Show Vacation Cash Comes in the Way Things GO— Wasatch THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THU RSDAY MORNING MAY 24 1834 590 Combined Service 2 Papers— 12 Words 4 Days only 19 $116' a1 WIsleTfie BEFORE YOU BUY OO TO 08 7TH SO & MAIN TOO CAN L BORROW ON MONEY TOUR a FINANCE bum prospective 1 TUI BALI U high £55 THESE CARS LOOK LIKE AND RUN PERFECT RECONDITIONED SO MAIN W 1030 ST PRIVATE SALES FINANCED 1921 1921 1928 1931 NEW AND GUARANTEED Ml ESSEX Coach BUICK Roadater DURANT Sedan CHEVROLET CWM 46 Ml 645 1952 PLYMOUTH D Lux Coach 1933 CHEVROLET Maater Sedan 826 “ 216 1930 FORD Sport Coup lata 226 1930 FORD Coup 626 Sedan 1931 BUICK 196 1931 HUDSON I W W Coach WE ALSO HAVE as USED TRUCKS QUICK AND "CONFIDENTS A1 NO COSIGNERS LOW RATES BUDGET SYSTEM INC was mi m motor ave LOAN 31a TO MONEY 1TH SO & MAIN W 515® motor upholatery and lr Urea cond- - ovefalaa flnUh low mileage Uka 1195 cash or trade 1931 In Sedan Cher (clear) lor equity Hr to 1933 model and par dlflerenc — 3404-- J 0 to I eve) 1939 CHEV AT LOWEST COST TO YOU PRICES ARE OOINO HIGHER TODAY’S SPECIAL 114 -- Ilk-to- t Parts Coach A- -l WHEN you phone FowleUi Tor LawoMow-er- a finished bo BURE you get CHAU A FOWBUCK’S comb cost end gas range LER’S Key Oun Bicycle A Novelty all porcelain finish lust Ilka Here eerred you for 20 year orkg tor 6150 sold new originally W Broadway AVAS 4980 now 4150 GUARANTEED lawn mower sharpening the STUDIO COUCH apaoa for bedfactory way 1986 Bo 11th E Hy 2111 ding condition like new' coat 1933 1930 1939 1929 DODOS Coupe like new DODGE Dt Luxe Sedan DODGE D A Sedan PACKARD like new 1930 HUDSON (24 Sedan l De Luxe Coupe new paint new motor 6 De Luxe 8edan in perfect condition 1929 HUDSON i NASH "870" Sedan new b8 Sedan 1930 CHRYSLER paint perfect motor 1937 CHRY8LER 70 Sport Roadster 1927 CHRYSLER 10 Sedan A- -l 193 OUTSTANDING BARGAINS WICKER chelae good lounge 615 00 condition 20 00 Wicker CHAISE COUCH 12 60 GENUINE leather davenetto 1 50 Used ICE BOXES as low aa 1200 Used COAL RANGES at low aa GRANITE FURNITURE CO 1060 Bast list South BUY tell and etchings new and used furniture OTAllTTuMpajTeSlthoufVemovini Method Ouar Williamson Mack's Welding 460 So State W 3285 flywheel 495 165 AUTOMOBILES 395 41 Wanted WANTED FOR CASH 485 transfer a storage hadley 49 East Broadway Wu 1176 Moving Packing LATE MODEL CARS OR WILL BOY YOUR EQUITY MCBRIDE e WAS 5150 1TH BO AND MAIN NEW oo Fireproof Storage turn traded tor used Patent Attorneys 96 Papering 97 GET $3500—6 a buy NEAR LIBERTY PARK RMS AND 8LP PORCH 13250— Fee south on attraotlva 5 street Hardwood floors fireplace beautifully hot-wat-er decorated full basement beating system laundry tap and tuba gar- - lawn and flowers HILLCREST tixr INVESTMENT feer OP TOUR OWlfr Near East High— Thla ts a real arpdr-tunlty to pick up the biggest bargain In B L Bix specious etry nos mkpl floors Ilteplscs bookcases largt cement basement furnace laundry tubs etc laraa lot Just a mass of Dower and shrubs also double strata Goat out of town owner over 88000 an paid It’s A Chance of life— time 350 FINEST APARTMENTS 200 GARAGES BALT LAKE'S FINEST APARTMENT ALSO THE BUCKINGHAM— KENSINGTON COVEY— LA FRANCE ARY SIZE OF PLAN YOU DE8IRB lTO I ROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Front porches and glassed-in- deeping porches beautiful tile baths to col ora with tub and shower ALL OUTSIDE WINDOWS Lots of air and sunshine! Specious lawns shrubs flowers A HOME" "JUST Enloy the best — It costs no more SERVICE INCOMPARABLE ifUl— ROOMS Everwhere Prosperity ft A PLACE 3 RENT 116 WE SPECIALIZE IN MOVING SALT LAKE TRANSFER OO Waa 1338 EXCHANGE STORE 1054 East 21at So Hy 8890 and For nAPARTMENTS UNFURNISHED Lake or Cal by bonded experta Ererythlng Insured no crating nee MOLLERUP MOV-INO- A STORAGE C Balt Lake W 1563 HOUSEHOLD moved and goods packed hipped anwhare Modern fireproof warehouse Long dlat mov a specially REDMAN VAN A STOR CO W 1482 SUCIARHOUSE t 335 195 165 WESTERN 2 "130 errr and suburban OPTIMISM PREVAILS' rms 132 60 and up 625—BRAND new furniture' living rm tile bath nook kit Marlean 462 Bo 3rd E 614 — IDEAL for couple walnut De Luxe bed get gar It lncl 180 E 7 Bo J2L50— 638 4th ave 4rm mod apt 3 bed-rm- ii elec yet rig new furniture H 4180 AND completely furn sptsl 425 East South Temple White Wes 8707 minute 95 Moving A Storage FURNnURjTmoved toienveh Biilt ELECTRIC WASHER 1276 "Eaay Terms" FURNITURE CO Bargain Basement 136 Bo Stale - 37a Starter Teeth A- -l 19 50 how only 135 0MES FOR SALE' BROADMOOR 630 Elrd8outtl'BeauUiuT6 rms Lots of sunshine fresh air- - Taste-full- y decorated Exclusive Reasonable BIGELOW 325 6 4th K— Strictly up to the 195 AUTOMATIC APARTMENTS For RENT 115 ' - FCRii 3i "' - ‘ n Lawn Mowers Sharpened 92 IC$OXTthorough!yTleaneTanT7e" 6 Auto Repairing 37 MOr6SecotIoSntrToirTrlcrr3tee Our V- - tudor like SALE pJRNITURE wheel De Luxe 435 new 1330 FORD Std Conpe finished In rellntd Day or nisht tervioa Don Hampton 50 10th K Hr 00 a beautiful areen and allver 295 1939 0HEVv poach very ood Urea 4 50 up Ref 8XUONTZINO tops Included perfect motor light track xrvtet ehttp Waa 7016-- 1 1121 CHEV COACH real clean 1933 FORD USINESS SERVICE AtlAVGta ALPnABtTlCAXXt SAVTNOa on uae d partarear truVk7 VarValnt 1991 NASH 917 DE LUXE SEDAN— on trailera W to 10 tone cash for old With naw