Show 18 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING MAY 24 1834 NEWS EROM UTAH flKffiWMr ADDS INTEREST Tn IIIw KDVh MflAD till In n n n FiH “MTW" Salt OGDEN of Roosevelt Man PLEASANT GROVE— Plans are Struck Dowigby Bolt complete for the thirteenth annual While Plowing Utah Strawberry day The streets Son are hung with flags and strawberry banners for several blocks along the ROOSEVELT — Lamar William Larsen 24 son of George Larsen of state highway and in other parts of Union Pacific clerk In Ogden said the sheep movement was accomplished by the Island Investment company The herd was moved to pasture land in Wasatch county Jay says this is the first season since 1881 that sheep have been herded between the island and the main- Jay Roosevelt was struck by lightning and instantly killed at 1 p m Wed nesday while working in a field In the Hill creek country 68 miles southeast of here Meager reports from the’ com munity said Mr Larsen employed by A M Myrup a his father-in-lasheep man was plowing when the bolt struck him His body waa badly burned The storm from which the lightning came passed over Roosevelt shortly before 1 p m and broke over the Hill creek country Mr Larsen was born at Moore Idaho October 29 1910 Two years ago he married Alice Ml Myrup Surviving in addition to his father and widow are an infant son Lee George Larsen a sister Mrs Burdella Marx and two brother De Von and Glenn Larsen all of Roosevelt discoveries of dinosaur remains in the Arches national monument of Grand county were announced recently by Frank J f Beckwith archeologist and newspaper man of Delta who had charge of a fed land eral reconaisgance project in the mon ument area Mr Beckwith reported the party found more than 4000 pounda of dinosaur bones and expressed the opinion - the-finwill prove to be one of the richest sources of dinosaur fossils in the country The remains were found In a region 1 fantastic and highly colored forma-tins which have been carved out of goiid rock through countless centuries ” fey wind carried sand The region contains 20 major arches Secretary Welling Heads all wind carved the largest of which Two Provo Wives Seek of has a span of 291 feet and a height Program at Layton 113 feet Other formations are of starDivorces Maiden Names Landmarks tling proportions and all are in the brilliant colors found In other famous ' Utah scenic spots PROVO— Charging desertion and ' Other interesting features are the LAYTON — Commemorating the mental cruelty Elnora C C Holler-ma- remains of Indian cliff dwellings but Provo filed suit for divorce WedLayton Pioneer stage station and the there is evidence that the aborigines “Prairie House" a boulder monument nesday from Henry Hollerman They used the section only m temporary was dedicated in Layton park Wed- wers married February 14 1934 She headquarters during hunting exped- nesday by Secretary of State Milton seeks $50 a month alimony and restoitions the relict are few H Welling who represented Gover ration of her maiden name Elnora J C Anderson of Salt Lake has nor Henry H Blood Cooper monubeen appointed director of the The four-toboulder furnished by Charging failure to provide Hazel ment to succeed Mr Beckwith who the Columbine camp Daughters of Ripley of Provo filed suit for divorce was in charge of the civil works ad Utah Pioneers and a bronze plaque against Glen Ripley They were mar''ministration project wer placed about 30 rods from the ried September 23 1932 at Heber She - "Eleven arches were reported In the sits of the stage station built' about seeks $50 a month alimony the houseBevii’s Garden area which can be 1837 on the route to Virginia 'City hold property and restoration “of her reached by a drive to Willow Springs Mont— A rivate-residence adjoin- maiden name Hazel Baum and horseback trip six miles or a ing the stage station was erected by drive to Salt Lake valley and horse- Christopher Layton a pioneer of the back ride of three miles district and for whom the town was named! It was one of the first buildings in the region and was known aa the "Prairie House" MARRIAGE LICENSES D H Christensen of the Utah PioW STEPHENS 34 Victor neer Trails and Landmarks associa- LAWRENCE Idaho tion was master of ceremonies Mr VERNA HATCH 11 Victor Idaho M NEVE 11 Salt Lake: ' Welling spoke on the value of pre- CHARLES SUE JULIAN IS Salt -serving landmarks and related the WILLIAM E LA PEARLELakJS Salt Lake: highlights of the history of the early ARILLA F ROLF80N 24 Raymond Canada pioneers The trails and landmarks MAX R AMUNDSEN 33 Lake: NEPHI — Hugh B Brown of Salt association and the Columbine camp ARDI8 E FRANKLAND Salt 25 Salt Lake Lake will be the speaker at the Juab membersW furnished the bronze plaque LEWIS ©RAIO 23 Salt Lake Mrs A Nalder representing the LOUISE REYNOLDS 22 Salt Lakt high school commencement exercises camp gave a brief history ARVTL L OLSON 24- - Sandy in the school auditorium Thursday Columbine of the spot and said-tha- t while it IRENS A SANDERS 2S Sandy to take named Honor students night PRYOR 38 Mtaenivllle’ the station and GRANT stage Doro-‘ commemorated Miss BLANCHE WILSON 34 Midway on are tho program part Ih’y Brough Miss Dorothy- - Johnson “Prairie House" the monument was erected to the memory of the early Logan 'and Maurice Barnett r RICHARD PAT LOWER 31 Trenton pioneer 'The graduates are: MARJORIX IS Trenton SUTLER The ceremonies were concluded Be matt Keith Broed-jea- d Nephi— Meurlo DEVON REESE 30 Benton Josephine Bailee Dorothy Broueh with pageant "Glimpses of the Big BFRT XVS MARIS JARVIS IS fimlthiiell ftex Bryan Isabel! Bodell Veda Chat Mar- Trail" In which more than 