Show 14 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING MAY 24 1934 SHRIVER BRAMWELL TAKE FEATURES Made for MEDALIST! s' Pro-Amateu- of Intermcuntain r- -- NOVICE CLASS HOLSDM PROVO LOSES MATCH TEAMS ANNEX Outing Planned OGDEN MEET For Later Date By County Body OPENS WITH Officials of the Salt Lake Coun- V Entert V 5 Open 4 Utah hu reason to be proud of George Schneiter professional at the Ogden Golf and Country club George baa proved himself to be a competitive golfer of high degree has nd his pleasing personality made hosts of friends for him where aver he goes i 20’s he Altheagh In his early la adequately maintaining K Salt Lakers Maul— Sandr Ilurlers for Easy Win Gemmell Club Loses the traditions ef major leagae golf in Utah as exemplified by each performers as Gix Vea Elm ’ EEAGOE TILTS Botlerill Hof maim Packman Enter Special Semifinals By PHIL McLEESE ty Fish and Game association an- nounced Wednesday that due to the early opening of the fishing season the annual sportsmen's “outing" which is usually held at —Saratoga som$ time in May or June has been postponed until m later date Members of the association fed that a greater attendance will be had if the outing is held after the close of the fishing season The date for the outing will be announced later NINE TEAMS Qualifying Rounds Scheduled for Sunday p m The medalists in the first annual women’s invitation intermountain INDUSTRIAL LEAGl’E Monday a m Ttia BUBdinr golf tournament had a combined average of 667 after the first round of prePairings for the play Wednesday at Forest Dale liminary feature event to the annual - The Ogden pro really ‘began "his Mrs L C Shriver of Forest Dale intermountain amateur golf tournatournament career in 1930 when he special championship flight medalist ment which will be held at the Ogden captured the Junior open champion also Mrs IteaaHe over Wednesday' PeariBiley triumphed Golf and Country club were anSince that time be has con Holaum 10 Bandy 3 ship feature the 1 in one up Provo 0 Oemmell Club nounced Wednesday Ay George siatently placed high in most of the of Forest Dale Schneiter professional at the course major meets in this section of the match of the day and Mrs J E Bram-welAintftr'a ftehttaU event will be held Holsum tt Royal Community ptrk (two) The country and has acquitted himself a 63 Tuesday to win medcarded Mines t Provo park Copperton He well in California competition Friday afternoon starting at 2 o’clock Club At Bendy Gemmell in championalist honors the regular Is the only Utah golfer to place in The qualifying round for the tournabarSANDY—Unleashing a ment proper will' be held Sunday the money in the famous Los An- ship flight subdued Mrs F T Whitafternoon and Monday morning worth of the Salt Lake Country flub geles open rage from the offerings of three San2 and 1 but the novice class medalist Order Given dy twirlers Holsum Bakers went into And new he has won another firsts Ha has earned the right Miss Dorothy Keller lost- a two-uFollowing is the order in which the possession of second undisputed Tosses ’ete Larson Oilers nine entrants in the preliminary fea-to play lit the V S open the decision to Miss Betty Butcher place in the Industrial league by deture Will tee off: Both novices are students at the moot difficult ef all tournaments 10 3' W to R Over Win and to Wednesday feating Sandy 2 p m—John Geertsen-EOn May IS In this country KingsUniversity of Utah held Holsum Kener Ed r along With Howard ley Charles George Cosgriff Few Upset ” Peacock Shines to seven loser the hits Denver ama2:10— Sid Harmon-ECreel Perry Bill few upsets in any of Big Alex Hogan was the hitting n teur qualified for the meet theThere were D Morris a few in in but star of the outfieldthe except flights game husky 2:20— George Schneiter-Ar- t from the Intermountain district g