Show r THE SALT 10 Net Luncheon SetsAve Smar CONTRACT BRIDGE Trick £an Be Developed That Does Not Appear Possible at First Glance — By JOSEPHINE CULBERTSON Sometimes t a partnership at bridge reaches a email alam contract and la laced by the opening lead with the certainty of a loser in one suit and when there seems to be noth When the ace He decided to play the hand on such a basis that if the king of clubs was located in the East hand It would be unnecessary for him to take the spade finesse After winning the first club with the ace Mr Harris laid down a round of diamonds and then cashed his three good hearts On the last heart he discarded a club After the heart tricks had been cashed the queen of clubs was led and East was forced to lead Whatever choice he made at this point was hopeless as the lead of another club would permit the discard of the losing spade in dumlby antpthe lead of a spade would give Mr Harris the two tricks in that suit he wanted whereas the lesd of another heart would also permit the discard of a loser in dummy — Temerrew's Hand East dealer Both sides Vulnerable MORNING MAY 24 1934 T OP INTEREST TQ WOMEN NEWS AND VIEWS T LAKE TRIBUNETHURSDAY a FOOD HATES jWt Imitations Most Troublesome Cases Hating Children Follow Tastes of Elders LBy ANGELO PATRI— of-Foo- By FLORENCE LA GANIOS Lettie was all excitement Her wedding day was not far off and the wedding gifts wera beginning to come in When she opened one box she said as she saw tha contents peeking through the tissue paper "Oh this is from Nancy Page I am juht a sure of it a if I had seen the card this minute’ She was right too for the box contained a luncheon set made of fine white net Nancy had purchased a fine mesh In white She cut the plate doilies so they would be 18 by 17 inches when finished That meant aha made inches wide for a her pieces 13 rolled hem Is placed at quarter-inctop and bottom There Is a hem at two sides A small amount has to be turned under so the net id cut 19 inches long Tha napkins art 12 inches square when finished They have hem ct one end The other edges are all rolled or turned back into a tiny AUNT d ELLA looked around the table unfolded her napkin and Through the Gafde’rfGite By MAUD CHEGWEDDEN SOIL FOB THE BOCK GARDEN A person once said: “This business of mixing special soil mixtures for the rock garden is all nonsense Use whatever you have” He was sup posed to be an expert gardener but it is certain that he had never had a rock garden in which he had grown the most choice and difficult of alpine Special soil mixtures are important The true alpine plants live in an entirely different soil in their native haunts than is found in our gardens They spend their lives where gritty soil formed by the element from the upland crags abounds If your garden is made from a clay loam and I believe most gardens in this locality have this soil you must incorporate an amount of clean river sand small gravel or stone chips and leaf mold or peat moss with the natural soil Again if your natural soil is poor thin sand add some clay along with the stones to give adhesiveness Very old well decayed manure may be used also but it is a lact that many alpine plants it too well fed with natural fertilizers tend to grow all to foliage instead of flowers Drainage is essential to the rock plants which like plenty of moisture at their roots but not stagnant water The loose and gritty soil gives natural 3 READERS U S May Send Woman As Envoy Jo Ireland V w aw4 - - “Pilgrim’s Progress" Bunyan’s 1m mortal book written year ago is still a best seller It has been translated intoT26Tangii5ges and diafeetk WASHINGTON May- - 23 WV-Th- e United States may send a second woman envoy abroad n The dame of Mrs J Borden Democratic national committee woman for the capital was linked today with speculation over the post of minister to the Irish Free State President Roosevelt set the precedent lor woman diplomats with the appointment of Mrs Ruth Bryan He intends to Owen to Denmark fill the vacancy at Dublin-causehy the death of W W McDowell before congress adjourns Why Pay Har-rime- Twice Ln as A with an air of judgment “X abominate tomatoes Simply Mach? I can’t stand them In any form Never could Remember NeEle? I them”of could or smell stand sight I never Mother glanced nervously at the children and nodded her head ing better than a 1 in esse lor the W geatar I