Show THE-SAL- T UAY 24 1934 11 was eon the strike disorders her SOCIETY AND CLUBS Eventsvof the Day Ladles’ auxiliary to the Lieutenant Clarence E Allen post No 409 Veterans of Foreign vieted of charge of disorderly eon egal Liquor GRAZING BILL Building Board duct today and sentenced by Munlo Chief Assumes Meets Friday on ipal Judge Wright to pay a $50 fin' or serve ten days In the city STUDY STARTS Post in Denver Sentence was stayed until College Project ' work-hou- Wars 8 p m Eagles hall 404 South West Temple street CuiTuraf RdXK?i30 p'm7 Mrs Henrietta Martin 505 East Second South street Ladles’ auxiliary to the Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s association 11 a m quilting Mrs William Doxey in Miss Marion Irvine Will Become Bride Engagement of Maid Well Known Here Announced LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING se July-- John WT MornR who will direct Prospect - for early initiation of RELIEF SOCIETY MEETS the federal drive against the bootwork on another $450000 of the state Nevada Senator Urges The' Liberty stake Reliqf society m the the legger and will superviselegal building program was found announcement of the state building Amendments to Elinii-nat- e liquor industry in the district com- union 2meeting will be held Thursward commission that it will meet Friday prising Utah Colorado New Mex- day at p m in the Thirty-fir‘Poison to consider the revised plana for ico Wyoming 'and Arizona arrived chapel H60 Ninth East street at hi headquarter 'in Denver Wedthe new home 'economics building also to be used as a union building Bountiful nesday aaid a Tribune dispatch for the students at the Utah State WASHINGTON May 23 Ephraim White acting agent In Ella A Boole W C T U 2:30 p m Mrs Charles C Leh-mAgricultural college DAYS TO public lands committee todty be- charge of the alcoholic beverages Some $325000 of the atate’s $1 unit department of justice in Salt 1140' West Fifth South of consideration the gan grazTaylor Lake is expected to continue in charge 550000 grant and loan from the pubstreet of the work in this state DECORATION DAY lic works administration has been ing bill after hearing Senator Ladles of the Headquarters Morrill will be in charge of reguearmarked for thia project Bids on (D Nev) suggest amendcommittee second in series of previous plans and specifications were ments for the purpose of "taking the lative work for the new alcoholic tax We Can Still Complete csrd parties 2 p m Neighbors unit It was said He formerly was found to be so high that the work poison out of lit” of Woodcraft headquarter! the Memorial You Heed alcoholic head not on could of the unit be that beverages accomplished The been has which bill Taylor Brooks Arcade basis and the architect has revised passed by the house would vest con- at CinClnnattL ’ Sego Lily camp No 4980 Robert M Van Dusen who has the plans trol of the public domain in the inteRoyal Neighbors of America The building commission is running rior department for the purpose of been directing the regulative work card party 2 p m Maccabee was assigned as chief permissive inadvertisements now for about $110000 preventing hall regular meeting 8:15 p m & in work at the Utah State hospital McCarran told the committee the spector for the district His duties 1 Drill team of "Bethel No at Provo Bids will be opened May bill should be amended to limit fees will be to supervise operations of ZI West' South Temple St Order of Job’s Daughters Ma29 for the construction of a super in to be charged in inspect grazing districts to breweries and distillertes-antendent’s cottage and also for con- the actual costs of administration liquor retailers and wholesaler sonic temple 4 pm German E Ellsworth will continue St Margaret’s guild of St templated improvements to the hos- and range improvement 1 30 Mark’s cathedral pital water aupply Senator Carey (R Wyo ) said "In to head the alcohol tax unit" p m On June 8 bids will be opened for other words Senator you believe the Casa Verde 610 East South the remodeling of the- - main building stockmen should have the use of Ladies of Schedule Temple atreet these ranges free?’’ Sego Lily division No 150 Memorial Day Program "Except for the cost of eupervl-slo- n L A to O R C 1 p m luhch-- ‘ I do’’ McCarran answered eon L O O F halt "That will be a nominal charge1 The annual Memorial day program Regular meeting Unlveraity "That Is what it should be" Mc- sponsored by thf T H Gordon circle of Utah Dames dub 7:30 pVn said Carran No 4 Ladles of the G A R will be Union building McCarran add&d "We should not conducted May 29 at the southeast Alpha Bridge club 1 p m if are we at all bill but gothis past bridge on the lake at Liberty park Now Mrs J H ’Angel 1107 East ing to we ehould take the poison it was announced Tuesday South Temple street out of Larger Package Si Joseph mining man of Harry DENVER May 23 Annual homecoming of Salt McCarran said the object of the Salt Lake will be the speaker The To get real cheese of the Great Western Sugar com- bill was not to provide revenue but Lake General Hospital AlumInvocation will be offered by the Rev pany reelected officers today and to provide grazing control Be ex- W R Sloman 2:30 p m nae association flavor In your of the Immanuel pastor declared dividends of $175 a share plained that in Nevada where there Nurses’ home Other participants church on preferred end 60 cents a share was very little cultivated land on Baptist will include students of the Emerson SALADS on common ' stock payable July the tax roll the state wis dependent school a squad of soldiers from Fort den Me and Mrs Mark Hamson and to stock of record June 15 of perIts on for Income the taxing a squad of sailors and Douglas Mr and Mrs W S Nelson of Mon- Officers are W L Petrlkin chair- sonal property Including the herda The must use yoli program will begin at 10:30 man of the board W D Lippitt pres- using the public domain terey Cal a m and will be under the direction Dluhill cheese It’s ident Charles Boettcher Vice presireto la bill thia "The intent of of Mra Mabel Archer president of dent and Mahlon D Thatcher of duce the herds ” McCarran Final Meeting Year real cheese-t- he said the circle and Mra Margaret North-ruonly "Such action will reduce the income The final meeting for the year of Pueblo Colo treasurer real cheese sold in ' was elected presi- of Nevada" Frank A Kemp the Nursery Mothers was held Mqp-da- dent and was CONGRESSMAN CONVICTED reappointed Nebraska packages! The members were guests of district manager of the company SHIP’S MASCOT blES MINNEAPOLIS May 23 (P) — Mrs Louis Mircus at a theater party Reappointment of other company 23 MONTREAL May Congressman Francis H Shoemaker from steamer Lady Rodney: arrested Monday in connection with followed by a aupper at the home of executives was announced as follows W D Lippitt general manager bemascot Peter irritated Ship’ Miss Ruth Duke president of the oroJseph Maudru general superintend- cause wife made him sit on three eggs ganization at 255 East Fifth South ent Edwin Morrison consulting enshe laid ate same—died” Peter was street and given by Mrs Duke and gineer Sherman P Saunders sec- famous s a parrot of uncertain temMiss Virginia Forty-fou- r Sanford trees and auditor assistant retary per a great linguist one time chum guests were in athmdance urer John G Klsler assistant sec- of Rudyard Kipling Caldwell Martin and retary general Thursday Evening st -- all-da- y An interesting wedding of the week will be solemnized Thursday evening at the home of Mr end Mrs Alonzo Blair Irvine 178 A atreet when their daughter Marion will become the' bride of Wendell Strlngfellow eon of Mr end Mr E W Strlngfellow 2862 Seventh East street The ceremony will be performed by Sylvester Q Cannon and a reception will follow for relatives and friends of the couple to Salt Lakers will be announcement by Mr and Mr Robert Lambert Fowler of Winnet-kHL of the engagement of their daughter Georgian a to Robert Henry Taylor son of Mr and Mrs Henry Glenn Taylor of Kent Ohio Miss Fowler was graduated from Ogontz school at Philadelphia in 1930 and Mr Taylor is a graduate of the school of commerce of the Northwestern university and a mem' ber of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity The wedding is planned lor 'the a 4 ELIAS MORRIS -- GAR for East Leaves Great Western Miss Ellen Smith left Tuesday' for New York where she will enter the Presbyterian hospital for