200 perlin Chrlateneen Leah Douelaa Alton Oar- -' rett Zetta Ooole Ida Oreeohalah sons participated The pageant was Richfield Howarth Don Ingram Manilla InW DAT TON 13 Meryvele gram Beaate Iron Melba Jarrett Doro- - la II episodes including the Indians WELLS VON LORAINE BROX IS Maryevall Johnson Dourlaa Jonu Mrrth Kendall Jim Bridger the Danner thy Victor Linton Mildred McPherson Maurice trappers JOHN DE REUS 30 Salt Lake Garratt Cecil Morrle Joseph Ostler Merlin party covered wagons hand carta D ALVAR SHEPHERD 20 Salt Lake MOAB— Interesting Rock Monument Is Dedicated at Pioneer Station d -- n u n -p- S L Man to w Speak' at Nephi ’Commencement Orme Ethel Nell Wallace Old Marlon Paxton Vane Phillip Oeoree Parke Karl Bells Eva Virginia Bperry Inld Btarr Ostler Bandars ray Warren Kenneth Warren Ray Warren Malcolm Warren Malta Warper Jar Warner Merle Wllkey Dorothy WUson Gilbert Winn and Dean Rasmussen Levan— Lucille Anderson Mildred prad- field Venice Christensen Gordon Fran-eo- m Merlin Gardner Pay Jackson Wan-t'- a Naomt Jackman Fare Mangelaon Purree Faye Shepherd Heber Taylor Itha Tunbrldse Kern Tunbrldsa and La Mar Winter! Mona— Shirley FHartaon Mabel Powkea Tha Nielson Gerald Newton and Don Sva-t- y B pony express stage ham Young BY cotfch and Brig- MAYS BALLE YOUNO 31 Fremont MADGE JBRAiTHWArtl 1 Eletnor ANTHON EDWARD ANDERSON JR 35 LEAtpHXPPLER PETERSON Rich-He- ld 23 MUDS CAMERON L THORPE 28 Axtell LUCILLE SGRSN80N IS Levan J WILLS NIELSON 22 Monroe VIRGINIA WAUDEN DYCHES 20 Monroe ANNUAL PRIZES DEATHS BOCKER —Amelia Ofsren Bocker 31 45S North Second Wut atreet apoplexy May 19 BOWDEN— William Richard Bowden 35 4234 Holladay boulevard acuta nephritis Medals and Scholarships U Observes Annual ‘Y’ Day iY May II DODGE— Walter Presented to 24 for Excellent Work “ 'PROVO— Brigham Voung univerPROVO — Award day was celesity’s annual “Y” day celebration ended Tuesday night at Saratoga resort brated at Brigham Young university on Utah lake with college coeds pa- Friday when medals and scholarships rading in a bathing beauty pageant were presented to 24 outstanding stuThe bathing revue climaxed an dents elaborate water carnival which In- Professor Alonzo Morley chaircluded balloon end umbrella dives man of the siward committee preand living water wheels with Lyman sided at the program in college hall 'Partridge in the role of Father Nep- The winner of the various awards tune acting as master of ceremonies follow: "Approximately 2000 atudenta and Art— Professor E H Eastmond their friends participated in the medal for the best presentation of day’s program which Included white- Mount Timpanogos in any medium washing of the huge Y on East moun- Mrs Flora Fisher Provo Students’ tain by the men students In the fore-- i guild medal for the best landscape noon and an outing at Saratoga In in any medium Leona Eitel Salt the afternoon A water carnival Lake Edmund Evans gold watch for which included a spectacular fire dive best sustained character portrayal in by Ferron Losee former B Y U annual competitive play Ray Broad-benHeber swimming star and a pageant direct-ed by Professor E P Eastmond fea-- ! Alma Van Wagenen scholarship hired the afternoon program Soft-- award of $50 to outstanding memball games a dance end luncheon ber of B Y U band divided between Gordon Braun Ogden and (Wwe other events of the day LaRue Erickson daughter of Mrs Rax Sutherland SpringvUle Alpha Leona Erickson of Provo and e Kappa Pai efficiency award for scholfreshman at the school presided as arship Oakley Evans Anaconda egueen of the festivities Mont Hazel Noble Boyack medal for r outstanding member of home economics classes Elizabeth Conover Provo Walter Adama medal for musical efficiency on string instrument Donald Olson Provo Taylor Brothers i company award for best attainment u OGDEN— I John Nuttall Jr su- on piano Frank Van Cott Provo perintendent of Salt Lake City 1919 class medal for vocal work schools in an address before the Og- - Anna Parkinson Idaho Rexburg den Rotary club Wednesday in the award for outstanding graduate of Hotel Ben Lomond declared only speech department presented by Edfour elements of force hold "society" win Evans Lynn Broadbent Provo together: Religion government the Provo chamber of commerce medal conventions of life and morel or ethi- for moat efficient graduating student Meredith Wilson Provo Anne cal principles Rotarlana were urged to use the Egbert medal presented in memory latter means to upbuild and strength- of father for debating efficiency Harold Christensen Rexburg Idaho en bonds of character Plana were discussed for the sons’ service awards presented by speech outstanding service apd daughters evening dinner June department-fo- r C at the Hotel Ben Lomond during the school year Alta Snell John Spargo was named chairman Lyman Partridge and Ray McGuire of the invitation committee for the Provo and Helen Cook Paris Idaho luncheon June 13 Da-- I yid Romney presidentelect and Board to Meet William Loos have been named dele-- I County gates to the Rotary International conAs Equalization Body tention In Detroit in June ' LOGAN—The county commission v SANDY met as a board of equalization MonI D L & Third M A day and Tuesday at which taxpayer ward Sandy L will present the four-aplay "The of Millville Nibley Paradise Hyrum Ghost Bird" at Sandy junior high Providence North Logan Park school auditorium Thursday at 8 p m Smithfleld and RichmondHyde discussed Airs Bea Turner la director The tax reductions cast is: Vera Armstrong Helen Had- Logan taxpayer Will meet with the ley Don Orton Noal Bateman Gene-yiev-e board Friday WaUaville Mendon Nielson Arthur