Show THE SALT BOND PRICES Markets at a CURB ISSUES Glance ' EASE DOWN SELL LOWER ' - NEW YORK May 23 (P— Irregular tendencies continued to prevail in the bond market today with seclower ondary categories generally investment groups maintained a fairly steady tone The trading volume was again restricted although It was somewhat larger than that of the previous tea-nTransfer totaled $10 653000 par value against $9588000 yester-iaThe average for 60 domestic corporate issues was off three-tenth- s of a point at 858 In spite of forecasts that freight ear loadings figures for the past week which will be released Friday tnay show a better than normal in crease many carrier liens showed recessibns of a point or more Among these were some of Alleghany corporation Baltimore & Ohio Boston it Maine St Paul Chicago it Northwestern Chicago Sc Western Indiana Denver & Rio Grande Erie Missouri Pacific rNew York Central Nickel Plate Southern Pacific Southern and Western Pacific Utility and industrial issues off fractionally to around a point in eluded those of Warner Bras U S Rubber International Telephone International Consolidated Gas and American Rolling Mill American Writing Paper 6s added 2 8 points to their recent losses Bonds of American I G Chemical Columbia Gas National Dairy and Richfield Oil improved U S Government securities were moderately active with gains rangto of a point ing from Home loan owners 3s made their initial appearance on the “big board" list having been transferred from the produce exchange 'They closed at a premium of half a point Foreign obligations were relative- ly dull German government 7s declined while the 5 were a little higher whole-prim- e v Hydro-Electri- c 7-- (2 No 1 northern July No 3 e Ohio an InT I 73 74 Oct Cash Kbeat: No 1 northern northern (7 Sc No I northern white Oats No 3 white 35Sc No white KANSAS CITY NEW YORK dlana la particular One unofficial aetlinate KANSAS CITY May 33 (API— Wheat 16 fleured the Kansas crop as probably No 3 dark hard Met hither can setlV Stocks heavy leaders sag in dull 000 buihels compared with- Vie 14 May (Ola July 89 red UK hard May 1 forecast of 09004000 Market Drifts Downward trading September (3 cent (IK Wheat closed unsettled to to 1 hither No 13 ear Corn unchanged U S Bonds irregular abov yesterday's finish corn governto 4 cent mixed 48 W yellow W0 6O up oats unchanted to cent hither and I49:white (4: ments firm Volume Light With 48 44 4t September July May 7 to cents down unchanted prorisions 1 Li lower No 3 to unchaaied ear Oats Curb easy utilities lag white StKoSSK dolLosses Fractional Foreign exchanges easy RANGE OF LEADING FUTURES Rye (1Q(2 ' lar rallies Whea- tBarley (3Q47 favorable Cotton quiet weekly MINNEAPOLIS NEW YORK May 23 weather local and southern sellMINNEAPOLIS ipts May 33 (AP'— alight e hither No 1 northCorn— (9 ears ing lower drift prevailed in curb Mey ern 9309(c dark northern 93 6 Sugar quiet awaiting Washingdark hard Montana (7c exchange dealings today and the ma- July red durum amber durum I1O80114: (3096c Sept ton developments liquidation Oatt— May 80c July 90c Sepihe close ahowed at of jority commission prices Coffee 9 e steady tember Mey Corn — No 3 yellow 48 '48 49c fractional-declifjhouse liquidation A few special- July Oats— No 3 white 34 835 Ve 8'£U--" ties ranged wider CHICAGO Barley— 38079c Mer Rye— No 3 IT059e Volume waa again liht and trana-fe- July Flax— No 1 II (981 93 Wheat higher Winnipeg adSweet clover teed— 3 50 6 371 Sept vices bullish 152600 which approximated Barley— with shares Corn firm Mey sympathy inLIVERPOOL represented only a alight July wheat LIVERPOOL May 23 (API— Spot wheat— Sept crease over yesterday’a LerdtWestern Auitralla 4t 9d No i Manitoba Cattle heavier steers filly 4s 5d' Rosafe 4a 6d 5s 10d: Ruselan Airways and Dow Mey steady top $940 futures steady May 8(c July (8c July Oetctrer 71c December 73 He etchants Hogs slow atound 10c lower ' Chemical were firm in a a mall turn- Sept BeWea— (508V top $365 r Mey over Sherwin Williama dipped 2 CANADIAN WHEAT1 July Aluminum in equally light dealings WINNIPEO May 23 (API— Wheat: S Huh Low Close Company of America lost a little CHICAOO CASH QUOTATION 70 71 3 Mav (0 Mey 35 (API— Wheat— N more than a point IltOOSST 00 Tuesday bank debite Oil of Indiana and Lake Standard Same day laet year 99( 86190 Shore were steady but small losses Wednesday bank clearlns 