graduate work during the coming year and will visit for eeveral days in ChicaMrs L T Bass who with Mr Bass go with Mise Miriam Mantel Mias “ Honored to Mantel will return to Salt Lake early Couple will leave early in June for Ogden Mr end Mrs A Walter Koehler mako their home in June d end Mr and Mrs L P Bowen at a prettily arrahged bridge Popular Bride Honored Tea Party supper Wednesday evening at the Members of the Theta Upsilon Mrs George Johnson and Miss Koehler home on Sixth East street Cannon will entertain at in honor of Mr and Mrs L T Bass sorority were hostesses at a prettily Shirley tea Friday afternoon between the who will leave early in June for Og- arranged kitchen shower and sup- hours of 4 and 6 m at the home den to make their home Varicol- per given Wednesday evening at the of Mrs Johnson’sp mother Mrs ored garden flowers decorated the home of Mias on Country Club Fullmer' in honor Louis Knight Pearl small tables where supper was served in honor of Mrs Raymond of Miss Imogene Elizabeth Sandall drive to sixteen guests Bennett of Los Angeles formerly of June "Brlght-huea bride-to-b-e Mrs Clara M Clawson has' moved garden flowers were used for the Miss Anne Goodman tp her new location at 105 East South decorations and 20 guests were pres Bride-Ele- ct Temple street and will be pleased to ent Miss Pearl Fullmer and Miss for Welcome her friends old and new Addle Berger were in charge of the Mra P H Huxford and Mrs Frank Christensen entertained at a delight(Advertisement) arrangements ful kitchen shower and supper Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs in Christensen) 208 Edith avenue honor of Miss Grace Garff a bride-elec- t d MOTHER REAL Early summer flowers were used for the decorations and the guests included Miss Leone Rock-wooMrs Edward C Colson Miss Virginia Brown Miss Minnie Garff Mrs Kendall D Garff Mlsa Irene Sugar Elects Pays Dividend enter-tame- - (UP)-Redio-g- rfem d Thursday Friday Saturday! 122 SUMMER DRESSES Cottons in suhbacks— linen "suits styles A few damaged silks —acetate dresses last (o)(oV summer t styles ©(oy Values to $595 SWEATER SETS Values to 7M Soiled and damaged of dresses higher A buy Brlcsd lines S1 00 else li here Ea Vetoes to $555 Sweater Set — coat A lew and slip-o- n Dark colwool cults ors only $100 ‘Tweeds and navy Sport Values to able styles ter hurryl Whltea and silks NOT 10 Fur-Trimm- SPRING COATS Tweed V and navy Sport Coat Adorable style Value to $1245 s10 9 SWAGGER SUITS Values to 81650 Suit better quality Swagger Smart style Values to $1095 Get yours today rare! Light fabrics Value $795 colors only-lined ued Jacket to (7 95 $398 $00 SATIN BLOUSES 3 SUEDE JACKETS Regular !Sg95 SWAGGER SUITS 29 Dark of ahade prlng darks Regular $199 Knitted Welitband White eggshell and dark Long CLOSE-OU- T aleva $149 SALE of MILLINERY! Every hat In the shop Included re gardless of former price No whites but all colors Values to $398 ' A LOT OF ODDS AND ENDS! 14 BRASSIERES regular 29c 16 CHEMISES and DANCETTES reg 129 4 HAND BAGS regular $100 SILK BLOUSES Assorted reg $198 now SMART LACE BLOUSES reg $249 now 15 SWEATERS Valneg to $198 9 8UZDETTE JACKETS regular $393 v Home From Coast Mrs W F Armstrong and her daughter Mrs Donald E Penney have returned from a trip to California During their stay In southern California they visited another daughter of Mrs Armstrong Mrs Howard H Jtolapp and Miss Kath-llry- n Hyde will entertain Thursday at a bridge supper at the home of Miss Ballard on Wolcott avenue in compliment to Miss Louise Reynolds whose marriage to Lewis Craig will take place the latter part of May $195 INCLUDED cago Miss Peggy Ballard 40 SPRING COATS Coats adorBet$1295 Officers Ejected At a meeting of the boird of direcRoss Miss Lucile Ross Miss Leah tors of Westminster college held WedJensen Miss Alberta Galiacher Mra nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs O' Elton on Butler avenue FedC A Rodman and Mrs Frank Cut-le- r eral Heights the following women were elected to office: Mrs E M Neher president Mrs J H Belt Visit Couple first vice president Mrs A F Bard-we- ll Mr and Mrs Saveli Flowers of second vice president Mrs W Price have spent several days with G Ruckenbrod secretary and Mrs Mrs