Casper Cl Benson Petersboro Cove and Colt ‘ Margetta Elden Barnes Ber- lege Monday and Lewiston Trenton Burkinahaw Della Ferguson Clarkiton Cornish and Newton Tuesnice Bertha Kenney llomer Turner day County Clerk Carl V Mohr said t ! i -- t m ( m Ttotarians Hear S L School Head - ct f the city Homes throughout the city are housing the 100 beautiful miniature floats depicting flowers nursery rhymes trades nations seasons and drama-oa colorful f the “Three Bears” The tables are ready to feed the visitors with free berries Rodeo cowboys will be conspicuous in full attire Horses and cattle for the rodeo are being shipped in every day The ball park is ready for the big yearly event The entire strawberry celebration committee met Tuesday with President Junius A West in charge to chepk up on every feature of the celebration He reports everything practically ready for this annual celebration fostered by the chamber of commerce air-iro- n Erastus Dodte (3 133 Bast Thirteenth South street pulmonary tuberculoele May 21 HAIR— John Hair 31 Duchexne chronic myocarditis May 32 8TI EG RLE— Goldie Helen Stlegele 13 1444 Zenith atreet arterlo-scleroMay 21 DIVORCES ASKED Ruth McDonald from Owen McDonald nonaupport attorney H G Metos Cleli H Bateman front 'leo'na'IuY Bateman eruilti attorneya McOullouah and Vdra tr Dewey from Lincoln J Dewey attorney S L Bchoenhali Clare L Bruderer from Orlando BrudeN cruelty! attorney J Allan Crockett DIVORCE GRANTED CleU HI Bateman from Laona M Beta-ma- n orueityj Judes Herbert M Schiller NEW SUITS FILED J R Laura Illaeon tx W H Oardner and F Oardner contract It 100 attorShield ney E Union Central Lift Insurance eomoany ys Annta F Whitaker at aL not 11111 t BIRTHS SCHMITT— Edward FhllllP and Helen Freda Oehrman Schmitt 454 West Klshth South street dauihter WILLIAMS— Eldorx and Belma Perry Wit-He- m 32 North Seventh Wet atreet eon ROPSTER— Edwin Joseph and Rhoda Har-rl- et Cook Ropeter 41 Lemon place eon SHEETS— Lelond Bltner and Ina Marla Oa-d- ion Sheets 1223 Westminster avenue Hubert and Invent Maria Ooll Gray 112 Fourth East street dauthter RIDU— Clyde John and Mart aret Helen Haceh Kidd 454 Olrard avenue dauihter OLEZOR— Nick and Katina Llmplea GleQ RAY— Oeoree ans ter i South Pint Weal atreet dauih- CURTIS— Alva and Mrreel Potter Curtlx 403 Bprinxview drive dauihter MIDOLEY— Eueene Thurxood and Gertrude Vandersteen Mldiley 2124 Tenth Eaet street dauihter Della D end Florence Anderxoa Amott J324 Brownlns avenue eon MIDDLETON— Lewis Newman and Susanna Viola Jonea Middleton 1421 South West Temple street eon MOS LANDER— Joseph Mauchen and Mary Ellen Cherry Moelander 1414 Sherman avenue ton ALLEN— Alvin Axel T and Vary Ainet Ickes Allen JU4 Browning avenue eon JAMES— Clyde R and Vera L Workman James 1582 South West Temple street dauehter HANSON— Harry Dean and Wanda Cam Malmeren Hanton 344 Richards street dauehter STONE— Royal Bertie and Clara Ames' Eneberi Stone 1934 East iorty-eteht- h Bouth street dauthter SAViLle— Morris Mervtn and Ida Bertha Durtacht Seville 1431 Ninth Beat street dauehter BURTON— Henry and Wilds it Meeham 414 But Seventh Southetreet — Butou tUuehtcr PENDLETON— John H and Elisabeth B Ferguson Pendleton 1214 Becond Beat etreet dauehter HEIRS— Beniamin L and Patricia Oalrup Heirs 222 First avenue son HOPPER— Merlon R and Millie M Morrison Hopper 334 Vine etreet dauehter BURDFTT — Ernest J and Catherine M Carr Burdett 1254 Laird nrenue eon BROMAN— Edward J and Verna S Dahl B roman 1843 lake street ton HAUSELMAN— Harold and Midi Lessen Haaselman 121 West FUth South itreet dauthter JOHNSON— Ferry L and Far L Whall Johnson 842 Bryan avenue dauihter AMOTT— Eueene Sallnur— Mr and Mri Lea!! Hesth ton: Mr andJMrx Reed I Thorp dauihter Mr and Mrs Elliot Crane dauthter Helen d— Donald and SUen Watkins Pete sen - -- dauehter Goshen— Mr and Mrs Charles H Nelson Junction— Mr and Mri Harold Woods ton Mr and Mri Ervin Barns on ion ‘ Funeral services for John William Hurd who died Tuesday at 8 37 a- - m at the bom of his son William Hurd 108 Locust Midvale itreet Will be conducted ThursdayI at 2 p m tn the F r t t Methodist church Becond East and Becond South street The Rev Rollin H Ayree will officiate Burial wlU take place In the Mt Olivet cemetery ' Mr Hurd who from! 1885 to 1820 was a clear manufacturer' and merchant of Eureka wai born tn 8t Louis Mo February 31 1840 He came to Balt Lake by os team In 1841 with his William Ba-- r K rente and Frances J Hurd Durln the trek ? -Mr Hurd narrowly es-- f ‘ caped death when the wsson In which hef Udine wet overturned while fordini the Platt river Mr Bard Mr Hurd retired from active business In 1920 and for the psst several years htd resided In Midvale In 1882 he was married to Ells William of Balt Lake who died in October 1880 In 1894 he was married to Clara Btockdale who died In 1922 Mr Hurd was a charter member of Eurekx lode No 311 B P O E end for 30 years was secretary treasurer of the Eureka I O O F lodes He alto waa a member of the Knldits of Pythias for many years Burvivbif are a dauihter Mrs J A Clark of Buhl Idaho and two sons William Hurd of Midvale and Albert Hurd of 74 Cal six irandchlldrtn George A 12 Was 590 4KP"P1 pJKE Sarah J Barney showboat on Utah lake Mr Sarah J Blaek 89 for many for the morticians anc their wfvea yeari a resident Barney bf Utah died at the home of her daughter Idas J B Curtis of Leslie will be the fmal event Idaho Monday of infirmities Incident to age Mrs Blaek widow of Joseph Smith Black was born In Hauvo HI May 18 1841 She crossed the plains with the eaily pioneers nad for the major part of her Ufe had lived tn Deseret Tor the past several