Methods f "Have a baked potato These are such nice mealy alam "trick the chances of making the contract do not appear bright onga With plenty of butter they’re a treat for PERMANENT However there are many ways in the queen" which the cards can be played Often “Well just half a one I’m really no vegetable WAVES a trick can be developed that does eater I wouldn’t care If I didn’t see a vegetable not appear possible at first glance one from year’s end to the other What the vegWAVES In the hand below which was playetarians do is more than X can imagine But I ed by Mr George U Harris in a reComplete think they have a good juicy steak’ whenever cent game at leading New York club 9800 WAVES Mr Harris found a way to fulfil Complete they think nobody’s looking" Jack and Elise were listening with ears and what appeared to be an impossible $000 WAVES lfiouths wide open Somebody else disliked food Complete contract: - ' f Schilling Mustard South dealer 750 WAVES They had begun to think that they were the only v1 Complete ones In the world who ever shied at a lovely North and South vulnerable ItV ba strong Wvo78e Shampoo carrot or “Do Finger a bean green gorgeous (S A you golden A SOe ‘ MANICURE like spinach Aunt Ella?" asked Jackie deep Inand full of flavor 7KJ6 terest In every syllable o’clock 19 sntil evening Open ’T'OKQ10742 ' "No X don’t X haven’t eaten spinach more 4Q4 once In all my life X don't believe In eatthan DAY AIID IIIGilT A K 1072 ing things because somebody else happens to like AK86S42 71087) 79)4? I eat what I like No diets for me No thanks 78 BEAUTY SALOil : 08 K9 Nellie if there is one thing more than another that puts me off my OK4 WAS 45H m 8 MAIN ST 4KJI09 875) food It’s the sight of a milk pudding I’ll have pie No pie? Well— n4eo 4 J 1082 Your for goo and faithful X a can of some With are 1 there preserved peaches preserved hope A 1 AUERBACH AND HIS X loathe 497) 4AQ How milk But could face I COWORKERS II shipwreck pudding peaches 7AKJ76 ’ milk pudding" OAJ65) O 1082 Elise her had tasted noticed that Mother pudding and put down AA62 4AQ the spoon and had fixed longing eyes on the dish of peaches “I The bidding: South hope she doesn't ask for them” she thought in perturbation “If drainage North Fad 4JI0 Wotl X had known Elia would have talked like that before them— Have 71054 Paaa Of course as you progress In gar5 0 (I) P 10 ' another dish Ella?- OA976) Pais dening you may wish to grow those 0 (2) Paw' V Paaa easy dish have one canned I when with “Yes don't I stop 4954 please alpines which demand almost noth(1) North reasoned that with his peaches They do say sugar Isn’t good for you but X don’t believe ing but stone chips in which to live The hand will be discussed in to- hem Therefore each napkin was cut '’fine lit in diamonds it was useless VYAYTOjADD and those which must have lime as any such nonsense Eat all you like X say" 13 Inches by 13 3o temporize— hence the game bid morrow’s article Aunt Ella wondered why Nellie didn’t ask her to stay over for well as the acid lovers which hate Tha embroidegy on the net was at once This decision plight have WEIGHT AND “I certainly gave her every chance I told her I’d just lime You will perhaps want a bog the week-en- d FREE BRIDGE BOOKLET done in white But there is no reason unfortunate but as a Jtroved fact North did not particuas coon stay over until Monday and she didn’t say anything but Readers of this newspaper may why a vivid green or brilliant orange garden and a moraine which is a “The good weather will soon be here and I can let the children go a free copy of "Bridge Rules could not havf been used for the foliplace with stony soil and a constant larly desire to avoid a slam If South's have out more’ Of course I couldn’t stay if I wasn’t wanted” Cul and Josephine is strands two used Etiquette" by The thread supply of water underground All of warranted age it folding Nellie luck as was the course couldn’t which ohe bit of she Of these specialized forms of rock gar(I) Mr Harris with three aces and bertson through special arrange of D M C or equivalent embroidery youngsters saw dening wjll give you great pleasure fionora in every suit felt that he ment Address’ Mrs Culbertson cotton The stitch is nothing but a iriothef nurserdleticlan and educator of two lively on house Aunt the Ella turned her back ni csre of this newspaper IN than When ‘you grow flowers