Show STOCK MART Stock Averages" New York STOCKS ATLOWEBB 1034 (Copyright Statistic 50 STOCKS In Hundreds) (Bale fSlcil HHh Low Clie IChi Adams Eip Advince Rums Riduc Aliiki Jun Alleahanr Air KIW YORK May 23 ty Unfavorable midweek trade newa In 'broker and the continued gloom age circle over the probable effect of of federal control speculation the settled lower today In et stock-mark- quiet trading Traders continued to restrict their operations and public interest In the market was at low ebb some- Although trading quickened what in an early selling flurry the market soon reverted to a colorless drift Volume On the stock exchange shrank to 633900 shares compared with 830980 ii the preceding session The average of 90 stocks closed seven tenths of a point lower at 759 Silver ceased to gleam in the foreground as a dominant speculative in fluence Further study of the silver program seemingly Al Ch Allli-C- Ac h t Dye Mfg 133 fS 11 rar Loco Am M rdr Am Meiil Am P Ac L Am Raa St 8 Am Roll Mill Am Bifetr Rii Am Smelt R de pfd Am Stl Edri Aip Sugar Ref do pfd Am T T Am Tob do B v Am Wet Wki Am Woolen 31 1- a a a a 1 S3 1- rua 3 -l ill ft 8k Uy OU 10 k xt 6 70 IS S3 I 13 Jdif’pfi g Eureka yee‘6111 Pad U a 8m pfd PI rest T a R7 Poster Wheel 10 Reel 5 SI 13(4 rail-road- p contra-season- salt Rrjta Hares Body Hershar Choo Howo Sound Hudson Mot Hupp Mot IUlnola Cent 1 1 Boston Stock List BleaIHlshtLowT a oonini 438 jTjSa 34 n al t 701 - 13 It h Nor Butte Old Dominion a Qutncr Rhawmut Assn Webster A f'nnj a Co £wift orrhifton Dnlt Drug Unit Pntft Mach It Bull Shoo Smelt it Utah Apex h Metal Xf ptah 14 100 3o0 18(4 16 II 17 87 38 10 4 Lima Looo Loaw’a 11 Long-Se- ll loo Looae-W- 34 Bit tl Lori Hard P Loulav A Nash hi Mack Truck Mor R H Mandal Broa Marine Mlm Marsh "’leltT Math Alkali 175 if 238 79 75 no 1810 75 Warren Bros v Total Boston stock galea Wednesday $41 aharea 14- - Mar Dept Stra PH McIntyre Pore McKeesport T McKesa A Rob do old Menial N Y Bank Stocks 14 Murray Corp 'N li 11 & 38 14 138 Chemical) Continental 1 Ucb (ora Empire puaraat? Irvin Manufacturer! ue a Mtaa Y Trust r - p at 1M£! States - 138 40 15 IT 31 t TUI it) lOO '173? lit 130 40 li SI Noranda Mines Norfolk AW) No Am Avtat North Am -- 103 173 Reeelp's it 7152564 expenditures 344ll7b 73 balance 13 051004 435 OO customs receipts for tht month 114 400-- 50 receipts for the fiscal rear Is nee July 1) 33873388 414 55 expenditures 18— 38878011137 (Including 13 310438138 t7 f emergency expenditures! excess of ex- PIOUR 38TNNFAPOLTS Mar 33 tlnehinced shipment! 33 O01 Fur bran— ll00tall50 160 ' n SWr: 18 Ohio oil Oliver Farm Otla tier Otla Stel Owens 111 01 1 Pao Pee Pae a Packard Mot Param Pub etl Rarilt Til Park Utah Path Exrh oii- Paths Exch A Patino Mln Penney JO Penn AP1— Flour— Phelps Dodae Phils 3 0 3 1 88 iPhJUip fat 8 30 Wind Bt 7 67 II B II Llmburaer 1 pound bricks lb Cream brick bricks lb Roquefort 3 boundi each lb Pull cream daisies Wls cured lb cream ionihorns Wla eurad "lit ruii eream triplets Wls cured lb Full eream louahorna wtstarn ourad pound Be Nlfta Lou A 68 Mo Pao 549 do Le 77 F do fan 4i II do If 11 I Mont Pw rfl 6 N- Nat Dairy Natl Steel IT 6a 61 I & BtL till 11 41 do la II O 1900 3013A 74A HYNH A H ovt Is 41 do IT NY 4a 67 Til 81 8 Niagara Sh IV 80 4 11 97 98 102 103 ‘Hi ls 08 101‘ 108 108 80 84 4 4il03ft 18 17 li84 871 I 0ls 81 OU 88 33C 14 103 10 19 8t Road 48 37 A em Rand Ifta 47 HEW YORK Mar 33 (AP)—gn— Re83 ep Ir A Stl ceipts 451111 Weak! mixed colon apoever Cep A B la 8 dal packs or selection! from fresh receipts Oil Is 44 llMlOo —standards and commercial etand- - Richfield do 8 44 A cl 3 ftc first jeootidg tie No 1 43 boundt ItWokvefage eheckg BtLXM A B4SRAO 8 14ct Moral packed firsts 17(317o: w unchansed: browng nearby and wt- me 4a 43 ern special packs private salts from More 9 A A A Pais 18c ShljPlpflaL 49la w61w jiefixfto western standard 174ud: eesleri eream Shall Un extra Sierra A 8 P Fw 5a 41 rr hi s her than extra l-Oil Ifta 88 83 seer ecoregISM Skelly Ilftoi flrstg Col Pow 8a 47 7 eeorea 4iJ4c aecondi 31e: Bo Pao Bou 88 41 centrallaed 30 acorg lS Vc II do 1711411 firm! price Chees — Receipt Or 4(4 do unchansed ts 94 Live poultry—Study to tlrmt broilers South Ry Con 09 ISO 41 5V freight 17481301 express 15 lie fowls 48 Tls St OUN ex4716c end 11V ether treight express SI OU N Y li press unebeneed —B tea dr to firm: chick Ten H Pow Is 47 A Dressed poultry 130 fresh eng froaen 174j35c turkerg Tex Corp Is evt 44 30c other (rod! unchanaed it 80 Sex Pao Pao le 47 D Produce LOB ANOELES May 13 (API— do 1st 