Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MfotNINO 85 per cent of its Warner associate editor of The Na average tion and formerly- associated with- - j “The growth' in manufacturing re- the New York Evening Post died' He underwent an operation flected increases in iron and steel today 10 automobiles and meat packing” said May the board "Lumber production declined in April and activity in wool sod silk mills was considerably reduced while cotton consumption: by Try thi wonderful reKrf Store Woman Compaltion Elusive Pu at eoet quickly aafcly showed little change mills Level and looteneand — vimi n 9 Commodity Price ‘Dlhnger store sales while largDepartment Shoulder to Shoulder in rented in Chicago after participating er a than little ago showed year Marks Index Time Years Doctor Get Two with Dillinger in several raids and change from March to April Officers who said she planned to marry him S3 at Still Fines $1000 without dicision show of heard the NEW YORK EDITOR DIES Lured Desperadoes emotion She refused to comment' NEW YORK May 23 (AH Albert Dr May however said he was "surAugust 5 1932— Murder of 'Deputy Death by Promise of WASHINGTON May 23 (PH Em ST PAUL May 23 tHThe law prised” Sheriff E C Moore at Atoka Okla October 11 1932— Killing of How- won against two more associates of ployment payroll and factory proBeing Protected ard Hall grocery clerk at Sherman duction increases were reported toJohn' today Dillinger Held Desperado Services Funeral Texas himself roamed while outlaw the day' by the federal reserve board in — of 1932 25 December Killing (Contlnutd from Pui One) free outside its clutches For Former Salt Laker a review which showed the general Doyle Johnson at Temple Texas convicted A Why keep fixing up the old bus? Let ua fix it up right for someone federal court jury commodity price level marking time iof dozen pistols and large quantities January 7 1933— Killing of Deputy Evelyn Frechette his olio while you drive out on ot onr good used cars that is all ready for sweetheart of "Volume manufacturing producammunition besides Bonnie Park- Dallas in Davis Sheriff Malcolm And hart you yet experienced the thrill ot driving those long trips Funeral service for William Fred tion Increased during April while er’s machine gun The bodies werefjozeiilUngaJnJMiOkoma -- April 13 1933— Slaying orConsta-bl- and Dr Clayton May Minneapolis to hide the Culmer 51 for many years a resi- the output of mines declined” the the new 1(14 Ford T left temporarily in the automobile Missouri and Arkansas W Harryman an-d- Detective physician of conspiracy J and one number to enemy public and sentenced— each dent and wall known business man of board said fugitive j awaiting the coroner’s arrival to Harry McGinnis at Joplin Mo "Employment and 'payroll tfofij Then the officers towed Barrow's his woman ally had stood shoulder at June 23 of Marshal prison term of two years and to pay a Salt Lake were conducted Wednesshot for shot fired and Bakerized Service fine of $1000 car with the bodies into Arcadia shoulder day afternoonjat the graveside in the tlnued to increase The general level Henry Humphrey at Van puren Ark Mrs Augusta Salt in' whose apart- City cemetery of commodity prices remained subBarrow’s head was hanging out the their enemies Raid Slaying of rrlsen leader the never was Barrow ment Dr May was alleged to have Mr Culmer died last Thursday at stantially unchanged during April window and the woman’s body was Of Major treated ling only two January 16 Dillinger after he was wound- his home in Glendale Cal where he and the first weeks of May although bent as if she had been trying to duck large gang but usually had most faithful Crowson guard at the state prison ed in the followers or three MOTOR COMPANY the officers’ fire escaping March 31 from an had resided several years The body pqricea of individual commodities which was Bonnie Parker the wife farm near Huntsville Texas when apartment where he lived with Miss was brought to Salt Lake Tuesday showed considerable changes” SrdSouth nnd 3rd Fast in Dilltnger Aides Sentenced a convict raid the Barrow allegedly staged Frechette was acquitted night by Mrs Culmer and a daughter The board found its combined InWhile the law was scoring this vicHis brother Buck allegedly was a which Hamilton and four other con- ' Mrs Beth Green indicted with the Mrs Constance Olpin dex of industrial production remained tory In Louisiana Evelyn Frechette member of his gang Buck was killed victs were liberated a gun battle at Dexter last July friend of the fugitive John Dillinger April lr 1634 — Killing of E B and Dr Clayton May convicted of when Barrow shot his way out of a Wheeler and H D Murphy Texas highway patrolmen hear Grapevine harboring the Indiana criminal wire posse of officers Bonnie was reportsentenced in St Paul Minn to two ed to have been with Clyde at the Texas April 6 1934 — Killing of Constable years in prison and were fined $1000 time Henchman In Prison Miami Okla Cal Campbell In Chicago James Lacey and BenBarrow and Bonnie also