Show THE SALT tAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING MAY 24 1834 tiusuperb in the role “ ’Y" '— Young is cast as the young Ralph Bellamny as the older engineer ON STAGE AND SCREEN In addition to the feature the Ri wo Glamorous Films PLAYHOUSE— Qn th state W BfX Jtwell alto program has the Walt Disney and hi comedians In tha mul- color cartoon "The Night Before Three persons were Injured Wedrevue “Bit pf Hits” on the screen Come to Orpheum - letShedows IX— Sensitive Flints Before' and pf fiin Slug' vita Bsry Brian Christmas” and a new Clark and nesday afternoon in an automobile ’ " —a accident bn North Temple street pear sod Eruc Cabot alo"Aboa - Shill- - ii WO- - — with NEW YORK May 23 (P— The Redwood road We do not need to go to Europe to Richard Dix and Irene Dunne are son Hobart Armatroor ao Oorpths national industry conference Traffic Patrolmen C T Smith and see a sensitive plant but I happened costarred in the eventful melodrama OH THE AUDIBLE SCEXE Hag Capitol Equipment board in e survey issued today H C Peirce aald Kinlay Taylor 40 to see one lor the first time when I which comes to the Or VICTORY—' “Best Lightning" vita Allot End$ Campus Over McMahon Preston Poster Lilt Tsibpt estimated the total number of was in Belgium six years ago I was Stingaree” of was driving east on North Hard of Hearing Murraystreet Dvorak Glenda Parrt!L pheum screen Thursday along with alto "Imunemployed workers in April at visiting an old friend a professor in Edna Ferber’s “Glamour” which has Ann and atruck an automoTemple portant Wltntaa" with Noe PranCii Cow’s Picture Thread 1 7007000 This figure said the a Belgian collega of agriculture Donald V DUUvay Burgeia Dorothy bile also driven east by Howard and Paul Lukas and Constance Cummings CAPITOL— Bing Crosby In 'We're Hot board represented a decline of he took me on a trip through a green- in Completion of the individual sound Preece 38 of 574 Fifth East street with Carol Lombard Oetrgt by- Student’ prming” leadingYolps is The officers said Preece had entered Burnt and Grace Allen Ethel Merman 114000 from the March total end for the house used for growing rare plants equipment — if end sym“Stingaree’ deshing Leon Errol a reduction of 5296000 or 401 who ORPHEUM— Richard DIs and Iron Dunn announced by the Capitol theater the highway from the Craig aervica bandit Australian pathetic in "fltrntaret” with Mary Bolandt Con- management' compared with March Th Tough specially station 1698 West North Temple per cent Miss 'Helen Slopansky University time composing way spends his spar Tearlt alao Edna Berber’s 1933 when unemployment was at Lukaa Cooitancg Cum- wired seats connecting with the main street but waa well over in tha east- - ' Paul fbuMwith an The role Dix oppor-thOf Utah student gives wm acclaimed by its highest point sound recording system the showgoer bound traffic lane when the accident min adventurous PARAMOUNT— to return to Warner Baxter In 4uth the Humbug campus 'humor maga-xmable toi hear distinctly by means occurred rolee he enacted in the Women Art DangeroueJ with Rowmary twinkling-toe- d s Amei Mona Barr lg RocntUa Hudson Her- - of a moat beautiful girl at- Taylor auffered a fractured right days of hit early successes Mias hrt Mundln This innovation has been installed arm and cuts and bruises His com- - -RIALTO— tending the tcboel in the final Issue an in Katharine In Dunne Hfoburn has opportuBpltllrg" “Stingaree” to- with Robert Youua Ralph Bellamr by the Capitol in response to e wide panlon Melvin H Foraiund 26 of’ The beauty contest Wednesday nity to display her beautiful voice OEsf— Star Robenn in "You Can t but 828 Chase avenue received cuts on his caused a furor among contestants Ivernhlna" with dean Parker Lewla need for such equipment a singing both operatic and popular Clone Karr Forbea William Bakewtll right arm and bruises on his leg when it was announced last week that songs