4a 47 sxchani receipt do (old 4a It Butter 118600 pounds! cheeag non eas non Unit Bla Am 4 43 Butter unehanied t"ge candled clean IIVih extras te: Unit pru(6 candled clean lira standards 17fte: can- U B Hub t 47 P A L la 44 dled clean medium extras lie: candled Utah 47 clean medium atandirdg Ttci candled elaan UU1 P A83L W61 W do It email extras lie unwanted Poultry Walwortp li G BAN FRANCISCO May 33 AF— Federol-sUt- e Warner Qulnl ( El 6s 84 matkel news service Net wholesale Western West Pae 1st M 48 price: Butter II ecorg 31s II ocorg' 300) 10 Western Un Is II too re llo S° 8a 40 ecorg 19ei Eaeg u B extras lorn lifts) medium Wilson A Co i ti 14c: amalla or trlpletg lie Cheeag flat Toungat 8 A T 8a 78 5 IT 16 i: 2 'll 8ft 96 33 13 lot 1103 108 I 10113 yavmevi’ (Belea to llOOO) ‘ P 5a 63 Abltibl was which ket under local profit-takin- g Antlooula 7a 45 A absorbed on scale down for trod account Antloquia 7s 45 B nto closed 3 to I lower Bales 7000 No Argentina 6s 57 A 7 closed 3 to 4 lower Clcalne Arg Is if 69 Jun Bale none euotetlona Santos — May 1070 July 10(3 Arg 8s 1961 Peh 11 31 1131 Mareh Australia December September 7— 55 39: Septem- Austral! No 1138 May 118 Jhly 51 ber 1 39 December - I 40: March 866 11 Belgium 7 56 11" 101 I pity El ll’t Spot eoffe mulct'- Bentos 4s 55 Rio 7s to V Coat and freight offers In- Bras I la 41 cluded bourbon 8 and 8 at 1090b 11 JO Eraall IV4a 7 t 0 II V a 8a 61 O fSlere low 6a M !! 61 O Jer d P 47 B Jer Oen P & L NEW 64 TCI 5s 80 C Peo Oas L A O 4s 81 B 73 Philo El P Pen Pow Cor N Y 5ft Pug Sd P A L 5 V 60 D do So Ctl Ed 51 39 do ll 81 47 49 o il A Soweat Stand O A E 5a 8 61 85 85 60 law I 05 02 -- SI 00 ‘66 01 :07 05 at 8105 44c 78 III 58 93 93 99 93 100 100 93 92 19 933 100 7 X 8i 7a 68 cent standLONDON May 33 (API-Co- pper 12 8d ard Pot 132 7 6d future £32 £35 16a Sa £35 future electrolytic spot 15a: lead 12(4 92(4 tin spot £332 10a future £231 spot £18 15s future til sine spot £14 101 future ill 6d V 103 i looft 51 Vi 77 3109 3 95 ‘ 03 23 May 8d 109 109ft 100 n 107" 108 107 108(4 70 P A L la 67 Stand Tel 5fts 88 Tex El S 5a 80 Un Oulf Cor 5a 60 55 B Rubber tah P A L 8a 3023 A st MVt a oo (API— Bar silver firm bar gold up 3ft (4 higher at 19 (U S equivalent 13883 pence to 136a on basis of kterltng opening at 8510(4) abort money per cent discount ratee bilta ® 15-per bllla fc three-mon- th LONDON t do 8a 68 sidorf-A- f 004 1 Pen Oh P A L Ifta 67’ 10 03 01 02 40 75 06 00 01 50 07 May 33 (AP)— Bar fllver lower at YORK barely steady 43 Oat -- 08 ‘ 07 00 4 k00' 01 v 30 9 55 03 Gold and silver receipt by the United States mint at Denver during April indicate increased mining activity in the western territory according to a report Wednesday from the Utah chapter of the American Milling congress of Deposit gold and ilver in April totaling 1299 were nearly double those made in April of last yeaf The Denver mist reported the depositing of 90448 ounces of gold valued at $3165680 during the past month ounces as compared with 64559 of gold with a value of in April of 1933 Local Securities INDUSTRIALS BONDS 10200 10000 th L4i Nat 00 Amalgamated Sugar Oontl Bk Bldg 1935-19Mutual Creamery 6a 1936 S L Otden Ry 0s 1938 Settlement prices of metals at Salt Lake S L Termini) 6a 1933 smelter aa quoted by th Amerloen SmeltUtah-Idah- o Bug 1934-4- 0 Bllver ing and Refining company are: Ou A Cok 6l 1988 York forelan 44c Utah 8a Handy A Harman New98V4c 1938 do 816c and lead domestic government 8a 3023 P A copper 9150 a pound loiel Utah Ifta 1941 iHajvm°57AV Southern Denver Mint Business Shows Mining Advance Metals Money li1 4S 40 46 01 7 13 53 66 88 61(4 34 81 108 ioo 60 mil 38 50 NEW YORK May 33 (AP)— Call money steady 1 per cent all dart time loans steady 60 daya-- 8 months1 ftfil per cent bankers' accept commercial paper ft prime rediscount rate aneee unchanaed Yoik reserve bank 1 per cant 'ir r FOREIGN BONDS (Bales In 81000) NEW YORK May 31 (AP)—Copper quiet epot and future blue eagle electrolytic " "0 pot and ncarb: tin barely ateady 47 future 5100 Iron lirm unchanged lead ateady spot New York 400 East St Louis S 36 sine quiet East Bt Louis IPOt and future 435 antimony spot 178 7a SILVER FUTURES NEW YORK May 13 (AP)-flll- ver dosed easier 39 to 40 lower aalea ounces High 8530 8525 May July September October Buen Aires Pr 1L Deoembty per C Mun'ea‘41)' January bBld nNomlnal Total atock aalea Wednesday 152000 aharea year ago 491830 aharee: total bond aao 82800000 year aalea Wednesday 46 30 45 35 4500 4506 2ft 00 800 00 24 0800 7800 8000 H-t- t 10350 4000 000 2700 10000 