tlrea motor rebored cara trucks Pelt Wreckaie 845 8 State new platona rlnra and plna dark LOW beautiful prices on parts eaah for ears Tourtit roljnlahed In a Auto Wrerkate Co 1018 State Hv 5852 raen and black with I yellow 1495 wire wheela Priced low at USED CARS 45 UP PRICED PROM I REFINANCE pour present eon tract If four payment nr UN 5150 WE HAVE 100 CAR 1 W- - a'r 50 6225 lifixiE'LOuyaradeioanVon’iulta f exp 185 ton abort w b tuna watch a old told 47 W 2nd Bo 190 CASH for old (old or trade on watchea ttaka body furniture Repairing 87 n '31 lont w b 415 jewelry rlne etc 44 B 1st South Ai R tGTU RErU nUhVd' upholT' keylock 325 10m w b WILL trade alec player piano like new lv-to- n rep Broadway Repair Co dual lone tun radio 1100 worth of muaic rolls for used truck 3rd Bo W 2404 Call and del w b 1931 model 90 Trlb-Tor paaaencer car Box 300 Chevrolet lMi-tROYAL FURNITURE CC 47 X 2nd 8a ANY radio repaired 61 or what have you? Waa 1591 Uphoh reflig and repairing INTERNATIONAL Salle or no chg free inspect H 7733-- J HARVESTER COMPANY House Cleaning LAROE stamp collection for used car or 90 435 West 4TH SOUTH WAS 1811 Trlb Tal will aell reasonable Box "WfIo?(XirotjMicQKihNXc6 Painters and decorators Wat 4356 FOR 51 Auto 36 INYnufoNTTl-tonInternational podge 1131 International International International FINANCING THROUGH 33 LETS SWAP 31 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 JRUCKS FOR SALE MONEY VO LOAN" " ED D SMITH 8k SONS MAIN FLOOR NEWHOUSK BLDG — WAS 9221 "See the Ex position A SMALL PRICE FOR A LIFETIME OF HAPPINES- SOWN YOUR OWN HOME' - - “ rr POST STREET lot 3Txl4t ft Paving and aewer paid Taxei only approxI A real value— soak -youg tart here 61800 — m etueeo Just remodeled new modern bullt-t-n ktlchen nicely dado-rat- ed Inside new plumbing fixtures new llrht fixtures new paint cornet lot 74 X 1ST WEST 81150— mod frame cement foundation front and rear yards la lot and -double garaee Just oft car linsjJn I ood condition Bee It at 485 ARAPAHOE 12950— brick with full basement amusement room in basement neetljr redecorated inelds and out new roof choice corner location convenient to schools 905 1ST AVE 85500— A beautiful NEW Engllah colonial laraa lot 88x119 ft: lovely hdwd Doers a tralaht wall semen led basement hot-a- ir furnace breakfast nook butU-- la featurei double garage shrubbery — lawns 2863 DEARBORN 8T ‘ 1750-- 437 118 CO Furn Co- - 111 E Bdwr W 4158 THOMAS A THOMASr U RRegTTradS COVEY mirkw Drawinga Bcaaon Bldg W 722 OWNERS AND OPERATORS GIGANTIC FURNITURE AUCTION Thurs 239 East So Temple 5471 Waa 149 m 24 a 10 30 at Plerponl May 10-Sedan 345 139 WILLYS-KNIOH- T - ave NEW CHESTHOLME APTS 338 E Bo Tem- Everything for the home to high PERSONAL LOANS 1927 HASH Ambassador Sedan real WILL PAY CASH— NO DELAY est bidder m See auction col lor full 3 0 turn or unf 135 £le— and clean 488 B MAIN M NORVILLE MOTOR DERRICK AUC- PAPERHANOINrwTnUngTMn THALES list one sparkling clean beautiful TIONEER W R Duke Hy 8194-nlshed newest CASH all SPOT a CARR— grounda NEED big equipment RECONDITIONED °9 COMPLETELY value Was 4813-We tell your car— Small commlaaion LAROK walnut dresier 162 I st apt 1 PAINTING paperhanKlni and cleaning Norma Deane 166 I St 185 EAST 1BT SO 7122-JORGENSEN Was Btevena reals for fstlmatca 6&83J prices Hy Chut Formerly 4 large rme and front eun rm as 157-I- n d w cab and 1933 CHEV extra bedrm colored tile in kitchen and 1929 Nash SPECIAL COUPE rum 101 A WOOD 52 6466 WANTED PERFECT BifAPE bath el chasslt 157-lIdeal for summer furn FURNITURE-CO-MAKE- R refrig ble seat aide mounta very aood pURNITURE n d w cab and 652 60: unf 1931 CHEV 646 Was 4872-cEntUBYPRINTING CO hleh-cla- s FOK SALE mechanical ahape alx good New Premier 23 So (th East JIB chassis 1250 6 HIGHEST 23 1801 CAUTwa5464 GUARANTEED Was work st Edison tires Price 385 157-i- n 1931 CHEV d w stake Oool BEE HIVE COAL CO with bedrm and extra wall 1 CASH 80 PIECE OR RMS PRICE and public library binding see 1931 CHEV short w b d w stake 385 bed Hy 3788 191 West 17th So Modernistic Interior finish el FREE CALL RIGHT NOW FORP private 1931 DODGE 9 SPORT COUPE 4 Prlendlp company oiler more com- n 1870 25 O Pint Co 221 Edtxon t W 1930 O M C ''6'' express rsnse and refrlg colored tile bath and coal Spring Canyon Ut A- -l tuperrl-Iounder mechanical LOCAL REALTY CO wheals wire aerylee CASH plete dignified CllA Waa 6559 for blgnesl BFOT 1928 O M C cab and chassis kitchen— Oarage Nice grounds Pun Carbon Co district- Lump60 6725 etove ' Home WAX 58 151 BO MAIN of itato banktnt dept Quick— condition 8 xood tlrea new all kinds rugs stoves White 652 50 unf 645 Hy 7317-N- R Bulck motor prices for furn pea 65 85 67 cobble 66 80 nut 66 csnlldentiaL Coat la aa low ai an obfinish very low mllaase Price 425 195 no OIVEN etc APPRAISALS obligation rear end 1 06 We JobiT 3 61 FILLMORE01NTAH II of coal pea tainable In tha clt tor this lull loan MODERNIZATION 325 I SKS kindling remodeling stake 1939 DODGE WE need your furniture Highest prices paid Cof 2 W-- 2 So Att email apts fur nut II 20: 3 stove 6135 Hr 4004 erne: 1 to 30 montha to par Coma DICTATOR 1931 BTUDEBAKER 296 figure costs Wt contract the work We 1930 DODGE "4" 157-l- n panel for furniture City Furniture Exchange or unf Reae rates W 9680-- R W 3000 lend the cash Estimates free W 8108-- R phone writ SEDAN very low mileage