were Injamin Wolfram pleaded guilty to the Raymond Hamilton convicted killattempted abduction of Emanuel er and bank robber now serving sen- dicted for the elaylng of two Texas Philip Adler Davenport Iowa news tences totaling 362 years in Texas highway patrolmen Easter Sunday dismounting from also was considered one of Barrow's The patrolmen paper publisher their motorcycles to investigate an With Hamer and Hinton in the camp followers On January 16 1934 Barrow al automobile parked by the roadside Louisiana ambush were B M Gault highway patrolman Bob Alcorn of legedly staged a raid on the Texas were shot down at close range before Dallas county Texas and Louisiana state prison farm near Huntsville in they could draw their guns A few s officers which Hamilton and four other days ago Bonnie Parker’s sister Mrs were liberated after ' Major Billie Mace and Raymond Hamilton’s Sheriff Jordan of Bienville parish brother Floyd also were charged Raid he had received a tip that the Crowson a guard had been killed First National bank of Arcadia was During Hamilton’s recent trial on with the slaying While they were being sought to be robbed on Wednesday or Thursbank robbery charge authorities day and immediately had notified received a letter bearing Barrow's throughout the southwest Barrow re- and Bonnie displayed an arrogant Texas officers thumbprint for Identification Barrow came from Benton La sentfully deriding Hamilton’s state- boastful disrespect for their pursuers and passed ment that Barrow was the desperate Photographs of Barrow with a mayesterday afternoon through Gibsland La about 4 o’clock member of the gang while he (Ham- chine gun in his hands and of Bonnie her belt weighted with pistols anand again this morning Jordan said ilton) merely followed along Barrow's police record began in other in her hand and a cigar in her Jordan and his deputy Paul M Oakley were waiting at the top of the 1926 when he was arrested in Dallas mouth were found hill with the Texans or automobile theft In 1930 he was Frequently Stole Car fyA'sentenced to 14 years’ Imprisonment Mother Sheds Tears When the chase grew hot they Waco Texas for automobile theft at flitted from one of their dozen hideIn Dallas Mrs Henry Barrow was paroled in February JJ)32 by outs to another living on canned mother of Barrow cried in anguish but Governor Ross S Sterling Frequently "And I prayed only last night” goods and - sandwiches “Take care of' your pennies the Blames Mistreatment she sobbed "that I might see him they stole cars which they drove et dollars will take care of themselves” officers to elude across trail Then started his bloody high speed alive again just once more-For it’s a good old maxim and we beBarrow and his companion reputSomething to Barrow’s father working at his the southwest marked by slayings filling station west of Dallas made and bank robberies Showing bitter edly slipped into Dallas several times lieve in it That’s why we planned only one remark He said he guessed hatred for the law and its enforcers to visit relatives despite the hunt for EYE- - OPENING 49o BAR- these on them his wife would be going to Louisiana Barrow blamed his depredations GAINS To make your dollars go Bonnie Parker’s mother Mrs mistreatment by officers during his Recently authorities took added precautions to prevent any tips as to Emma Parker also a resident 'Of first prison terms farther to give you bargains for and outlaw the was lodged their pursuit reaching Dallas fainted when Informed by The first murder charge your family your home and youragainst him for the slaying of J N officers were assigned exclusively to telephone of her daughter’s death Bucher a filling station operator in the hunt Bit by bit Hamer one of the self was the thought uppermost in Belief had been expressed by Offipetty holdup at Hillsboro Texas peace officers in Texas and our mind and we’ve done it taken be would never cers Barrow his aides had pieced together a map April 30 1932 A series of slayings for which he alive because it was almost certain of the highways Barrow was in the Chiffon service-weightBoth here in n4sturdy It’s here I Full of stirring valhabit of using Several weeks ago was indicted or sought followed On he would go to the electric chair if d captured they barely missed the outlaw and the list were: silkl Mercerized top toe and sole ues dramatic savings excitement his companion in this same section Get out the shopping list galore Since then tjie officers had been give the service greater strength the chifons come down with a rush and get "sitting and waiting” are silk with picot top and cotton in the fpot for Known as Killer your share of Penney’s Eye Opening Barrow whose custom was to shoot wear! New shades! Sizqs $'2 49c Bargains! longer toJOjjJ on the drop of a hat and to escape TEXAS OUTLAW GIRL PARTNER ' MAY 24 1834 three whose case was concluded today this afternoon was sentenced to She pleaded 15 months in prison guilty several days before the trial started Miss Frechette and Dr May were week’s stay of execution