0100 8800 8300 8500 BALES (Trading Salt Lake Bteck Exchange) Consolidated Wakon 100 at 70c Foreign Exchange NEW YORK May 33 (API— Foreign In dollars others eur Oreat Britain In cents: Great Britain cables demand 503ft y France debills 6 07 mand 8 61 cables 061 Italy demand 861 cables 161 Demands: Belgium 2343 Germany 3948 Holland 6792 Norway 2556 Sweden 36 34: Denmark 2273 Finland 3 27 Switzerland 3356 Bpaln- - 13 71 Portuaal 4 64: Greece 818 95 Poland 1900 Caecho-SlovakJugoslavia 329: Austria 1905n Hungary 2900n Rumania 101J Argentina 3800n Brazil 4in: Tokyo 30 36 Shanghai S3 Ofl Hongkong 36 87 ft Mexico City f silver peso) 2800 Montreal In New York 10012ft New York to Montreal 9987 ft 608ft Is—Nominal Wool Market BOSTON May 31 (API— Very little business wu closed on western grown wools A few bids were made but they were futvfres meetly under asking price which jw era 8376000 fairly firm compared with last week Smell amounts ef fleee war moved but Interest was restricted to a tew buyers Countrv packed lota of medium fleece wools of mixed grades containing clothing at well aa combing staple but no reject were Bold by Boiton houses at 80 cent la th grease delivered east Investment Trusts Commodity Index NEW YORK trust securities May 33 (AP)— Investment 15 NEW YORK May 31 (AP)— Index of1981 31 Basle Industry llaple commodity price (December Bullock Fund i 3305) equela loot 8031 average equole day 11S4 Wednesday 153 7i previous Mk no 134 1 yetr to 1147 1934 Djitn de A A 1931 hlfho 149 J 1933 do A A mod 140 4 1934 low 1380 1933 kllh 103 9 1935 low 79 1 Diversified Tr B w Yeaz io Wodneaday do O 134 I 169 do 5 0576 Dividend Shra 8483 Cocoa (lb) X0936 Five Year Fixed Tr 11 Hldea (lb) market): Bid Asked 10171 — eoi 1301 Fixed Trust Sh A do B Fund Investor! Ino Fund Tr Shra A 1(5 (cwt) 4415 do B Silver (oa) 1160 Independent Tr Shr 1935 Steel aerap ((ton) 085 Low Prleed Shre Copper (lb) '8351 0386 Mass Invest Tr Lead (lb) 116 Nation Wldt Sec 081 Cotton (lb) 835 106 do vto Wool (lb) 1081 0875 Ooife (lb) Quarterly Inc Shrx 0215 Stand Ana Tr Shra 0321 Sugar (lb) a— Nominal Super of Am Tr D (Copyright 1934 by Moody's) 1037 to gras ateera 35500880 U 8 Elec Lt A POW A do B good fat gteera and yearlings under6 40U00 on to do vtc possibly up Kunda eligible good 8625 young cow absent weights: juoted IJ50fil75 fleshy dairy type eligible (2 50 cutters sold 160fi22&i good bulla Rubber (lb) Wheat (bu) gorn (bu) 4" X9137 636 for CLOTHES men who good tests and quality In their appareL Suits $90 8HIRT8 TO ORDER Federal Bonds MITCHELL Tailor 120 South Mala t We Are Interested in Purchasing 4s 55 91 61 Pitta Steel la 48 16 05 00 9 00 60 03 01 04 Amalgamated Sugar CLOBINO SALES onjmHjlateWagon Chief ConioHdated 800 at 83e Utah Oaa A Cok pfd Iron King 500 at 914c 89 do pet pfd 100 3c at New 42 Quincy Utah Oil Refining North Lily 300 at 55c 4 Sugar Park City Consolidated 1000 at 37c 300 Utah-Idah- o 19 do pfd at 26 c Utah P A L ( pfd lOOg Sacramento 1000 at e do IT pfd Utah Southern Oil Z C M I Firestone Tire 5s 42 Fla J A L 5t 54 79 A 6 56 Oen Pub u( reat Nor P 5a 85 t Wait P 5a 48 Oulf Oil Pj 5 87 6e 45 00 07 36 03 10 d 42 EmpOARIVa Fatrb Morse 6e 41 Lrease 4 4 10 BALES Bingham Metala 1000 at10c0c 1000 at Silver Bristol luH Walker share of 10 2 05 Eureka Standard New Quincy 900 at 3c North Lily 000 at 65c Park City Consolidated 800 at 38c 500 100 37c at 27 4c 500 at 300 91 at 0c Perk Premier 103 ft Silver King Coalition 50 at 1550 10 at 105 51 iflntla Standard 100 at 1570 ’ 10 Walker 800 at 85c 68 Ub McN A Lib 58 53 oo 08 00 02 36 00 03 01 I movement sagged three points to 85 cents Chief Consolidated continued it decline to a 85 cents North Lily reacted three 53f 01 points to 55 cents One-hal- f 10 point declines were re01 corded by Bingham Metals at 6 02 26 cents Bristol Silver at 10 cents 00 cents New and Iron King at 9 04 03 Quincy dropped back to 2 cents 05 Slight improvements were made 80 01 by Eureka Standard at $105 and 15 Park Premier at 6 cents Sacra45 04 ment held at 4 cent 20 03 03 100 I E 6(41 49 LAOS Minn Oen El 6s 34 15 oa 15 01 OPENING 20 106 ll1 13 sa 0 IV n 17 01 00 Sacramento Silver King Coal Silver Kin Weet Silver Shield Silver Standard Sioux Mines South Iron Bios 8outh Standard Swansea Con Tar Babv Tintlo Central Tlntlo Lead Tintlo Standard Union Associated Union Chief Utah Con Utah Met A Tun Utah-Wy- o Con Oil Victor Con Walker West Toledo Wilbert Yaake Con Zuma i It Uo NEw'rayrpOTffe 85 Arg sil- 2 09 025 practical topyeleri medium stookers 8300 03 90 common kinds and calvea bid down uneven