1819 38 47 119215095 Same day last year were shown by American Gaa Sc Electric 'Electric Bond A Share Fisk WHAT THE STOCK Rubber Humble Oil New Jersey MARKET DID Zinc Pioneer Gold Hiram Walker and Swift it Co v aovern-ment’- 0(1: Wheat-Rece- (3i85c es 5 n 2 L Bank Clearings 70 73 70 3 71 73 c No 3 (4e white Cotton Market 33c Wall Street Briefs level but that Bet eperatlnr tnoom In April was hither than to the earn month laat year He predicted the Chleato But lineton 8 Quincy railroad substantial interest In which it owned by th Northern Pacific would pay a dividend In Jitnn - By Associated Pratt May 33—The noteholder committee of the (40000000 Middle West Utilities -- company serial convertible told notea Mated today that no additional de- Legislative Candidate posit! will M accepted otter kVr 39 The committee elated that up to tooav tuajC vJvf£9iidiiyua RuiDuiit dx notes ‘had been deposited ' MANILA May 23 (ftV-ftivWilliam H Barthold has been named a cq- rice president and director of the Commond Ida ton lor tha legislature and their wealth nnd Southern corporation supporter fought a gun battl at Dun A Bradstreet’t latest weekly of wholetale commodity prleet close range today from speeding aushows 31 advances and 35 declines comwith 34 advtncei and 34 declines tomobiles lq Santa Maria Ilocoa Suf pared In the precedlnt week In the eeme week a year ato there wero 37 aavancei and 37 province Luzon island Three men NEW YORK V NEW YORK Mey'KMAP)— After eelllnt off ''!" ( 19 svS'-i- t' earlier tradmi under further liquidation or scattered eelllnt cotton steadied on trade buylnt and covertnt promoted by a firmer turn In the wheat market closed steady 1 hither to f lower Future! 1 Low Last Hlfh 11 3S 11 33 1114 May 11 39 11 35 II 3401135 July 11 55 11 45 1154 October 11 (7 11 57 December 11(6011(7 1173 11 64 1173 January 11 (3 11 72 11(2 March Spot quiet mlddUnt 11 50 declines were wounded two possibly fatally NEW ORLEAN8 May 33 (API— Cotton Proepero Sanidad a Quesonista futures closed steady at net declines of 2 J Directors ata Phelps declared have special candidate for -- the legislature waa points Low Close a share payable July 2 to stock of record wounded In the arm Simplicido Hlth 14 On February t a similar distribu11 15 11 33 1130b June was May ordered S3 11 35 an 1152 tion municipal policeman July 11 61 11 63 11 43 October waa Cuban sutar production to May 15 occupant of Sanidad') car 11 54 31(3 11 (3 December tons 2034357' to mounted while exports wounded and may die 11(3 11 (2 It (8b rom January 7 January 1 toto May 15 totaled (30 076 Juan Alejo driver of a ear oc1178b March accordlnt Information received by Spot quiet 2 points down Bdes 387 mid- tons New Coffee York and Sutar Etchants cupied by Representative Fidel Vilthe dling 1143 bBtd Stocks on tht Island on May 15 totaled 2 lanueva and others was wounded 444(00 tons Dividends ‘ perhaps fatally The New York Stock Exchante today May 31 (API— Crown submitted to the committee on uniform RHODE ISLAND BEES BIT Willamette Paper company declared a divi- method of oil accounting of th American PROVIDENCE R L (UP)— Rhode dend today of (1 a share on the first pre- Petroleum Institute results of a question2 to lilted oil compenlet Island’s bee population was depleted ferred stock It it payable July on recorda naire recently tent of Junt 11 eiklnt for Information conoernln account Int practices The eschanxe asked the In by approximately 100000000 during ttitut to consider and comment on the the rigoroui winter And so RUBBER NEW YORK May 33 (Apt— Crude rubber replies Rhode Island Bee Keeper' association futuree closed trreeular Keill lower May 11 (On Cherlet Donnelly president of Northern arranged to “import” 1000 pounds of July 13 05812 01 September 13 36 812 37 October 13 44n Smoked ribbed spot Pacific railroad tali wMbifow“the' Apiilbees by motor truck from Georgia Itwo weeks of closed 12 07n nNomtnal SAN FRANCISCO the Those Nasty Men LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE Trade Trends By Auoctated Free Sheet steel— April teles ee reported by the national aaaoclation of flat rolled tteel manufacturer! totaled 372411 tons or 83 3 NEW YORK May 33 (API— Raw sugar per cent of the Industry’s capacity Producwas unchanged today at 3 76 for spots with tion for the month wet 214522 tone or (4 Unfilled tannat of capacity tales reported of 7400 ban of Porto