WASAfCH LEAGUE stances the matches were exception er getting a homer triple and single The tw tied for first place bonTee Branca-OweWon Loat Pet Covey of round second The close play in His five at the appearances 4 0 plat 1000 Wasatch Oil ers with 143s which Is one un- ally 2:30 — Mickey Thom- 500 in 2 will be held Thursday I home run came in the third inning Lovlnaer der' par for the Cherry Hills overalltheflights D Smith 3 1 350 sen Alex McCafferty-Sucarhouse course Dale bases the with empty 1 350 c I Bed and White club where the qualifying round 2:40 — Earl ’ Schneiter-GeorThose who Joined Mrs Shriver in Ben Andrus starting Sandy pitch was held Results the semifinals of the special champier was hit hard In his short stay on Wasatch Wednesday’! Oil 3 Red and White 0 The winner of the event last seawere Miss Betty Bot the mound and was relieved by Haw Lovlnaer 2 Suttrhouse 0 Although Schneiter a compara- onship-flight son was the combination ot John club Lake Salt terlll the of ManaCountry fared kins who not little better tively inexperienced golfer is Geertsen and Ed Kingsley This pair Schedale (Fleneer leaenel Hofmann of Forest Dale ger LaMar Vincent came in from his C Friday’ Y O vs Firemen No umpire shot a expected to set the world afire with Of practice round over the Ogden DougS Packman WEDNESDAY'S Fort L RESULTS Mrs scorer and end Hand to outfield finish Spry Feeney the parade of post his play in the open he will gain Special Champinihip Lovlneer va Waaatoh Oil No 3 umpire Country club links Wednesday They hurlers valuable experience and those in las Miss Botterlll downed Mrs Mary Mri L 0 Shriver Lee scorer Harvey Biles Pearl Scanlon and dMre did not turn in a score of the Salt Lake one up Ken Anderson Holsum right fieldtemted in Utah’s golfing reputation Halloran-Soule- sclub 3 and Mrs Betts Botterlll d Mre liars Hal- 2 Miss Hofmann er also connected with three hits in Wasatch Oil defeated Red and Any other team which wishes to 3 and 1 may rest assured that the quiet Country took Mrs A C Moore Helen Hofmann d Mra A O Moore' five times at bat including a double White 2 to 0 and Lovlnger won from enter may sign up at the tee Friday George willt leave a good impres-- of the measure of the same score I Mlsa afternoon- according to George and a Forest Dale by and triple aion Mrs L 8 Packman 8 Mrs FT Putnam Sugarhouse by a like score in Schneiter I HOUBUM SANDY Ha has our most hearty withes tor and Mrs Packman triumphed over i and 7 ! ' " ABHOAI ABHOA Beeular Champ) ahl Mrs F F Putnam of the Ogden Golf in iW Amateur Qualify Friday d successful trip E BramwtU d Mra P TWhlt- Smith Jb t S 1 1 Wednesday games Nybrr' Sb 4 0a 0 18 l1 Swenson If and Country club 8 and 7 4 1 i 0 Federation Wasatch league Schneiter also announces that amaOrlffilh Jb - and Takes Place Seattle ‘Heavy 6 3 110 Dow c i 4 11 Vincent cl-Pete Larson husky Oiler right teurs may qualify for the meet FriThursday’s schedule pita Mrs Shri- Mrs N X Waldron d Mrs P f Stewart Chatwln 9b 4 0 1 J Milne as For Protection ver against Miss Botterlll and Miss tjJartairlUs Prater A Mri Dean Miller R and day hander limited the 4 1 1 Loaan if I 3 a OlAllaop 2b Christensen of o' v Reilly 4 3 IS I Anderson n 4 I 1 0 Crump lb A1 one The first round of the tourney will Automobile race drivers who par- Hofmann against Mrs Packman The Mri H K Rose 4 Mri W H Mitchell a S 41 Jacobson rt 3 0 4 0 W team to five scattered blows aa Cowan i Feature in Dem 3 0 1' of them a Evans lb by Jack Day be held Monday afternoon the second I 3 13 O'Morrell rf-ticipate In the famous— or notorious two Dale players Mrs- Shriver and and 4 5 I 0 Oil Smith 4 0 4 c Enirberi e Mra S W Huihee d Mrs L P Thomp-i- n A su ' wkddL8 ir the semifinals Ronny Peacock held Sugarhouse to Tuesday morning —speed contest on the brick speed- Miss Hofmann will be favored