up235 SPECIAL-DOMES- TIC COAL (14 ton gtova 1929 DODGE panel Bo 21 West Was 9028 Temple new Hr 4868 new Vi ton nut! at 6720 FAIRMONT stake holstery and Unlah like 1929 DODGE 1'4-to- n used furniture or A- -l condition 365 mechanical 60 E 6th Bo Very attractive tires perfect motor COAL BY HELPI I will buy your 7 BACKS II DEL KINDLING 2S There la only one “highest 54 ton range Price mod excellent eond Was 2838 W 1000 1931 FORD SURVEYOR'S HY 6603 BECK'S TON BACK 396 price" Call jnojtt Was 6152 station wagon SOCIKTT Cheapest lot on Main at 80x139 ferV PRINCETON com I SEDAN: 1931 HUD80N all paving paid Paving coat ever 1600 1930 FORD YOU KNOW I wo ray tbe beat for used furMl Clift Bide Cor Main At 3rd Bo panel new rings 350 Cor (tb E and 1st B 4 or I rm mod Iron new reconditioned nrw paint It tot U3t Taka flat built-u- p pletely niture Holland FURNITURE roofs A- -l shingles: Asphalt cond loc 2090 fine 9000 Was Hy 95 1928 CHEV STAKE le Goodyear tires original finish 408 364 So State Was 6513 Fret supervision radius: pre- DE VON 457 So M 8th E— mod cooL 15 like new new batter r Price coal box serve your roof with uphalt paint 1928 CHEV JUST THINK OP THIS plpeTother sixes PRIVATE party wanta used turn 44 4 rues tjCRGlTrfock lots of shade and light 622 50 MANY OTHERS PRICES OTHER TEE REMODELING CO INVESTIGATE LOCK ROOFINO U METAL OO w 6797 MONSEY IRON more heaters ranges eto Pay M IDO LEY MAVNKLL NEW MIDOLEY 850 SO STATE WAS 7196 HY 904-- R 100x134 on Btate atclose to 53th Wasatch 4763 700 8o 3rd West STOPI We need furniture: don't give route r turn or unf rest 821 B W Tem South and only 2000 ER away We pay cash Hr 4800 Window PRESCOTT APTS— Beautiful mod FURNITURE WANT QUICK— HOUSEFUL apts maid's room Frigldtire else 6HADES Lowest SANDERS WINDOW 78x185 feet on Vtt? Bouth Just west of 31 PAY CASH GOOD PRICE W 9893-- J TO MAIN 75® see to appreciate ffCRA’Tcounterg and refrigerators U 8 Inq free and Btsie st fine for shop or 3nd hand cara 11 W 4681 quotations rubber WASATCH FURNITURE CO para more for prices: samples iltcers Std choppers scales new For 1 3 0 10 nlonth or longer Th above prices are absolutely giveallowances made oo old rollerat ehades NICE and used furniture 857 Bo State Waa 896 rm apt 14 to lTomei close parsley Butchers' equipment r Charter figured only on the Unpaid ' Wat 1995 reversed 6(8 Bo Stete away— don't delay In used Harrington 9 106 W 2nd South CASH FOR RANGES FURNITURE RUOS Was 685 week days balance of loan— and only lor tb actual 1931 NASH 8 SPORT COUPE 3 wire wheel walk-in box 5376 W WASH JUEIc-COO- Ltime you owe that amount and SEW MACHINES COMPLETE refrigeration for WALTER break-fa- st mechanicalMEEKS 1 rms elec excellent all front seat J rumble and FOR RENT Ooma in— write— or phone set refrlg and display case Now operating per-00 WE buy used furniture and ranges Mlchl 1DOOMS E bedroom (2 beds) tUe HALLO TRUST ly new Urea A iuap 6195 SJ1 Bo ‘ fect real bargain for quick aale Everythin! arranged in 34 to 48 bra bath locker gar 340 S 6th East Waa (31 sen Turn Co 430 Bo State W 6145 Main at FURNISHED CARAVAN East let South Was 821 TO WING-IPETER furPAN 445 -3rd South— YOUR price la our price we need your up C® lrROxToomTovefeurffed furnltureTpriv mp to the minute 3 rooms 926Strictly niture at once Call Waa 8637 up bath parking space 514 2nd ave MISCELLANEOUS alp pch 1st fir Ideal loc 1 NICE rms In private home with or with- ROBINS Room 411 Continental Bank fllda close In refrlg clean 251 Center st 53 FOE SALE out board near "U” Hy 7088 200 S Main Phone Waa 3001 ONLYRADIOS FOR SALE — UNDER STATE SUPERVISION BEAUTIFULLY furnished rm 1 block east WHEN you move save time axpensa and a modern brick home in reliable moving man breakage! hire of Hotel Utah 61200 Ill E S Temple listed In classification Moving and condition Lot 45x165 feet Close In en YOU All Cam Double Checked before delivery Act quick SELWOOD 41 E 1st So— ROOMS 600 UP— street No car fare Storage col No 95 6575 1933 FORD -- 9 Ooup raved cash 62 week up STEINITE radio 1 tubes I 615 Apts 6260-6- 5 week and 111 per mohth per 260 PARKWAY7T21 Beautiful E 1932 TUDOR Sedan 8o '6th MONEY TO 8TEWART-WARNE10 K tubes WHAT A BUY cent convent-enc- e Interest 446 ent LOVELY cool rm of every All of these ranges are thoroughly 1934 BUIOK Coupe for lots sunhlne fresh sir tastefully twin speakers brand new 1500 295 SEDANS— COACHES— COUPES reconditioned and carry 9 FULL GUAit decorated exclusive reasonable 1930 OLD8MOBILE Coach llQ ’mo 121 1st ave Was 5045 10- 1934 CROSLEY dual cabinet 150 ANTEE 1928 TUDOR 8edan 110-6room 50 00 SMALL ma 635— ISABELLA Beaut grounda cool home tube brand new 395 1930 HUPP Sport Coupe ANT PLEDGE OP VALUE SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY 105 1st ave Wes 4842-like gas refr gar 646 B 4 8 H 4263-GRANITE FURNITURE CO Apt 9 295 1931 FORD Town Sedan NOTE— Deduct 625 from these prices modern homa nicely decoAuto— Personal Property— Stocka 1050 East 21st South CLUFP 2nd Bo 11th E 4 oc 6 rms all ge 125 1927 BUICK Standard Coach a range la wired for 1946 homo If Sedan rated cement basement laraa let 1934 8TUDE your Honiara IN DOOMS elec 125 Portia small turn Hy 6108-61150 PHILCO 1921 CHRYSLER Coach Onotca for 400 ehtekens Bparton baby grand Demonstrator 1 Per Cent Discount Per Month coop 622 50 1 74 oven Ulectra (able TRUCKS console AU 