Utah - JRAYEl vqjlr W - BOWDEN— Funeral service or William Riehard Bowden ‘ will be conducted Thursday at 1 p m in the Winder ward chapel BUhop Thomaa O Gunderson Fisher RACK STAGES The Weather THS STANDARD OF AMERICA 8 BUS SERVICE PART Of A GREAT TRANSPORTATION DETROIT ? s DAILY SERVICE TO GRAND JOT 16 0B ttioae"who saTtadEf during our recent bereaveassisted ment In the loss of our beldved son and brother: alsd do we wish to thank all those who expressed their heartfelt sor-- row with the prayer in the mortuary and ta the church at the services Josephine Ortego and family High- land Boy ’ 00'Cifar 00'Cldy OO'Cletr TICldy monumentsTmarkers DEPOT & TICKET OFFICE HEAD'STONEjf'srtve markers special 310 flna line of flower pots urns and bird OOlCldy baths w C Morris 1882 Bo 7th Eaat OOlPt cldy OOicietr BRONZE grave markers Salt Lake Stamp Co 43 West Broadway Was 3097 OOlClMr T Cldy cldy cldv cldy Tempi Square Hotel W Bo Tempi 77 CITY TICKET OFFICE KENYON HOTEL BLDG 209 BO MAIN WASATCH 1369 STAGES IDAHO FALLSELY NEY CORINNB GARLAND TREMONTON MALAD POCATELLO BLACKFOOT HEBER DUCHE8NB VERNAL CULLEN HOTEL WAS 1064 NORTHWESTERN "AND FLOWER POTS oofcidr OO'Pt rrl s " WIetrThanlTali us Cld f Cldy Cldy Cldy $2433 TWO TRIPS DAILY ALL 4 DIRECTIONS 8 QARD OF THANKS ST8TDJ 36 OOi Denver Los Ang 2 8 0B 18 501 Omaha IS 00 Portland Kan Cltr 16 951 Bpokan 130 New York 33 0 Idaho FaUf IM 16 00 21501 Seattle Chicago BIGGER SAVING ON BOUND TRIPS am BOI8B TWIN FALLS STAGES JEROME BURLEY $51 $4 CULLEN HOTEL ARIZ-UTA- 14 $J W 1064 TRANS LINES H Phoenix SI3 Holbrook 812 Kingman OOlPt 111 18 hour faster time to all aouth- -t oolPt point Temple Bq Hotel Wa 1366 Middy FOR private lesions in beginning or DRTVINQ to Cedar City Thursday a m OOiPt cldy Qregg shorthand cell W 6108-- B Can take one or mor pasienaera Hv ooiciemr 3403 Chrletensen OOlClear 12 DRIVING to Chicago Saturday take three OOiPt OST AND FOUND cldy 00 Cldy Ref exchanted Phone Wa 9757-- J OOlClear LETTER containing papers etc lost Re- - DRIVING Denver wish passenger for eom- OOlOldy ward for return Was 0233 panr Dutch Milt Lunch 166 E 3rd So OOlCldT OOlcitar E U STUDENT wants ride to N Y or part SACK of sugar lost on 3nd Bo 9th-II- th OOtCldy or Princeton ave Reward Hy 935-- J way excel driver D Clegg j1 00 Cldy DIAMOND lavalier lost between 17th So OO'Clear State and Downing Apt Rew W 0977-- 11 JjPECIAL NOTICES j ft ft ft ft a4 - 6B0 a Lina Ada 4-D- years she had lived In Idaho Surviving are three ions Barley P Black I'EGAL NOTICES 13 PERSONALS Logan Frank Black of Idaho and Henry REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS of two daughters Mrs J B Black of Ogden WARRANTY DEEDS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS VERY best massage hot bath alcohol rub Curtis of Leslie and Mrs Ada Black of Salt 330-3- 7 10-- 0 Hr Lake and several grandchildren and great Myrtle L W Beitert to Raymond E Atlag Bldg Sealed proposals will be received Wayman section 14 township 3 grandchildren EXPERT agent massage Pranco-Amertcsouth ranie 1 east I Funeral services wers conducted at Areo by the Utah State Building Commisroom 315 83 let South Was 0137-Marlton L Reynolds to Robert C Idaho sion room 122 State Capitol Salt Lake MASSAGE— Elec treatments Eva McNally flloan lot 13 block 3 Liberty Helihts l( City Utah for certain construction at expert nurse 403 So 2nd F W 8298-- R Albert Dietliker Robert C Bloan to Marlton L Reyn-old- a aged Inthe Utah State Hospital at Provo Utah SHANNON CONVALESCENT home lot 13 block 3 Liberty Helihte 11 Albert Dietliker 33 a brick mason died valids diets Was 1202 351 7th ave Sarah M Burt to Zion'a Beneilt the family residence 241 Lucy avenue until 1 p m on the dates shown be MISS RENEE expert massage and bath it Build in society lot 11 block 1 Wednesday at 4a m qt infirmities inch-den- t low at which time they will be pub-jiclInc Sundays 25 N 1st West Apt 313 Park place 10 to ate have Mr Dietliker was born at Kentla SwitE OLSEN to CO watchmakers H Elroy J Chrlatenaen to Qeor opened and reed There will be Cerrlean lot 3 block 5 Improved moved to 039 So 2nd East He Joined the L: four separate contracts for this work zerland April 17 1857 Hy 3140-View City eubdlvleion 10 D 8 church In Switzerland and came to Oeoree H Cerrlean to Oro L Carrl-i- n Utah 45 year axo He was an active mem- az follows: Swim to Reduce 13c lot 7 block 4 Improved View ber of the L D 8 church and held the 1 Furnishing certain equipment offlee of hlb priest City eudlviilon (N b warmth and privacy guar course 16 W and materials Burvlvin Provo for watei f 0 John are hla widow Mrs Emma Russell to Orson Wilhelm- Prof Thornton Wav Springs w 1732 ten lot 3 block 30 plat B Dietliker: three sons Albert John and William Dietliker: two dauihter Mr Emma supply improvemeht Charlej Ahliraen to Hanna Ah!