How1 CO S and 1 Kener p 10 0 1 Andrus p The two Tuesday afternoon all singles 1 0 0 1 four bingles and ths finals Hawkins p way at Indianapolis Memorial day ever Mlsa Botterlll hr playing a fra 0 0 Allen d Mra Or Bunds I 0 0 Bran-welri: Laurence an Packman’s Mrs to and l Radler of Red it Mrs E Dick if is Left aensibla twirlers game It over 36 holes Wednesday J steady Bill Thornton well known Seattle losing thing art doing right Mr JT D Morrla d Mra Marjorie Deana ot Forest Dale regular wrestler will meet and White and Len Mills of Sugar-hous- e There will be in addition to the 43 14 31 12 Total questionable of course if automo- chopping of seven strokes Wednes- ’ Kent on Totals Harry Smith is HIU 84 Score lnnlnes: Mra score by d Mra C L R of off The her ball nice also what their drivers Ray qualifying day bile race pitched being championship medalist who won championship flight a consolation 033 100 004—10 in one of Holsum the slugging Wasatch championship flight and a first flight any indication of the rapidity with I and I Champion!)! First Flleht d match in the In- Friday night at the Arena 000 002 100— 3 former held calling makes them ever can do her Bandy is takS events Miss U Errors— Thornton Smith H Mra the which Allen P two doubles si'x can to Summary: of them Brtnneke J crew C hits Nybere Mra tha d if but aensible thing special improving Prizes will be awarded to the winners they hergame termountain Women’s Invitation Crumb Jacobson 3 Hawkins Stolen bases and d Hofmann will have her hands full 7 Mra only and runnersup as well as to the medSwenson Vincent 3 Home run and Mills 'allowed Lovlnger thing they are doing now la that J f Dowell d Mri O P Hayea at the Dale course Wednesday ing the place of Sherm Christensen —Anderson — e — Loean hits Loean I Nybere seven safe blows up Rob Roy of Cleveland Ohio meets Anderson alist in each event Feature Encounter hits— Ensbert AnderMra B P Manley d Mra C A Huthey Mrs L S Packman of Fort DougThey are going te use substan- ' Wasatch counted its first run in Crump Chare defeat to Anlas who scored a 8 and 1 vic- Del Kunkel in the other special attrac- son The encounter between Mrs Sbrlv I and 4 N tial helmet to protect their bead 4 out Struck Hawkins Kener drus a Mra by Mork double by’ Gordy d Mra Jack Oorman the second on er end Mra Riley Wednesday pro- 4 and I 1 1 Bases on balls off Kener 2 Antory i:t the special championship tion These two bouts should bring Vincent In ease uf accident Sijpca acciBates followed by a long single by drus 1 Hawkins 1 HU with Pitched Mrs a A Dickson d Mra W W Cat- - ana Mis' Betty Butcher who up- out some tiptop wrestling dent are by way of being a duced some of the best competitive aide 1 and J Kener Elbert and Ted Aldous The final tally came in by Umpires— main event of this week’s progolf seen in a woman's tournament Miss Dorothy The will Austin Scorer— Ostler Mrs Donna Williams d Mra Arthur set 'ae medalist major part ef this annual "enthe fifth when Page cracked out clash between Pat be the gram 4 and S held Bmurr The some time here victor for in the novice division tertainment" no doubt the new and scampered home on Mra Morris Rosenblatt 4 Mra Ernest Keller Boston of Ira Dem and Reilly Reilly of at end a the lead hole the One of Halverson 4 and 1 helmets will get a genuine try- Larson's short single to left' is training hard Jo get Into the best Cole Allows Clubmen first nine As they started on the fif- Mra C B Poley d Mra A T OrowL 2 The first run for Lovlnger came in possible condition He defeated Dem Seven Scattered Hits teenth Mra Shriver wee 3 up but and 1 Handicap Championship the third when Bobby Penrose made m a and former bout the roughhouse a A with took hole Weiss E M Mrs O Mra that of helmets d Mra new ars Some of the j Ramsey Riley Bostonian Intends to keep Iry and 1 BINGHAM— Lefty