Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE CHACO ARMS BAN RUSHED Japan Policy May Force US To Build Forts i ‘ -- IN CONGRESS Both Houses Speed' Em bargo Power for Roosevelt WASHINGTON May 23 (AV-Pre- si dent Roosevelt's request lor author-- ' ity to atop the tale of arms' and munitions intended for the battle ground of the Gran Chaco received expeditious treatment today from a congress emphatically in favor of the propo- sal The house unanimously adopted a resolution empowering thtf chief executive to take such action as a means of ending the destructive and disastrous war between Bolivia and Paraguay that has raged on the plains and in the jungles of the South American interior Almost simultaneously the senate foreign relations committee approved a similar resolution and Chairman Pittman made plans for obtaining senate approval as soon as debate on the N R A and the tariff bill would permit him to call the measure up for actum Speeded Through Under the leadership of Chairman McReynolds of the house foreign affairs committee the resolution was put through in twenty minutes A single objection would have delayed passage but it wa3 not forthcoming In the brief debate Representative Fish (R N Y) voiced emphatic opposition to a pending resolution which would give the president authority to declare arms embargoes against “aggressor nations” He asserted action upon it was being delayed so Norman Davis American ambassador at large might give “something to bargain with” in forthcoming disarmament discussions at Geneva Adoption of the measure he contended would mean entry into the league of nations not by the back door method but by front “So I think it would be most unfair if this ambassador at large Mr Norman Davis conveyed the impression to foreign nations that we had any idea of giving away our constitutional powers to the president and declaring an aggressor nation" he said - Japan Cited “Let us assume that Japan continued the fighting in Manchuria or in China or that the president had this power and said that Japan was the aggressor nation and laid an embargo on Japan “The first thing that would happen would be that an American- ship carrying munitions under an American flag to China would be seized going into a Chinese port and in thirty days we would be at war with Japan and there is not s man or woman in America who wants war with Japan" Fish said the aggressor nation resolution was the “pet of the Republican secretary of state Mr Stimson whom we called ‘Wrong Horse Harry’ Stimson “He is with you on the tariff” Fish told the Democrats “He is with you on the aggressor nation and if you want him you can have him If you take him for God’s sake keep him’’ LA PAZ Bolivia May 23 (UP)— The four-daParaguayan offensive In the Gran Chaco ended today according to Bolivian dispatches Unable to move the entrenched Bolivians two Paraguayan divisions retired from the field leaving a remaining division the Eighth in a difficult position the communique Said The four-daassault believed a decisive engagement in the jungle war between the two nations resulted in heavy losses to the attacking Paraguayans and the Bolivians captured many prisoners it was said The news spread quickly throughout the capital and the population cheered the result Although the fighting in the Canaca and strongest sectors has been intense the Bolivians have held their ground heroically despite the hammering of the qpemy The government meanwhile an flounced that the Mexican proposal for an immediate armistice and direct negotiations between the belligerents was being studied and that a reply to Foreign Minister Jose M Puig Casauranc would be forwarded tomorrow y sn SILVER ACT AS " " WASHINGTON May 23 Swanson said today Japanese insistence on naval equality with the United States and Great Britain would throw wide open the question of additional American fortifications in the Facifus Asked whether there weuld be a need of stronger Pacific defenses should Japan build her fleet in excess of existing treaty ratios Swanson told newspaper men thequestion would be con- GOLD MENACE Metal - L SaysT SCfFIA Bulgaria May 23 (IF)— —The regime set up in Bulgaria by last Saturday's coup d'etat is first of all "a Bulgarian govern- Standard You’ll pass the fashion test in these ment” and cannot properly be called fascist Premier Kimon Gueorguieff said in an interview today “It is adapted to the particular needs of this country and is not patterned on any foreign model” he declared and its trend is “neither to the right nor the left but straight through the mid- graduation dresses! 17 Point d’Esprits Rustling Taffetas Misty Organdies Sheer Nets COURT HEARS LIQUOR CASES Romantic little dresses with a personality! LOVELY organdies point d’esprlta and nets with fHlls ground the neck and wide sashes that encircle your waist and trail gracefully to the floor Swishing taffetas with demure puff or capelet sleeves and soft flower trims Hig-be- —Dresses to make a grand entrance In on your commencement night as well as the summer dances ahead! Sizes 3 y tax-pai- days 14 to 20 Friday Saturday! only-tod- ay tax-pai- t Extra ! 