Rican per cent May 1 amounted to 251133 ton due June 14 at thle level It wae also look for aom reBroker Cotton tood— about 35000 late bail that yeeterday of Porto Rican for May ahlpment were alto vival of aotlvltv In tradlni ae a result of the mill curtailment order of the N R A told at this lerel all to local refiners The luture market was atain a small but the outlook is still viewed conservaaffair Pinal prices were unchamed to 1 tively because of alow retail trade and consequent backlnt up of foods In the hande point net lower Sales were 5850 tone Tht market opened at unchaneed to of converter! and tarment manufacturer point decline and later showed net losses of 1 to 3 polnte on active positions under scattered liquidation and aom housea with trade connections The market closed lust about where It opened May 1 53b Julv 1 610152: September 158 December 166 January 167b March Naval stores—Prices continue to sat under the welsht of offerings at primary centers Industrial demand hat fallen oft In all dl rectlont It la said Steel— Consumers are taklnt a fair vol ume of products from Iron and steel Job-beIn ihe New York district Prlcee are holding firmly at tht advanced levels which 173b became effective on May 1 b—Bid The refined market wae unchanted at 4 30 Molaseea— Demand has besoms less active fer fine (ranulated with a fair withdrawal in recent weeks according to jobbers The demand reported althoueh in the aouthern New York tank car price holde at ( centa cent above the Philadelphia territory special brands were beln offered a rallorf or at concessions of 10 or 15 polnte quotation BELIEVE IT OR NOT i B llWp CHICAOO May 33 (AP— In a sudden out- 6(ti(7 Oats— No 1 white 3(Q37 No burst of strength late today wheat jumped 35Sts35 21 cents above the day's low pomt but then No rye aiofit tskittff w£d out same Barley 458(3 Winnipeg quotation led the tdvanee ta twt Timothy teed M 75 8 7 00 whfat ana Increasingly adverse crop prosClover seed 110 004614 35 cwt pects “were reported both' from Canada and Lard —Tiercel 5110 loose lard 15(5 fror - Secondary Liens Recede as Primes Remain Firm U S Issues Steady 1 No I bard edj POorn— No’ 1 yellow Chicago Grain seriously- affecteiTBydrouth 17 THURSDAY MORNING MAY 24 1834 LAKE-TRIBU- By Ripley STEAfA Does not enter Robert Ball of 3hcksonv UA5 CARRIED A COMMON BRASS PIN 23 YEARS FOR VIlTHOUT REMOVING The Rat Fandiers Gather GASOLINE ALLEY IN HIS MOUTH FT —Not even vhile or SLEEPING mm ind en- ind SIGNATURE ece OF ery It Tack Hammer DOn Ofl New York ‘61 New lUll- - ooli were vet mall Vv sfftftt ntrv A CLAM of well wer killed th Harry Robinson of Kearney Neb ONLY MAN WHO 8wa' tw 'ACROSS 6— Snake Painting a Blqck Future THE GUMPS Mrs GeoF 5hortndgc -- EVER PILOTED A RAILROAD TRAIN a IN THE GARDEN OF StPaulMwn ENTIRELY M4 THE CONTINENT OF YEgTEBDAT’S EXPLANATION CARTOON Chair a la Plea— On April 39 1930 Geortr Ingllnt came Into the office of Wllliem Headrick 503 FldeHty Trust bulldlni Indianapolis for a conference and ae he sat down he pulled a chair forward tilted It When ho stood up and rested hie elbow a few minute later th (chelr remained balanced Mr Headrick left It Just ae It was and It wat not until 42 hour later on May I that It toppled over Deep gea Fisherman— Clarence Fine Jr eon of charter boat aulde In th city yacht basin Miami Fla recently had the supreme thrill of a fisherman when he landed a fish that actually outweighed him by half a pound Clarence li only 6 years old and welsht 48 pounds while his catch welshed 4( pounds Temarrow— "The Uncrowned Queen” 17I!©1LGY’S Although Florida has about 1500000 head of beet cattle on pasture a re cent survey shows residents of that s state import about of the beef they eat two-third- BRINGING UP FATHER To Used Car Buyers MORNIN& ALREADY AND THAT’S THE COOK KNOCKING TO SEE NOW PORT A GOOD NIGHT’S WEUL Sl-Ef- eP -- - rely on treating people right to win WEthem as steady customers Probably that is the reason we have been so successful In buying and selling used cars In Salt Lake City for a period of 25 years— since 1909 3 (Registered WHAT I WANT BREAKFASTLi Years ago we adopted the policy of giving all used cars our unconditional guarantee and this plan still prevails BotWrfMl j Hudson Terraplane Sales and Service 25 Sooth Third East Wasatch 636 19)4 Frtrurct 5vndirtr IrY Grf Bnram tighft renrtd L O 8 Patent Office) By George McManus |