Cole wa In fine an infield hit advanced to second on olid steel and others ara made of three and they blrdled the next one Match uncompleted between Mra P R possible fettle Wednesday and Provo defeated a sacrifice and came home on a single Tavlor andMra Pern Reaslck a composition material ' All how- to square the match Idol IS still smarting from Gemmell Club 6 to 1 in an Indus- by Red Shelton Shelton's hit was P T ever are of steel mesh Inside They They halved the next two holes I Mra and he suffered at the trial league game played here Wed- gift as three Sugarhouse players NEW YORK May 23 W— Ellsare described a closely resembling Both got oft good drives on the final Mra O Marcroft d Mra Mark Sutton last pulled an Alphonse find Gaston act worth Vines Jr the tall and I Reilly Friday when Pat nesday were hole shots second in the and their soldiers the helmets used by Mrs S P Dobbs d Mrs Ames Wlllismi Cal again cracked Ira on the jaw while Dern The Timps’ southpaw ace held the on his igh fly The second tally was player from Pasadena World war They are of various col steady but while Mra Shriver was I And was serving as referee It should be locals to seven scattered hits Provo made In the fourth inning on two hits showed his ability as a “money play- -' 1 P O Woodbury d Mrs 0 T era some of them bright reds getting on nicely Mra Riley’s ball Mra up or” today by defeating Vincent Richinteresting to watch the fireworks had two big innings the second in and a sacrifice The helmets were Introduced by rolled Into the trap dor the Twrth of Mrs C Colombo d Mrs F 0 Armour' amous Duelling Weapon Friday WASATCH OIL RED AND WHITE veteran of the ards pudgy 4 two diacross were runs and which I chased night had sailed veteran The the Wilbur Shaw Indianapolis green ABJLOaJpellet ABHOA pro tennis business in the quarterMra Chsrles Link d Mra Athol Rawlins Thornton is on his way home to the plate and the sixth in which R Hereof rl 3 i 0 rf 10 0 driver They are light in weight and rectly tor the pin but It had Just a 7 nd Used in Event Set Seattle Be to ea 3 0 3 final round of the easternprofessional after wrestling in the east triple by Pres Summerhays with the Cowley 3b First Pllrht Comfortable In addition to afford little too much power behind it She Handicap fhampltniblp Mra 13 AlAreyle 3 0 1 If lb H O Mer- Mrs Vern Qroenwood d tennis championship After losing the the past season Bill has made many bases loaded followed by a single by “ay 3 0 7 ower e 3 0 0 2 Lemon e for log protection to the heed they also got out of the trap but the shot was II Thursday GlbbV I 3 3 0 If j 0 Batei 3b first two sets Vines staged a brilfriends in Salt Lake during the past Cole produced four runs Dslet 4 Mra Harold Makln a difficult one and she left herself Mrs V’w' serve as a shads for tha face 2 II Aldous 3b 3 1 1 3 L c 0 Radler to win and 1 five years He scales 217 pound Allison who played left field and Egbert ef a long putt which she failed to sink 1 Mre I 1 0 0 Gardner ct 3 1 1 liant comeback Bill Gordon d Mra Jack Ensign 3 10 2 0 I 3 Pape lb 3b Kent Woolley 233 weighs robbed second for base the and Mra Shriver took the regulation Timps at Old A1 R Radler p 3 0 1 4Larson p 310 Blue Law Tett w‘w Allen d Mra Ott Romney Thrilling tales By his victory Vines went into the Boyd one of the best prospects Doty Bush ot a certain triple in the two putts to win tha hole and the I Mm and 1 into actu- uncovered this season will be 33 IS ISl Total 33 131 “charmed circle" of semiiinalists brought Heidelberg Totals will meet Hnrleo of on catch a blue brilliant third old the la matchBaseball inning Cbamplonehtp testing Score Innlnee: by with William T Tilden the Philadel000 000 laws of Virginia A short time ago Miss Botterlll was two down at the Betty Butchorid Winifred Keller t Up ality Thursday when members of