Show t CHIEF DEFENDS Body Found in Sari Francisco Bay WORLD MONEY ‘ CATHOLIC BAN Identified as Son of Rich New Yorker PARLEY URGED SUMMER COLD LUNCH SAN FRANCISCO May 23 VPy--A "My wife urgently demanded thjt body found in the bay here JanuaVy the give his name and she 11 Mexican ' Gives was identified by fingerprint late Aas speaker Knox Says U S Should greeted by a sfrangq laugh today as that of Arne V Gandy III “ am Here I member of a wealthy New York famReasons Move piled up on pillows’ Call Conference to Alily as police attempted to trace a said another voice and then there mysterious telephone was strange hollow laughter and a Against Priests lay European Unrest call which bad informed the youth's confusion of voices over the teleparents he was about to undergo an phone NOGALES Arizi May 23 WV-T— “The caller did not say who the kid’ (Copyright 1934 hr Associated Press) operation campaign of civil authorities in SoThe body of the youth which sub- was but then he apparently turned — Colonel MOSCOW May 23 nora Mexico to Instill a rationalto someone else and remarked ‘When sequently had been buried in istic philosophy in the minds of its field was identified after his potters’ Frank Knox publisher bf the Chicago father do we operate doctor? citizens to supplant what he termed Arne V Gandy Jr a 'And then someone else answered Daily News today advocated the’sum-monin- g wealthy pub“Catholic fanaticism” was explained lisher associated with Barron Collier 'Right now' by the United States of an inin an address in Nogales Sonora had obtained his son’s ‘Again my wife denfanded the call- ternational conference for monetary fingerprints today by Professor Fernando F and Informed San Francisco police of er’s name and he said: The boy is stabilization as a step toward solving Dvorak director general of educa- the boy’s strange disappearance and a coming home now he's all right But the problem of Europe’s economic retion in the state weird early morning telephone call please forgive him Will ybu forgive covery Addressing the assembled profesGandy said his wife had been him?’ ” Recounting his impresslons In the sors of Nogales Sonora who ap- aroused at 4 a m last January 10 by Gandy who resides at Teaneck N course of a brief European tour he plauded him loudly Professor Dvor- the call J said at the time he considered the described the situation in Europe toak explained the educational pro- "My wife answered the matter a joke but when his son did day as “hairtrigger” gram an outgrowth of which waj the but did not awaken me” telephone “This hairtrigger condition obtaintold not communicate with him he inGandy of all Catholic expulsion priests from police here "Because of the diffi- formed police and obtained the boy’s ing in Europe might be used skilfully the state earlier this week’ to culty she had In hearing the strange fingerprints from the U S shipping by the American government “The state of Sonora” said voice and the static on the wire she bureau where young Gandy had been achieve an immediate stabilization of Dvorak "is seeking to make its peo- heard international exchange All Europe only bits of a strange conver- employed ple rely on themselves and hot on sation Less than a day after the strange is longing hungrily for the stabilizaprayers The reason rules all ac“The kid is here and for God's call from here the body of a youth tion of economic conditions and it is tions of men and the state is mere- sake forgive him and give him an- was found at pier 42 It was un- universally recognized here that th$ ly seeking to make its people realize other chance’ the mysterious voice clothed int showed evidence of hav-m- g fifst step to this end is the prompt adit Catholic fanatacism in Mexico pleaded been in the water for some time justment of currencies on a stable bahas retarded the country’s growth” sis in relation to each other he visited Mexihad the Explaining "A courageously launched and vigder government can state of Tabasco to study the auspices there Record Dvorak said the youth of Tabasco Girl Sets orously pressed campaign by America of rationalistic teaching un- - had to call an international conference “joined in the spirit of the state In IIop to Australia for Which is seeking to monetary stabilization would I improve their believe meet with the universal acstandard of living by making them Out PORT DARWIN Northern Austral- ceptance of Europe depend on themselves” ' Sonora” he said "is also “Since in the United States we ia May 23 (JP) — Petite Jean Batten