Flowers’ parents Mr and Mrs D W Bennett treasurer Mrs Elton Conrad Jones They are en route is the retiring president of the board to Vermont where they will spend and entertained the members at tea the summer and on the way east during the afternoon will visit in New York and the Cen tury of Progress Exposition in Chi- Miscellaneous Shower For May Bride 15 69 69 $100 $193 23 $123 Mrs Harry L Hoagland will give luncheon Thursday at her home on Yale avenue Twenty guests have been bidden ija bridge Officer Members of the board of directors jof the Spirit of Liberty chapter D A R entertained at a delightful luncheon Wednesday at the Art Barn in compliment to Mrs C P Overfleld Early retiring regent summer flowers in the psstel shades and decorations were used for the covers were laid for 15 guests Mra S A Cobb and Mrs E A Hall were in charge of the arrangements JIM counsel Wolfe Again Nominated For Unitarian Position District Judge Jamea The annual May procession conducted at the college of SI will be held Thursday at 7:30 p m in the school The Most Rev James E Kearney D D bishop of the Catholic diocese of Salt Lake will officiate The procession will start from the foyer of the building and Continue down the drive to the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes The ceremony will be followed by benediction of the blessed sacrament in the chapel Friends are invited to attend For the convenience of those taking part a bue will leave the car line at Thirteenth South and Fifteenth East at 6:45 p m Would you like FOR THIS TRIP’ IDOG LEASH? This YEAR you era go to to Angeles vU Seas Fronclico for exactly the same roundtrip far as on direct route These littl maps tell the whole story The $3 1 faft I on sale every day return limit 21 day Fares with longer limits are slightly higher When you go via San Francisco you ride the Overland limited or Pacific Limited across Great Salt Lake on the famous Lucin Causeway anL over the HighSierr It’s Free! retail value 50c -- To induce more dog owners to try this finer dog diet we arc making this special offer: Send ut labels from 6 cans of CALO Dog Food (or facsimiles) and we will send you this genuine leather dog leash free of chsrge (retail value 50c) CALO contain only the pureit ingredients fresh meat fresh vegetables cereals end Imported Cod Liver Oil Made a clean as the food on your own table yet it costa no more than inferior brand well-draw- n Offer expires I HAY FEVER SUFFERERS AIR CONDITIONING Br Jun ( CARS! The Overland Limited will carry dining car observation car club car and room car (compartment draw- ing rooms) this summer Pull- lower man chargea are than they were A lower standard berth to San Francisco coats only $6 a lower tourist $330 I OR THIS one-thir- d DOS 2w $12 TO SAN FRANCISCO $1987 TO LOS ANGELES — out woy fartt good in coochtt and choir cori on out Utletl Point HI Maitar Cholti Call W H BINTZ CO Wasatch 4805 hit1 Southern Pacific MMi Mad FMk tx lUiUMSLeuwSCX D R OWEN General Agent Wasatch 3008 41 South Main St ROMANCE COMES TO HER AT IF EVER A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE MARRIED IT WAS SHE I MOTHERLY AT SHE HAD AND STILL 60OD-L00KIHAD ADMIRERS TO BE SURE BUT SOONER OR LATER THEYVwTED AWAY 40 Hy-ru- OR THIS Kill COOL IN SAIL® FOOD J Get Relief With ay Nuptials The marriage of Miss La Verne Kjar daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph E Kjar and Louis Gates Knight will take place Friday in the Salt Lake L D S temple In the evening a reception will be given at the Jensen home The bride will be attended by Mrs Lloyd O Stohl as matron of honor Miss Lola Kjar maid of honor and Miss Thelma Knight and Miss Louise Wilcken as bridesmaids Harold Boyer will act as best man for the bridegroom MY POOR UTTLE NIECE ! SHEb MADE SUCH PREPARATIONS FOR THE DANCE NEW DRESS WAVE MANICURE BUT NOBODY WANTED TO DANCE WITH HER TWICE f 40 CAN REMEMBER BUT $HE FOUND OUT HER TROUBLE ’BO' SHE'S USING LIFEBUOY NOW NO MORE BO' AND A WHOLE FLOCK OF CRYING MY ADMIRERS NO PARTNERS POOR CHIL0 ? WHATAtRASEDY AT 20 ! I I LIFEBUOY JlVt HEARD' SO MUCH ABOUT THAT SOAP I MUST TRY IT ALICE WOULD JERRY BE LIKE ALL THE OTHERS f SHE HAD MET HIM ONLY RECENTLY HER OWN UNMARRIED COMFORTABLY OFF