STATE— Spenrar Tracr and Claire Trevor BUTCHERS GROCERS MEET Arthur Jenkins 37' of 1026 First a caw picture woiild be used as the The story of the film deals with a io “Th Mid Oitne' also Tlgr" winner Editor Wood Worjdey con-- : Recent studies in grocery merchan- avenue a passenger in the Preece great love between the two born fessed Wednesday that his previous when Stingaree comes to rob the bard The girl ia annoyed by her fn dising "were described to members of machine suffered concussion of and two deep lacerations on his d announcement was In the Interests of singing gob the Butchers and Grocers’ association home where the girl occupies the po- terest in the circulation entirely- -' Miss Slopansky V a humble relative and ser- and does everything possible to em by K C Lorentzen professor of mar- head Preece escaped injury sition of Immediate work on the 8100000 picture did' not appear in tbajmaga-tine- ! vant He kidnaps her and escapes to phasize their aocial differences Ethel keting at the Univefslty of Utah at well drilling project to augment the GARDEN CLUB ELECTS but annpipicement of hefvictpry his mountain lair through a cordon Merman and ether guests on the meeting Wednesday evening at the was summer of water city’s supply waif printed j HAZELTON Idaho— Hazelton Gar- of mounted police After one glorious cruise are not deceived by her tactics fialt Lake chamber of commerce heralded Wednesday when the city The coyer of the cftarleriywas by There is a shipwreck and TP 'emphasize the importance of den club has elected officers as fol- night of love he starts her on her however commission authorized CommissionRobert Jones Paid that lows: Mrs M A Kelley president cherished road to fame by sacrificing the colorful band of refugees invade grocery merchandising-her George D Keyser to enter' into his liberty There is p smashing cli- a South Sea island -- The fireworks Salt Lake spends $14000000 annually Mrs Carrie Goeliert vice president $ drilling contracts and employ a drillmax that is quite different from the start when Crosby has to take com- for groceries' exqlusive’ Of meat ilic Mrs Clara Dunn secretary Mr H ing Supervisor ‘ mand of the situation putting the 'for- and poultry K Belmont treasurer ordinary run of picture closings The mer The commission approved employlri- to seekers work pleasure cast is one e with The supporting lengthy ment of E C Archibald of Council is 'with story filled surprises as such Tearle players Andy Conway Bluff Iowa at a Salary of 5300 a Devine Henry S t e phenaon Una and rollicking complication! Gordon month to direct the drilling program and Revel the team who O’Connor and many others Mr Archibald has had 40 years' drill“Glamour ” Miss Ferber'l Intrigu- authored “Did You Ever See a Dream Salt Lake's first annual recreation ing experience and for the pait year ing exposition of the eternal triangle Walking"' wrote eight songs for has worked Institute opened in the South high Wyo AuHelen Slopansky the other feature on the Orphe-um’- a “We’re Not Dressing" Among them school auditorium Wednesday night thority was given to Commissioner new bill It is a drama of wan- Is “Love Thy Neighbor" "May IT' to into enter contracts with deKeyser recreation the sponsored by city of You” “Once ih hearts' with a colorful back- She Reminds- Me “Good-nigAfter Sterns-Roge- r dering Sensitive Plants Before and the comT Manufacturing and Moonpartment Raymond Forsberg and Love — ground of - theatrical— fol k -- ln New a Blue Touching pany of Denver and the Roscoe Moss director of the department York and London Musical romance ly Little Lady” Ethel Merman tings Los of to the drill company recreational leaders Angeles and Many “It’s Just a New Spanish Custom” The professor pointed out this is supplied by Philip Reed who sings wells physical education instructors were A Charley Chase comedy “Another one telling facts about several numbers ‘ is a highly