Show 15 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING MAY 24 1834 'CITY TRACK MEET FIXED FOR SATURDAY Gougars A:ggie Tracksters LeaYe for Gonf erencc M eet in Denver MASS-EVENT- - MARKSRATE Yankees Take' Terrific THREE UPPER Lacing From White Sox CRUST CLUBS FORPOINTS New York YanCHICAGO May 23 (AP)— The league-leadikees suffered their fourth straight defeat and their sixth in seven western games as the Chicago White Sox cut loose with an it series today By MARLOWE BRANAGAN attack for a 14 to 2 victory in the first of a three-gam- e Lee Simmons Bert Ballard and Ma- ‘ The White Sox collected 13 hits' jor Garff track coaches at East 'West and South respectively met Wednes- including home runs by Manager A1 Sim Nsw York day evening and drew up final plans Jimmy Dykes Ted Lyons and for the track meet which wfll mo ns off Charlie Ruffing before the Cleveland in retired theeighth Detroit be held Saturday in the University big righthander of Utah stadium The meet will start in favor of Jimmie Deshong They 8t Louis continued to pound Deshong and be- Boston at 2 p m Philadelphia Coach Simmons announced Wed- fore the last man was retired in the Chicago nesday evening that marks made last eighth sent seven runs across the plate Wednesday’s Reialls week in the mass participation meet The defeat was Ruffing’s first after Ne York 3 Chicago 14 11 Detroit 3 will count along with those made five victories although it was the Philadelphia 1 Cleveland 5 starts that Boston Saturday in determining the city third timetoin his last four Washington 2 Bt Louis ( finish He was free with school track championship West won he failed Tharsdsy's Rchedalo the mass meet counting 388 points passes walking aiK but staved off aPhlladelphla at Detroit ng YANKEE GIRLS Carries Title Hopes -Of Western RM Division TAKEMATCHES ' t Leaders Lose Sixth of Seven in West Rally Helps Grove Macks Browns Win Twelve Numbers on Program Officials Named to Conduct Carnival Bests Bucs Utes Entrain Thursday Armstrong Helen Jacobs Leads Group Route to Conference Meeting to Victory in First TAKE DEFEAT "Round at Paris Pirates Cubs Cards Fall Giants Braves Robins ' 4? Erf By BOB GOODELL Utah Aggie track teams left Utah Wednesday hound for Denver and the annual Rocky Mountain conference track meet Both squads are traveling by bus while aggregation with Assistant Coach Fete Couch and Trainer Einar Nielsen will leave Salt Lake Thursday at 6:30 p m via the Union B Y U and PARIS May 23 OP)— Led by Helen Jacobs United States champion and Make Headway Utah’s-18-maWightman cup captain American women tennis players today awept easily through first round matches in the French hard court championships i as a warmup for an unofficial team Pacific series against France tomorrow— Marshall faculty representative and hammer throw and even In that there is an outside possibility In the high With only Miss Jacobs facing forTheron S Parmelee depart- and low hurdles and the run midable opposition the five Ameri- Manager ’ can women won in streight sets with ed Wednesday to arrive In Denver B Y U is exceptionally powerful of for sessions Utah also is highly rated and is Thursday's opening the total loss of only 17 games certain to be one of the four leaders Miss Jacobs was opposed by the the Rocky Mountain conference The conference sessions upon In Captain Herman Goldstein sprintWednesday's Remits Englishwoman Mrs A experienced l which Chicago 3 New York 5 the fate of the er Ed Jeppson ace Jack depend M Yorke but she merely loafed St Louis 3 