SUITABLE IN EVERY WAY Bride Eject Honored AE -- In compliment to Mies Rhoda Knowlton whose marriage to Leland Letham will take place June 6 Truman Ferry and Miss Mary Elliott entertained Tuesday evening at a shower and supper at the home of Mrs Ferry in the Castle View apartments Varicolored roses and orange blossoms were combined of the living for the'decoratlon rooms and 17 guests were in attend ance The hostesses were assisted by Mrs Otto Marvin Seller and Mrs T J Howells Mrs Minerva Knowlton Friwill entertain for the bride-elec- t day at her home in the Bodell apartments and Saturday Mrs Howell end Mrs Seiler will entertain for Miss J Knowlton Saturday Tea Mr P H Hutchinson has issued invitations for a tea to be given Saturday afternoon between the hours of 4 and 8 p m at her homo on Third avenue in honor of Miss Elizabeth Nelson a popular brlda of June Birthday Sjsbper Mr and Mrs J A Mclnness entertained at a delightful blrthdey supper Tuesday evening at their home on Eleventh East street in compliment to Mr A W Mansfield butterfly sweet peas in bonquets were given as favor Progressive games were played during the evening and those present were Mrs Mclnness A W Mansfield Mr and Mrs A E Goodwin Mr and Mrs F- - S Lufkin Mr and Mrs A Pint of Og Pastel-shade- H Wolfe haa been renominated a intermountain regional vice president of the American Unitarian Association aaid an Associated Press dispatch from Boston Tuesday The official ballot of the association holding jts one hundred and ninth annual meeting was announced by officials who said nomination was tantamount to election Mrs Grant N Weiler entertained Judge Wolfe has been regional vice 24 guests at a prettily arranged mis- president for five years He has been cellaneous shower and supper Wed- active In the Unitarian church of nesday evening at her home on Ken- Salt Lake for more than 20 years and sington avenue in compliment to Miss wa president of the b6ard when the Nellie Rose Poll whose marriage to new church at Thirteenth East and Frank S Naylor Jr will take place Sixth South streets’ was constructed June 1 The serving table was cov- about eight years ago ered with a handsome lace cloth over LICENSES ISSUED pink satin in the center of which was a bowl of pink' roses Duflng life eveLAS VEGAS Nev May 23 OP) — ning the hostess was assisted by Mrs Marriage licenses were issued here to Edward Frank Zaccheo Marshall Wednesday Craig 25 Boulder City Nev and Elizabeth J Breen 21 Chicago RobSt Mary’s Holds Annual ert Cunningham 37 Las Vegas Nev May Procession Thursday and Ethel Rutledge 38 Tooele Utah Luncheon Arranged For Retiring if for' old-fashione- 3 Pays! SONS over-grazin- g Mrs Raymond W Bradford accompanied by her little son has arrived from Los Angeleafor a six weeks’ stay with her parents Mr and Mrs Ashby D Boyle on East South Temple street Miss Fowler has visited in Salt Lake on several occasions with her mother who was - formerly Miss 'Georgians Savage daughter of Richard Savage of Salt Lake and sister f Miss Pearl Savage Mr and Mrs Fowler and Miss Fowler have gone to Philadelphia where they will attend the commencement exercises at' Ogontz ' where Miss Mary Fowlfr will be graduated 5 er Coast Visitors mid-Jul- 4V-Sen--ate -- d HER FRIEND ALICE WATCHING THIS BUDDING ROMANCE LONGED TO GIVE HER A HINT ABOUT A VERY PERSONAL MATTER YOUlL AT LAST THE CHANCE CAME LOVE IT SUCH QUANTITIES OF LATHER AND IT DOES MAKE ONI FEEL CLEANER SAFE FROM '8O' ALICE IE RIGHT ! AFTER USING LIFEBUOY I COULD NEVER BE SATISFIED WITH ORDINARY TOILET soaps Again BO? GON- E- wedding som! YOU MAKE A LOVELY YOU DEAR PEOPLE 1 1 DON'T KNOW WHEN I'VE BEEN SO HAPPY OVER ANYTHING WE'RE HAVING A VERY QUIET WEDDING BUT YOU MUST BE THERE I YES LIFEBUOY HAS HELPED ME bride! YOUR SKIN IS 3 AS RADIANT AS A GIRL'S value pint for the few cents it cost It lathers generously in hot ot a product gave rithateverproduct is Ufebuoyl cold water bard or soft This creamy penetrating lather purifier pores— stops “BO"(Wy odor) Gently Crete free pores of clogging waste— make dull skins glow with health In g fresh clean scenttells you Lifebuoy gives ixtro protection Make Lifebuoy tdoilj habit— and state today I a nooucr or uvm Moniui co quickly-vanishin- |