http— Receipts $500 Lamb aprlng lamba mostly 38c hlahtr old' crop lamb tending lower early blda and few alee 15W260 lower sheep ateady feeders 10 2501071 strong aorted native lamba medium grad down to 1860 ouU light nato 1750 down tive lamb early bids and70a 3 lew sales freah shorn lamba 3860b Calishorn ewas down from 3378 on load fornia naw crop leading lamba averages 8878 KANSAS CITY May 33 79 79 UCavI-of- pt 80 direct vary alow 9000 Hoga— Receipt 110 Including 40 hold103 102 to mostly 6c lower than Tuesdav'a overs 30 direct about eteady two lot ateady 11 average top 13 30 on choice 8850 choice 144 to 101 101 good 12800 eligible possibly 1700 vealeri Home Owners Loan 3s 53 Jood and choice 105't 106 85 holdPacking I300bl30: 275 Including do 4s 1951 Receipt Sheep— 94 94 aows 13350275 no early bids Federal Farm Mtf l deck arrived overs lust and Cattle — Receipt 6500 celvea 10(H): light or sales Tate yesterday eprln lamb eteady tendi alow steer ond 18 35: fed wooled yearling weight rt deck good Ins lowar other kUllna classes mostly lightly sorted 5725 deck largely medium ateady Itockera and feeders alow weak 88 00 sorted 16 per cent common 8775: short load yearllnaa ahorn 8155 85 00 1700 lew ateera good and choloa LOS ANGELAS May 23 (API fUSDA)— good 13 350 400 vealere 0460 cows Receipt 125 6 to 18 cont lower milk-fe- d medium to choice 138001 00: Hots— 350fi butchers 8400 local Celtlornl gtocker and feeder ateeri good and choice 390 34 3606 Cattla— Reeetpta 850 ateady t 38 cents 103 10000 a few opentna Sheep—Receipts hlfher: medium to good fed steers II 10 35 alas lad lambs and springers about ateady 700 I8J5 common ateera 13 16 89 tom Uter bid lower sheep steady top 04 00 Imperials medium to good ted helferg 15150 16 Arlxonaa nativ 11075 spring cutter and )ambs 8 50 Imperial cows 13 25UI50 89 31015 sprint lambs eiceptad quotations low cutters 813503 66 104 on ahorn basis aprlng lamba choic 11035 Calvea— Receipt 160 to gtron ateady Utah 35 1635 medium 01015 good 16 50010 bulk !50016 83 ft 8 60: lambs good and eholca (x) 91 Sheep — Receipts 128! 35 to 50 cent high' common and down 18800900: pounds er: good lambs 909 bland lamba 8128 medium 90 pounds down 1078® 50: good Island ewes 8310 18350900: PORTLAND and choice (x) May 13 fAP) CUSDA)— Hog to medium choice wetherx yearling 160 —Receipt atrong to 10 cents higher 10 950773 ewes good and choic 4 00 170 to 310 pound to choice good 5338 0 335 8 10 tew medium weight 85 50 ilaughter 73 owe and oa baaed (xl— Quotatloaa S3 350160 aowa and 74 packln Ughta wethers 2 50300 feeder pin 13 2503 50 74 SOUTH RAN FRANCISCO May 13 (AP Cattle— Receipts 175 calves receipts 10 94 (UBDAl—Hosa— Receipts 450 lnciudtoe 170 market alow early sales about steady odd 91 STOCKS 104 direct: steady to 10 cent lower decline on head common -- rasa ateera 38 50 down : U ft) Ctll-- i cutter ana cutter cowe 13 000215: good 46 packets Kip butchers mostly lornia 14 00 few 265 pounds 11 76 trade few beet cow upward to 83 50 bulls most-r- e 83 MAS 25 medium to good sealers 8300 quotes good to choice 111 to RIO pound up 8(4 117 to 4 00 few medium to good packing eowa VMK): choice quotable 15 50 67ft 63 ft 83 601205 good eligible 83 00 Sheep — Receipt 3300 steady at Tuesday' 31 Cottle— Receipts 350 Including 80 hold- - Wronger prices sorted aprlng lambs mostly 38ft overs opened airly active steady later M 35 common to medium throwoute 1000 H duU all tletri California graaaera two etraifilH) lew heavy ewea 11506200 13 4a fu-t- ht in 1! 4a 4s8a Fur bulk recently ahorn lamb 00 double carrying fully with double ar 1935 fleece woolskln 11000: larger Interest bidding to weight oa deII- 80&3 00 according sirable shorn owes Cattle- DENVER May 33 RecolPta 400 calvea 10 calvea othstrong to 50o higher top 1800 cluaei ers 15000760: other killing helferg steady beet' stein I47J6 14500890 eows 83500 335 Mockeri W I alnglea dlract 4 lio!— RecMpta? 