Brooklyn 5 Rocky Mountain conference Thomley javelin thrower snd Harry Boston 0 to victory Pittsburgh through playing utmost Cincinnati 3 Philadelphia 3 the this are of Ostler husky weight man Coach Ike Importance mostly from the base line Alice Marble defeated Mrs Morel spring Final decision on the possible Armstrong has a quartet of outstandThursday’ Schedule innings with New York at Chicago East was second with 358 and South disaster in the-t£- r' a or formation of St Louis at Brooklyn "Big Eight” "Big ing point getters Deville of France Carolin Washington at St Louis his strikeout ball He fahned eight finished third with 347 points Pittsburgh at Boston Boiton at Cleveland Utah Aggies have no rating as title Babcock eliminated Daisy Speranza Six” conference among the larger Chicago at New York Five points will be awarded for Lyons went the route for the Sox is made will and be it prob- contenders but are decidedly powerCincinnati at Philadelphia of France Josephine Cruick-shan- schools first place in any event in Saturday’s holding the Yankees to six hits in1935 able the football schedule ful in lome events snd in Eddie Pethat defeated Susanne Barbier of BOSTON May 23 UP)— Fred Frank-housmeet Second place winners will get cluding a homer by Tony Lazzeri terson freshman shotput king and 6 2 and Sarah Palfrey will be draw nup France r three points and third place finish- The triumph was the Sox’ fifth in the Braves' ace e Preliminaries of the track meet will Louis Roberts aee have two Marty McManuo successor to Rab- won from Jacqueline Horner French seven games with eastern clubs and ers one point fitake with afternoon to contenders five hard and held the whose lor first places place Friday Pirates Maranville bit strong Pittsburgh timely titleholder 13 junior games since Dykes The list of officials selected by the their seventh in Hack Davies of Utah who won the hits today as the Tribesmen took hitting Wednesday enabled the Braves Of America’s three representatives nals Saturday three coaches follows: Vadal feter-so- assumed the managership B Y U with an impressive vic- javelin event in last year's conference to whip the Pirates and restrain the In men's singles only Wilmer Hines NEW YORK CHICAOO series the opener referee and starter Lisle Smith Marly in western division competition meet Carl Simmons Utah Aggies BH O At BHOA Pittsburghers frsm increasing their former University of North Carolina tory 3 3 0 O'Swanson announcer Ray Forsberg and Bryan Combs cf rf 5 3 5 0 Tfld 'Bill Ufbanski each got star was able to win He defeated to its credit goes to Denver the prime who captured the discus and George figures 3 14 0 Rolfs Patterson judges of finish imatgtr (two Ruth favorite to captur&conference honors Gourley of B Y U who tied lor 4 13 OIBonura If homers and their bats drove in all of S3 10 0 lb the unranked Frenchman Robert others to be named) C Oren Wilson Gehrig lb 4 1ft 0 Simmons U 4 3 4 0 Twenty-eigh- t men every one a pos- first with Riddell of Colorado Aggies AL BROWN SUSPENDED 64 the Boston runs 5 4 13 rf 3 0 5 OiAppHng m Ralph Backman and Charles Welch Chapman sible point winner made up the Cou- and Slovak of Colorado U are the Laezerl 3b 4 11 OIDykes 3b 0 3 0 3 a Cam23 of French The PARIS student seaIn the his sixth of (UP)— Culley win Henry May gaining timers Bob Crawford Floyd Rom- Dickey c 4 0 0 4 ft ft OIBoken 2b of gar squad which departed Wednes- only defending champions from Utah son Frankhouse had the unusual ex- Boxing Federation today suspended bridge and William