-rc2 L Davies of Balt Lake and Ml Ida Diet- lot 32 block 2 Norwood Furnishing and installing certain 16 Detectives Place and a equipment and materials 10 liker of Provo: six irandchlldren including Julius A Bumei to Alma Buuzel detecLegitimate AMERlcANT)etectAssn 1 those in Item for water aupply imlot 32 plat O Jackaon aouart tive 401 Utah Bay Tr Bldg Wsa 3934 John O Oyler to Philip R Carlqulit provement Pearl Brown lot 20 Hlxhland Acrea 3 Construction of residence Mra Emily Smith to William Barne Mrs Pearl Brown former resident of 17a Medical lot 2 block 21 plat B West Jordan and Wife of Eugene L Brown 4 Remodeling parts of Main BuildR O Mortemen to Richard R Hoyt died Wednesday at Montpelier Idaho of tor men ORORlFFITHipeciaUgt block 2 Walker A 10 complications following an operation J04 tald ing 114 Bouth Main at Waa 6514 Adelaide 8 Watermaji toplat word received in Salt Lake James M Plans specifications etc for Items Mrs Brown Is survived by her husband Leonard lot 15 block 1 Welltafton 1 and 2 may be obtained at the office EGAL NOTICES addition 10 and two xons William and Richard BrownGilbert T Llsonbe t al to L J of E A Jacob Civil Engineer at the Findlay lot 53 block 2 Southgate R Lewis State Capitol for which a deposit of United States Department of Agri Ockey 10 park Bureau of Public Hoads Og- Lewi R Ockey Infant son of Rulon and $10 will be QUIT CLAIM DEEDS Bids will be culture required Zion Jennie Ockey of 244 West Eighth South Savins Bank and Trust comiden Utah May 14 1924 Sealed bids & wn te received at the office of the street died at the family residence Wed- opened for these items May 29 pany to Albert E Rogers lot 7 block S3 plat B The child waa born Plans specifications etc for Items Bureau of Public Roads Federal 10 nesday at 8 50 p m Zion’a Bavin In Salt Lake May 11 1934 and la survived 3 Bank and Trust com- and 4 may be obtained from Claude Building Utah until 10 Ogden to LaPreal Burt lot 12 block by his parenti two slaters Audrey and Fay-le1 1934 for conJanr Ashworth Ockey and a brother John William S subdivision Architect at Provo o’clock a m June Funeral service! Utah Charles o Larsen to Inibor Larsen Ockey all of Salt Lake structing surfacing or Improving The for 3 Item will deposit 34 4 interment block and of take will 6747 miles the Priest river road Central park place at Santaquln jot Ed D Smith 8 Bone to Andrew be $10 and for Item 4 will be $15 Bids National Forest Road Project No More lot 24 block 1 Walker subdivision will be opened foi Item 3 on May 29 “NR" within or partly within Mamie Wilson RECEIVER’S DEEDB the Kanlksu National Forest County Kimball and Richards Security comMrs Mamie Wilson 37 widow of Charles and for Item 4 on June 8 of Bonner State of Idaho The major Wilson died at her home 740 Seventh East pany to Oltne M Dady lot 4 block Deposits for plans and specifications items ars approximately: 49 acres I Ben wood aubdlvlaion plat A street Wednesday tvenln She had been Kimball and Richard Security comfor many will be refunded provided the bidder clearing 29 acres grubbing 151000 suffering with heart disease to L 12 James Peterson lot pany years has returned them in good order to cu yds unclassified excavation 540 block 4 Hlehland park plat O Born In Missouri Mrs Wilson had ltred cu yds unclassified excavation for In Salt Lakt for many yiara Two daugh- the office of the Engineer or Architect SHERIFFS DEEDS structures 146000 sta yds overhaul O at Cotlard al ters surrivt to Equitable Life tInsurance within three of after days opening 1100 cu yd ml overhaul 15500 company lot II block 14 bids and provided further that he tons crusher run bottom course 15-5plat A Shaw McPherson has submitted a proposal for the work Samuel Campbell t al to Equitable Margaret tons crusher run top course 1000 Life Inturtno Wtr-W- " NEPHI— Mra company Jot 11 tons supplemental crushed stone or Plans and specifications may be exblock 2 Upper Yale aaret Shaw McPhergravel 336 cu yds class A Samuel H Worthen to park son 44 will of Seth amined at the office of the Building crushed Equitable Lift ” concrete 62 cu yds class B con-j-reInsurance company lot 7 block 4 McPherson died at Commission cannot but taken be lbs reinforcing steel 72100 Yale 1481 the family residence Upper park 18” C O M pipe 62 lin DECREES 1264 lln therefrom Monday nlht follow-in- s Xstate Mary D Randolph to Harry A an Illness of a SO" M 24 G C pipe 96 lln Proposals shall be made In strict A few weeke Whitney lot 8 block 71 M pipe 1000 lin wire cable Batata Estelle Cutler et al toplet Batella Mrs McPherson was accordance with all provisions of the C G Reslll-flex guardrail in place 1000 lln Cutler aectlon 8 township 2 south born here March I plans and specifications and must be In place (afternate) ran I- east etc 1870 a daughter of guardrail made on blank forms provided’ by the 40 each dangerous trees or snags Samuel and Margaret ORDERS Western Bulldln and Loan company Bhaw and specifications are Engineer or Architect as stated above Where plans to J A Malta lot I block 3 Eaet 8 u r r 1 ring besides requested a (10 deposit will be reWaterloo addition her husband are eight Wages for skilled labor shall be not quired Insure their return within to son and daughter Kimball and Richard Security comless than $110 per hour and for un- 15 days after opening of bids Plans Mrs Bvlrla Peters pany to First Security Trust comskilled labor not less than $050 per specifications and proposals may be Della Earl James pany lot 8 block 1 Benwood subA division plat and Myrl McPherson examined at the following addresses: hour KlmbaU and Richards Security comMrs Lucille Nephi No bid will be Considered unless it U H Bureau of Fublla Roads FedMonk Manth Roy pany to First Security Trust comeral Ogden Utah Assoand Floyd McPherson pany lot 12 block 4 Highland park includes or is accompanied by a cer- ciated Building General Contractors Salt Lake 14 grandchilMills Plat O tificate (worded in accordance with City Utah Associated General ConWestern Loan and Bulldln compsny dren thre brother to John A Malta lot 43 Sandy Staend a sister Alfred PW A 61 revised March 19 1934) tractors Spokane Washington The Bhaw Nephi tion plat Aaron attention of bidders Is especially diduly executed by the bidder IdaASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGES 8htw Goodin rected to the alternate bids which ho Samuel Bhaw Las Columbia Truat company to First Se5 must be submitted In rase the bidder check Certified amount of