30005®10e low to Californio jpwar l3 15 53100330 butcher heavier and hah ter welihta dull JH1” toweak I175&225i steady 11350176 15c Sheep—Receipts iOOflO native lambs native hither good to cholca freah cupped natlv ?ambetV Oo'wV' 00 belt’ iprtn’i lamba con 35c highiderably gbov 81050 atron to er tglktn ateady led wooled lamb late apriuaera Tuesday 3976 Ireiibt paid 81080 Kbit— Re- OMAHA Moy 13 1500(1 celpv Fairly gctlva aUady to 10 lower - aoms lights and undarweighta ofl 3Wt3 10 mort bettar $J 800300 3 top 1316 few 370-feeder P'f 83 4003 00 for medium to eharply lower at mostly 8100 1340 0 350' aood grades packing sows down 1360 glass 9000 Fed atecra and Cattle— Receipt aalea choice yearlings slow and uneven earlyateera about medium weight and welahtg good llaht steady bulk of run mediumbidsto around ateera and yearlings with lower ana yery lew tales aha atock unevenly to 36e lower llaht haifera under needy most price pressure with heavy heifers bulla and vealers steady about steady stockers and feeders In light gupply but demand very narrow and prieea waak to market most lowar on 85750 early galea fed steers and yearlings 126 few loade medium welahte 178001795 8 60 belt welahte with choice 138-pouera mostly $600 0 536 choioe beef oowl moetly 1375(11 76 and cutter grades 116003 50: medium bulla 870008 N Y 88 70 37 PAL 4a II W°1S 4s5)l 4s 6s 4a I New Eng T A ' 1V3 N Pu By O deb I 11 50 CHICAGO Hog— May 13 Receipts 14000 quality plain market slow: better grades 6010c lower than Tuesday’s average others off more desirable 1360 0 300 top 3315 300-- 3 1340k) 3 56 extreme wetchts 8300 0360 IS 40 down most Pigs eUglblt to tl80fil35: few choice packing strong weights 1150 upward g)wa 1270a290 smooth Uihtwolghig 3300 PAL 41 83 -s 1364 Appal El Pw 5a Ark 58 A Elec Ax O A R 5a 50 do 5s 88 49 C do As Tel Ut 5ftl 44 44 Ctf do do 8s 33 all T Can 5s 55 A § en St El 5(4 54 Cities Ser 5 46 Cities Sert 6s 60 63 Olt S Pow Comwlth Ed 4 a 57 D Comwlth Ed 4s 81 P L Ba 4s 81 Gen Q Consum P 4 Vs 58 Cont O A E 6s 58 A 87 Cont Oil 8rans CoBt5s 5a40 40 Cudahy P 58 48 62 O DaU P A L 5s Dot C Gas la 47 A Else P A L Is 2050 54 Mont L H A P 5a 70 B Nev Cal E 5s 58 Sheep— Receipts 8000: generall active: New Eng O A E 6i 60 lambs and spring lambs unevenly strong N Y Pow A L 4 (4a 67 81 to 36c higher compared to Tuesday a gen- Nor State P eral trade moet aale fully In line with OkU O A X 8s 40 A ateadv: 5a 60 that day's beat time sheep fullylambs do 79 native spring 67 good to choic Pao O A E medo 5 (4a 53 C pounds down 110 5001135 to scattered 1950 ond be- Pen Cen dium offerings downward low few cuU and common kinds around 77 88 50 41 5a Hogs— R 13000 better grade Cattlo— Receipt! meal uip weight and aU weighty steers ady active ell grades light ateeri 1100 pound down and all light heifer and mixed yearlings weak to 35c yearllngi 45ft 49ft 45(4 lower little helferg and mixed Steer rul08 along with medium7 grade light 108 00 last ing unevenly 50 (t 5c lower than 1st 1880 95 86 15 steers week numerous loads weighty load 09 10: for four load 3980 and on Meers 13 80 beat llaht 112 lelfers early 8826 bulk 100 better grades 15 600675: bulls steady out83 side 1300 vealere mostly ateady better 101 krattoa 6000850 lliht offeringa 8660 2008 McKesa A Rob Midvale Btl 5a II May 38 0310 Los Ou 11 83 Llaxett A M la 81 mew Ino I uouleln A Ark t II int Cement 6i 48 int Hydro El 6a 14 ni Mar Mar 6s II q 11 IT 86 103 80 41 OGDEN I- 36 103 4a is 43 V S TREASURY REPORT WASUINQTON Mar 33 AP1— Tho position ef tlrn treasury Mar 31 was: aa''81 Scrn“rrJ-:- 83 A j 4a Included 389 directs San Fran 481: Los Angeles market Cisco packers 8ft 301: steady early top 1350 on best drivs-ln- s mixed kinds 8340 down with under64 84 14 weight on government account 33000 55 55 55 325 eows 33 50 down 20 30 ft 30 few lota Cattle— Receipts 136: ateady 102 103 103 Included about 14 5OCt500 good Meers 104 104 directs with 3 par half load 106 1 107 107 cent shrink at 6 00: common and medium steers and nailers 33000400 good 71 11 ouoted 13750 3 0O cutter to me- Tjjdmows 73 — 70 M 160i cfown-t- o 1100: bulls 32 35(81 00 best vaal- 106-- 105 108 era I400R5M Chicago mtrkat Sheep— Receipts 3037: 1081 Omaha market 380 (Idahosl Denver 73ft 540 late Tuesday market (California!) Idaho lambs springone double 1M(4 Utah 1975: ers 11016 double 89 few IoU light trucked in Idaho 17600 14 4s Nil Dairy Pr Rrklrn Truat Can Hanover Wllt 301 Rico Sheep— No recelptg oov 01 00 03 35 01 Mt States Pet Mountain View Miners Oold Millet H1U Nalldrlver New Quincy New Premier North Lily North Standard Ohio Copper Oponongo Park Bingham Park City Con Park King Park Konold Park Nelson Park Premier Park Utah Ploch Bristol Plumbic Mines' Plutus Prince Con Provo 80(8380 BONDS DOMESTIC Cattle— Receipts 135 75 direct nothing (Bales in 81000 heifers 33 501 65 through Pew drlvt-i- n 13 7 odd loti cutter to common eows 1135(305 Ala Pow 88ft 66 89 one car IdahO cattle oe follows 27 head Am O A E It 1038 69 3360 head 3016 A 6s L Am I helferg P 8850(0500 helferg 04 01 10 Michigan-Uta- h in 00 07 Moscow Mt City Copper 2 80ft oelpts 33 88 pOen4 34a2C! 311 14 Nailbletm Nat Lead Li Nat Pow Nai Rr Max 1 pf Nat Steel m EOOS New laid henneries dog Mediums ntw