Robertson 4 13 0 c ney Paddy Davis Roy McIntyre A Heffner p2b 33 ft110 2llMadjeski ft 3 0 4 By JOHN LARDNEB Cal collided with two day morning In Hugh Cannon Pete sohools Three of the four members Lyons p of neither issuing a pass nor A1 Brown of Panama world's bantam Pasadena perience Jensen Clinton Larson McKinley Os- Ruffing II 0 0 0 Wilson LaMar Taylor George Gour-le- y of Utah’s 1933 winning relay team Deshong p (Special to The Tribune) fanning a single Pirate He forced champion until September 1 as a re- rising young German Davis cup playwald and Waldo Osmond judges of and George Ashby Coach Ott again wiU be on hand Totals 42 13 27 10 32 4 34 5 lost Totals eliminated and 1934) were ers 17 of for the to tunes Pirates sult out (Copyright holding Culley disqualification ground field events Marlowe Branagan scor- New York 001 001 000— 2 NEW YORK May 23— The cops of and drive 10 flies to his outfielders after three warnings in a bout with to H Tuscher 64 64 and Robert- Romney has five outstanding bidders 010 022 27x— 14 er The University of Utah physical Chicago CHOCOLATE IAUL DRAW for first places and host of lesser PITTSBURGH BOSTON Runs batted in— Ruth Las- - Paris were on top of Francois Vilthe French fighter Humery last son to H Denker education department will provide a icrlSummary: BHOAl Bonura Bimmona 2 Appling 4 Dykes lon all the time with the result that are BHOA the ANGELES-M- ay of LOS 23 UP)Z lights capable 5000 scoring week He also francs was fined L WancV el 4 0 I O'Urbanskl aa 0 3 1 0 clerk of the course and four students 3 MadJeski Lyons 3 Errors— Chapman second third fourth snd Kid Chocolate Cuban bonbon and t) S POLOJSTS BEATEN 0 1 10 0 lb hits— Bonura Appling his poetic output was not as bulky P Waner rl 4 31 2 OaJordan of Westminster college to be hamed Heffner O'Lee 3 Three-base 4 If SHOT GOES PAR 0 if hit— Combs as it 10 0 LONDON May 23 (IP)— A Ranleagh fifth place counters Lyons Dykes Scoring in the Tommy Paul Buffalo former N B might have been'- Whenever Ltndstrom 4 0 2 3'Beraer 4 12 0 Vauahn as cf by Coach Bryan Peterson will act Homo runs — Larseri Simmons Dykes Ly- Francois Iron bell the amaa-lTosslns the team receiving 4 2 goala by conference meet is on a five four A featherweight champion tonight 4 0 0 UMoore ons 4 13 0 got set to bat out an imper- 3uhr lb Stolen bases— Ruth Swanson Sacri05 feet 1)4 Inches 11 the polo rl of distance as inspectors fice hit— Haas Double play— Boken to ApTraynor 3b 3 0 1 SiMcManua 2b 4 3 13 draw although handicap today defeated the invad- three two one basis of Jack Torrance fought to a Times of the various events follow: pling to Bonura Bases on balls— Ruffing ishable lyric the cops would pick him Lavaaetto 2b 3 1 4 llOyselman 3b 4 0 0 1 achievement athlete of Louisiana State It is said that ing American Aurora four 8 goala B Y U has an excellent chance of the Havana negro had tha' edge oa 2 Lyons 3 4 3 0 0 hie 3 14 OSpohrer c a p m— Struck out— Ruffing up in connection with a missing wal- Grace c a as are possibilities high hurdles shot put 6ft Deshong 1 0 0 0 Frankhouse p 4 to 5 0 "scoring in every event except the Paul daring most of the bout Lyons 1 Jilts—Ruffing 13 In 1 (none let or a broken window or a suit- Melne P Vole vault 0 0 out in eighth) Deshong ft In 1 Passed ball sJensen 2 is p m— '10 dish case ihat disappeared in the other Hoyt p 0 0 0 ) a 25 p m— Mile sun —Dickey Losing pitcher— Ruffins " end of town a couple of years bep m— Discus and high lump 37 12 27 14 33 5 34 S Totals 2 40 p m— relay fore ‘Stone