in the Vests Net and Mrs Trust company lot 23 Hlah- curityAorea cent of the of bid value must to offer any foreign articles the desires CUft per It 8s Lake land Amy 3200 Fletcber-Luca- a Funeral services will be conducted Friday materials or supplies B J FINCH Investment company each proposal at 2 p m In the L D S North ward chapel accompany to B L Saunders tectlon 4 townDistrict Engineer The right is reserved to accept or 2100 with interment In Vint Bluff Cemetery ship I south ranee 1 east MORTGAGES reject any or all proposals or alter IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF THE Rulon M Labrum to Home Owner nates Charles H Shuck Third Judicial District In and for Loan corporation aectlon 24 town- Salt Lake County State of Utah — 1120 POCATELLO Idaho— Charles H Shuck UTAH STATE BUILDING ahlp 3 south rani 1 eaat 50 of 140 North First West street Balt Arnold O Lund to Home Owner State of Utah In the interest of COMMISSION Lakt City died at a local hoepltal WedLoan corporation lot 15 block I de Kenneth Leman Kennison W J HALLORAN President 2078 nesday morning of pneumonia after a abort Hlxhland park plat O pendent neglectpd child — Rum Illness He waa a frelaht engineer on the J H McKnltht to Home Owners R K or BROWN mens to and Notice Parent Loan corporation lot 1 block 17a Oreaon Short Lin railroad -- acr Guardian of Construction 8IU Mr Bhurk waa born In Michigan Mar plat A Supt — Kennison 1171 to To Ruby Falrclough William R Park I and came to Pocatello from that Horn Owner First publication May 18 1934 state In 1802 He had made hit home here Loan corporation lot 15 block II A petition having been 'filed in 10-c-rt Last publication May 27 1934 3303 until toln to Salt Lake three years ao plat A Court In the interest of ths this He waa a member of the Brotherhood of Oeoree M Pepper to Home Owneri abovs-mentlonjuvenile AllegLocamotlre Engineers No 131 and of the Loan corporation lot lr block 15 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN said juvenile is dependent that Mich at Maaonle A 1840 Tustln ing lodge plat a on PUBLIC HEARING that th Mr Shuck la survived by hi widow Mrs and neglected by reason of his Matai Perry to Home Owner Loan Rtabllshment of a PERMISSIVE Mabel Shuck of Salt Lake who waa here corporation lot 15 block 3 Hampparents abandoning and deserting ton subdivision 1042 at tha time of hla death: five son AREA for SALT LAKE and VicinHarold him Carl and Richard Shuck Salt Lake Gerald Rank Snedden to Home Owneri Loan wlU be conducted by the UTAH You are hereby summoned to ity Bhuck Lansing Mich and Myrle Shuck corporation lot 2 block 2 CaroSTATE COMMITTEE for the before thia Court within two 3501 Dlghton Mich one grandchild his mother lina subdivision ’ AND CRUSHED STONE SAND Mrs Mary E Bhuck Dlghton Mich two days after the service of this no-tieBntlin Thomas to Horn Owner GRAVEL and SLAQ INDUSTRIES Loan corporation section 27 townslaters and three brothers Mrs Sarah Anyou if served within the upon Mrs Goudtt Rots t 9 A M MONDAY 1034 derson of Dlghton ship 2 aouth rania 1 west beginning county wherein the above proceed and Orville Bhuck Baker Moat Wlltord L Tueller to Horn Owner JUNE 4 1934 at the CHAMBER Georg is within five pending lng Loan corporation lot 14 block 2 and Gerald Shuck Grand Rapids Mich ON COMMERCE BLDG- - EXdays If served ouraldft of the coun 2141 Funeral services are tentatively act tor University Height CHANGE LAKE PLACE SALT ty and assert ana defend any after Georg J Carter to Home Owners Sunday In th Episcopal church CITY UTAH and continuing until which the body will be taken under direcblock 44 rights to custody or show cause Loancorporatlon lot An opportunity to be tion of th McHan mortuary to Michigan completed 1854 you should have the right to why wFlliara H Aciroyd Vo’ Htme"6wner tor final service heard (either in person or by duly custody control or guardianship Loan corporation lot 54 block 4 either appointed of said representative juvenile as may appear to 1002 Thorndyke subdivision by appearance or by sending a Elizabeth S T Rich be for the best interest of said ju Geort B Curley to Horn Owners or written in accordance with the end statement) telegraphic vends OOLUUBIA— Elisabeth Loan corporation lot 1 blutk 2 Sarah Tham Mrg wlU be given to persona or groups 3 30C Rich 35 wife of Earl Rich died at Costatute In such cases made and plat A who can show a substantial Inter-e- st lumbia Tuesday of heart disease 8he was Jark H Ooavllnd to Horn Owners provided born al Wellington June 23 1B94 a daughter Loan corporation lot II block fc- in the effect of tho establishIt you fall to appear your de 2788 of William A and Sorenlt Tidwell Thayn plat A ment of proposed "PERMISSIVE fault will be enteredand the Court Oeoree W but had lived here nine and one-ha- lf years on Is of A AREAS” area this map will Loan eoi proceed to hear this causa and Surviving are her parent who reside In file at the office of tha State Comre determine any rights or interest her husband and a daughter Wellington mittee H Ardell Wleren Columbia Rich to Home Owners Nely you may have In said Juvenile and Loan Corporation Those wishing to bo heard Funeral services will be conducted tn the lot 5 block 4 will dispose of this cause of action f cr 2091 Wellington L D 8 chapel Friday at I p m should file a WrltOn or telegraph plat A its may be determined according Th Deseret mortuary will have charga of Walten E Williams et al to Homo Ic request with the CHAIRMAN to lawand the bent Interest of said — Owners Loan corporation lot 127 Interment r “before noon on Saturday June 1 child "Your failure to-ap- pear Marlboroush placa 2082 