granted and their attorneys announced an c--c ir eus 1 appeal would be U k : court of appeals The girl who was ar Barrow Blazed Way Out JURY CONVICTS Of Several Police Traps OUTLAW AIDES Outlaw and Fought Hatred for “SLAIN IN TRAP Wlhearl unchanged at EMPLOYMENT 1923-192- 5 - PAYROLLS GAIN CALLOUSES half-India- n A LETS SWAP CARS lS33-Kill- 1934-Kil- BAKER eon-vict- this A Real "Sellout” Value of Great Event! Bigger Bargains for Smaller Chango That Are ai Hurry - 1 © best-know- 1 s! full-fashione- JAILED WOMEN SIX WHO SLEW in d automobiles OUTLAW FREED! was wanted in several states for charges ranging from small thefts to murder He was accused of killing a dozen men most of them officers Bonnie Parker wife of a convict was charged by officers with having taken an active part In most of Barrow’s recent crimes She too was known as vain and boastful Several times she was photographed with her belt weighted down Good News! and Bonnie Parker Had on Barrow’s Sister-in-LaBonnie Parker’s Sister Wedding Ring When Shot by Posse Voice Relief Now yon can indulge in just loads of fluffy silk panties at a And what a joy they are Fitted price waistlines with side openings! In Flesh and Tea Rose sizes small medium and large! next-to-nothin- II Big Terry TOWELS ! g Impossible? 2 for 49 GHLK You’d expect to nitely” A few minutes lat$r when the definite news was given her her eyes Wednesday approved filled wjth tears the establishment of a separate code authority for the Utah bituminous coal Industry said an Associated Press dispatch from Washington D C Otto Herres president of the Utah was association Coal Operators’ named chairman of the authority which is composed of the following members: J B Marks Moroni Hein-eW C Sparks and F A Sweet all of Salt Lake and Albert Chris tensen and M O Carlson of Carbon county B P Manley of Salt Lake is secretary of the board Mr Herres explained Utah has been in code division No 5 comprising the Rocky mountain and Pa- cific coast states but because of geographical peculiarities sanction was given for establishment of a subdivisions! authority them scientific way Use concentrated POsuflVl Merchant Leader Lauds New Deal PROVIDENCE R I May 23 (P) —Vigorous advocacy of the “new deal” which he said is "not a new way of solving an old problem but an effort to solve a wholly new problem" was voiced tonight to Edward A Filene Boston merchant-millionair-e Addressing business men and Mtorl at Brown unjVeity Filene said “If there has been ho great basic change in human history then we need not worry much about the new deal" “No political government” he said “autocratic or Democratic Is to of itself likely inaugurate any great change in the habits and char social acterlsUcs of the order which it assumes govern a basic koclal “It there has been change however— if our customary way of life has become no longer possible — it is the task of government to discover formulas by which I the nation may go on'edu- - Disorders in Holy Land JERUSALEM May 23 (P— Forty-sipersons were injured at Telavivl in disorders incident to the general Jewish strike today Telaviv police dispersed the Com- munist demonstrations At Jerusalem tonight two policemen were hurt when they routed pickets trying to force a shopkeeper to rlose his store The strike which lasted only from noon to 7 p m was a protest by Jews against the government's drastic re-striction of Jewish emigration x Cily Commission Grants License for Draught Beerjl - On condition that he sell draught beer only to be consumed only on the premises Max Sommera7 was granted a license for 1305 Fifth “East street Wednesday by the city com- mission Chief of Police W L Payne rec- ommended the action after 230 residents of the neighborhood petitioned the commission to grant the license The commission has adopted a stringent policy in issuing beer licenses in the vicinity of Liberty park London’s famous Tower bridge is' getting a scrubbing for the first time in 40 years Look! h Rayon Draper y Damask Not at Penney’s! FLAT CEIEPE Heavy quality rich colors in Rust Green Gold Red Rose and Blue You won’t believe your eyeB— at this low price ! in 33 Lovely Colors at pay that much for only one of these towels Linen or Panama Cloth ! Colored borders SPORT CAPO yard SMART DATS Priced only More Popular Than Ever— 4$c Think of its many uses ! For dresses lingerie and negligees blouses cool suits for summer home dressmakers will revel in the possibilities ! A fine supple weave easy to sew and drape 39 inches wide it’s one of Penney’s big triumphs at 49$ yard Shop for Sum mer i special closeout of all early spring lor styles Hurry first choice I A Imported 50-Inc- ! 