walls can do a fair job Totali Gives Grove xBatted for Meine in eighth 2 55 p m — dash Rally OOO 005 001—1 3 00 p m— Javelin and broad of an artist’s Mr Pittsburgh cramping lump product OOO 007 13x—6 3 10 p m— low hurdles Lovelace to the contrary notwith- Boston 3 25 p m— Bummary: Runs batted in — Vaughn Victory Over Injuns dash Twu-u3 McManus 3 niis—P 3 35 p m— run CLEVELAND Ohio May 23 UPh-T- he standing Waner 3 Llndatrom Berger Spohrer Er3 45 p m— Mile relay Thrse-bss- e rors— lavagctto McManus hit 335 p m— relay Boston Red Sox stepped Into the In this lense you mirht de- —Jordan Home runs — McManus Urban-sDouble plays— Suhr to Vaughn to middle of an incipient Cleveland winscribe of the camps Barney Suhr Urbanskl to McManus to Jordan MEDALISTS ANNEX ning streak today and defeated the Boss and fight Meins Struck out— Meine Jimmy McLarnln aa BassHoyton bails— Indians 7 to 5 Boston scored three Hits— Meine 0 in 7 Hoyt 3 in dungeons They imprison a pair FEATURE BATTLES runs in the ninth inning to do it Losing ptcher— Meine of artistie who would bo The Indians were leading 5 to 4 aurefire on souli sensational Broadway Schumacher Steady (Continued From Precedlns Page) when the final inning started havin radio terrific In vaudeville 10 hits for Grove battered ing Lefty F R Mrs of winner the and panics In the legit Both boys against the Giants Upset Cubs Taylor-Mr- s Fern Reasick match Mrs Singles by Bishop Grove and Mor- according to advices from their NEW YORK May 23 (P)— Timely F T Reynolds against Mrs C L Mar-cro- gan and a double by Cissell brought camps can gag like Cantor dance behind the effective pitching Mrs S P Dobbs against Mrs in the three runs which clinched the like Freddy Astaire and hitting alng for Boston F O Woodbury and Mrs C Colombe game BOSTON like the late Caruso of Hal Schumacher gave the New CLEVELAND It doesn’t take a visitor long to York Giants a 5 to 2 decision over B HO A against Mrs Charles Link BH O A 4 3 1 SlHoHand 4 0 2 0 beebme awdre of the rf In first flight of the handicap cham- Cissell tragedy that the Chicago Cubs and Guy Bush toWerber 3b 5 0 1 l'Porter rl 10 10 Mrs will Vern Greenwood lurks behind McLamin’s calm counpionship Morgen lb 0 3 7 OIKnicker-Johnsonlt 0 2 I 01’ bocker as 5 112 tenance and Ross’ sinister pan They day clash with Mrs J W Daley and Mrs The defeat was Bush’s first of the 4 2 3 0 cl i 1 I 01 Averlll cf Bill Gordon with Mrs W W Allen Reynolds 11 2 11 OlVosmlk Bolters 4 1 3 rf spar and skip rope and punch the season after winning seven straight Cooke rf 0 0 0 OlHalc 2b 4 2 2 2 light bag and look happy Then as games He allowed 4 0 6 OITrosicy 4 2 12 0 lb only eight blows In the novice class the victory Ferrell as c 1 Pytlak c 4 15 1 you watch one of them an assistant as 10 0 olKamm Lsry compared to 10 off Schumacher f Miss Butcher ever Miss Kel2b 3b 4 10 3 rubber comes up gets a half Nelson Bishop the world but bunched 4 2 0 HHarder 3 0 0 3 champions p ler featured the play The others Orove p Hildebrand p 0 0 6 6 on your ear and hisses: their blows whs entered the second ronnd IzMoore 10 0 0 “Jimmy would gool them In radio CHICAGO NEW YORK are Mrs L C Brooks Mrs W BHOAl BHOA 30 12 27 SI Total 30 10 27 12 He’s got a tenor voice like peaches Total 4 3 2 0 3b 5 10 2'Moore K Koch Mrs G L Stevenson if English iBatted lor Hildebrand in ninth in spring” 4 112Cnts 4 0 3 5 Galan 2b 2b Boston 100 101 013—7 Mrs Ksy Tilt Miss Alice MurKlenn rf 3 0 3 0 Terry 3 110 1 lb 110 100 002—5 Cleveland 4 2 3 OlOtt rf 0 0 Cuyler rf phy Mrs F M Browning