1186 11300 Ml 4 RMB and for location 815—1 FDISON southeast Corf Sedan all 1434 large within mod 8TUDE deco year plates newly ' Repay monthly prlv FOR RENT n 84 62M model 65 table model 1930 FORD Cab and Chaaal RELATIONSHIP-CONFIDENTIAL full automatic hath sag rge 629 Bo Main WF3TINQHOURE Demonstrator ssy terms Why rent? 350 69 Radio Studios 135 ElJroadway 325 1930 CHEV Stake CONSIDERATE WE8TINGHOU8E 1928 PACKARD 8 Sedan gray and white MARYLAND APTS 4 rms elec range re 195 n Stake -- LUCAS 1929 CHEV 475 INVESTMENT JCO PRANKLIN Coupe tieoTfor 130 FLETCHER 1930 cost CROSLEY radio cabinet porcelain frig newly decorated 638 g 8 Temple 345 dual wheels 475 1930 FORD 154-tWESTINGHOUBB apt house mod 1933 ROCKNE Sedan cash II W 2nd 80 W 2354 Eves H 691-4Phone Wae 8947-- J Clean and comfortable COOL roomi 830 — 4 ROOMS modern and glass ilp 69 n 1929 FORD Stake Loans— De Luxe Sedan 425 1931 CHEVROLET Estate— els brand new only 2 left Real Mortgage at winter rates Hotel Little la the 1931 CHEV 350 porch elec refrlg CO Roper gas range dump 1930 HUPMOBILE Sedan Insurance 5 heart of the city gae furnished plenty hot water garage 275 Com Sedan down— Small monthly TERMS 1929 STUDEBAKER 65 161 80 BTAtE 640 B oth East 175 Hy 4S62-1028 STUDEBAKER Com Sedan y payments EXPERT repat7Ing Ttuej?Ch(t!T LOT on paved st southeast State Bank Supervision Waa 1918 175 “ 1927 BUICK 47 Sedan 1C d)AH APTS 319 E 0th 8 modern CORNER plus parta W extern Electrical College by fine ehade treea UTAH POWER A LIGHT' DO 45 HUDSON Coach All Activity’ hdw “In Center the of fire elec refrtg garage 'porches brick bungalow with double sleep Was 500 138 South Main 125 B Wu 98 SEDAN E CHEV 1927 2nd 38 Cool comfortable FORD DEALER finish oak floors baauttf BROADMOOR 8o E 3rd Oek 930 Beautiful 55 INSTRUMENTS MUSICAL porch QUICK WAS 1414 515 BO 8TATE ST rms Lota of sunshine fresh air Testa MODERN CLEAN QUIET ly decorated furnace etc Only tJ85u AND WE PAY CASH FOR TOUR18T HOTEL 49 W Plrst South Exciuslva terms SALE decorated Reasonable fully FOR CARS USED MODEL LATE close In aouthaast four BEER novelty boges back Bara countrates 61 50 week up BIOELOW— 226 8 4th E Strictly up to the BRICK TERRACE plnondf”permontG KANE Bummer ers cash registers complete lint of bar GOODuTed practiceMusic unit! of 4 rooms each Modern plumb- Advanced to employed people without HOTEL-2- 41 125 and up 8o State outside rms minute 3 and Co 74 B Main st at Olen Bros ranges basement rentals 180 pef cement Ing 13 50 lndorsera or (ecurlty of any kind A CHEVROLET AND PONTIAC DEALERS double glassware Majestie restaurant 50 62 water hot B"EVtiRLY single JANE— 12 Bouth ttiTEVst PROFIT-SHARINmo Only 14500 81000 cash and ossuma ateam tables counters and stools col-te- a BEE8LEY MUSIC CO Will pay cash for UTAH MUTUAL 6535 -" 44 6 State Was 10295 1933 CHEV Coach strictly up to the minute 626 83500 I per cent homa loan urns dishes silverware eto band Instruments or pianos Was 3060 TUXEDO ofHOTEL CORP Call and let ua explain our 86 hotels t in eltv the nicest family Ona 1927 CHEV Coupe WESTERN FURNITURE COMPANY LOVELY llvlng'rm: bedrm breakfast nook OWNER M118T BELL hie attractlv STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS eaey loan and repayment plan to you WILL pay cash for your used piano Utah 225 " comfortable 8162 Clean Decidedly Was 1930 CHEV Coupe breakfast' reputable 135 colonial with State brick 4308 50 tile South bath WASATCH kitchen 488 SOUTH MAIN 188 E Broadway Frlgidalra III Music Co 135 : and double satire teas rates to transients dt permanents 1928 FORD Coupe In perfeot condiMarlean 432 So 3rd B It's very nice ' 365 1931 FORD Coupe tion Tha yard will delight yoa & E INDEPENDENCE Hotel 31 W 3 B 60c up nice lawn gar Walker Bank Bide 345 1934 PLYMOUTH apt SEDAN Driven DE LUX ' 1932 FORD Tudor terms 63750 Marrom 60 62 Mst rms wk 58 at SALE FOR up h k paved 691 Bo 1st West Was 9144-246 modrH ANCHOR LUMBER OO prepam foul TYPEWRITERS 1929 HUDSON Sedan only 745 miles Big discount 2ND WX8T NEAR 9TH BO ROSLYN HOTEL 64 H 80 Main Cool new-l- y 196 estimates and extends to you all the 1 1929 PONTIAC Coach ern brick home fine lot 41x167 Only SERVICE 43 REPAIRS decorated rooms 610 up 95 service possible that a eorps of experiCOUPE brand 1927 REO Coach RENT lllirflHEVROLIT 616501 term 65 6853 enced mechanics can perforin In ob- TYPEWRITERS stationery orflMequlpmT Sedan new In every detail only 1926 WILLYS-KNIOH- T GADDIS INV OO 231 Be Main Wei 139 Utah Typewriter Ex 30 E 1 So W 4831 Main 65 FURNISHED ROOMS 1926 BTUDS Roadster taining your home loan 3250 6Lumber Don't mortgage your home or auta 11 Yours for Pood of 8EDAN Hy 4540 1 lots L C SMITH and Corona Typewriters loe CHEVROLET 1934 ' Don't mortgage your furniture houreTTum) 830— 12400 modern water FOB BENT New and used typewriter! 