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LEADER EADERSURGE Intricacies of Harriman Bank Trial Digest Ballot In East Leans DENIES PLAB ' TO FILIBUSTER11 Apparently Nonplus Peggy Joyce SWEEPING NEW NEW YORK May d Hopkins Joyce— dressed in suit and wearing an orchid-pla- yed a new role today that oT a witness against Joseph W Harriman charged with falsifying records of the closed Harriman National bank Accompanied by a maid and a lawplatinum yer the blonde was called’ to testify she had 23-A- To Roosevelt DEALCHANGES gray-tailore- gray-haire- d May 23 — Seven of teg eastern cities have thus far indorsed policies of the Roosevelt administration m the nation-wide strkw ballot of the Literary Djgest figures made public tonight revealed The incomplete returns in these cities in answer to the question Dou you approve on the whole of the acts and policies of Roosevelt’s first j ear?" follow: Yes No 12612 7011 Philadelphia 4928 1692 Pittsburgh 237 249 Montclair N J 146 Jersey City N J 274 3981 4337 Boston 56 56 Plymouth Mass 1199 Providence R I 1698 lS3 140 Newport R I 541 250 Bridgeport Cn 81 63 Greenwich Cn NEW’ YORK 'McNary Scouts Rumors of GOP Tirade to Delay Tariff Bill jabor Consumers’ Boards Jobless Insurance Urged by Group much-marrie- (Continued from Pan One) WASHINGTON May 23 that certain senators were try- e ample the natural resource ing to organize a filibuster to prefabric of tries on which the reached bill vent a vote on the tariff N industry depends " the ears of senate Democratic leaders Among the signers besides Villard anlate today and they immediately were Harry Elmer Barnes educator to were bring nounced they prepared Bruce Bliven editor Senator Bron“pressure” to bear with longer ses-son Cutting of New Mexico Profestrtie aions if this were sor Jerome Davis of Yale ProfesSenator Robinson of Arkansas the sor John Dewey Dorothy Canfield told newspapermajority chieftain Fisher author John Haynes Holmes week a of men at the conclusion minister Senator E P Costigan of in end no with of general debate Colorado Fannie Hurst author sight: Henry Goddard Leach author Bishme that reached "A rumor has op Francis J McConnell David Muz-zeto are one or two senators trying 14805 Total 23899 historian Rabbi Stephen S Wise perfect an organization for a filibus T Devine author Edward will it think to ter but I’m inclined 1 T be averted WASHINGTON May 23 (iP— Amid TOLEDO-PLAN"In any event developments in renewed disputation over Clarence the next day or two will decide Darrow’s biting criticism of N R A whether there is a filibusjer planned the veteran Chicago lawyer paid friendly visit to the office of Hugh McNary Denies Plan S Johnson and the two went for an Senator McNary of Oregon the automobile ride Republican leader denied any memThere was DO comment from either bers on his side were involved the head of the review board - or "None of ogr fellows Is planning from man at whom he had diany filibuster” he said "They wiujBuIlets Fly Stones Hurled rected the his report of the flaws he be perfectly content to vote when said he had found in the recovery they have finished the speeches they agency The call was described as have planned” social Senator Harrison (D Miss ) in Meanwhile in the wake of the Charge of the bill sounded out the Darrow report there were rising on to limit on an agreement opposition Capitol lull speeches in defense of debate McNary said he knew of only N R-and demands that congress four more speeches for hi side and following the closing of 'two small until they were made he preferred mines as a result of a march on stay in session until “abuses” by the not to agree on a limitation He as- - them Tuesday by unemployed deep administration had been corrected The day’s developments included: sured Harrison there was no inten- - pit miners Operators were awaiting Senator Wagner (D N Y ) one tion unduly to delay the bill the results of a wage conference at of the authors of the Industrial reMost of today's debate centered Kansas City Mo covery act replied from the senate around a demand by Senator Hat floor to Darrow’s statement monopfield (R W Va ) that the state de- - TOLEDO Ohio May 23 (AFT— and a planned economy entailf oly furnish the senate a copy tant General Frank D Henderson a trade agreement negotiated with night ordered 700 Ohio national ing “socialized ownership" Wagner Colombia m anticipation he claim- - guardsmen into Toledo to patrol the said it was to“not necessary or desir able for us go this far we are not ed of passage of the tariff bargain- - area around the Electric Auto-Litthis far ” going workers 1500 where Plant bill company ing are held prisoners by 3000 strikers The labor advisory board of N State Department Willing A signed unanimously a statement William Democratic leaders objected to the drafted by its member Henderson’s before General shortly resolution and Harrison announced order set Green president of the American guards company just before debate ended that the upmachln e gtins and trained them on Federation of Labor that the DarState department would steel gate which the noting strikers row report “pandered to the worst to sending the agreement to the sen-element In our political and economic d torn Irom lt3 hln life if its members are not conscious ate it Colombia consented He sa d A new shl ent 0l tear gas of these facts they are vlctima the department had asked th South 9 o’clock tonight and at recelved American republic if it