and 'You should see Ross move his feet 3tainback If 4 1 1 OJackson as 34 3112 Bummary: Run batted In— Morgan 2 CIS-- ’ sell R Johnson Bolters Ferrell Trosky 2 Miss Julia Brlxen 4 He’s the greatest hoofer since this Grimm lb 11 0 Watkins 4 3 5 0 cf Vosmik Errors— Hale Pytlak Lary 4 13 4 Ryan 3b 4 0 0 2 Juries Hale Pavlowa sprained hef a'nkle” Kamm 4 0 4 llMancuso Tate c Miss Isabel young University of Knickerbocker 3 0 5 0 c hits — Morgan R Johnson Hale Trosky The 3 1 0 2 3cbumacherp Bush p 10 12 adjectival phrase "good Three-baBolters Averlll Utah golf student who carded a 100 Reynolds Pytlak 1 kP 0 Herman hit— Hale Home runs — R Johnson enough to go on the stage” used Joiner p In the qualifying round for the novice 0 0 0 0 Stolen base— Hale Sacrifice hit— Trosky to flatter most fighters John 1 1 0 ol Phelps to championship Tuesday asked to be Cissell Double plays— Harder to Pytlak — Vosmik to Hale Jim Jeffries and several Bases on balls 11 5 27 13 35 10 24 111 Tots Is withdrawn from the tournament be- Trosky Totals Harder 1 Struck out—Harder I Hildewent on the xBatted (or Bush in seventh cause she misunderstood the rules brand 1 Orove 3 Hits—Harder 10 In 8 other champions xxBatted lor Joiner in ninth 3 In 1 out In without stage 'none Hildebrand ninth) being anywhere 000 043 040—2 outlining the qualifications for entry Wild pitch— Harder Losing pitcher— Harnear good enough But this sort Chicago New York 210 Oil 00x— 5 Into the class der o In— Ott 2 Runs batted Bummary: of doesn’t talk do to the justice Miss Critchlow undoubtedly one bf Galan Stainback Watkins Error— of talents McLarnin e 2 Ross and hits— Ott Watkins the most promising young feminine Nat Pitchers Look Jurges hit — Jackson Phelps Three-bas- e They are the kind of gnys that English golfers in the city could have made F Herman Home run— Ott Stolen base would on and the — become go atage Moore Double a good showing even in the regular Aliks to Brownies Sacrifice — Jackson Oalan to plays— Ryan to Crlta to Terry famous If only their managers championship in spite of the fact that ST LOUIS Bush Jurges to Grimm Bases on balls— big May 23 WV-W-ith would let them 2 she is only a beginner Struck out— Bush 3 Schumacher 1 Unless we most of 4 the 7 0 Bush in Joiner Ray Behumscher Hit— supplying Pepper McLarnin milcould a make “Say miss our guess she will be heard 1 in 2 Wild Schumacher Losing Am- lion on Broadway and in the sticks” pitcher—Bush pitch— from in other feminine meets this punch the Browns humbled the erican league champion was Washington informed an of admirer season by Senators 6 to 2 in the series opener Jimmy’s tenor pipes “His manager Hack Wilson’s Homer Mrs Ernest Halverson of the today is a sucker to keep him fighting” The Browns made short spirited eonrse scored Timpanogas a Overthrows Cardinals work of their one time teammate birdie on Na 8 BROOKLYN May 23 UP) — Hack Southpaw Walter Stewart driving Wilson's home run with Linus Frey him from the mound In the second on bases provided the Brooklyn Dodg' Three Washington hurlers inning 1 era with the margin of Victory in Russell McColl and Prim followed 5 to 3 victory over the St Louis him to the mound WASHINGTON Cardinals today BT LOUIS By JOE GLASS B HO A BHOA 4 1 I 3 CUft3b 4 13 0 The golf beginner usually worries The Dodgers collected 13 hits off Myerlb 5 3 b HWestcf KuheMb 3 12 1 about his straight-faceirons par- Jim Mooney and received valuable 5 1 3 OlBurnslb 3 14 0 Juddy Wilcox defeated Clyde Mar-ero- Manuahlt 4 2 3 0 ticularly No 1 3 0 0 3IPepperlf