8 2 tax-pai- Salel 1000 yds of Stehli y MINE LEADER for their ATTACKS BILL Designated ' Primary Money (Continued amend- rayon taffeta slips! both back and front adjustable shoul-- ' der straps tailored or lace trimmed in white pink or tearose Sizes 31 to 44 rayon crepe costume slips! styles adjustable shoulder straps tailored or lace trimmed styles White tearose pink Sizes 34 Lj 19 to 44 all silk French crepe slips Bias cut lace yokes or edgings and tailored styles nearly all with panels Also Bryn Fair slips of pure dye rayon crepe alternating bias cut guaranteed not to sag or pull lace trims pastel shades Sizes 32 to 79 44 faJ4 Just unpacked for this Cartwheels Breton sailors Sport brims Halo brims A 7200 pairs! Seersucker Silk crepes Full-fashione- d Every pair perfect Sheer chiffons Medium weights 2prsl29 6 1 ' ten-yea- reasons why they are SUPERIOR! Made of best quality-fresilk High twist threads give them a permanent dull finish (less liable to snag) Knitted full length and width— not boarded ont to h V Appear wide Fine French seams and invisible garter welt Reinforced at points of wear In all the newest summer shades ' f Sizes 8Y to 1362 only one teacher is employed Piques Plenty of “23” beadsizes FARMER PARDONED MONTGOMERY Ala May 23 (IP) — Because Mr Tennant Farmer is now a good farmer he has received a full pardon from Governor B M Miller Fanner was paroled In 1929 r after serving three years of a sentence for murder Friends told 'the governor he is farming and leading the life of a good citizen which Linens Patent trims fruit aud flower trims j stitched brims monetary system” jn Pamilo hose! special eyjent— today! message is intended as a substitute but it does not carry the spirit and intent of the silver legislation agree— ment of May 8 Without this commitment the present silver bill is little more than a gesture of political expediency With this Commitment I feel that the bill is not just a sop for silver It is restoration of silver to its rightful-dignified place to revitalize our districts 4 Made of fine weave rayon crepe bias cut or four-gor- e r In Cslifcrnie there are rv' Bias cut e Key Pittman of Nevada and Senators William H King and Elbert D Thomas of Utah Attend Conference The conference with Mr Rockwell was attended by W Mont Ferry vice president and managing director of the Silver King Coalition Mines company W H Eardley assistant manager of the United States Smelting Refining & Mining company A B Young assistant general manager of the International Smelting company George W Snyder vice president of W F Snyder Sc Sons Frank B Cook member of the International Silver commission N G Hall Salt Lake business man and economist and C T Van Winkle “After studying President Roosevelt’s message I believe deft draftsmanship of this message was intended to comprehend and include the desired Intent but Is it a declared commitment as first agreed upon?” Mr Rockwell continued “The bill is not fully satisfactory to me as it stands and will not be until it definitely includes the direct crystal-clea- r statement Which commits the government to restore establish and maintain silver as primary money and a monetary base for specie and currency issue’ school sale! Shadow panels adjustable shoulder styles straps bias cut or four-gortailored or lace trimmed In white r pink or tearose Messages urging support of the definite commitment by the government on the use of silver as “primary money” also were sent to Senator mining-enginee- sheer summer requires lots of slips Get them now ! Every type is included in this A rayon crepe “swan ray” slips from Ftse One) late this and other proposed ments "i Sizes 34 to 44 Substitution “It may be that the president's FREEZONE Premier Pedestrians Urged to Signify Attentions at Downtown Crosswalks Finance Leaders See Delay in Return to Yellow Sees DropFREEZONE on that aching corn Instantly it stops hurting then shortly you lift the corn right off with the fingers You’ll laugh really! It is so easy and doesn’t hurt one bit Work like a charm every time A tiny bottle of FREEZONE costs only a few cents at any drug store and ia sufficient to remove every hard corn soft corn and calluses Try it! NotFascistic SIGNALS ASKED -- Like a flash pain stops then oat comes the Bulgaria Coup FOOT TRAFFIC Pedestrians were urged Wednesday by Cagtam O B Record traffic division chief to signal their intentions to motorists when crossing midblock (CeoUnued from Pie One) pedestrian lanes as a means of speedof the to language strengthen day ing automobile traffic in the business' dle” rehad declaration sidered the silver policy district The status of King Boris the “I believe in maintaining the moved most of the opposition Captain Record explained that premier said emphatically will were only Senator there indications present ratios" Swanson assortis no ordinance requiring penot be changed under the govern ed “The naval powers met in Thomas would Speak against the proment which the king put into ef London and distributed the naA meeting of destrians to make such signal but its posal on the floor to use would contribute safety val power in the way they feet by decree after the army Senators Thomas Borah (R1 Idaho) in pedestrians idly stand seized public buildings thought safe to each nation and Wheeler D Mont) and McCarran the“Many r autoan lane looking perhaps for for their best interests I see no (D Ncvl had been set for today reason to changut at this time” to discuss amendments but they did mobile driven by one of their family at Ninth South and Blaif streets after or for a driver they have agreed to not get together allegedly drove in an erratic manmeet” Captain Record said “Motor- she the view take Thomas and Borah ists needlessly stop their crsr ex- ner east on Ninth South street from make silver not does Third East to Fourth East streets that the bill pecting the pedestrian to cross the Admitting speeding M V Beesely primary money and deals with the lane” a 31 was fined $5 and 41 drivers ac metal as commodity “If when pedtrians intend to made it Pittman said its language cess these lanes they will signal to in