colIt Under the Initial- contracts to be plant and that in attendance The program Wild Idea” heads the supporting proeach but most interesting of all was orful picture with the cast drawn supporting the up city of speeches by ‘a number of legal departby Chic Saie in "Little Feller” Joseph ’ Cawthorne Doris gram ment each company will drill two the sensitive plant He touched authorities on recreation and physical and Paramount sound news are added leaf with his finger and in a moment having " Alice Lake and others ‘ Lloyd jvells and other agreements will be the leaf education attractions began to toldl He touched anmade on the eight remaining wfclli Another session win be held from other leaf and the aame thing hapa of a nostalgic Incessant for the wailings 7:11 p m to 10:30 p rh Star The in will city’s program city Bing Crosby Thursday in pened Katharine tabby cat which atarted last Satpay $2 a foot for drilling the South high school auditorium Ifepburn per Soon I was touching the leaves and continued through SunNew Film at Capitol hour for setting strainers raising casjk Saturday's session will be held in the urdayand and watching what happened They were ended day Rialto wells Monday and ings the ‘Spitfire! serging commission chambers city and Tuesday-aninstalling city me the aame aa for him Mr and Mrs E J plimps Other labor costs will be worked for a m Until Bing Crosby’s new starring picture county builcjlnf' from-8:3Chegwidden of Rosecroft Manor noon apaid by the city including moving and I was filled with wonder “We're Not Dressing” is the Capitol - : Unrestrained semi-wil'4137 Ninth East street breathed Wht made the leaves fold when theater's new attraction Thursday As an impetuous materials girt of the Carolina mountains So far as is known no touched? e sigh of relief Since “Too Much Harmony" and “Go- Katharine Hepburn comes to the RiThe cat had blundered into a plant hae nerve cells or muaole cells ing Hollywood” Bing has been the alto screen Thursday in her Asyl um Patient Beats may picture but it seems strange that a plant can nation's crevice while Rosecroft Manor leading screen ps well as ra “Spitfire” a pieturizatlon of the stage ‘'S have such motion without nerves or dio Roommate to Death was being renoviaed and a songster and in he new picture play “Trigger" It ia the tory of an muscles nailed bad ' inadvertently colorful cast he untamed lass who lives in a crude ' Sensitive plants belong to the mi- surrounded by the animal in between a couple mosa family which has about 400 promisee new revelations of whet a cabin in the sparsely settled hills PENDLETON Ore May 23 (fP— irof walls t Some kinds of mimosas singing acting player can achieve earning a meager living by washing When the cat first howled Mrs members NtlOO Clubbed repeatedly with a shoe i f lOVt THT are trees but the greater number of with a-' good story and several good clothe’ Her character ia unique in wielded by another inmate Archie Chegwidden who is a flower and tit's Mrodocos Mm leva songsone' that she a minute with prays them are bushes and small shrubs MacDonald 64 patient at the state cat fancier Went' out of doors and songs end a now love- Lombard plays the childlike faith in God whereas the ’ Several of the smaller mimosa Blond Carole called ‘‘Kitty kitty kitty” The moki's ledmiqvo while insane hospital here was fatally in Members of the county commission lead romantic Ethel next is instant a opposite Crosby flaming to ghe so fighting Geo'sethoetifhe onimelt answer the cat miaowed in reply but Mrs lured it was discovered today quick Wednesday took under advisement plants are Merman the torch wildcat Broadway Orotie meltei wM end singer touch by folding that they are classed Attendants said MacDonald was Chegwidden couldn’t see it1 Shb a request by the L D S Young a has Leon role leon Crrol tumbles lor Ethel falls She love endashing (Rubber in with young killed by Louis