laid henneries do CHEESE Pull cream triplet! lb Pull ersam longhorns-l- b Pull cream sandwich loaf lb Jack cheesa pounds Mon lb Wheel eheeee domestic lb Block Swiss brlokl lb 01 108 108 103 100 107 89 104 13 104 100 la 33 a Wl 8a Nash Mot Nat Biscuit Nat Cash RA TRUST COMPANIES 107 73 66 Zonltg Prod Total sales Wednesday 655030 previous dav 870880 week aao 717404: year aao 4730300 two rears aao' 1307883 Mem la 16 ary 1 to date 185718585! year aso 188- -- K O Ft 8 A 61 K O Pew A Li 881484 two rears aao 147388311 iUn O A I 81 80 88 Pet Bti Midland Mo Pan ' WKW TORK Mar 33 do pfd v (API— Pollowlng the bid end asked guotatlone of New York Mohawk Opt bank and trust company atocks trader Montram Ward Mother Lode Wednesday on aa over tho gountar kaata: Motor Prod BANKS Motor Wheel 73ft 100 81 I II 3Se: 0 33ftcl833(4e 88 31c 33c: 7 31c: centralised carlote 80 score 3IVC A a NORTH SALT LAKE May 33 —Hogs— Receipts 1636 through shipments Include 439 to Los Angeles packerg 130 to Ban Diego packers and 834 to Loa Anseles market Top 3160 on two amaU lota 191 drlre-l- n butchers lew lota to 300(f3 35: two lots 1074 Ughta ond light lights feeder plgi averaging 90 to 111 pounds at a Hud A Man rfg Sa 57 Hum OU A R 5s 37 ‘tiW" 47 Kroger Qroo Lambert Lehman Cora 131 43 00ft 00 09 Indian Queen Iron King Kennebee Kentucky Utah Kaystone Leht Tlntlc Leonora Little May Maanolia Lead Mammoth LIVESTOCK n do adl 6a 3000 43 Chi A N W ev do l(4s 87 R I A P rfg 4a 84 Hte A S I 8s 00 Ch Un Sta 4(is 43 Chtlo Cop 6a 47 Oinn Oas A I 4s 68 Cln U Term i(4i 3030 C O O A St L 4(41 77 E Colmbla O 5a 53 Mar Coml Inr Tr 5'4s 40 Con Oe N Y 5'ti 45 do 6s 67 51 do Consum Pow 8 83 Container Cor Is 88 Crown Cork 8a 47 Crown Will la 51 Crown ZeU la 80 81 Cuba No Rr Cub Cano gr 8a 30 Del A Hud riT la 3 A R O lha 36 D A R O W 5s 35 Det Ed 11 II D Dodge Bros la 10 Duque L 4 'Vs 87 A Erie rf 6s 87 do rt 6s 75 Fid Metal evTVsO 01 01 35 Horn Bllver Howell 108 II 7o lift Kress S H at 4a 68 Ohio Ot Welt 4s 68 C M S P A P 6i 75 Norf A W la Nor Am Co 6a II Am Ed Ifti 81 Nor CHTCAOO Moy 33 (API— Poultry— LIti do 6s 19 0 II trucks steady hang 130 13 (be Leg- Nor Pao 6l 304 horn henx lOWci Rock frlerg 34c: colored do la 07 34 Vo aaei Rock eprlnga 36oi eolored Nor States Pw Os II Lsg-or- ni lock broilers 30b33c colored 30c‘ 1841u-rooste- rs barebocke 17i18c Oro R R A N 4 48 turkeys lOOllcs aprlng A Nil 11 duck 11013c old SO Be geos 8e Steel la 11 OtU an— 33568 easy priti Eggs Receipt Pae Oaa A 1 583 otatoeo— Recelptg llli on track III: T A T 6a 17 total U 8 shipments 833 oid itock qulL Pac 5s 53 do moderate demand and trading Pan-A- rfg P la 40 1 ft supplies U No slow 8 Rusaett Idaho rather 60 ctf Pub Par I1358M3S: Colorado Path Ex 7s 37 1 1160: Minneaote Cobblers A Lt Pen P II No U 8 Rurale 100 Mlchlaan Runet 13 Pen Co l 30 new etoefc weak tin ouaUtv olles heavy demand and trading modereia: Penn R R 8a 88 31 do gen Alabama Triumphs U 8 No 1 1110 do IVa 70 D showing decay Sl35tfl33: U S No i Phlla 0 5a 7 U S li?8 No f Irish Cobblers 7c: Else la 71 Phil 1 I140S Phil Read Louisiana Trlumphg U 8 No C A 1 Oa II 180 showing decay 81386188 Philippine Rr 4s 17 Pet IHs 38 Phillip Butter was 77 A Bt L ore 334 34 e sa POO Pub Bar 3 Kelvlnator Kennecott Kresas 8 8 133 i aT T 31 63 Close 116 i H ityott Boston Her Copper Ranre lies 111 Gen He Gillette New Eng 38 1501 a Anaconda Atchison - gn “ r g ' No West Bug do Jj1 17 17 Induet Rar Inger Rand Int Cement 111! Harvest A Int Hrdro-BOSTOH May S3 (API—Pollowlng are Int Nick Can' oatoa no hlsb low and oloalng prices of Int Salt atocks traded Wednoadap an lha Bowton lilt Tat a TaV'! stock oxchanre: Am Conti Am Tel Tel 1 do gen 108 108 107 108 It H 1:1 f Kleo ael Poods MUle 4s 83 6 gen B A Q rfg 6a 71 A 0 A O Oen Cable 6a 47 Oen Thea Eo a 4Q Goodrich 81 47 Ooodrr T A R 5e 57 Ot Nor Rr 7a 38 SALT LAKE BUTTER Trent pfd n Orant - WT II 13 (To KeUiler-Carton- nd) I Pint grade lb Second grade lb Sweat cream lb ease 4le (Parchment wrapped Vac Uu) ORKAM IT First grade cream del Belt Lake 18 Second grade cream del Salt Lake tn Claar 6s ds 8s Produce Market I ia 1 Graam-Pol- nit Qu a )m 8 Gypsum S Indus Alco U Leather A U 1 Pipe U S Real a 1m U 8 Rubber do 1 Pfd U 8 Smelt R do pfd U S Steel do pfd Utu P aLtA Woolworth Wrlaht ero YelPF AC1 A T Young u (4 : Wilson da Co do A :-- 5a o reacted unfavorably ver legislation developments in nar row trading Wednesday on the Salt Lake stock exchange Uncertainty over the immediate effect of - the pending legialation on diver prices continued bottom price lor other metals end weaknes