1100 discount TRUCKS rentals 40 The New 1934 heat prly bath nw furn 397 K at Yon Juai try ts heat this home event tn Don't mortgage your friends 395 3939 West Panel Wasatch 1931 CHEV REFRIGERATOR 2nd South ELECTRIC GIBSON BkAufTTfonTsiTlt prlvatTbathTuTmireiu We trust you— we lend to employee homes costing much more We have reMONO-UNITO 3 RMB with al pch cool clean quiet T 525 new tires 1933 CHEV With the fainoua NEW CAR terms on any of the above also single rm twin beds r water decorated from top to bottom welds U D HOGGAN TYPEWRITER 8ERV exp Prompt beau turn Janitor gar 128 Lincoln it people on their own signature 161-t- n w b 1930 FORD cars hermetically sealed compressor board optional 635 E 3 B W 8501-renalr on all makes typewriters W 4569 out resurfaced ths oak Doors that service— No publicity and 285 Priced sensation ch&xsls cab and dual the of ROOMS value year bath alp porch clean and coey The are W the living and dining room 1 and 83 week rm CLEANED up apta 325 1296 1930 DODGE CO nlcn yard garage 620 42 8 9th Eaat 1929 BUICK Coupe new tires as low as 8129 50 There ere 5 bedrooma bath n roomy bath phone laundry rm Itghti cas 166 On display at the 1928 BUICK Sedan only drain-boa- rd convenient JDtchen with til 234 Douglaa tt 686 NEAR UN1VE18ITY 408 E 2nd South Hy 4677-N- R WAS 6724 605 SCOTT BLDG 325 EXPOSITION MODERNIZATION MANY OTHERS 1930 OLD8MOBILE Sedan Wae 10443 basement and furnace Dandy modern i d desks and Hies 53—2 RMS' lights gaa bot water parking 324 5fTiCEequ mnentT’usr and the 1930 NASH Twin Ixn 4 Sedan In excellent an and yard aouth front 866—NEAR FEDERAL HEIGHTS ona of the AN ACCOUNT 8 L Desk Ex 65 V’ Bdwv Wes Q'H6 109! HOME APPLIANCE COMPANY 1933 BUICK 67 6200 In extras apace 514 2nd ave location Term that art easy to meet better 8 L homes 8 room completely 2122 So Uth East (Bugsrhouscl 1126 WEEK— Sinsle clean rma everything FOR PRESENT OR FUTlftlE USE E B WICK! for summer furnlahed TRUCKS USED GOOD 4 SEVERAL 337 E SALE FOR S Lowest turn phone plenty hot water 5 and up on your own note WA8ATOH 3058 O OO WASATCH 4871 HOME COt336Bo rates No endorsers A local company RMS nicely turn h k gas light 6350 630—1073 E 17th So — alp pch base-meWaa 2741 1 48 South Main W rsn help you finance your bldg RAINBOW troutT thst will handle your need In a high foodT"cold h k rm 62 50 124 th East wk I W gov TnspcC 3330 o'stuff furn garage class manner Hard4A- IC program McFarland Lumber 4t 1303 sprint water 10c ea Histey 1011 B 27 S 812 — ONE room bsmt everything turn ware Co 3220 South State Hy CO nice for 2 adults 169 2nd gve RENT FOR YOUR SPECIALS AVE 63750 8TH REFRIGERATOR 448 SEDAN 610—CLEAN front h k rm everything fur- 1 1933 CHRYSLER 802 Ezra Thompson Bldg f cyl 6735 eemlcolonlal aimoat new tilg Leonard 4 It ft floor sample 1105: Ma- FLOWERS UNFURNISHED ntshed 124 B st Was 7075-- J like new unusual value hath and drain Splendid hot air heatTree TrJmmlnr— Surgery jestic 6t ft slightly used 698 Radio ygAygyiAVQVWQVA new fin-ls- h COUPE 9 1933 FORD m 138 WALK dig mod neat dean gaa E Broadway Studios space ing plant fireplaoa ample cloaetBuilt-i435 PEOfftraTfor decoration on saleiit 33rTSo In good condition n OOM AND BOARD coil rgg Key 41 B 5th Bo Hy 537 Nice yard with lattice ten DEALER VENDING machines all kinds low prices look COUPE 1933 CHEVROLET tnd Highland drive and at our farm Term can b elec refrigeration 125 We have world series In stock gt 83750 HOUSES and apta turn and unfurn I free USED CAR DEPT 535 SO MAIN 2080 E 45th So T now and runs Ukt now one Order Immediate ehtpment idrs! trana Utah Rental 59 W B 1 W 4882 Ouarante INGLlisiDE for ducrirnlnat 65 to 150 In a hurry Flowers phone Holladay 74 without 1936 NASH STD SEDAN food paint fine UGate avenue ranee Co 1083 275 Your Oeo R Sheldon 943 B 1st 8 H 6090-1929 HUDSON SEDAN perfect endorsers or security modern house all newly papered mechanically 6148 677 Bo Multi it SPECIAL transplanted California giant aster DON'T REGRET IN IW8 THAT VOSan Francisco 135 note only 1928 CHEVROLET COUPE good linoleum range furnished 221 Stanley A HOMB IN 1954 na 3 doeen for 35c Charon Floral LARGE beautifully furnished room In nt BUY FAILED TO plants eonDICTATOR 15 1928 BTUDEBAKER ONI Bouth 2nd Eaet rolltop desk excellent piece 4tn-6t- b of Balt Laka’t finest homes Tennla Co 1075 Harvard ave Hy 1963 CO 20 15 dl tlon 1929 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Was 720 16 3040' 1 court garage eta Waa 10059 231 BO Maim' WHEN you move aavt time expense ana CHOICE! 18® 868 BOUTH STATE STREET perennials 1 Oo ea pansies 1928 PONTIAC COACH 400 Ut Bav 8s Tr Bldg 335 B Main Bouth Temple lW-Ta reliable moving man braakaaa 6500 BEER aqutpment steam tables carbonators hire tomato 1931 CHEVROLET dailies and bedding plants B 149 E let Btenzcl O Low Mfg and bade Hated -- Ton classification In Moving 500 prices South YOUNG man to share double rm Twin 131-l- n 645 1933 CHEVROLET dot 12th Weal bet 7th-8t- h Stake 1933 FORD V-- S ' 526 storage Call an Expert Martin BROWN FLORAL CO— For boxes tood board 67 8 Oth E Wat 9196-131-- in 1988 DODGE cab and UET counters storage 1933 FORD V- -l gar- superior 600 675 1933 INTERNATIONAL Co 6(2 N 2 W W 6561 modern large lot fruit 100x144 FT CORNER LOT Ml X Bear IS FOR RENT— rails food Refrig lv WEEK— best home chassis First class 314 dsn $850 E2nd plants 425 ias 1932 INTERNATIONAL 325 and shade 2540 15th Eaat 625 new refrigerator LAROE 1930 FORD Panel Truck 3 blocks Hotel Utah 157 North Btate 80 11100 Ideal for a duplex and 1 house 20c 878 USED refrigerators S3 up ruffled and double-petun175 ’ 1930 DODGE 1929 FORD 8ttke Truck Was 1234 255 W B Temple 20 up 66 up to employed pooplo on Peror for newly renovated hdwd eeperst house owner bu ot actors 175 prlvt $2350— ear mod 1328 dog: srnnlas snapdragons FIRST CLA88 board end rm home 176 1929 CHEVROLET Truck 1929 FORD E Oth B weekdays state must