1934 Woods Ethel B without reasonable cause may be to Horn Owner George E Cross Erie Rvberg Chairman ’ 220 Loan corporation lot 4 block 87 contempt of Court Reason Bldg Plat B 2840 OODPN— Funeral services tor Oeorge Salt Lake City You are further notified ’that Clara Wraths) to- Horn Owner Cross 73 pioneer saddle and harness maker 1 Utah the above entitled cause will be Loan corporation lot L block 21 of Ogden who died Tuesday errnlng at at 2 o'clock afternoon on heard 1871 Twenty-ninth a 351 home etreet Plat the family Mareuerlta 8 Halllday to Home Ownthe 18th day of June 1934 at the will b conducted Friday at 1 p m to ers Loan corporation lot b block -D 8 Eleventh ward cbapeL Court rooms of this Court 504 the 1 Canyon toad subdivision 3245 Frienaa may call at the bom of a Pity and County Bldg I WlU not be responsible for David Bates et al to Home Owners daughter Mra Frank Ludwig 2854 Childs Dated this 17th day of May 1934 Loan corporation lot 3 block 14- avenue Thursday afternoon and evening debts contracted by Mrs Paul L ISABELLE SMITH In3J00 and Friday until tha hour of service e " Holbrook after thia date Clerk of the Juvenile Court Uonel E" 9oot!t "o’ "First Bscurlty terment will bo In th Ogden Cltr ceme(Signed) PAUL I HOLBROOK Trust company lot I block L Dous- tery Under th dlroctioa of th Linda uiet May 23 1934 las park second addition 3200 to Sons' mortuary Construction Securities company to First Security Trust company lot I will not be responsible for any Minerva Hayes Grow4 block 0 Spring Viw park K500 debts rorftrarted by Laura Scott Oenrte S Chambers to First OGDEN— Th body of Mrg Minerva Raves or Mrs Harvey Day after this Day Trust company lot 1 block 44 plat Grow 14 widow of Independence Orow IV 1b easy to get a partner with 1 000 former D date Ogden reel dent who died Tuesday FART1AL RELFASE OF MORTGAGE at th home of a daughter Mr 'Queen money to invest through the instruHARVEY DAY (Signed) Rebecca C MendcUon to Gaddis Parrish In Aberdeen arrived In Ogden Wed- mentality of The Tribune-TelegraMay 24 1934 company lot 13 block 1 nesday nteht and was taken in charwo bt u 100 th Lindquist dl Bong mortuary Uinta Height " Interment wuua i F t j Other Calls" 40c Ad— Had FARM LANS WEEK’ START! BUM 17e a Lin Dally Ads SOo a lino Sunday Ada "j!' Peter Morris Clawson Utah Morticians Convene Monday Smith-Stron- g wlU be made-I- n the Often £lty cemetery Thursday afternoon Mrs Grow was born In Halle Corner Ind February 20 1854 a dauihter of Biunuel and Ableall Parke Wentworth Bh was one of the pioneer residents of Oedrn Four years aio the mored to Olden Bh was a member of the L D 8 church Burvlvins are Mrs Parrish of Aberdeen Mth Ben Bakeahtw Colfax OODEN— Geore A Either dtrd Wednei Frlendt may call at the officiating day In Merced Cal following n aeven Oold room In the ‘mortuary S4 East Sevmonths’ Illness ofr heart trouble aecordin enth South street Tueiday and Wednesto word received-heby relative 4234 Holladay Mr Fleher was associated with the Yoee-ml- te day and at the home boulevard Thursday prior to services Portland Cement company of CaliInterment City cemetery under direc-lio- n fornia Hit widow la a former resident of of Deseret mortuary Oeden and a titter of Mrs Walter X Richards of this city BROWN— Funeral services for Don Carlos Announcement of funeral arramemente Brown will be conducted Saturday at 1 will be made later the rose room 36 East Seventh Lm inBishop Eugene J Neff officiatFriends may call at the French ing room in the mortuary until time of services Interment will be tn City cemetery under direction of Deseret mortuary Weather conditions May 33 1934: COLUMBUS— Funeral serrlce A moderately strong cool high is creeted Daniel Columbus age 43 will be held over North Dakota while a broach irregular today at 330 p m at the S T Ricketts area of relatively low pressure covers the mortuary Interment in the veterans’ In the City cemetery with mlll-tar- y plateau region Considerable cloudiness has plot resulted ta the west but there hae been honors little or no precipitation Temperatures DRIOOS— Funeral aervlces for Appoloa P remain abnormally warm throughout the Driest wlU be conducted at 3 p m plateau states Local thunder ehowere ocThursday at the graveside In the Salt curred In the great lake region but fair Lake City cemetery Frlendt may call weather prevails elsewhere in the east at the Joseph William Taylor mortuary Comparative data tor Salt Lake Clty- and 1 30 p Thursday between 9 m Tha bodv will arrive In Salt Lake 89 Hlghest temperature today from Pocatello Wednesday night In this month 93 Highest since 1174 Lowest last night eg HURD— Funeral services for John William Hurd will be held Thursday at P m Lowest this month since 1J74 35 at the First Methodist church Rev Mean for today 79 Friends may Rollin Ayres officiating Normal 59 call at the Biuemei Knight mortuTotal precipitation for tha 34 hourlChe ary in Midvale Thursday until noon " and 4 the ehUFeh prior to services endlna et 4 p Interment will be In Mt Olivet ceme- Total for this month to date 01 tery Accumulated deficiency for this month to date 41 8HEPHERD — Funeral services for Joseph ’ j ’ Total since October ! to date an Shepherd will be held Friday at 13 SO Accumulated deficiency since October I 8 95 p ra tn the Grsnlte stake tabernacle M “d K“ l 7 47 Utr Balt Lake Bishop Joseph Kiar will officiate The 34? 