of th New York markets 'omblnwl to depress the local exchenge Trading coverage wa limited to 03 13 issues 10 of which traded lower 03 80 by 4 to 25 point Two were alight-l- y 01 00 higher and one jva teady 09 Park City Consolidated led the vol09 ume of trading with the exchange 03 ll'i of 2900 shares but this issue wa on easier trading off from 28 to 28 1 ’01 cents Tintlc Standard was easier 10 42 by 5 points with 100 share active 03 at $570 Silver King Coalition 10 trade 39 opened at $850 on a 04 with improvement to $9 on a minor Point Draaon East Crown Pt East Standard East Tlntlc Coal East Tlntlc Con East Utah Empire Mines Equity Oil Eureka Bullion Eureka Lilly Eureka Minas Eureka Standard Oold Chain Oreat Western 14 13 12 28 81 78 82 91 184 49 42 66 61 92 99 91 17 8 !s 4s f: - ult Walgreen pfd Walworth Warner Piet Wait Datrr A Weal Marr West Pacific West Un Tel Westing Air West El a M White Rk M Sp ntn-- Traffic figures of individual were encouraging howeverv and pointed to a gain in carlotdings last week Brokers waited gloomily for Ihe federal exchange control bill to conferemerge from the senate-hous- e ence While trading ebbed tale of a stock exchange seat was recorded at $96000 oft $9000 from the previous Paclflo Vanadium 74 4a 4 40 13 Aircraft Unit Bla li Unit Carbon lorp hl Motor pfd a Ut Refract Ollletta Bros ly figures of the Edison Electric In- mbel IMen Co t stitute Oold Dust IV Un Un Oil Cal " n do Oen Oen Oen do Oen Oen (4 ap Carbide 3-- en Am 33 (4 un Big li 157101 38il013310135 81-313 100 31 100 3T100 33 CORPORATION BONDS (Bales In 81000 ) 1 Sa 47 - Under-I- ll k I 10834 101231101 16'10313 10316 8131103 8 6s Chesa) Corp Transamerlca Corp ?rl-CoProd Couao-Nalr- Steel Operations Decline in a As Ax Tlmk Roll B i 100) IS Jan Chile 6e Croff Crown 5a Tlmk-D- t II average equal (1926 Ts 43 8 60 11 33 Col 6a 61 Jan Colomb 6a 61 133I108 311 101 36 10330 3 103 38103231 Mb Mine Crescent Essie lossoiior ‘ Chile “ Chile Jn 3 41-- 1031 1033 10335 4a Tex Oulf Sul Tex Pac L Tr U Chief Con Colorado Con Colb Rexall Combined Metals 10338 8s 3orp - Steel shares were sold on reports that operations of the industry had entered a seasonal decline Iron Age estimated steal operations were off three points st 68 per cent of capacity Further decline in steel scrip prices were taken si an indicator of the cur rent trend in the Industry The margin of gain in electric power production over 1933 waa reduced to 112 per cent from 118 per cent the preceding week in the week- H3: T— I 13-- 8 7 a a 103 35 103 38 3111138 107110310 81110727 loT3aii0733 1371108 1311047 1087 3 11 11 3J4s 1030 103 35 Trading Forces Losses for Ten Shares Market Depressed Hesitant Briltol Silver Cardiff Cedar Talli Central Standard Close li Tide-W- ir 1 Asted I Bullion ds Thermotd vt::: - v Stone a Web Btudebaker £C Un Cnl 185 res 1 rees IHs do !Ve-3- s 4 do li do do LISTED STOCKS Bid TO VOLUME Alta Tunnel Am Exploration Am Metal Min Co NEW YORK Mar S3 fAPl— Followlnr la Bearer Oold Coo a list of Wednesday's transactions on the Big Hill i York curb exchanae: New Binaham Metals Black Metal STOCKS Bonanaa Minins (Salea In hundreds ) 4a3s Stewari-War- n 30 1th 33-- Exchange f 1 'a Oil Cai std Oil N J Std - (Copyright Statistic Co) 31 Oct 78 Copenhai 5s 52 88 62 Denmark 91 Finland 51 56 184 3185 Preneh 7 49 Oer C A Bk la 60 Oct 03 Oer Oov Inti ISle iHlth'iowldo Oer Oov 7 49 5$ Oen El Os 46 Oer 44 13 It 88 92 Allegheny Ital Pub Util 7a 52 do 6x j( as 38 7s 1951 Italy Am A For P 5S 1030 54 90 6(is Japan 1 O Chem 5(4s 48 Am 17 Kreuxer A T 6s 89 ctf Am Smelt la 87 8 Mex af 5a and 45 88 Am Bug Ref Is 37 83 Milan City 99 99 Am T A T 13 da 44 Norway llsV Norway 6s 63 0 90 do col Is 84 70 70 51 do 5a 8 101 48108 Orient Dev 91 Oslo City 6i 55 11108 108 do 9 341 84 Arm Del 43 Peru 1st 6s 80 81 85 A T IS 104ft Poland Is 60 104 S P ovt 14 88 89 29 141101 do 84 33 Prussia 6 Vs 61 101 03 63 Rhine West Is 65 13 A O L-- L 71 71 N la 53 20 Rio de Jan 6 Vs 51 8 108ft Atl Ref In it 7 106 90 62 Rome 131 B A O rtf la IS Royal Dutch 4e 45 l?S 78 Sao Phulo St 7 40 do rfg 6s 85 60 Sax Pub Wks 7s 45 0 do evt 48 Wks Bax Pub Beth Stl rfg 5 43 10109 33 Serbs Cta SI 7s 02 5 108 Bklrn Ed 5a 83 E 1024 54 Sweden 5 100 Bklrn M Tran 8a 68 92 55 Pow El 7s Toho 101 Bklyn U Oas Is 60 68 61 Tokyo City 66 El Lt 6a 53 Tokyo Cal Pack 5 80 100ft 41 51 A Wks Un Stl 6Va i? 67 107' Can Nat Rr 92 Uruauay 6a 64 113' do 6s 88 July Total aales Wednesday 110453000 pravl-ou- a 108' Can Nor 7s It 0 day 19 688000: week ato 110738000 83 Can Fab rear aso 116818000 two year ago 31- 