trying have achieved a substantial stabilizaIt you can't afford to ut make you to improve the social status of its who refused to quit trying after tion of the domestic dollar it would a new suit for Eleven Dollars will clean people and has adopted its own proyour coat and vest and make you e gram patterned on that of Tabasco two failures today made a new avia- seem that this Is the natural next Pair of pants to match' then to mea- The risipg generations of Mexico tion record for women by complet- step sure for only Two Dollars: also a few must be made to see that the future ing a flight from England to Aus- “It should not be overlooked that uncalled-fo- r suits for only Flva Dol- of the country depends on them and tralia in 14 days 23 hours' and 25 because of the outcome of the London conference last year Europe is waitlars All our clothe are tailored by that the way to progress is through minutes The New Zealand girl ing for the United States to'take the Dnlon help and have Union labels theif intellectual conquest of everysewed In We guarantee everything we day obstacles” brought her old wooden moth plane initiative” which had been in use for nearly make regardless of price to give satis“BLIND” MAN PAYS FINE five years down at 3 p m local time faction or no money NEW YORK May 23 (UP) — Mike (1:30 a m eastern standard time) BELL TAILORS Bolrsik just took off his glasses to cut four and a half days off the tK South Main St Salt Lake City peeled $50 from a large roll of bills previous woman’s record set by Amy Ogden— 247S Washington Avenue and paid when fined for being a Johnson wife of Captain James A OPEN EVENINGS beggar Molllson Educator" A new puts very day— Just luncheon menu the refreshing thlnge to whet yourappetite -- for - Oft-noon- day uVC e he () Pre Ho Dress Event -- Country clubs and the smarter resorts require just such exclusive fashions as these rilglil f!en — of Employment It — a — Woman to Enter TT'S the details that tell the quality— 1 deep pleats wide hems faultless cut graceful lines Here are whites pastels stripes dots flower prints— all the latest successes many bought to sell for much morel £he larger woman will appreciate an unusually delightful selection In sizes to 44 Governor Race not-blin- d Josephine Roche Seeks Democratic Nomination in Colorado Owl Drug Stores Are Rexall Stores You gel what you ask for in an Owl Drug Store AIL ALL SPECIAL PRICES IN THIS AD ARE GOOD — At The OWL DRUG STORE In SALT LAKE CITY Thursday MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED-PLEAS- PETROLAGAR 84c MILK OF 23c Qt39c FOR POSTAGE ASPIRIN TABLETS IOO’i 29c SODA FOUNTAIN SASSAFRAS DARK SPECIAL Clean Large Pieces 'MAGNESIA PI ADD J0 E An appreciation of responsibility is reflected in the accuracy with which prescriptions are filled at the OwL You are safe when you take your prescription to the Owl because an Owl pharmacist has at his finger tips every ingredient to fill all prescription requirements $15Q Siza : - Saturday Friday Choice of Minced Ham or Any Cheese Sandwich with Potato Chips and Ice Tea Coffee or I oz Sc— 2 oz I7c Milk— 15c ENDERS SPEED RAZOR Ipana T Paste Listerine T Pebeco T Paste Dr West T Paste 2 for 33 Kolynos T Paste Milk of Magnesia All for 35c T-- Past 50c size Mennen’g Shaving ' Cream 33 35c size lAgram’s Shaving Cream 35c size Lifebuoy Shaving Cream 21 ' 40c size Owl Shav Cream 19 Borated Bay Rum 17 8-- oz t 5dc size Chamberlain’s 1 Lotion 50c : iergens’Loition 50c Hinds Lotion 35e Hinds Lotion Witch Hazel pint 50c 37' '21 j Kits or Colgate’s Barber Ba Soap 6 for Ivory Soap medium 3 for Creme Oil Soap $100 size Zonite 50c size Phillips' Milk Magnesia Battle Creek Psyllium Seed 1 lb $100 fiize Oval tine $120 size Sal Hepatica Dextri Maltose1 1 lb 25 17 5 97 35 24 75 97 65 Mr grain Cream $110 Size Lady Esther Face Powder $1 size Milkweed Cream 50c size Woodbury’s Creams 50c Java Face Powder i5 VALUES v LUCKY STRIKE CHESTERFIELD or OLD GOLD 4 P AUC CIGABETTES 2 for 290 Carton 20S 2139 6O0 SALT LAKE 794 634 574 734 79 35 43 bankers Bos M VAN DYCK ISM $375 6 Box of M for 25c 9200 25c Size AIIACIN TABLETS r jh (( ' " 'feWlf 15c 'OJ70 start at ’ Spoils7 Shop they're out for the smartest season in history! News Nellie Don Cottons ’d —COOL! 450 “American Golfer” is tli? famous new Dress The most talked of little sports frock of the 2 -- piece season! tailored in positively riotous plaids! Shlr-o-Shak- REAL ESTATE BOARD The Salt Lake Real Estate board will meet at luncheon at the chamber of commerce at 12:15 p m 