had any ob- and deuptles lmme1ately be- - arch stupidity and have to forfeited function their right to continue lection bombs into the crowd as a government agency he gan firing the HarrUon a d d e id however were athlzers shots Sveral a leadSenator Nye (R N "D thought it would be better to with- ’ hold the pact until after the tariff ing congressional critic of theyappl Conclllator Arrlve cation of N R A codes to little busibill passed ness told the senate that “it seems In a long speech against the tariff At 9 30 o’clock E H Dunnugaji ard conciliator was taken into to me to be an obligation upon us Hatfield offered a resolu- tion demanding the state department the plant in a police car tears stream-sen- as a congress to decline to leave un a copy of the Colombia agree- - mg down his face from the effects of til assured these Infamous abuses will be eliminated” ment to the senate and said he had the gas bombs He said he had to believe the agreement was cussed a truce with labor leaders and Nye Gives Notice negotiated “to protect American pe- - wanted to talk with company off! He referred to his allegations that cials troleum and fruit interests with large the recovery admihistration fostered Among the casualties incident to holdings in Colombia” to file detriment of small the rock and firing during monopoly throwing Senator Vandenberg (Rep Mich) business was the Miss Chella imevening suggested that Hatfield press for Nye served notice on the senate consideration of his resolu- - n factory telephone operator who that he would daily have something arm a was in struck the by stray tion but Democratic Leader Robinson to on the subject although he say i patrol-Tfof them three Six Bet persons he could nottonjent to it this was “without any desaid that for at men been ha1 treated hospitals TmnrAMr sire to engage In a filibuster” ‘ “It seems improper to me” he as- The White House withheld direct comment on the controversy aerted ddln he undeMtdod the nr wln Meanwhile at an N R A code hearing on the cotton garment Industry Sidney Hillman labor leader was contending that the Darrow review and disboard Was “scandalously as a itself gracefully” lending mouthpiece for sweatshop operators It will be” Hillman said “the greatest disservice to the country if this board permits sweatshoppers irooiv thv (hint tinned to bombard windows with to use it to stir sentiment against the the senate would approve If they TotekeUence t hrewthmu N R A and does not permit labor to and develop the facts” us see dice let to the load 'emrfcd going k-o the crowd Amid all the criticism of N R A when they fall— give us a chance it’s8U®back Doo'1 word came from the White House like a doctor pouring medicine down an beavily gua - that the our throats and not letting us know were barrieaded president favored making office and ed operators Telephone one of the adjuncts that has grown what we've eot" workers also held in the building out of the agency Into a permanent Denies Agreemenu took to cover as rocks came crashing institution Chairman Walsh of the Senator King (Dem Utah) said wjn(j0WS- - All lights were senate labor committee left the White Secretary Hull had informed the out the maln buUdlng House saying the president had asked finance committee that no trade Brlgadier General L S ConeUy that the Wagner labor board bill be agreements had been entered Into in Lnd Colonel E w Fuhr observers for at this session advance of the granting of power to the natlonai guard( remained in the passed Shortly after this word went to the president to negotiate them-- said the day They the it was reported that the factory during Declaring the bill- - was an acl 01 the situation was out of control after bill capital would be brought out of comdeflation and depression and another ou ersons had and injured mittee for action by the senate withobstacle to recovery" Hatfield aidtek hospitals in a few days The bill would make the state department had refused to permanent the general plan of the indicate the articles Involved In the 23 MINNEAP0LIS labot board as' an instrument for setMay but that he had an idea wlal tension 0j a temporary truce in the tling labor controversies they were drivers’ strike was agreed upon Mr Roosevelt has remained aloof reason to believe he said truck t0 n ght t a st Pauj conference with from the dispute over the Darrow reciprocal trade Flo d B Olson by repre-treat- report although both this report and was made to protect Amen-f the stnkers who reced the equally lengthy N R A reply t u can petroleum and fruit interests With d their demands for immediate were dumped on his desk large holdings in Colombia from the demobilization of the national guard He was represented at the White payment of export taxes on petrolUnder terms of the truce which House today as feeling that the N R eum and fruits which these interests would have toA would undergo changes gradually expired at 9 O’clock ship into American markets using night no commercial trucks save particularly with a view to adjustforeign labor” those previously agreed upon will ing difficulties experienced by little move for another 24 hours and the business under the codes Ditch Directors Confer strikers pledged Governor Olson their cooperation in averting a resumption Court Delays Action On Water Asylum of violence and rioting which cost Stain one life and caused Injuries to 10C On Rehearing BLACKFOOT Idaho — Grove City men and women since Saturday Ditch company