Cadier 57 his roomcould hear it though In fact she Mutual - Improvement associa- in the “sensitive” group Brazil and Legs) Errol lends her comic support gineer on a near-bMermen Iroadwoy mvsi dam project He mate The body was discovered by could hardly hear anything else tion that beer sales be forbidden at other lands In South America are tol omedy songRreis George Burns and Grade Allen ia married she ia innocent and Is an attendant making the hourly until the animal was finally found Brighton Big Cottonwood canyon native homes of these plants and round out the featured cast in nitwit saved from fall rounds by a fellow worker and released from its prison Tuesthey grow wild In warm parta of rolesi aummer resortwho sees’ beneath her' contradictory The two men had been on friendday The commission held a public hear- Africa as well Bing plays a sailor aboard a yacht exterior sterling qualities of her r Sensitive plants usually grow to The cat was not one of the ing on applications for beer licenses ly terms and neither was considowned by the heiress Carole Lomand hidden nature Miss Hep- ered violent MacDonald was comChegwidden pets'' It was wild and by L B Sheets store proprietor and height of from one to three feet mitted from Deschutes county ia anguished when taken from the Mr and Mrs Toni Davis operators They have been raised with success MvvVttnsn 1930 and Cadier was sent to the s wall but after lapping a dish of in some greenhouses in our part of irjrrrrrn wmHmmmmriMmmimmimMitrtimmA of Balsam Inn ' asylum from Multnomah county last ' milk 'ft lost no time in running Those appearing to protest against the world The leaves are finely diNot only do they fold up year awfly issuing licenses were Robert L Judd vided Henry D Moyle Mrs Eunice Nalder when touched but the leaf stalks George J Cannon John D Giles dfop down as well By touching and Ruth May Fox George D Pyper shaking them a little roughly all the Glorious ahd A E Bowen Protestants de- leaves can be made to fold and droop clared that selling of beer should not at once If left alone after the touching and shaking the leaves will open tjicir talent in art world- by be permitted because of the many again and the lei! stalks will rise Student Group Sponsors shown the clever border they have made young people at the resort- Folding and drooping take place - ? "which-ristheir of differVaried Assembly Program lor picture Inside the booklet are many in sensitive plants' at night and we The stories ent characters from fairyland about different animals may say that they sleep while the ywm1 free These booklets are children did these drawings very interesting sun is out of sight Robert (Wya Editor handed on black and white paper narose a as they do art and The sensitive brier plant Armorel Giles Associate Editor and girls of the first pla- combining The ture Which grows wild in southern parts n JRV1NG JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL toon areboys for their writcover making In 24 we are studying' the of the United States is a relative of room —"The advisory group of Miss F M In the center of the tongue and are going to ing tablets make some the sensitive plant It does not show Hayes recently sponsored a very fine cover they have ink experiments1 We are going to an George BURNS arranged prove such quick response to the touch but assembly Numbers on the program etching which makes their books very that you do not taste apples and will wither if roughly handled A Gratia ALIEN w£re as follows: Novelty song and attractive onions you smell them Thera is also the sensitive pea with dance- - by Georgia Swan and Merle In the seventh grade the pupils Rosalyn ETHEL MERMAN Richards 4B writes: In leaves Which move a little after beArmorel Brandenburg reading are having an interesting study of our social science class we are study- ing touched but the movement does Gjles tap dance Betty Lutz violin the LEON