there which it No sooner had fcould make splendid use of any of running one which goes in end over meshes 1't may be under two and Jackie announced that henceforward there was to be no milk ’Pt“fcfwill 'flouirish 'no other'way' bur the v North’s honor atrength The four-fiv- e CLOSING A SCENT STAMPED to be outdone pronounced against are for the experienced gardener and ENVELOPE over two under one and over two ding cooked for him Elise not was not notrump convention all vegetables “I can’t abide vegetables" said she and the clipped not the beginner under one and over one as desired available because of North's jump to t Start first with a rock garden of The Greek key design is made to syllables the vibrant tone were Aunt Ella’s five diamonds “It she had stayed another day Robert the children would hare the easier plants which grow fit into the double hems which are West's opening lead was the club in such an inch wide The placement of been total food haters I’ve been struggling with the echoes of her noil mixture as I have described and 8 which Mr Harris correctly read KATHRINE DE PEYSTER By them is shown on the doilies and food talk ever since she left I hated not to ask her to stay but branch out later into the specialities as a "top of nothing" lead He felt what could X do? No matter how hard I tried to silence her she An alpine garden combined With a napkins which are drawn bn the that it indicated the location of the direction leaflet This may ha obnatural pool will be the most interestWEDDING WISHES kept right on only the louder for having been Interrupted" king in the East hand Thus reaMost troublesome cases of food hating are imitations Children tained by following the instructions ing part of the small borne grounds soning he did not consider it worth Dear Miss dd Peyster: but it must be made while to put up the queen but won 1 My husband and I have just given at the end of this column usually eat what their elders eat and seem to enjoy to some of nature’s rules according The two cornucopias with leaves the first trick in his own hand with received a wedding announcement in the first (Copyright 1934 by the Bell Syndicate Inc) place and it muit be well kept after-warv the groom being a friend for which decorate the dollies should Mr Patri will give personal attention to Inquiries from parents Plants for the beginner’s rock years This is his second marriage be so placed that leaves ara apof children Write garden will be discussed later The bride we have never met but parently spilling Into the center of and school teachers on the care and development Worn fch Who Know him in care of this paper inclosing a three-ce- nt stamped addressed we want her to feel our friendship the cloth The design may be drawn Initit Upon le Crash Injuries Fatal How should we acknowledge this on piper and then basted to the net envelope for reply The outline is plainly visible through announcement To Aviationv Student In good taste? If so the meshes ‘and the stitches follow 1 Is a it as they go in and out of the net feraat thev are given without what wouldgift you suggest? Something Electricity Pd or tlanh Chem' E but not through the paper of moderate cost SHERMAN Texas May 23 (iPj— ical Only pure (team is nied 1 -I like so much tha expression William Curry 20 died here Leave th hair soft aad natural DR W A EVANS- Detailed instructions for' making By today "We want so much from injuries received in an airplane Important also— Thera i a price that you used seU” mgy be obtained ERYSIPELAS THEN AND NOW doned several years ago Another crash for everyone- to have her feel our friendship" “Net luncheon self-adtook which Monday the cents life and a lading three treatment consisted of large of a fellow aviation Write this man just such a l tt v iby student Mortidressed stamped envelope to Nancy Erysipelas in adults is not a very early ot iron of ot muriate doses hv’ tincture serious disease so far as concerns mer Riley 21 of Hewlett N Y making him “feel your friendship" by pM is a good tonic with which to “ cara 01I ui psper teUing him how delighted you were tendency toward a fatal issue Nor Iron Accompanied by his parents Mr — a contribution follow CIFTY KAY’S up erysipelas with the news of his msrrlsge what is it an important problem in preand Mrs Charles Curry who flew (Copyright 1934 Publishers afttreatment convalescence to of the to Sherman