effect primary money lke amount lned an ear to halt by raising bonds or wer The proposal directs the secretary theirapproaching will be speeded when they pleaded guilty to the hand traffic unto of the treasury purchase silver charges til the 25 per cent ratio is reached up" Traffic- - cases in police court conterms for such although the time and to swell court calendars when Republicans to Discus Three Men oman Fined buying are left at the discretion of tinued 70 cases were arraigned Wednearly the president Reorganization in S L Sendirected to nesday $25 Each 30-Da- y The secretary also-I- s e E drunken J Denying driving issue silver certificates to an amount 29 was ordered to face trial May tence Suspended Reorganization of the Republican equal to the money paid out in buy- 29 He was arrested Saturday after party in Salt Lake City and county ing the metal he-w— as the ear drivingallegedly will be discussed at a meeting ThursThe president at his discretion may Four men and a woman were sen- nationalize the domestic stocks of the struck the automobile of Vearl Bick- day evening of the Lincoln Republican tenced in police court Wednesday metal at a price not to exceed 50 ford 325 East Fourth South street club in the Hotel Utah it was anat an alley on South West Temple nounced Wednesday The meeting will when they pleaded guilty to liquor cents an ounce street between Fifth and Sixth South open at 8 possession and trial of a fifth man streets He was released on bond of Officers pm will be elected after which was set when he denied the charge Cold Grows Stronger $300 talks will be made bv Horace C Beck R L Connor 30 Heidelberg beer Similar charges against Mrs Della Peter C Carlston Ralph Seeley and garden 107 East Second South street On Speculative Marts Reed 37' 960 James street were Dr C R Openshaw More than 300 was fined $23 in lieu of a jail term when he admitted possession of NEW YORK May 23 IP)—Gold stricken for want of a complaint members of the club have beqn urged Mrs Reed was arrested Tuesday night to attend the meeting 33 pints of whisky 15 pints gained speculative ascendancy over conof gin and 11 pints of alco- silver in world markets today as fidence in gold standard currencies holic punch Similar charges against J M Wiss evidently grew stronger and inflationa 25 alias Weiss alias Weisser arrest- exponents seemed inclined to give ed with Connor were dismissed on cold reception to Washington proposmotion of the 'city for lack of evi- als for silver legislation The pound sterling continued for dence The men were arrested May 5 in Admitting liquor possession A S the second day its abrupt declinecenVance 53 64 West Fourth South both New York and continental street and Tom Poulas 3? 110 West ters adding more than a cent to Us Second South street were fined $25 drop of the preceding session The a net loss of each They were arrested Wednes- pound fell to $508 cents this week! and the lowest day morning by Morals Squadsmen 2 Against the W R Hawkes and G D Holt after point since March 10 gold franc the pound also d French the officers seized a half pint of lost ground and required support whisky from each address exchange control Pleading guilty to possession of 240 from the British Sterling's weakness has been chiefquarts and 33 pints of home-brebeer May Jones 26 854 Jeffery court ly the result of the heavy movement wai fined $25 She was arrested by of capital out of London to Paris Morals Squadsmen Hawkes and Holt Amsterdam and other “gold” centers it was explained An additional facWednesday morning Frank Green 28 arrested by Pa- tor has been the disappointed liquidatrolman S L Christensen at 444 tion of speculative holdings in New South Main street Tuesday night for York Dollar Advances admitted the liquor possession The failure of the Washington silcharge and Judge Daniel Harrington imposed a suspended sentence ver proposals to include inflationary He was in possession of a half pint measures induced foreign speculators of moonshine whisky to cover short commitments in the 1 to Trial of Dee Wood 26 1058 East dollar foreign exchange dealers said Twenty-firs- t South street on liquor It was the opinion of Wall Street lengths ! possessjon was set for June 1 when experts that the proposed legislation dolhe denied the charge Wood was ar- carried no acute threat to the rested Tuesday allegedly in posses- lar unless huge purchases of silver Many were sion of two gallons of moonshine should be made in foreign countries orig $250 whisky He was released on bond of In that case the ultimate result would $300 be the exchange of gold for silver yard ! Economic students saw the possibility that a redistribution of some of Ameryd ica’s huge gold stocks brought about in th's manner might have long run New Weaves! New Summer Shadeg! benefits in expanding the credit base Stehli Silks are famous distinctioii of foreign countries was The United States treasury soft —and exquisitely quality! again thought to be buying silver through its agents here possibly for — Faille Silk Mossy Pique— Crepes Crepes — Rough the account of the stabilization fund Crepes— Suede Crepes— Printed Acetates — 1 to It was said the treasury was selling at the same time paying for lengths Sold by the piece Irvin E Rockwell Wants sterling the white metal with proceeds of gold sales in London Silver to Be y AID COMMITTEE NAMED The chamber of commerce committee to cooperate with the board of education in conducting budget hearings was appointed Wednesday by Paul F Keyser president It consists of Franklin Riter chairman A S Brown and Blair Richardson BRITISH VIEW THURSDAY MORNING MAY 24 1934 N ‘ |