sell bast buy In town firs sonal note No oecurity Most liberal Wes 484 E 8 Temple 9239 Inq washers - salvia makes Jo each other BARGAINS— verbenlae real leges Maytag LIBERAL 196 TERMS marigolds CHEVROLET 8cdan 1930 delivery APTS INCLUDING FURNITURE PGR "modern plan In Balt Lake Ono hour servlet 992 go Uth East Los Gables Garage rear 136 B 3rd K 61160 modem rm beaut a to W CARRY OUR OWN PAPER ahara REFINED young lady APTS- - large corner lot on Bo Btata I 23 50 Hy 1084 ERWIN MOTOR INC CO twin beds 630 273 B Bo Temple SEER and bar gqulpt— Soda fountains stm WREXHAM GARDENB Irises delphiniums gsragea new 30 ft eoop We recommend Phone Was 1804 or Waa 2146 etc 100 var 10c 61 dot 3482 Bo 4th W 18T CLASS home-cookmod hdwd firs 18 rent or will Easy term tablet else carbonators meelecheerful fine Investment at 63500 till as 35 2ND 80 117 B EASON BLDG 65 Co O Place P Moser A Hartman ell for amount or home loan conrma very real 934 8 8th E H 3981-- J LAUREN W GIBBS OO PANSIES lc : other plants cheap: rhubarb' AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER tract 225 Helm ave (nr 38th So ) 32 So Main 2c lb Wu !28v— 3382 Bo 4th West OUTBOARD MOTORS It will pay you to aes I g C-A-- S-B —EMIL JOHNSON-bef- ore 130 lat ave In 1st claaa home PEONIES FOR DECORATION at 439 Wll "M‘ U motora boats or buying renting PANY0N COTTAGES wheel sedan finished In eon ave W O Sperry Hy 4495-A motor new HY 953 1114 80 STATE 610 or more to working people an 1230—1910 FORD Tudor perlect W beautiful shade of blue Has been com4 APTS COMPLETELY FUHNISHW 2896 11th E Ot APARTMENTS BALE FLORADALE Oreenhse OR RENT FOR clean Call after I p m Apt or mort-Easown add paint REGISTERS our their own note - No shop GR08HELL&— CASH pletely reconditioned In Lot 61x110 and 45x45 foot pleca pear rut petunias le ea Other pits 50c bx 24 130 South 3rd East payments Sea ua first WANTED— Furnished eottaaa in Brighton and fully guaranteed I486 Ing machines bought told exchanged FURNISHED with 2 garages rented repaired 249 State st Oroshell-Lov- e for season Call Was 7190-SOC Everythin aaea INCOME 18250 PER bulldTni In PRETTY cldse Lawn new 48 rears locetlon Est Waa 2164 Bldg MO 1400 eaah and Ilf per mo after “THE GRAYLYN” at 205 2nd ave IAANTED 10 West 1st So 631 McCornlck Bldg tax are paid and monthly payment af chVs7° f pncMrVa tesT" WfttZ AUTOMATIC RENT copper tub washer 31350 HOSE tr fine Smart apt 18 can put 186 per mo In your You WAS 636 Radio Studios 138 K Broadway 25 80 3RD EAST lg display Nawner 2277 HI dr Hy 701 service now 635 OR LEASE pockat Thl ta someone' opportunity NEW pump 63 cost 1650 341 Lucy ava 25 per cent NET NEW BUTTON AND ANNEX 632 50 and 628 TRADE-IN- S Why leave your money 3nd-3r- d West! (19th-13t- h l South dllwXffUpCKTWRNIBHEDTJ ‘OIL AND FERTILIZER1934 FORD Dt Luxt Sedan big all newly turn everything lncl except r out at I per cent? ED HY 1950-6746 816— CLARK-JEWB- L black Wjth count TO EMPLOYED MEN AND WOMEN 1930 PACKARD Custom Sedan WALTER J MEEKS sal range lights laundry free 230 E 3rd South A FRIENDLY 395 4 CONnera full bun 1933 CHEVROLET Da Luxt Sedan 6476 HO INDORSERS Luxe mod De Sedan 833 WANTED— Suburban nicely furnished white porcelain panels Ws 1934 BUICK furn 544 E load: Bo— 1150 BLACK fertilizer TRENTON food mtnrtorf lat Beautifully 676 995 FIDENTIAL SERVICE am baking oven Very good condition 1933 HUPMOB1LE Custom Sedan 1933 NA8H Sedan em home Tel W 670 Mr Marshall Hand travel hauling reus atr mod Prltld 63360 2 63760 Hy 4722 6(1 1932 AUBURN De Luxe Sedan Mr Coleman Hy 347S-J95 1926 PACKARD Club Sedan DISCOUNT 395 5 NEW WILLARD— 618 and up Overatutfed 1932 DE SOTO Da Luxe Coupe 1930 CADILLAC Sedan New VACUUM makes cleaners Repaired all AND OFFICES CTORES Mi 415 113 at Will taka 21250 for mr aaa CRAIN lncl 1931 HUPMOBILE Sedan furn AND Regent Sanl-tarlights - 419 Judge Bldi 3rd Bo and Main y 85 used up Airway and cleaners CO 396 all brick home 465 Downlngton tv 1930 PONTIAO Sedan BENT FOR System 433 Neaa bldg Wag 6039 HIGHLY respectable place where ladies 32 Suitable for large family Extra laraa 1929 DE SOTO Sedan RICHMOND r5 WAS 2485 179 MOTOR AVE oi?uTh&d'-offic'7''c'r7ToV'nand gentlemen can borrow money on 39 PUMPS electric water factory prices 3806 lot (60x115) 1929 BUICK De Luxa Coupa Plowing wglL beautiful S diamonds and watches at legal rates 9 SPORT COUPE 1931 OLDSMOBILK So State gtraet Am willing to make gacrlflc to tree Day wk mo All rma equipped with Bee and be convinced Beeson 1928 ESSEX Ooich mg ed amount Holladay 388-iiihimm 88 kitchenette 12260 to 30 Was 618 THE DIAMOND SHOP 176 S MAIN Horn la clear Elth 8044 new It ahowi no wear Inside or out rum' EASTMAN movie projector 16 millimeter ell Immediately 1927 ESSEX Coach 471 Bldg Mar 23 East 2nd Bo Wa ble seat 6395 677 Bo Main st all aewer and paring assessment paid 1924 BUICK Sedan tt bath heart of city Its tin iell your note contract or COOL tp you wish to6100 lamp Reasonable Hy 3455-- R 96 Bee then sail CtOWn Coach home Bo thle Waa 3 1924 3749 today— N 41 w MlUar W BUICK 204 lurnl Ely hotel up gee mortgage THE RIO GRANDE LUMBER OO can help POULTRY 115 ford Was 4083 or Hy 1236-1924 NASH De Luxe Coupe 446 E Bdway Lovely you with your home loan need Repairs I UTAH'S LARGEST USED CAR STOR1 wiekoiT 9 Vu’iieghornpui: 1595 MlscelLancoas 1911 BUICK Sedan attractively turn reas Hy 6778 