the Floyd Hanson another A A U grap-pie- r his hard hit line drive to left field Red and Whit In the opening card 010 010 X—4 phian who is master of ceremonies mT5 Ruth Greenwood novice section of the Salt Lake diThis bout The Provo star backed up against the Wasatch Oil the entire membership of the Nor- end of the first nine of her match £ufrvH£-loc- h Sacbases— Herron R Stolen Summary: vision of the' Amateur Fencers’ should be brim full of action with left field well and took the- - balL a hits of the tourney as well as a leading folk club ' of the Piedmont league with Mra Halloran-Soule- s rifice hlti— Elkhem Aldous but staged dfMn O 8tTcnoa d Kiss Dorothy arid Henri Cochet and are to contender —Pate Bates Day Double PlayPROVO OEMMELL CLUB League of America meet at 7:30 p plenty of skillful wrestling thrown were arrested They were released a great rally as they etarted the sec- Miller def 7 out Brown Larson to Struck Pass by BHOAI BHOA Yu Martin Plaa of France m at the Y W C A gymnasium In in They will on $11 bail each a formality and thus ond nine winning the first four holes Radler 3 Bases on balls off Larson 2 R Vacherrf N 4 41 !B Johnson! Murphy byo 1 9 oiSantlste- Radler 1 Umpires— Scanon and Randall oompete on a round robin basis up Mclotochrcf laid tha foundation for tha test case Mra Packman quickly clinched her Brownins d Mra W H Al- - the first epee meet ever held in Salt 21 O Scorer— 4 Creer 4 AllUon b LOBITOS WINS SPRINT to the end Sunday Lake The Y W C A gym is at The issue la an Interpretation of match with Mrs Putnam Winning the 2 1 1 1 Lacomb Jb Brlsen d Mlea Suiaane Btro-- 324 Plaa won his semifinal place today SAN BRUNO May 23 LOVTNOER East Third South street Walbeck the Virginia "violation of the Sab- first eight holea Seven ot the outstanding foil ex- won ths fourth race at Tanforan this Efertwno 1110 THtJRSDAT’g ABJLOAI BCHEDClg bath law enacted long long ago Mlsa Hofmann played the best golf A by eliminating young Keith Gledhlll Cbampleaehl Ar- afternoon romping home in 1:02 flat 4 1 3 0 of Santa Barbara Cal c'Penrote lb 4 1 3 IlKi Calton rf Tha pertinent section of this law of the day in defeating Mra Moore I a m—Speolal Mri Shriver ye Mlsa Bot te till perts in the state Iceland Chase 9 0 4 0 displaying 2'Waat e 7 BrewertonSb Hofmann vs Mrs L 8 Pack- thur Most C Ellis Johnson Homer The race was for five furlongs Crys- Robinson ib 44 11 01 0J superior steadiness in a leads: Which tied Mrs man ri— carding a llDl rf Bontadt Bailey 3b 311 Colep RichTilden and Cocbet 0 back court duel Mann Tanchuck tal Smith 1 was second Horace 1 tt ss Morton with Poppy Shriver's medalist scora of the qualGeorge Collins Flleht Consolation 4 I 0 “If a persen an a Sabbath day Murphy u scored their quarterfinal triumphs 4—Mra pllor VI Mrs HaUortn-Soulards all ot Salt Lake and Paul Burn up and Lillie Ford thlf d meet of low for honors the ifying 1 Si Totals 3 3 0 0 1 37 37 11 ef Tuttle 12 S7 Totals si 0 Shepherd " ba found laboring at any trade' to date Ills— Mra Moore va Mre Putnam 0 earlier In the week Thatcher Ogden will compete In the 3 0 7 0 Lloyd lb Smith lb paid $4 $320 and $250 with xBatted fot Smith In ninth Renlae Cbaaplpmhlp 3 0 10 4 0 0 OIPox cf 020 004 000— 0 Cook e er calling or employ hla ap holders of Crystal Poppy receiving Provo I: JO— Mra BramwtU va Mra Waldron epee tourney Sheets Brilliant IT 4 10 0 1 0 SlPeacock P 1 000' 001 Mills 000 -1 Gemmell :— Mia Prater va Mra Rote prentleea er aervuata la labor er The epee is the Teal duelling weap- $340 and $280 and Lillie Ford bring ‘M MEN TENNIS Santlstevan Summary: Errors— Webb Mra Packman’e 87 was only one I SO— Mra S W Huehes va Mrs Allen ss 20 4 13 li Totaii Totals ether buaineee except ha house stroke McIntosh Summerhays Stolen bases— on and local followers of the Sport ing $380 1:10— Mrs Morris va Mra