directors met with Accept Decision The atate supreme court took no Commissioner of Public Welfare before the armistice exten- action Wednesday on the motion of Shortly R Charles Lowe Lewis Williams Dr sion was agreed upon the employers Charles A Stain claimant to the of head of the state asylum at Blackfoot announced they had signed and ac- flee of state treasurer for a rehearfor consideration of the contract cepted the regional laboy board’s de- ing in the quo warranto proceedings which the ditch company has with the cision to end the strike designed recently decided by the court in faasylum for delivery of water A mass meeting of unionists in the vor of Enos Hoge appointed to tfie The situation was presented to the however rejected office by Governor Henry H Blood grounds state officials by Attorney John W parade recommendations for a Governor Blood Wednesday acthe group’s Jones and ditch company members settlement knowledged receipt of a letter from Both Commissioner Williams and Dr The national guard three regiments A Edsel Christensen state treasurer Lowe agreed immediate steps would of which had been called out to in he announced his resignabe taken to deliver the full amount order in connection with the keep tion'which but the governor did not formalhuge of water du6 the company When this The matmeeting) were billeted out of sight in ly accept the resignation is done the directors feel they will ter has been referred to Attorney near the downtown area have some water to loan to their less buildings General Chez for his opinion fortunate neighbors SAN FRANCISCO May 23 P) V The Pacific coast strike of shipping O K’S NIGHT LIFE AT 112 workers spread today with some 1200 CHICAGO May 23 v (7— Early to Only 50 Pay Dog Tax additional men joining the walkout rise may be necessary for good health Poundmaster Reveals as President Roosevelt’s mediation says Miss Margaret Gorman 102 board awaited the arrival here of Jo- years old— but not early to bed “I 50 per- seph P Ryan president of the Inter- get up every morning at 730 o’clock” POCATELLO Idaho-O- nly sons have paid the tax on their dogs national Longshoremen's association she says "and frequently stay up late said Jarvis Henderson poundmaster who will be asked to sit In on con- at night” Miss Gorman a native of The tax $3 for males ferences to end the deadlock Ireland recently observed her 102nd Wednesday Official notice of a walkoyt involvand $5 for females was due May 1 birthday anniversary 1000 men was the on served shipbut 30 days was allowed in which ing to obtain the tags After June 1 Mr pers here by spokesmen for the mas- shorter hours Is estimated at 'more No mates 90 than 25000 Of this number about ters and local pilots Henderson will begin picking up all are longshoremen and the others Licenses may and at San Pedro W P Patterson VN animals not licensed marine engineer president of the local unit of the include seamen by obtained at the police station Last year the owners of dogs pur- L A announced that 200 ship scalers cooks stewards firemen and water chased about 150 licenses which in the Los Angeles harbor shipyards tenders and the masters mates and had gone on strike pilotSi brought $563 to the city The total number of men involved The latest strike order affects union Mrs William H Murray wife of in the strike which began May 9 captains mates and pilots on all deep Oklahoma's governor is descended after a deadlock over questions of water coastwise and intercoastal vesfrom Indian leaders union recognition higher wagba and sels but excludes ferryboat officers 1 Indus-whol- y STRIKERS RIOT - Adju-partmeto-o- e L d n John-media- te hul-aai- d rel!d e tl-- ten ikf" y low-pai- d for for wo ToffiCtrf- - uie bank to charge her account $34375 in April 1932 for the purchase of Harriman bank stock Miss Joyce whose appearance in divorce courts have been frequent seemed a bit puzzled by the procedure A clerk had to show her the way to the witness stand She paused before responding as he swore her in Then she flashed him a beaming New L D S Mission Head Constance Talmadge the smile Leaves to Take Up Work who preceded Miss movie actress Joyce as a witness a few days ago had walked directly to the stands James M Kirkham recently ap’Did you ever-buany Harriman pointed president Of the East Central bank stock’” asked Assistant United statex irt&sion of thiLTU’ ST enure fi wd?sAttorney’ Leo C Fennelly Louisville left for Ky Wednesday “No" replied Miss Joyce fidgeting with her gloves m a voice that was night accompanied by Charles A almost inaudible “Was your account in the name of "It must have" she said Marguerite Upton and was that your "What’" exclamied Fennelly maiden name?" Fennelly asked “I don't know what you mean” she “Yes” she said identifying her said After he had explained his quessignature “Did that $34375 appear on your tion she replied with a hurjried “No no ” bank statement for April 1932’” y Call Is a member of the council of the twelve apostles and a former' pres i dent of the mission Mr Callis will Install Mr Kirkham as president of the mission succeed- N -- iagMilc£i W2T'"T:' meet them at Louisville and will accompany them on a tour of the five states included In the mission ia West Virginia North Carolina Vir-gin- Kentucky and Tennessee ' Mr Callis will return to Salt Lake in about three weeks Mrs Kirkham and her son Ehnoin Kirkham will leave by automobile on June 5 to make their home with Mr Kirkham in Louisville i |