He is anxious about aid from the Cards in the way of two -- up and Walter Cosgriff Cronin 4 13 0 Harris rf J 1 I OlClarkrf care-fre- e the ball up and he also errors Frey Brooklyn shortstop 4 13 4 getting Stone cf I 1 1 0IMellllo2b triumphed over Dan Ogden by the Travle feels that he is very lively to slice was credited with making 11 assists 4 I 0 4IHemleyo Sb same score in the May leg of the di- Phllllpic within three of the major and Na' 4 0 3 OIBcJmasa it 0 0 0 0 rectors' cup play at Bonneville on Stewart p record All this tends to make him hurry tionalBT league 2 0 0 0 Russell p LOUIS BROOKLYN McColl p Wednesday 0 0 0 2 his backswing when playing his BHOA BHOA 0 0 0 0 Prlmp 4 2 10 Irons He gets bad results WhlUhcad3b 23 20 22 11 Taylorss If xDugas 10 0 0 long 4 1 2 11 rf Rothrock Frey 1 0 0 0 uSchultt COAST PACIFIC LEAGUE 4 2 5 0 2b UKoenecke Frisch cf 113: CLUB BACK TAKES fb&HT WHEM 01 2 3 1 Medwlck If 3 Wilson rf 110 Totals 35 10 34 1 Totals 3 0 7 OIBoyle rf 0 0 0 0 UPWARD TURN Of ijMHAT $H00UF Collins lb XBatted for Russel in sixth V Davis c 114 1 Leslie 43120 Studies et Teem lb xxBatted for McColl in eighth UfTJ CU)BFON Won Lost Pet 2 0 xMills 0 10 0 0 0 Cuccinellolb OOO 000 300—2 Washington Los Ansclot BAU- 11 40 4 2 2 1 Bucher 704 St Orsattl cf 0 0 0 2b Louis 20 000 lOx —5 21 Mission 33 3 6 Berrei c 0 4 4 500 Durocher 13 si Summary: Errors— Myer Msnush Runs 21 27 3 0 0 21 Jordan 3 13 583 batted Hollywood b p Mooney in— Pepper 4 Burns Kuhel 2 20 Francisco 1 01 18-h- n all-cit- y 889-yar- d twelve-schoo- 1 6-- 6--1 6--1 6-- 1 440-yar- d -- 6-- 6-- 0 right-hande- two-mil- 4 6-- 3 n top-plac- e Sal-be- 5 1 ' ’ 6--1 I “6-- 0 8-- 6 Two-ba- - d 2 shot-putt- limit-les- 100-rt- -e ki 1 1 1 1 of Trouble-Fre- e ft Care-Fre- e 3b-- R - Drivers over the holiiday N Ill I U 1 Two-ba- ss 1 01 your troubles before you go - Don’t let bad tires spoil your good time Man-cux- Two-bas- Travel in safety and comfort on new US Royals of Tempered Rubber— the tires that give you thousands of extra miles of wear at no extra cost BUY: NOW — save yourself later trouble and expense— get set for a whole summer Von Elm’s Swing Slow With No Cosgriff Wilcox May Leg Winners d ft of driving - San Bacramento Oakland Beattie Portland 24 23 37 22 IS 14 28 32 33 Wednesday’s Reaelts At Portland: ing pitcher—Stewart 001 000 100—2 Sacramento I 000 OOO 000- -0 4 Portland Batteries— Koupal and Mayer Turpin and Athletics Hammer Detroit Pitchers Cox R H X At Loa Anseles OKI 140 000—0 9 1 San Francisco 100 033—7 II 100 Los Angeles DETROIT May 23 (UP)-Co- nnie Batteries — Herrmann Stiita Gabler and Athletics Woodall Thomas McDougall snd O Camp- Mack's Philadelphia bell SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION Memphis 0 Atlanta 1 Little Rock 8 Nashville 10 Cliattanoosa Birmingham New Orleans 0 Knoxville S 1 pur- are ideally located to serve you ( SIIARUAIi AUTO CO Yonr Convenient Chevrolet 47 So 2nd East BACK LO- STRAIGH- T- slow W- 1 mered three Tiger pitchers for ' 15 hits to beat the Tigers 11 to 5 here and soon he seldom takes them out of the bag He prefers a brassie e this afternoon in the first of a —— or spoon series ‘ Watching George Von Elm play a PHILADELPHIA DETROIT B HO A No 1 iron shot I was impressed with BH0 A Waratler 3b 4 1 5 SiDoUack rf S 1 0 0 deliberation in which he took 5 14 OGoslln Cramer of If '3 1 22 00 the his club back- - Another thing his Johnson If 4 3 10 Walker 5 0 f Foxx 8 2 13 llGehringer 3b 4 1 1 lb left hand and arm obviously were in 5 5 2 6 Coleman rf 4 18 OIRogell aa 