after the accident the ventive medicine It was once a ferohappiness you hope is in store tor Was SXU IT44 So Main Syndicate) 4i A m laaww them what sincere end friendly cious monster but it has last its tail er erysipelas— but patients very body will be shipped tonight to his New Natural Mineral Concentrate Free From Drugs Ric are not with the disease sick acutely have been home near Pittsburgh Pa feathers and its wings greetings you send his wife and how Before the days of Lister now taxed with the remedy TODAY’S very much you are both looking forin FOOD IODINE Building Up Thousands of Nervous J clipped muscles neuralgia of the nerves of and use to came the of Ichthyol ward it wae the big bad wolf of surgeons Then seeing him again and to meetNew Quick Folks chest the Rundown Way wail and Skinny pleurisy perhaps and lying-i- hospitals if we may be then the use of more pleasing local ing his wife of other emotions lt for a single week 3 Since this man Is such a close Try If you r thin rundown underpermitted to yield to pressure for the applications The next stage was the fear 3 is Its Food Iodine Is the one mineral that Pain the constant KEMBLE only symp- weight don’t ruin your digestion and Is friend of yours I think that it would use ot By GENEVIEVE figures of use of serums and antitoxins This to all glands Watch Indispensable tom overload your system with rich heavy ba a mojt pleasant and generous speech It has caused well built hos- group is still in use In fact it is 4 Since the difference that It makes It you and kill which foods keep appetite your this be to symptom may thing for you and your husband to The lunar aspects for this day are pitals to be abandoned and others do not gain from 3 to S pounds look the vogue Probably the most effi- present in different disorders there Is you feeling miserable send them a' wedding gift Something Indicative of a very auspicious state be burned relTh only way to di weight Is tg and feel younger find noticeableback is blood more than one ot cient member the group treatment As ief from stomach troubles bring a rule nourfor the new home is of course in or- of affairs especially for those wish-eat normal amount of good Evn todaF Pallena lth erysipelas serum taken from a person conval- the disorder is mild and will be reand th bottle money your une digesnature that your der: Something in china silver linen ing to gain the recognition and as- appear to be very sick but almost ail escent from ishing food and Generous supply at erysipelas aided works a cure tive glands and aaetmilatlon processes turned glass a visa in sliver or glass a sistance ot those In high places Su- of the adults who have it recover costs but little 'Fine for to be a still latest The It out of appears step the get good FASTEST luncheon set of linen or a breakfast periors employers and others in au- without children too—improves their appetite Health departTo do this you need plenty of the Get is ultra- (Copyright 1934 Chicago Tribune) lt today tea or dinner set of cloth and ser- thority and power will be disposed ments have great difficulty convinc- further improvement It to minerals found In nreclou p-JLj violet light This appears be rOTC7 CI1VC2 or the concendisviettes a Set of china or glass salad to give lriendly ear and aolld token ing people that it is a contagious new the vegetabla To limit the of most most effective as well as the space questions per- trate rich In vital mineral salts and i ease and should ba reported as such 2 pilots plates or dessert plates ’New Coeing Planes ot preferment and recognition i Sold al Schrammlt FOOD IODINE pleasant and safest of all treatments taining to hygiene and prevention of (Copyright 1934 King Feature Those whose birthday it is find but they occasionally have to deal Drs Nightingale and Starr report disease will be answered in this col- precious stewardess service 1 Radio feeds FOOD IODINE to tha starved Syndicate Inc) themselves confronted by a year ot with a small epidemic ot it Fast that it is especially useful in treating umn- Personal replies will he made glands which normally should produce Johnson Clean Cool Drug Stores f An adult who has it has a 16 to 1 which enabls you splendid opportunity tor gaining supin babies Given early it to inquiries under proper limitations the digestive Juices starches erysipelas Bv pro4 lira San Francisco £4152 port