ERROL “Lady of the Lake” So the chil ing Japan We are makit a Japanese not equal thkt pf sensitive plants of trio Una Liston Ella Mable Mackay dren will better understand 'the dif- garden in the sandtable We reed the the mimosa family and Grace Cljrest Other tong and ficult parts the teacher reads aloud National Geographic booklets and Southern Asia has a plant with dance numbers were furnished by a local dancing school They- included and explains to them They find the folders for IS minutes and then give leaves which move up and down and fascinatstory very interesting reports on what we have without1 being touched This is known S$ng and dance Joyce Malroya tqe ing read Joyce Isaacson LaVaun Whit- as the telegraph plant dance Lucille Gray a and b numThe in and kinderthe boys girls (For nature section of your scrapney and Robert Barlow have given bers Marjorie Baker and Jack Ken CAPITOL THEATRE IS NOW EQUIPPED WITH THE LATEST garten have made some very clever some splendid reports book) ytjn Jong and short tap dance by TYPE WESTERN ELECTRIC SOUND SYSTEM FOR THE hats with of paper trimmings green Mary Ann Caston 4B adds: We are UNCLE RAY Joyce Malroy and Betty Hall HARD-OF-HEARINminiahave a made also 1934 paper They Publishers G making nature booklets using our ‘An assembly was called for all (Copyright THE STARS OF " ” display of Liberty park In it own designs for the front covers We Syndicate) graduating students Mr George A ture have IMMORTAL “CIMARRON” (NO DrkA CHAMt K8 THU SERVICE) a small flowlake have dealt with such subjects as arranged Eaton assistant superintendent of they ANUNITED AGAIN IN ers a FRANCE TO SEE PORTRAIT and amusements trees birds flowers and animals schools gave them all instructions on On bridge OTHER GLORIOUS 23 the children in the glee NEW YORK May 23 (UP)— New Mary Louise Cameron 4B contrib graduating and on choosing their club May ADVENTURE will present at the Salt Lake utes We had been watching the eggs York City is going to send the Marwork- for next year J"he annual assembly presenting tabernacle a vocal chorus which will in our room develop into polliwogs quis de Lafayette to France for the and were waiting anxiously for them summer Mayor LaGuardia obtained candidates for student body presi- include 1500 voices to become frogs when a catastrophe approval of the sinking fund commisdent was held Friday May 18 Pre- Boys Practice Athletic 1 occurred The polliwogs were over- sion to send the city’s portrait of the sentation of the candidates was precome by the heat over the weekend patriot to the Lafayette ceded by a program sponsored by the centenary Events Field bw-ILilDay However our teacher secured some He will solicit private donations to den War Veterans ii-V more and they are developing nicely fray the expense Medals were presented to the color Tom Matthews Editor gnard led by Lee Doud and the Wayne Hansen Associate Editor bjigle corps led by Jack Buckle Les HIGHLAND PARK SCHOOL — Skidmore student body president in- Our boys are and pole troduced the campaign managers vaulting and high jumping practicing all such acwho presented their candidates Fran- tivities now The seventh has cis Neslen spoke in favor of Lynn made some standards and grade Bbyce Bill Livingston talked for some poles and cross bars procured They are Sherman Noyes Herman Zabrist was for the school field day and A THRlLLIMi ROMANCE OF introduced by Arthur McClelland and practicing to win honors The highhope AUSTRALIA’S FAMOUS BANDIT Roe Hart The assembly Was conclud est high Jumpmany was made by Farrell WHO TOOK FROM THE RICH ed with a piano solo by John Ed- Pond It was 4 feet 9 inches The TO AID HIS BENEwards The election was held Tues- pole vaulting record was made by FACTORS day and Lynn Boyce waa elected as Dick Maxfleld at 7 feet 6 inches Hel-enext year’s president Morgan ran the dash in “The bows had It” at Irving Fri- 71 seconds Lillian Phipps ran