HIU better those than Three-bss- e of Innlnss: Mrs Score by Walbeck Sacrifice—Allison I held er ether work ef necessity Cenaolatisa FUaht are eager to see Just how the fencers M0 000 0—0 hits— "fluiarhouM hit— Summerhays Shriver and Mra Riley Whitworth va Mra Stewart Singles: Julian Durham Seven001 100 x- -1 Inner charity ha shall bt deemed Walbeck Davis Muir Double plays— difwill do in the meeL-T- he 1:4V— Mrs Mliler ve Mri Mitchell ‘ rosssuspended fpee teenth d Byron Engar Hillcrest R Mra exC Hill ' er of la Bonneville to Allison Walbeck to y Summerhays and Mre Thompson vs Mra Bundy guilty ef s mlidemeaner the fers several from foil Double Texas AUSTIN in respects Play— 1 John Holt Highland d Ernest to Robinson Cole to Walbeck to Robinson Sacrifice hits West Fox May 23 to furnish Mrs Bramwell with I:S6— Mra Deane vs Mra flmltrv balls — Cole 1 Penroe to Tuttli to Lloyd Morr to Penroe punished by a flue at Bet leas pected Where the foil is primarily a defenH Poe Texas boxing $nd Struck 2out— Cole 4 Bases onball rhawiplonihlp Flni Flleht her closest competition In the regu4 — Etrulealon to Llord Struck iut by Mills 3 Peacock 3 Bourne Twenty-firs- t Hit with pitched Darla than IS Brennek v Mra powelL l:00—Mra sive r is with 2 used Peacock 1 weapon the epee wrestling commissioner today indefi- by Dayla Umpire— Kidd and Bullock Baiea 'on balls o lar championship flight The BonneDoubles: Paul Leavitt-Henr10— Mra Mra Mork Buma Manley y Snider Lee — and plrea— Spry Scorer little for defensive skilL Saltaj The nitely suspended Barney Roes for his Dlckaon va Mra Williams respect As a companion piece Manager ville star looked exceptionally good 190—Mri Highland d Frank Blande-Shirle- y 1:14— MM Rosenblatt va Mre Foley some blade 33 inche the is failure to keep a contract for boxlong and Jensen Grant and 3 victory over Ray L 64 Carl Colbert-Howar- d Eddie Hendee of the Richmond club in her Handles Chawiplpaakl Mra WeTaa y winner Mre F R bell or guard It is approximately IB ing match with Tony Herrera at Fort Anderson Pioneer d Bywu fined IS In police court on Smith of Nlbley Mra Bramwell will 4' 40— a Mra Peailrk Pra Revnolrji ya inches Is The blade tri Worth April 21 in diameter Hill-creron Engar-Serel- l' Christensen conviction of "laboring at hit trade clash with Mra N E Waldron who Mra Marcroft (The Well match will teo ' at s jo) angular in shape and Japr to s 64 on the Sabbath" Hendee’s attor- defeated Mra F'T Stewart 3 and ofti:W— AMERICAN ASSOCIATION V ' Mra Dobba Mra Bt Woodbury ya the point sharp edge Mixed doubles: Lenqssa Resell neys appealed and in due course Xia the second round and Mra HiU Mrs Colombo va Mra Link 1 Leland Chase former president of Columbu Wednesday’ 4 Olsen Seventeenth d Mr Handicap ChamploasKIp FI ret Flleht ' possibly higher courts will decide meets Mra Thornton D Morris con-LoutavllI S 4 Mliveukee va 10:00— Mra Oreenwood Daley the Mra Salt Lake division of amateur Toledo t St Paul 4 and Mrs George Mills queror of Mra Marjorie Deana the iesue Mra Qordon y My Allen fencers announced Wednesday that Other first round victors In this Novle Champtonahlw Hammond Eleventh Mary MMM— Mi p u— Mice Butcher ta Mr Brooke Marcel Marquess will be director ot d Irene Coleman-Kennetflight were Miss Phyllis Prater Mra 9:00 Christenm—Mra Koch y Mra Stevenson th bouts IMP FourH H Rose Mra S W Hughes and 1:10 p me— Mrs Tilt va Mist Murphy sen Wiiford competent Judges 1:14 ve Brtxen Ml Brownln will render decisions p Mra 0 C Allen v SCHAAKE NAMED COACH All ot the participants are memIn tha championship first Sight NINE WINS TWO OC 0 Mra H P Brennek LAWRENCE Kan May 23 dashes with BEAVER— Th4 C C C camp base-ba- bers of the novice division in foil but sure making their deMra X X Dowell Mra B P Manley Schaake former all Big Six team compoeed mostly of local competition " but in epee r with Mr Norman E Mark Mra O men football and basketball star at the GAYLE TALBOT two victories lu game The Rt Rev Monsignor D G Hunt A By gained The meet will be round robin Dickson of Kansas has been named In coach of the C Y 0 Independent and Mra with Mra Donna Williams ployed here during the week-enPRESTWICK Scotland May 23 (AP)— America lost two more University affair with each entry meeting every Morris Rosenblatt with Mra athletic director and coach of all NEW YORK May 23 (Jfy--A Saturday’ gam they won ovef league baseball team announced C E stout contenders for the British amateur golf title today Johnny sports kt Bethany college Lindsborg other one at least once Foley by a score of 18 to 10 On Prior to the start ot ths epee events step toward decreasing the num- Wednesday evening that his team will The schedule In the Fischer of Cincinnati snd Jack Westland o’ Chicago bowed to mem- Kan Schaake succeeds George Carl of barnstorming baseball handicap cham- Sunday they dashed with the Southber not compete in league play during C Ellis Johnson and Arthur Most teams wearing beards was taken bers of the Union Jack’s Walker cup team in hard-foug- ht third sort at Bethany the balance of the first half ached pionship Sight pita Mra Mark Weiss west Utah league team of Beaver and will clash in a tolls bout to deter- today by Federal Judge John W won by a score ot 11 to 5 (Continued tin Followlnt rii-- l tile a in remained mine the third place winner of the matches but the Yankees' still strategic posiWoolsey who issued a temporary roynd Most of the players on the team novice tournament which concluded to capture the crown won only twice before by American tion Louis Murphy injunction against are also playing in tha Catholic two weeks ago - i of Valley 111 restraining home-breAH Catholic league games league The matches will b free to the himSpring Californian W from Identifying his team husky stern-faceare played on Sunday and the strain Uncle Sara had public end persons interested are in Lawson Little were locked in' the as from the “House of David" of playing games Sunday Monday vitcd to ba st the gym Thursday evein the lower The injunction was sought by v nephews in each of the four brackets thick and Thursday the team- playing th'e ning the Israelite House of David ot Jesse Guilford the big Bostonian who bracket Goodman has ho apparent latter two days in Indie competition is proving the sensation of the cham- obstacle between him and a semiwhich Benton Harbor Mich wa too much for the players The r’!v c claimed that the title "House of pionship remained In the top quarter final joust with Little who is matchf team will enter the second half as ' Newell B Cook state fish endger the fish now Inhabiting the David"— end the beards— were and for the fourth round tomorrow ed against Lionel Munn the Irish the Catholic season will be over by v reservoir faced the stiffest opposition in its trademarked property golfer in the' fourth round Munn that time according to Monsignor game commissioner Wednesday: Last year 160000 Loch Levens Jack McLean the pride of Prest- quit this year’s British Walker cup published an emergency procle- Judge Woolsey In ruling for Hunt -the plaintiff said he had no juri wick who elbowed out Fischer in a team after a controversy Goodman's planted in the reservoir and matlon opening the Strawberry the spawn this year Is reported - diction over beards but that the sensational round 2 next opponent was to be one H G NET TOURNET FLANNED reservoir to fishing on June 1!L T heavy These two factors should Thp toll teams 'of the Faria combination McCallum of facial andvL MIDVALE— Sixteen teams have and Basra Roebuck 4b Co will company The (order opening this body of combine to provide some excel alaah Bunder baalnnina at 1:30 a m at American All in all