remodeling and naw roofs 116 Be 6th lets from Bales and Cannons Hatcheries 976 A REAL BARGAIN Was 6434 1933 PONTIAO Sport Coupe West 1N5STJ1A8E F-M-EAlvin Barker West TayloravUle Mur-ra- y 8HUBRICK APTS— 3 roome eleo range 195 On 2nd tvsnua close In facing (oath -l’§ 1929 ESSEX 8edan reaaon-ab- ls Bo Wae 4483 73 4th blcyolc Weet FIRST Johnson Iver class 632-Rrefrlgeratore borne In good 250 well arranged g Sedan 1929 WILLY8-KN1GH- T 11&3-J 1233 Roosevelt ave Hy 15 up Olaud-An- n mod furn apts 415 Finished In enamel with condition Sedan BABY ohicka turkeya ducks best strslnl 2 3 6 N lat W Tourist specially OUCO Lacquer paint apray equipment and floor throughout 2 complete hardwood INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRIBUTORS ARCH BROWNINQ for Bend prices supplies Poultry batha bedroom and bath on Drat Door SOTO-HU-PP m compressors sold rented repaired A (J PLYMOUTH-- DK 127 SOUTH MAIN STREET Wasatch 6566 570 South Main 190 So 3rd East Choice It you Have lost or found anything Bailey ft Sons Co B L O Ut W 385 DOWNING Whittaker 648 Bo State Waa 4380 WASATCH 8673 60 S 2ND EAST iBhouldb aan to b appreciated 3750 dinette completely equipped apta WANTED— Live poultry Will call for and BEST offer takes '26 Chev sedan perfect let the searching eyes of The Tribune-TelegraDALY LOT: 826 SOUTH STATE OO meat counters store Adults fixtures BEER week 1481-Nor equip month 230 B extras 10 Day L Was Madsen condition pay top prices Murray KEYBBR REALTY CO Lost and Found Column et 66 EAST 4TH BOUTH Wilkin coolers 82 Richards Was 3310 PULLETS E 3rd Bouth apt 11 very reasonable apt 9 and 8 weeks old blood tested HOLLAND— 1503 Walker Bank Bldg Waa 3585 la good work everything furnished 410 Sa W Tem NICE cion grocery tor lor Mle tuna good make 82(L TAKES 1936 Btude and selected satisfaction suer Stanley 776 WILL FINANCE Ulneaa of location on account MISCELLANEOUS -t m 1939 Commander "I" coupe Mid B mod ool de Bone 451 Ut Neff my So 'offer ot K— Bendy VON 8th DE model or No red make tape Any Aihton ave your labor aa down payment on cholcw leaving town need eaah Hy 4384-lots of shade and light 633 BILLS AUTO MARKET 620 SO BTATE of aeveral homes Wa furnish msterwria SMALL Cafe good business fully equipped 621 8 6th- E Beautiful A- -l Mr Q1cn Hv aaai-- J 677 MVESTOCK- FOR SALE 695 Liberal term Parkway 1926 BUICK STD 8 ED AN leav rear and used Owner furniture "lota of sunshine fresh air taatefully 8o Main t B 1119 31st South : coal range Hy 4800 tood reasonable decorated exclusive — dr new Sedan DOWN paint good Tkr'lfftTPONTpOR'BALE' 150 DEAL ESTATE FOR BALE— Butter and egg business MUST have 9 rms of used furn also range rubber HIGH CLASS exclusive Yale district ' Call Hy 1975-- J Investment The right party can make U Wat 8659 odd placet Pay cash 780 SO STATE DR TRADE D T BINDER elecSALE FOR FOR SALE 3 all aerase apt phone a good living See Bettilron commu680 Hy 7515 cash for 1929 CHRYSLER 4 COACH leather upho) Guarantee tricity paid priceeast bench MARVELOUS coloniqL nity market SERVICE WAS 6464 FURN- - RUGS RANGES economical and In good cond! HOWELL 236 East 5th Bo Was 8330-- R Build “W steiy 165 in every detail man will invest 1500 In return for 677 So Main it tlon MOTORCYCLE wltiTglde car CaU Sunday Homelike owner 8 yra ago for permanent homa frit reas- - close In YOUNO Trib-TeAlphabetically Arranged le De Luxe Sedan lob Box Y-1933 PLYMOUTH 1321 2 6 So and between afternoon roaditer-nein upper Gilmer Pk Breikfaet nook sport LE NOEL 306 3rd Ave— 3 rms bath kit $330 --BUYS late model epee plant exbra557£ 6116—1921 CHEVROLET good barber shop and beauty State street smart kitchen tiled bathroom front top good tires motor A- -l pickup bed De Luxe Sedan 4 semibasement Waa 3137-1931 STUDE Do Luxe Sedan 1934 FORD V- -l parlor exceptional loc Hr 6765 ent to amusement room: completely 719 Bouth state Waa 9934 side mount wheels paint 10 for I 3 Demo Ideal COOL couple Special Reduction wcathcr-ctrlppcapts and Inaulated eutom d Old 496 rubber way IoS new wir wiw every k De E SEDAN tires NASH 37 perfect E street X T E R M TfUT TWIN Ignition 1930 HUDSON I 1933 MODEL 625 I O 8 furn Sra to furnace double heated ter Coet owner 75 4 1929 CHRYSLER model Bedan 6325 EXTERMINATING CO 1 OR I rm GUARANTEED tide mounts Lux Sedan guaranteed m every way In yelout 19700 and will now throw 1 etrlctly mod elec stove refrlg 395 wire wheel trunk rack 246 4830 AVE A real bargain 1795 HY MILTON 1930 FORD TUDOR INC 623 61909 new cost reas prlv home 887 3nd ave W 1181 FOR SALE OB LEASE drepea all eurtelna Frlrtdsire alefor Jewelry dental crowns bridges eta 1930 CHEVROLET Coach new Dueo 0 wire Sedan 677 So 1131 CHRYSLER act ranee hreakfast M kill INSECTICIDE M'CONAHAY complete JEWELER for Milnjt USE LOVINOER’B and W 345 115 S 3rd Eaat New furnished BARGAIN— HOTEL 495 paint new seat covere clean 90 RMS— BARG' wheels side mounts Will conaldet terms for PICCARDY 1928 PONTIAC sedan new tires and paint 86950 - Ren ROACH DOOM LICENSED GOLD BUYER Ing BEDBUGS 1939 REO Flying Cloud Sport Coupe or unfurn 3 and 3 rm apta B6a Finest Main alreei location In Salt “ WASATCH 1831 W 3314 319 4 S MAIN ROACHES 1186 1929 Chev eoach A- -l condition amailer property as pari payment Paint rubber A- -I Try thlg new motor 276 Lake Olty Now operating at a profit 1930 FORD CABRIOLET — turn bed mod 118 203 dls