the day for it was the annual girla’day dash in 143 seconds Helen The boys also enjoyed the' affjyr Morgan also won the standing broad wearing hair ribbons and riding kid- jump with a record of 7 feet 10 Inches ANOTHER IPLENDID FEATURE dy cars An exclusive assembly for Miss Dorothy Keate and Miss Irene tlje girls was held in the afternoon Halle took their kindergarten for Jane Gibson was master of cere- May walk- last week They walked monies for the competitive numbers down park Each child op the program Thelma Perry won brought some lunch'They saw a Chimthe alngles prize by giving a piano panzee and a monkey on solo burlesque Dorothy Jackson the swings and chutesThey played and Lucille Tollinson won the douC bles with a novelty dance number School-ChildreW Make GENUINE LOVE OR A BJptty Lutz and Merle Brandenburg WAS CAREER SPARKLING 1 aecompanied by Maurine Wright THE BIO PROBLEM Clever Nature Booklets went for a buggy ride in 4890’ and won the prize lor' stunts James Hammond Editor by a' group of three Coral Sand Marllla Barlew Associate Editor berg Deane Thompson La urine Sil UINTAH SCHOOL— Robert Axfl verberg Madelon Graham and Marion Nyman characterized the “Grass- rad 7B reports: In room 23 we have hopper and the Ant” winning in the made some clever nature booklets group of five Beverly Pierce vice The cover has an appropriate nature president of I G A awarded the prizes The party closed with children's games Survey Shows 7907000 Still Beauty Winner Announced by U Uuninr Magazine Out of Work i - i Day By Day With Uncle Ray as usual Robert AT SALTtAKETFJEATERS bum philanderer with " tr Must-Gi- the ’ Three Injured S In AutoCrasK rt - n Furor For u “Ola-weu- SJtunity e head-phone- aa-th- Start Immediately on Work x -- djj! Drilling of Wells the-brai- light-hearte- - ’ City Recreation Institute’ Opens song-writin- OIL -- Tabby’s Wails Found Coming con-aist- Out K fSo?! of Walls - X in 81-2- it -- 'S' - car-pent- er County Ponders Protest Against Beer at Brighton 'v y 2 SCHOOL NEWS and VIEWS t Features a - WM IOMIARD -- X SPECIAL is TODAY ANNOUNCEMENTi ’ ' Hdchatd Qrene EDDIL a for Spanish-America- d alto 100-yar- s'(znr—2jnBtutufiwj ontfaiKsCmmifts n cos-tiim- Foetry ContestPlanned For Seventh Graders Helengene Holding Editor Clee Keene Associate Editor — This week the pppila who wish arc given lift opportunity to: enter a poetry recitation contest that’ is' being held Inf the seventh grades The contestant will be judged upon their oral memorization enunciexpression ate : pronunciation and posture rrlzes will not be awarded have The-- little- - ehildren-- of eoom-- ilC6l -IUMAS LAST Vf r W Grand r ' " 1011 A V MAY ROBSON as “OLD HANNIBAL” In “YOU CAN’T BUY EVERYTHING” Lafayette school ‘ Tomdrrow I Open 1 Big Twin Program “Six of a Kind” With Charlie Buggies W C Fields — Mary Boland George Born— Grade Alien Also jC TDliS “ITCHY SCRATCHY" Ths Kidnap Racket Exposed “THE MAD GAME" With SPENCER TRACT ——Alia DANCING Show ’ V '! j -- FRANK COOKSON’B Orchestra DANCE AT and His Celebrated PINECRESI HOTEL ’'ORCHESTRA ' “SHADOWS of SING SING” Saturday May 26 a I And Fvery Wednesday Thursday ' Frida and BaturiUy with JERRY JONES And His - AROUND-THg-WOkl- B DANCE BAND LAGOON ’§1 Per Couple ' TONIGIIT i Fa Route to the - BalUbtrla Cafe Ian Francisco operblr PresratrH hy W REX JEWELL THE SCREEN—' Bob! Armetrenf Derothr Wilson HAPPY FELTO’I AMBASSADOR With MARY BRIAN— BRUCE CABOT "ABOVE TUB CLOUD” JANET GAYNOR In “CAROLINA" Also “Olsen's Big Moment GROVE 9 “BITS OF HITS”’ T STARTS TOMORROW COCONUT I Yhrillinv Girl Nnnbtrs Ini THRU LINO— DIFFERENT lie Gents JOc Dally 8lnrf1 0adini! SpmIU Mnlt!l Dftneeral GRAND BALL MAY 30 ‘‘DEVIL TIGER” TONIGHT Ladles FRIDAY and ATURDAT Floors Tire Vas Open-A- ir ’ “MOONLIT” 2 Glorious Dance Nites This Week! - LAST TIMES TODAY! Air A Free Parking 7i - Good Roods 7 So Couple Phone Wes JB15 for Frlrnt am Banquets Loach sou Kiev - : i V - |