1934tU casket will be open at the residence Frlendt may call at the Blue me! A Knhrhf 3061 Parley’s canyon road Friday from N TE8mortuary at Midvale Thursday until noon TAKE p” 10 a m until 13 noon Interment in TER DA? AT and the church prior to eervlcei City cemetery under direction of Larkin mortuary Peter Morris CMwioa S3 resident of Randolph Utah died in a local hospital Tuesday nlsht of complication followlnx an lUneaa with a toxic loiter Mr Clawaon waa born in Denmark April 28 1ST I and came to the United Btmtea with his parent when two years old He had resided at Randolph! yeari where be entered In rtnehinx Surviving are hlx widow Mri Jemima Packrell Clawson: six children James M PROVO — The Utah Funeral Di- Joseph Henry Matthew and Loyal P of Randolph: Mri Clara Lewis of rectors’ association will hold its con- Clawaon Marlon Utah and Mr Rosana Sander vention here Monday The first ses- and a deter Mri Hannah Thyteaen of sion opens at IQ a m in the Rob- Meea Aria lervlcee will be conducted Sunerts "hotel under the direction of H dayFuneral at 1 p m in the Randolph L D S R Kingdon of Salt Lake president ward chapel Blehop Lawrence Johnson will officiate Burial will take place In the "The Relationship of the Mortician Randolph City cemetery and the Minister" will be discussed Friends may call at the Joseph William 139 North Main atreet mortuary Taylor R diDr P Bowdish of Provo by Saturday from 4 to S p m and at the rector of the Utah county health unit home in Randolph Sunday prior to serCode problems will be discussed at viced the 2 p m session A social on the Black State Local Vital Statistics rt -- Pleasant Grove Takes on Gala Attire as Festival Time Nears late legs -- John William Hurd BY LIGHTNING hw ihrunk to a pointwhere own- of Jheep pastured on Ante trj lope island have been able to transport their flock to the mainland without the use of scows In- - fact the sheep made the journey from the island to the mainland near North Salt Lake on Arches National Monument Flrovei Rich in Fossils ‘their own and Scenery William -- State Local YORJERRYDAYi Obituaries 0 f- - To Mainland i -- POINTS COT PREPARES a Week Off a 'Rented My Cabin for ft Steamship Tickets 19 INFORMATION all lines toura cruises American Express Co 24 W 3 B W 269 MALE HELP m 20 WANTED can use several youngmentoaemon-strat- e during coming summer sale! campaign in Salt Lake and rural territories Call or wrlto Real Silk Hosiery MilU Boston bldg EXPERIENCED salesman References required Salary and commission Call Felt Radio Was 6676 Mr Hunt EXPERIENCED salesman to sell standard nationally advertised line of ref risers tors washers radios household appliances Preference to man with auto State experSalary and commission Trib -- Tel ience Box TRUSTWORTHY man for service dept car bond rcq 602 Walker Bk bldg 4 p m REGISTERED pharmacist biological laboratory commission bring credentials references Biological Research Labora-tor- y 3501 Bo Main COUPLE to operate apt bldg wiii allow part rent on apt for services Box EXPERIENCED A-- Trlb-Te- electric welders Lang Co West 1st South WANTED— Experienced solicitors with or without cars Ambassador Cleaners to Dyers 145 So 5th East EXPERIENCED cook young married preferred short order and pastry out of —town Must be a willing and congenial worker Write Box 6 Trlb -- Tel 267 EMPLOYMENT & INVEST 21 CREW manager to traveTtfrBGooifeariw Inga assured Must have sedan: (25 invest for mdse Only experienced crew managers need apoly Mr Young gCHOOLS FOR MEN 22 WTEbNsmesnwomcrTTMO visiv-t- a month government Jobs 3106-31Many examinations coming 25 coached FREE Apply today lor particulars Box 3 Trib -- Tel Employment Training 22 LEAR?rTMfaARBEFTR BARBER COLLEGE 161 Regent gt SPECIAL TUITION OFFERED NOW LEARN barberlnc at Moler’i Barber college at 116 Regent It x GENTS WANTED HEADQUARTERS 23 ’RAz6RrAD"£a''acjat ties rubber goods Write for prices FaJanza 290 9th at Ban Francisco Dept A AGENTS anywhere for 25c household neoes-sit- y Good commissions K 216Bouth 2nd East Balt LakeElchmeyer City gALESMEN 24 WANTED THEENCYCIGPAEDlirBR an opening for an executive type aalrt-mt- n or saleswoman for Balt Laka City and other Utah territory Must be someone who can maka sales personally direct work of other aaTes-m- eo Slate qualifications tn first letter The ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITAN-NIC- A 681 Market it Ban Francisco CEMALE HELP 1 26 WANTED iti increMini Ncw ftudenta enrolling each week Opportunity to earn living expenses Writ Henaxer Business College 45 g Bdway OPPORTUNITY for young lady with experience to work for a course at Henager Business college GIRL for housework must go home night Call 1215 E 3rd South CALLS for qfflce hei p 29 POSITIONS WANTED FEMALE jadrwTsheTTrtakethr Vare of children by the hour days or evenings reasonable charge Was 6148-EXP housekeeper desires work ta motherless home ref Box TribTel EXF girl desires fountain or lunch counter REFINED work Was 7903-- J RUCTION SALES ANOTHER WHALE OF 10 ?£U5®J-MA?-34TH 30 A 36 A SALE M (Thfs ave runs west from West Tempi bet 2nd and 3rd Bo) I will aell to highest bidder extra it lot fine urn rugs dining eta bedrra sets lrm sets breakfast sets dresser chest drawers A- -l elec washer cong rugs floor lamps FINE BET BOOKS mirrors wardrobe refrig very fin ELEC RADIO beds epgs matt couches range beer bottle crocks fruit Jars 8EWINO MACH c: dlsbee’ utensils hundreds of article too numerous to mention Dealer and public all welcome BB THRIFTY make theae galea a habit (You H alway find a surprise) 149 QUITTING AVE BUSINESS Last dan of the Auction Bat At 14 East 2nd South Albert's bargain store everything must to: shoes shirts dresses pants work clothes: ail fixtures for sale J M Bandark Auctioneer Bale starts II a m to 6 pm W H ADAMS 1484 to 1486 SO THALES High AUCTIONEER STATE BY 4800 DERRICK AUCTIONEER class auction at rile Waa 5444 M 1 |