650 Swim 'Suits introduce Ilalters and Little Bibs VTlA: WOMEN’S COUNCIL The Women’s Legislative council will meet at the chamber of commerce at 11 a m Alio ihorti tuck- - ini b I 1 Id id trap BEAUTICIANS Salt Lake beauty shop operators will meet at the chamber of commerce at 8 p m 1 0 and whatnot Raw Jant-ce- In marvi AMATEUR RADIO CLUB color choice priced only— 9 daytime frocks 9 garden office frocks resort frocks KIWANIS CLUB Blair Richardson and John E Jones will outline proposed development of the Great Salt lake to improve boating facilities at a luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis club at the Hotel Utah at 1215 p m i frocks travel frocks STr MARK’S NURSES Nurses of St Mark’s hospital will meet at the Newhouse hotel at 8 p m X ni a lout VETERANS’ AUXILIARY The Ladies’ auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will meet at the Newhouse hotel at 8 p m LINCOLN CLUB Tlie Lincoln Republican club will meet t the Hotel Utah at 8 p m JACKETS— Swagger tailored pique TIES BELTS CROPS— As low as Sportswear— Second Floor 7 Net or lace frilled and frou-froudress up your tailored suit amazingly And they’re cool GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scouts will meet at the chamber of commerce at 10 a m 29c 0t0 n' for Linen Suits BAND United States infantry regimental band of Fort Douglas will give a concert at the bandstand at Fort Douglas at 7:30 p m SHEET METAL MEN Sheet metal men will meet at the chamber of commerce at 8p m 47e U)0 New Net Blouses Thirty-eight- h 2ViIb Bat SHAMPOO q UP) en- Hie Utah Amateur Radio club will hold a meeting at the chamber of commerce at 815 p m Size SHIRTS— Mannish tailored broadcloth with conventional '1 ’QQ lopg sleeves SHIRTS— Cool rayon pique with Short sleeves Pretty QQ light colors BREECHES— Cotton and wool whipcord all the best colors O OQ Prices start at JODHPURS--Itan brown green 01 - black up to 1085 and O 4TO as low as ' VESTS— Brilliant pique INFANTRY The Second Floor Picturesque jaunty easy to wear! Our wide varieties are famous! corn-part- 394 MAR-O-O- IL for 40c 5 May '23 a mining 17 SOAP CIGAR DEPT ? 35 r TODAY JN VIRGIN 25 Calif gineer was killed and his assistant Paul Turnboat 32 escaped death when the roof of a mine caved in here today Rooney was employed as superin-tendey nf the California Silica mine here He and Turnboat had blasted pillars from the shaft Returning after an explosion the men were hurled back' by the cavein which produced a tremendous 15 79 $100 size Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic 70c size Vaseline Hair Tonic 75c size Lady Esther ’ BRENTWOOD — Alton D Rooney 25 1000 Dresses Mine Engineer Killed In Cavein Aide Escapes n CASTILE Barbasol Shaving’ Williams 34 Glycerine 3 oz Senna Leaves 3 oz Sodium Perborate flavored 4 oz Saccharine Tablets Coca-Almon- 29 33 17 Listerine Lifebuoy Soap Palmolive Soap 2 for 9 Lux Soap 3 for 19 Woodbury Soap 3 for 25 Camay Soap 3 for 14 17 23 9 17 17 PJt Bathing Epsom Saits 5 lbs 194 29 5g 3 for 17 14-o- z Prep for shaving Palmolive Shav Cream 35o size 39 33 21 P19 and 3 Blades Soda Bicarb 1 lb Epsom Salts H lb Peroxide pint Ameroil (Mineral Oil) DENVER Colo May 23 (IP)— Miss Josephine Roche of Denver widely knowh for her activities in social and labor circles in Colorado announced in Washington today she will be a candidate for governor of Colorado on the Democratic ticket' Her decision to seek the nomina-tlo- n in the September primaries was revealed in a telegram she sent here to James A Marsh Democratic state chairman Miss Roche is the first woman to seek the governorship in Colorado at least in recent years She is president of the Rocky Mountain Fuel company here and has been visiting (in Washington several days Yesterday she was a guest at the White House Her announcement confuted new interest in the Colorado political situation Speculation has been raised as to whether former Governor William H Adams might consider running again He served three terms but was not candidate in the last election Adams has not said definitely whether he will be a candidate Governor Ed G'Johnson definitely has declared he will aeek renomi-natio- n Both he and Adams are Democrats Sportswear —Seqond Floor Diagonal Btrlpes shJrtlng eN fects and' plaids share honors with breezy little dotted sheers and sprigged muslins Daring low necklines or print little high ones Materials strictly superior and the dresses have that V LCC and fit! MissesT 12 Women’s Large 44 look Wash Frocks— Second Floor to 29 38-4- to 5 |