete for toe ten awards (Adv k Famed ‘House of Magic’ Will Be Exhibited Here Former ‘Met’ Star to Sing In S L Music Festival PROPERTY TAX BAN PROPOSED y s Festival Pictures Appear on Page Eight In a gala program of songs orchestral music and tableaux more than 1500 children from the Salt Lake public schools entertained a capacity audience Wednesday night in toe L D S tabernacle at toe opening of a three-da- y annual music festival Additional programs will be given Friday and Saturday evenings Folk songs known to almost every generation of Americans were enacted by the pupils in picturesque costumes in the tableau scenes presented by ten schools under toe direction of Miss Charlotte Stewart supervisor of physical education for girls Many novel themes were depicted including an old southern colored family gathered around a banjo player In emulation of “My Old Kentucky Home” while another old favorite “Old Folks at Home” presented an old negro couple seated and a younger couple with their child At the same time the melodies were played by toe West high school orchestra with choruses in tha background enhancing toe effect Dr: Nuttall Speaks The program opened with a brief address by Dr L John Nuttall Jr city superintendent who introduced Music for Bran-gaen- festival 1 edm-aircf- Tel-va’- k p - WESTERN MINI TAX INCREASE ARMY TO CLOSE HELD UEIKELY MEET CALLED SUPPLY DEPOT for ‘ for in - Kane ’ r local atrial record than- — - ' list -- Parent-Teacher- Trl-de- ‘Miss Salt Lake’ Chosen Ensign Peak Monument Planned by L D Sr Stake Identity Remains Secret - - - ’ f 1 st eighty-sevent- h v L Man Elected To SAR Office |