nicely WOODBURY Bouth Bee apt P 5th ORIN Smith 6135 Eat £0 995 one 10O PFR CENT CASH PATft OLD ’GOLD 55( Roomi nicely furnished 1931 PLYMOUTH 126 E 7th Bo Waa HOT Experienced Do Luxe Coach 44 Bo Main Realtor plenty hot water Rug 1929 PONTIAO Coupe new paint OOLD PRODUCTS 00- - 13 W 2ND 80 hotel operator ahould be able to net 195 OXFORD APTS 119 W North Temple— a good one low price J excesa of oparatlne crowns clean2500 in month FOR old dental Co ROMNEY per told CASH for expert Jewelry Cleaning Rug 1837 18 UP Was 1937 9 rooms sir mod! 4 sedan bargain as ACREAGE cost Tha price of th furniture le exers and repairs of dom Chinese Orient 1931 FORD ToNO8 WHEELBASE anything Davldaon 20 1 1st 8 W 9S4 150 1939 FORD Tudor The hotel has 6335 and Navaio ruga 222 B W Tem W 8807 PETER PAN 445 E 3rd Bouth— 2 and m truck duals ceptionally reasonableservices 95 ONEuged two-to- n REO Speedwagon Truck BALE Dodge truck TtoT or HIGHEST prices paid for mid gold Diamond FOR 90 and Up full For to and minute n the lobbr elevator up 1929 FORD etrlctly high gtako body no FRANK MARTIN Co rug carpet uphol will trade for good Ught car and part Shop 176 South Main ' 660 1931 CHEV particulars tfTAir?OUN¥¥ panel Furniture el'd 1839 Bo Btate Hr 7279 150 NO W TEM 3 rma kit closet prly Dodge at CASH for old (olid and allver old U each Also new 1960 one-to- n BR1XEN h SMITH INC 835 PARM heat BALI gas FOR bath phone light 427 Mclntyra Building big discount Kopp’g Oarage Cedar silver coins 84 Fast 1st South cleaned work guar Balt RU08 carpet 19 acres 4 mile N W from Flea sent 234 X 5th 80 mod City Utah quiet Lake Carpet Co 436 B 7 E- - Hr 2019 BROCKBANK cultivable iatb aherea Grove 'bf all s ear 3 rme furn rest tee Frig FINE SELECTION of used truekt all YOUR CONVENIENT CHEV DEALER Pleasant Orov company WAS 3014 Irrigation 40 BOTH SO 8' PIERPONT APTS I rma bath newly dec makes and models lowest possible price stock no butldinga Frio 62500 Long 2ND We service all makes of trucks 10—63 CHRYSLER coupe 680 Iood rubber for uaed men ohIna ESTATE REAL ON highest 18 up 151 Plerpont ave Wat 4394-- J price leiaona clubi to rate painting fiay 58 E 2nd Bo So and GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK CO Waa 10218 Airplane Service Station FEDERAL LAND RANK Grace Thompson 882 8 14 E H 3899-- J ROSLYN APTS 64 '4 80 Main Oool mod QUICK loans"on"Tmproed BalflCake'prop WAS 6595 974 80 MAIN State 4th Floor Flret Natienal Bank BMf BDD1E GREEN pays highest eaah price for linen gas rms with kitchenettes arty The Home Investment A Bev!ni 114-ttrucki dual like new 1265 1932 CHEVROLET 1931 DE LUXE Ford coupe 10009 Waa 8 ahoea luggage clothing Co 302 Walker Bank Bldg lights 613 up Conv for temple workers DOWN— n Luxe Sedan— I w w metal In perfect wheels long wheel base rum g 230 I S apt Ik W 3461-NAsh Want A4 1 A Tribunc-TelejrkELECTRIC sanding tnechma for rent: also BT FRANCIS— 2 imajl rms front for 3 peo SMALL home loans pleasing terms covert low mileage shape Sacrifice price until 1 p m 1390 BECONtTSkRIES 1930 CHEVROLET 269 E 3rd South 618 3297-494 Waa 80 Pie 650 SINGER BO oollahera E D BTATE Blate 21st T 760 South 1115 Hy tonjk Co- - 202 Kearn Bldg Wta 814 no experiment— its vilua lncjlahto SEDAN Original paint like new motor ‘ beef ' real estate Lake VP OiF'iMPROVED Balt BEVERLY JANE 613 8 4th A bargain 1295 1927 OLD8M08ILE DE LUXE COACH 695 1929 FORD lti-to- n reel OLD floor S3aanSed made like dump body truck ex- BEER bot at 30c: Pta lOo exceptionally good 838 X B WICKS CO- - 294 X Main W 2040 tested and proved to the minute room 171 So Main tt Phon Hy 7759-- R 171 So Main cellent 6175 671 Bo Main lt mea t taeti Moe 444 X i 8 Hr 4522-( hlgh-aca- SELL US YOUR CAR Painting USED TRUCKS 42 pOAL Printers Binders AUTO LOANS Remodeling 101a $300 42 SO STATE ST WAS SO Shades 44 Butchers’ Supplies Finance iTo UNUSUAL VALUES IN BETTER USED CARS 00n 45 -' ONLY— $1400— ELECTRIC RANGE 1933 CHEVR0LETS ARE WELCOME 109a 't WAIT and SAVE- Personal ADVANCE - CASH—TERMS—TRADE LOANS UP 102 Roofing ROOFING MATElALS 43 piPE Machinery PHONE WAS 1277 FURNITURE AUTO & PRICES ARE AT BED ROCK— BUY BEFORE od RADIO SPECIALS 1933 PLYMOUTH BORROW $50 TO $1000 RAISE CHICKENS HERE Dlctl 111 HOTELS $12 PEOPLE'S FINANCE & THRIFT M0GAR Did Radio Parts Service WILSON HOTEL SMALL LOANS $5 TO $60 BAR MUTUAL CREDIT ASS’N III CAFE FIXTURES nm wk TiOME LOANS HOUSES FOR JOUSEKEEPING CASH CREDIT ESTABLISH i Store Office Equipment 58a 8TII SOUTH & STATE 59a OSH LUMBER 117 112 ARDBN JdlnWa3040 Realtor inner FINANCIAL DISCOUNT 118 JOUSES Trees 60 Plants 113 I fneopier TRUCK HEADQUARTERS LOCAL CREDIT “C°gJ lit TODAYS BEST BUYS! 86 I l SALT LAKE DISCOUNT I I BAKER MOTOR COMPANY 3RD SOUTH & 3RD EAST 1931 HUDSON SEDAN n LOAN G B AT NEW LOW PRICES 119 RENfl15 Carden Fixtures 60a OTTERILL’S TO ' PACKARD COMMERCIAL 64 JACKSON MOTOR APT HOTEL tfsrKsrftisarran A Baby Chicks 65 BUICK— PONTIAC JUdreldiWagnM For ° $2700 122 HOME 124 $125C- DUSINESS Opportunities 125 (Surmount MISSION CAFETERIA CASH FOR YOUR CAR m xI 46 wanted 69 1929 CHEVROLET— $75 w2irisrirfor'som UT0M0BILES k 132 Cold Wanted 47 8t JRUCKS chrysier 47 SO I E W 6707 1933 CHEVROLET— $200 SALE ' wf DUSINESS highest Bedbugs Exterminated ig Carpet A 33 Clothing Wanted 48 76 UOTELS A Apartments 126 f Cleaning 79 China Painting I' 133 A 137 Floor Finishing 49 Junk Wanted oo: hu |