1do le parp SI 108000 Janucrr 1 to date 11737999000 Cen Pas 6a 40 year ago 31860040000 two yaarg ago do 1st Is 40 ss 11230089000 Certaln-tee- d 62 48 - 8t4o°p5B Coliate-Palm- ' do 3a 31 BpleMer High-grad- ally oft uk u so Rr err r Corp Stern is ls 11 oiled do 1th do So Cal TCd So Padfla J ( 8 GOVERNMENT BONDS (Dollars and (Salea In 81000V ISle 1 High Low Lib 3 Hi 33-13 101 35103 33 7 do 1st 114s 135 1 do 1th 33103 31 1033 do 1 do 3 do do do 3a - Snider Pack Soconr Vac So P R But 1934 Standard U 3(41 8t Jos Lead St LSan P St I Sen P pfd Schulte Ret Sears Roeb Seneca Cop Sorrel Sharon Bti H Shattuck P O SheU Union Simmons o Curtlaa-Wtls- 3 in tap Steel ev pfd lever O a Br Rer Tob B Route Ine 8-- i 423 723 351 Reel Bilk Rem Rend Reo Mot le pub steel !! Grains Renew Strength Although grains showed renewed Bel? J(Ohio"'" do pfd Strength aided by estimates world Beldlne-Hewheat Crops would be lower this year Bendlx Avlst several commodities sold moderately Beet a Co Steel lower with stocks- - Wheat futures at Beth Bohn Alum cents a Borden to Chicago closed bushel higher after having been Brleee Mix mors than a cent a bushel up at one Brown Shoe tucrrue-Erltibia Rye oats and corn firmed On the other hand silver hides Bulore Watch Ad Mach and rubber moved lower cotton fin- Burr a Butte c — Brere Coa ished about unchanged Moderate strength in the dollar Calif Peek against foreign exchanges was attrib- Callahan a Heels uted to the lack of inflationary impli- Cal Can D 6 Ala cations seen in the silver proposals Sen Paelfio e bonds stuck to a steady css JMill I course while issues of lower rating 'ater Tract eased in sympathy with tendencies in eleneae erro da Pal Other markets ertaln-tee- d hea a Ohio Early pressure on stocks carried !hea TJ S Steel and Bethlehem Steel !hl a Corp N W among outstanding shares into mew hi OtitWaita S low ground for the year but the list do pfdf generally got fair support above re- npineau cent low points Ohryaler Steel Issaes Drop '!do jpfd - Losses of fractions to about 2 points Colum USB predominated at the finish among Comi Credit do pfd B such issues at U S Steel American Coml Solr Can- General Motors Allied Chem- Comwlth a So Case Con a ical Montgomery Ward J Ou Anaconda Copper Consolidated Gas Oil Text Santa Fe Pennsylvania and Standard §on Bek A Cont Oil of New Jersey do American Telephone ran Into tell- Oont Oont shu Dol ing suffering a net Jots of 2 8 Oont Oil Corn Fred on 'omission $2 of the quarpoints Ooty terly dividend on common stock of Crown Cork Its subsidiary the Illinois Bell Tele- rown Zeller Jruclbl Stl phone company following the recent Cuban-ABus unfavorable rata decision against the do pfdPub Curtla company was do A ena of the strong spots It sold at Deer a Co a new 1934 top helped by the an : nouncement the company had sold bonds to pay Domo Mmes $8000000 in long-terI Douglas Aire eft bank loam Silver shares steadied Du Pord Nl After their decline yesterday AmeriRod can Smelting U S Smelting and Eastman Auto L tin Cerro de Pasco closing pnly fraction- I 850 1021 1576 1009 1171 1126 1158 543 903 938 418 643 74 8 580 1137 960 235 611 439 398 1110 739 132 518 350 Salt Lake Mining New York Curb 759 786 NEW YORK Mir 33 AP— FoUowln 759 Wednetdir'i in hlih low and eloeinr prices 881 of bond! on the New York itock cxchinie 712 ind th totil nlci of neb bond Radio Radio Pfd B" RadioL Keith O Avtit Cjjrp Bald Loco oh 118 8 1050 M Si 14 S3 14 3 1131 S3 115 convinced markets that its inflation a Ref In ary possibilities were indefinite and All Auburn Auto 3-- 8 - SI 3S do B distant 663 670 664 765 871 438 440 436 509 392 1053 754 reseed Stl Car ’roc a Gamble ub Svo N J ft Pullman Pure Oil ft Purltr Bike II lilt Aneconde Anchor Cep Arm JU-J- admin-istratlon’- s 838 867 859 998 744 Wednesday Prev day Week ago Month ago Year ago 3 yrs ago 7 yrs ago High 1934 Low 1934 High 1933 Lqw 1933 High 1932 Low 1932 -- a Am- Uts 90 (1926 average equals 100) Am Beet Bus Am Can Am Cir At E Am Coml Alco For Pow Am o IS pfd Am Internet Am-- 20 20 Indus xkRrst NEW YORK Mir 31 (API— Following 1 s list of Wednesdays nock transactions on the New York itock exchange Unfavorable Trade News Has Adverse Effect on Securities Standard Co) Bond Averages New York fiONDS - British 8a 37 Bueno A 3d 64 6(1 Oct Fruit and hop Dried fruit! Bueno A 6 li at NEW YORK May 31 (API— — ((ready unchansed Canada 0 60 Chile M( Bk Hom—Unchanged l il 13 36 53100 6 81 ir Power & Light preferred 6 and 7 Issues UrePett fr Morris JttC COMMODITIES ' BONDS Salt Lake City member balt Lake itock rx change St |