preferment and advancement at chance of recovering from it Recov- reduces the period of acuta symp- when return stamped envelope is en- to digest fate andFOOD IODINE supproper l8-- t 2 Irs Hois the hansd ot employers superiors ery is to be expected even when it Is toms including fever from about six closed Dr Evans will not make diag- vidingIt the Let Mercolixed Wax ‘ also assures ths body enough ply are there on and located face the auin of end those or 8 U Krs Portland and nosis disf for places individual power and prescribe 4404 days to about four and Thyroxin that mysterious body subReveal Your Beauty thority These may be approached symptoms showing the brain is feel- one-ha' 4 Hrs SeatUo stance without which food materials cuts the death Tate in ease It 52X3 cannot be turned Into firm healthy with confidence and they wilt the ing Its effect And another great ad just about half And it has no draw1 1311rs Spokane 4170 flesh rich red blood and Exchang that pallid aged and blem- found friendly and practically encour- vance is the abandonment ot ichthyol backs e energy smeared with ished complexion for one of To be treatment in aging 54 Hrs Omaha 5430 and glowing ftesbnaea by A child born On this day a'ould be that offensive fish oil preparation DOTS BEFORE THE EYES Hopes Women Will 9 Hrs CHICAGO uatng Msrcollxed Wax Pat thia lovely 5023 capable and ambitious winning good was not much better than fading out G A writes: Now and then I get oream each Into It akin your night 12 Hrs Cleveland S3 53 However erysipelas remains a very dots before my eyes which last for " ' position ia life flakee off the thin film ot IS Hrs NEW YORK 12323 gentlyaklh grave disease when it appears among about a half hour after which follows Notable nativity: Queen Victoria Adopt This Habit clearing away aU such deTHIS IS THE EIGHTH OF A SERIES OF TEN REASONS babies un a terrible headache Is this condition a freckle llvar spots tan When attacks fect infanta ' it 1 I i 10 Off on Round Trips The under and blackhead (Copyright 1934 King Features der 1 month ot age th death rate due to the eyes? Men Well As Fares Include Lunches Aloft kln la radiantly clear emooth and - REPLY under tha older treatments was 80 Syndicate Inc) oft revealing all th 'youth end Into 90 per cent In babies between 1 You appear to be subject to mi- Lobby Hotel Utah Was 2002 dividuality of your face Mercoliaed " and 8 months of age it was slightly graine Eyestrain is one of the many bring out th bidden beuty of Investment Firm Head Hotel: Postal tt Western Colon Office Wax Glass of hot water each morn- Powdered Baxollt reduces over 50 per cent and in the last halt causes of migraine your skin wrinkle and ether age elgqe Simply was slightly ot ot life it Found the first Death Shot year to f ing helps us look and feel In dissolve one ounc Baxollt FALSE ANGINA less than this figure On this stateua dally An Advantapint witch basal and clean sweat fresh ment erysipelas in babies is a ’most G M D writes: as an astringent At 11 drug end ' 1LGIN 111 May 23 WV-W It has twice the 1 What is false angina? ' (Adv) Armstrong of Aurora El head of a serious disease department store geous Time to Causes? rate of the bad forms of i large Investment firm was found mortality Happy bright alert— vigorous As children adults in Symptoms? pneumonia in Real shot to' death in his automobile on and vivacious— good clear skin: Cure? emerge from babyhood and progress " a rural read near here today natural rosy complexion and REPLY becomes toward erysipelas maturity Armstrong Injured in an automo- less serious with each year ot life This term is loosely applied to a freedom from illness are assured bile accident three months ago left Treatment of tha disease becomes blood If There ls no Investment that ‘ variety of pains in the heart region only by dean healthy the hospital only recently His body md likewise woman is as safe as real estate It only every better The old treat- of tha chest wu discovered by George McQueen progressively ment ' consisted in tha tree use of 2 Among other causes ot Such every man could realize the wonis the basis of all wealth a farmer bath inside That treatment was aban pains are rheumatism of the chest ders of the morning The three most essential He is survived by the widow and whisky would what a gratifying change ’ Don their only child things in life are food' I take place - Armstrong was about 88 years i Taiment and shelter and' Instead of the thousands of bid the owner of a home is men womsickly anaemic-lookin- g the most happy and con- ’ en and gfrl with pasty or muddy Castle ' of Austrian tented individual His complexions instead of the mulin the commutitudes of “nerve wrecks" “run'standing Fascist Leader Bombed downs" “brain fags” and pessinity 13 higher and his home ownership is a basis mists ws should see a Virile opti' of credit as well as the VIENNA May 23 ff)--A bomb exmistic throng of ploded today in the courtyard ot mark of good ’Citizepeople everywhere ln Waxehburg Starbemberg cast An inside bath is had by drinknship' upper Austria home ot Prince Ernst In my 34 years’ experience in 75 years ing each morning before break1 INSTANTLY REMOVE von Starhemberg vice chancellor of fast a glass of real hot water with financing and selling real Austria and leader of th fascist cl estate X find the present teaspoonful of limestone phosi FROM FACE ARMS AND LIOS heimwehr time to be "the most ' oppor-- : in it to wash from the stomphate The chapel ot the castle Wu damtune 1 WITHOUT IRRITATING YOUR SKIN ach liver kidnevs and ten yards of aged severely and many of the winTha signs of tha times point to bowels the previous day’s indigesesIncreased In dows of the castle itself were (bat“ real activity tible waste sour fermentations and JASPER FLETCHER tate i tered sweetenthus Real Salt Estate cleansing President Former poisons Lks The public Is getting over Its Authorities said they suspected nd President SCIIIUU-JOIIIISOII- 'S i Board In 1930 and freshening the entire alibaIs and ing and (ear timidity Investment Co nazia of setting off the bomb coming more cheerful and op- KING OF BOTTLED BEER mentary canal before putting more tlmUtlo about th future t food into the stomach NOW Is tha time to buy when Tht biggtst uUing bottled beer ia history Officer Picks Wrong Place Those subject to sick headache many want to sell Don't biliousness nasty breath rheumawait until many desire to buy ' ANHEUSER-BUSCST LOUIS To Show and lew wish to sell- and i colds those tism SliB! Marksmanship particularly who nave a pallid sallow complex- -' NOW ONLY SOe ion and who are constipated very OSHKOSH Wis May 23 tfVMo-torcycl- a Ike often ar urged to obtain a quarF0B OUTSTANDING HOMS fr Officer Irving Stilp is bedsllar kttt ter pound of limestone phosphate — ing reprimanded— not for his marks“ ‘rr— — — VALUES f at the drug store which will cost manship but for ius choice ot demto sufficient TODAY’S but is e trifle hut CLASSIFIED ADS SEE to it display place DeWans does exactly that Removes the hair in just an inonstrate tho quick and remarkable A barkeep told Stilp ba couldn’t stant And it’s so utterly mild you can actually use it just change in both health and appear’ hit the broad aide ot a bam with his before going out COLUMN NO 130 without fear of showing an irritated ance awaiting those who practice undersized revolver Accepting the " ’ " c f " re' We slin Certainly that's an advantage! must t sanitation internal i' v a the beer officer smashed challenge Is cleanliness member that inside SO dividends When a on the in window consider you pleasure protection glas paces away And now that DeWans Is only 50c for the same bottle that more important than outside beNow h hu been deprived of his and thrift certainty of increase in prices isn’t the wipe formerly sold for (1 you can enjoy its ipildness on youf cause the skin does not absnrH ' day oft for the hext five weeks answer to INVEST IN A HOME TODAYl amis and legs at no greater cost than ordinary depilatories JOIlft SCOWCROFT & SONS CO to contaminate the blood Th milk make is harmless searchwhile ths pores in the thirty feet of SALT LAKE CITV 1 PEICI bowel do 0GDIH ing for rals r (Adv) 3 h one-inc- one-inc- h iiii! ’ 'H 40 ¥ Vsc’zLess S $200 $250 $300 $375 Schilling M iisfard - here's thg 3 KELfldE' -- ETIQUETTE J Per::! 17ms HOW TO KEEP WELL mmtwrMd s lbs o£ Alluring Curves This QiiibEi Nev Way j 52C0 5300 8500 ' HOROSCOPE Kelp-a-Ma- j 1 -- tVCTID'S Kelp-a-M- after-effec- ts Ti Kelp-a-Ma- hard-to-g- et Kelp-a-M- Kelp-a-Ma- one-hal- lf day-lo- velvety-unoothnee- ’ sur-fa- ce rnr as “WHY 2 I BELIEVE IT IS one-hal- W ' Invest Estate” v GoodTasteNever Changes rosy-cheek- : of public preference made r natch-er-Luc- ‘ I an DeIVANS fmt ' H HAIR REMOVER s J - w j ' 6 s |