In view of the fortunate and the hams convinced George T Dunlap Jr Signed up lor ths tennis doubles Ioud Forwt Dale II wa announced Wednesday lent once In famous the was attempting to amateur champion the other foreign lineup of her players America apfishing him Murphy nament sponsored by tha Midvale water affects the reservoir only Tbe ’ palrlni: — - ' fishing area-PARIS BEARS ROKBOCK t represent his team as from Ben- survivor hi the upper half has a tough pears certain to have ot least Drug company to ba played during and does not liberalize the tribuK O Olay Wayne Crow ton Wl Commissioner Cook earnestly ton Harbor and that couldn't be assignment to handle in the veteran in the semifinals Frithe coming week Harry Peterson won taries which remain closed Robert Ncvin Wolf Oarlaon requests that members of the vaArt Westland Hal Boults allowed y Roger Wethered British champion in day afternoon Two rounds each will the single tournament sponsored by Owen Andtraon Luke reservoir has been Robinson rious Strawberry associations toin sportsmen’s his answer alleged be played tomorrow and Friday 1923 whose game fairly bristled Murphy the same firm defecting Vincent Mil Btn Warren Roy Wallace closed to fishing for two years throughout the state keep his de- -' Eddie Abraham va Kenny Moor t the original “House of David” ler two out of three sets day as he cut down Westland 3 and McLean’s almost perfect golf over W F Lyman Hamten TS owing to a decimation of trout"4L partment informed as to the Ham not was a bona tide team 2 It Dunlap aucceeds In hurdling this strenuous seaside course' in dekdAlnyc team' Tha opening at' this' time 1 rapidity with which streams' and L O Bploman Va Jo Barren of members of the faith and cited LaCarapbeU Wethered the alender American ap- feating the plucky Fischer convinced va prompted by the fact that de Ed Jenkins other water ere drying up in Bern I Love TKXAA LEAGU Grover Cleveland Alexander the pears to have clear sailing until Fri- most observers he Is the man the inmand for water for irrigation I Beaumont 1 order pUat that fish of stranddanger former National league pitcher INTERNATIONAL LEAOL’K Fort Worth 13 How ton I day's semifinals vading golfers must beat to duplicate soon is likely to lower the basin's Buffalo 0 Montreal 3 Tula t Gelvejton ing may be removed by transas an example of the “ringers” The young U S open titleholder the feats of Je?se Sweetser in 1926 FRIDAY EVENING— MAY 2STE Rochester I Toronto S content to such level as to endan-Winboma Cuy n BaB Antoni $ them In other Used planting placea they Albany 1 Newark a Johnny Goodman ot Omaha and the and Bobby Jones in 1930 ’ Charles Foley Owen Covey and two or three ethers who have carried the state’s hopes Into national competition - HURLERS SHOW RARE FORM IN l WASATCH LOOP 16-h- - p ' d right-hand- xr’ d Foley-Walte- d Willes-Thornto- Ben-nin- n ‘ Riley-Clyde- Results Pairings Of Golf Tourney TACKLE KENT Miss-Hele- n Ec-cl- g THORNTON TO 1 IN ARENA GO lorn-8oul- - 1 1 I: P Mil v‘v hard-hittin- g - two-bagg- ct ' X first-roun- Three-bas- Two-ba- Vines Displays - Brilliant Form Downs Richards two-bagg- FENCERS HOLD EPEEraJRN®3l t i Klee-Ur-- I O slier 1 O 6 t t 8-- 6 Two-ba- I till tin W-Lo- bitos - “"im ill liOfc-rM- lia 1 CorW:: Lo-bjt- 6-- 2 jii tins Kas-tell- ic ' 6-- 3 O ' Two-ba- 8-- 1 i (ff-C- i 6-- 7--5 6-y ‘ ‘ Two More American Golf Aces Go Out of Tourney Tavor-Mr- A-- - - Catholic Indie Team Withdraws Court Orders Fischer Westland Fall by Wayside Yankees Still Given Favorites’ Spot Reduction in Bearded Nines ra Strawberry Reservoir Opens' Fishing June 15 - - ds Tingey-Le-Gran- 6-- 3 4--0 g - 6-- 2 Cox-Hav- h 7-- 5 6--3 (ffV-El- mer Pilgrimeagc d mashie-wleldin- st 8-- 3 1 Paris Battles Sears Golfers ten-ma- t) adorn--man- ' ta - f 0 8-- - e ' - s: r-- ' ! 7 Vv v irs U-- ‘ tt |