24x48 n 1 The N R A stripes dots and novelties and fresh With dainty short or cap sleeves and touches of crisp organdy for trimming I Avenue prints tool Both vat colors cool l For Utah Coal Industry of 'printed town organdy triml 4$ P level-swil- ' Florals d three-acor- ) Lace Trimmed —‘‘I’m glad Spirited Bidding Marks Ram Sale Cotton DRESSES SIM PANTOS w JEFFERSON CITY Mo May 23 Pi ARCADIA La May 23 (PHAfter they were both killed it hearing the six'offlcers who took part was the easiest way out” commented in the slaying of Barrow and the in- Parker woman the Jury empaneled Blanche Barrowv auburn-haireby Coroner J L Wade this afternoon mate of the Missouri state prison farm brought in a verdict in effect that brother-in-her Informed when women for Barrow and the woman came to their com his and law Clyde Barrqw deaths by gunshot wounds in the panion Bonnie Parker were killed in hands of officers in the line of their Louisiana today duty It required more than an hour Blanche is the widow of Clyde’s to hear the testimony who Barrow brother Marvin "Buck” Following the report of the jury’s was killed last July near Dexter verdict the bodies of the slam couple Bonnie Iowa when the Barrows with were on exhibition to all wishing to and Blanche engaged in a pistol bat- view them with tle with police after a gunfight At the inquest it was brought out officers at Platte City Mo with Dr J M Moseley assisting CorBlanche who was captured and re oner Wade that Bonnie Parker was turned to Missouri pleaded guilty to wearing two diamond rings one gold) charge of assault with Intent to wedding ring on the third finger of kill and was sentenced to 10 years’ her left hand one small wrist watch brooch imprisonment for her part in the on her left arm a Platte City affair Clyde end Bonnie on her breast a religious cross under escaped her dress She wore at the time of SACRAMENTO May 22 (PH The ’’I’m glad it’s all over” she added her death a red cotton dress-reannual far western ram sale at the It is much better that they were shoes and silk stockings When the state fair grounds started off today both killed rather than to have been body was reached she did not have on a hat but a white hat with red top with opening prices for stud rams taken alive” higher than the past two years and FORT WORTH Texas May 23 (P was on the running board of the car with bidding spirited enough to in- —“I’m not evidently having been shot off There surprised 1 have been ex- was a tattoo on her right leg showbe maindicate the higher to end this way” Mrs Bilit pecting tained throughout the two days of lie Mace 21 said todayTwhen told ing two hearts above her knee and a 'j name thought to have been that of the auction been her former husband also shown in The top price during the early bid- her sister Bonnie Parked had killed by officers Jn Louisiana the tattoo ding was $375 paid by D E Kelleher on Mace in is the Mrs county jail She bore a number of wounds Onj of Eugene Ore to Jesse Leader of out of the murder growing charges the left side was a gunshot wound Wendell Idaho for a registered two of highway patrolmen slaying near the base of her head there was Hampshire yearling stud ram 1 a crime for a wound also ona above the left eye The sale is offering more than 1500 near Grapevine April alBarrow sister her which and Clyde Of the choicest stud and range rams and one in the mouth the bullet hav-had indicted been ready from the western states with some tag emerged at the top of the mouth Barrow When and told that first It ranged down and came out at coming from New Hampshire and woman the been had Parker reported the top of the left shoulder Canada shot she nervously lighted a clgaret and said: x Code Authority Okehed Hurt in Strike “Let me know when you learn defi- Forty-si- with pistols The couple's life became more and more harried of late as the law gradually closed in around them Darting out of an isolated retreat at midnight they would drive at furious speed to some otHer rendezvous— sometimes several hundred miles away Resting only a few hours they would dash on again Bonnie Parker was believed to have been with Barrow and his brother Marvin when a posse cornered the gang near Dexter Iowa July 24 1933 Marvin was killed but Clyde and Bonnie Parker escaped Big Value t Quality French Crepe ORGANDY They are as cool as a summer breeze White linen white panama doth or novelty overahot panama cloth! Taped with rayon cloth Hu a fall leather sweatband AU sixes A boy! York yd White in colored in 44-4- 5 38-3- 9 inchwidthMany light medium anddarkehadea! DOTS SRIRT8 Fast Colori Fancy Percales Full cut! Real values! AU size 4 to 14 -- Ken’s All Leather Bells Ken’s Shcslder Button Unions ---- 2c - 42c 42c --- i J a v u y t IFJrnt o Buy! -- ! TENNIS SHOES 42s 20 for 49s -- 142s 2 for Kereige Razor Blades J 49 405 12 bars P Ilardwafer Soap Boys Value Overalls Ken’s Broadcloth Shorts C SHIRTS Cut full and roomy scrota the cheat and shouldert ! Long length— nothing skimped I Comfortable interlined col- lari Extension neckband! 2 pockets! Steel buttons! Snvi’ urn JO t —— — 49c J brand! Medium weight chambrayt SPECIAL EYE OFEtillfG BARGAINS! Dainty Panel or Ruffled Curtains Women’s Broadcloth Slips Infants’ Silk Bonnets 4 a Our own " JCP STAYS Crisp ! 49 ft P ' ’ 4 - W1 All sizes Men’s Boys’ Yonth’a and Little Gents’ Heavily constructed Priced unusually low I ¥-r-4- 2s K Salt 'Lake City Store ui iftamreff fe t n 4 - |