6 11 liCochrane c 5 111 controLNaturally thia aided delibMcNair aa 1 4 10 llOreenbcrg 4 1 Higgins lb lb eration for the left hand and arm are 5 3 1 OlOwen 4 12 1 Berry c lb 0 0 0 1 less capable of hurry in the Mahalley p (111 Frasier p Auker P than are the right hand and 10(1 Rowe j 10 11 arm Another thing left hand control 10 0 0 i Whit means that the club will not be taken 11 37 17 Totali It up perpendicularly as happens when gBatted for Auker in sixth 404 000 030—11 the right hand is in control Philadelphia Instead a Detroit 009 311 001—6 Bummary: Runs batted in — Higgins 2 clubhead will go back low and a 2 Warstler 2 Cochrans 2 Cra- wider arc will be imported to the Coleman mer McNair Mahaffey Johnson Rogeil e Owen bits— Cramer Coleman swing 13-- chase that new car Value of your old car service and reputation of the firm We 'WEN LOT TAK£5 rr BACK FORWARD TURN OF THAT SHOULDER COMPfi-- S (T TO GO ham- Dealer Was 6707 back-swin- g Two-bas- DoUack Greenberg Johnson Rogeil ErFrasier ror!— Foxx Oehrlngcr DoUack Sacrifice— Warstler Double play— Oehrln-ge- r to nogell to areenberg Bases on balls —Frasier 3 Rowe 1 Mahaffey 4 Struck out— Auker 1 Mahaffey 3 Hits — Frasier 6 in 2 (none out In third) Auker 8 In 4 Rowe 4 in I Losing pitcher— Frasier 0 0 p Benge 110 1 30 3 24 131 Tots Is 31 13 37 16 Totita " xRan for V Dgvli in ninth 000 300 010- -1 St Louis 030 020 Olx— 5 Brooklyn Runs batted In— FYey Med Bummary: hits— wlck 2 Orsattl Wilson 2 Two-ba- se Orsattl Rothrock Medwlck Leslie Errors V —Rothrock Davis Durocher Frey Three-bar- e hit—Taylor Home run— Taylor Double plays— Rothrock to Durocher Bucher to Frey to Leslie Bases on balls — Mooney 4 Benn 1 Struck out — Mooney Wild pitches— Mooney 2 L Benge 1 I CONSIDER VI xxCrawford three-gam- 0 everything before yon 2b-3- Two-ba- 020 bits—Kuhel Bejma Bums Hemalei 480 Bacrl Home runs—Pepper Kuhel 440 Myer flees— Burns 3 Bejma Double play— Bejma 333 to Mellllo to Burns Bases on balli —McColl 1 Newsom 4 Struck out — Russell 2 Newsom 7 Hits— Stewart 5 in 1 3 Russell I in I McColl 3 in 3 Prim 0 in 1 Los- Mastering that pitch shot wlU save yon many strokes You will find some good tips in a leaflet on ’’The Art of Pitching” which Joe Glass will be glad to send free to anyone sending him a stamped envelope Write him In care of thla paper tCopyrigbt 193L Publishers' Byndicatej TEMPERED RUBBER are now priced as low as U S ROYAL 525x18 —$1030 550x18 —$1165 600x19 —$1345 Collins Wins Mound Battle From Frey PHILADELPHIA May 23 (UP) Phil Collins pitched the Phillies to a 3 to 2 victory over the last place Cincinnati Reds today Benny Frey hurled for the Reds PHILADELPHIA CINCINNATI B HO A B H OA 4 0 2 ll Jeffries 3b 3 2 4 lb Blakely cf 4 2 1 01 J Moore rf 4 14 4' Alien cf Koenig as If Bottomler lb 3 1 10 1 Hendrick 4 0 1 OIHurst lb Haley If Schlmrtchrf 4 10 OTodd e 4 14 2 Hslln asPiet 23 Lombardi e 4 1 1 I Chlozza 3b 2 10 iiColllng p Prey p 1 0 0 0) xFlowerg Adams - iili 34 10 24 131 Totals Totals xBatted lor Frey in ninth 000 OOO 020—2 Cincinnati loo 100 Olx- -3 Philadelphia Summary Runt betted1 In— Hendrick 3 Two-bas- e hit— Todd Koenig Bottomler Collins Allen Chlosaa ErrorSfHaslin Double plays — naslln to Jeffries to Hurst Koenig to Piet to Bottomler Jeffries to Hurst Prey to Koenig to Bottomler Jeffries to Haslln to Hurst Bases on bslls- Frer 1 Collins 2 Struck out — Colling Frey L J 11 BREWER TIRE CO SUGARHOUSE 4th South & 2nd East Phone Hyland 1113 Phone Wasatch 6127 t Salt Lake County Dealers Erwin Motor Co— Murray Riverton Motor Co—Riverton 31 |