Show -- v i WEATHER FORECAST t I UTAH WYOMING— General ly fair Thursday Friday NEVADA — Cloudy IDAHO unsettled day Fri- Thursday LOCAL METAL PRfCES iwu :w (Detailed Report Page 18) Gold Silver (domestic) Silver (foreign) Copper Lead 400c J3500 84t4e 44e 850c 435c Zint Local Weekly Settlement Lead Copper Price SIS (lie - i Entered at the Postoftice at Salt Matter Lake City at Second-Clas- a VOL 129 NO 40 SALT LAKE CITY Today And Industry Loans Bill Tomorrow Passes House WitK L- -By WALTER LIPPMANN — haoMMiVer Compromise Action Lower Body Takes Up Deposit Insurance Act vocabulary to eno- describe rmously com- plicated meanings There are not enough cur- words in rent use to allow us to make one word signify one thing and one thing only Ara it we all carry around with us a small Clyde Barrow Companion Meet Death in Trap on ' of v ' Mining Leader Urges Silver as Consumer Boards Work Insurance Recommended Labor VT ’ " A “ y v'jJn-r'- RFC Mr Lippmann words which we produce whenever we cannot think of the right word or are too lazy to make the effort to say just what we really do mean A friend of (nine who takes a kind of angry pleasure in collecting these omnibus words says that in business the champion airing the words which are applied to almost everything and therefore mean almost nothing is "proposition” and he cites as' the record-breakfor all time the example of the patent lawyer who was to tell a judge about a new “It is” said the lawinvention yer “a round rubber proposition your honor and you put the baby in the middle of it” FIVE CENTS Menace to Gold Seen by British In Silver Action GIRL JN CAR Highway postponing the permanent deposit in surance plan until July 1 1935 Lead-er- j expect to pass that tomorrow In its two days of debate the house ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE made only six consequential changes in the industry loan bill Most were adopted today 'They would: Crashes Into Side Allow the R F C to lend up to a Auto total of $75000000 to school districts which can offer good security One of Louisiana Road of the things for which this could be used would be to pay salaries due After Volley school teachers Stipulate that the federal export shall corporation import banking submit annual reports to congress (Copyright 1934 by tim ‘Associated Press) Representative Goss R Conn) said La ARCADIA the amendment would require such May correports from all federally-owneBarrow notorious Texas outlaw and porations in existence and not cov- his gunwoman Bonered by an especial law nie Parker were ambushed and shot Senate Proposal Eliminate a senate requirement to death near here today in a sensathat corporations seeking loans must tional encounter with a posse ltd by But the house discarded the sen- first apply to the federal reserve Texas ranger ate provisions and inserted its own banks before taking their applica- an The desperado wfciz which increase the R F C total to tion to the RFC’ The amendment $300000000 and cut the reserve bank struck out the stipulation that aid zing along the “Big Road” highway must first be sought at the federal at 85 miles an hour ran maximum to $140000000 right into reserve banks Goes to Conference the limitation on maximum a trap set for him after having been Reduce The senate will send the bill to lured’ into the state by a relative of loans from $1000000 to conference for a compromise of the RFC who promised protec an differences Authorizing the R F C to recognize tion inafter the Immediately passing fishing as an industry for the pur- Before he or Bonnie Barker could dustry loan measure the house took (Continued on Page Six) — bill administration another that up (Column One) get their guns into action the officers riddled them with bullets By Associated Press WASHINGTON May Congress decided today the federal government through the reserve banks and should be in a position the to give at least a 8440000000 financial lift to private industries The house after shunting aside a score pf amendments to let the new loans cover everything from cities to private schools and hospitals finished two days of hard work by passing and sending back to the senate the administration’s industry loan bill The senate had approved a bill fix ing the maximum total RFC five-- ' year loans at 8350000000 and limiting the amount the twelve federal reserve banks could advance to 20 PAGES— OUTLAW AND Senate Will Send Measure to Conference for simple y MAY 24 1934 POLICE KILL $440000000 Limit ConfusingWords NEW YORK May 23— One of the persistent difficulties in discussion is that we have only a UTAH THURSDAY MORNING I 4f PLEA w TO Say Leaders Irvin E Rockwell Voices Official Views Differ Results Acid Test Metal Primary Money ROOSEVELT in Distribution System Described as Blasted for Return of Yellow Hopes Opposition to Bill at S L Parley Senate Factions DivicL ed" but Plan to Back "It is the declared purpose of the United States to restore establish and Administration Bill maintain silver as a primary money By Associated Press and a monetary base for specie and May By HAROLD P BRAMAN minicurrency issue” N A R for overhauling (Copyrlibt 1834 br Associated Press) Barrow This comdefinite Clyde governmental mum wage provisions for creating LONDON May 23— British fia national unemployment insurance mitment should be the preamble of nancial leaders were pictured in well — ttfe silver monetary bill Irvin E system and for setting u'p independInformed quarters today as being ent labor and consumers’ boards were Rockwell Hailey Idaho told a meet- highly alarmed by the prospect that submitted to President Roosevelt In ing of leading Utah monetary authori- President Roosevelt's silver monetiza-tio- n ties nonferrous and metal opmining a statement made public tonight by program will blast their hopes erators Wednesday at the Alta club nearly 200 lawyers educators edi for the return of Great Britain to "Until this commitment which was tors ministers and social workers the gold standard in the near future Oswald Garrison Villard contribut- accepted by members of the senate Despite the nonchalant attitude they ausilver bloc and administration ing editor of the Nation said a group and which was understood assumed toward the American presb thorities had presented the recommendations to be approved by the president at dent’s message financial circles were to the president on April 29 and the silver conference May 8 is adoptpictured as being thrown into gloom that some signatures had been added ed the president’s message and the “Financial leaders herehav been Causes Confusion bill are in present hardly adequate Day Crew Held Prisoners later for some time that President hoping Mr The scarcity of words to deRockwell said "We believe that the acid test of my opinion” Rockwell prominent Idaho Roosevelt would head off the sib scribe poltical and economic Troops Called Out the new deal lies in its effects on the Mr Barrow's car running wild caactual distribution of the wealth mining industry- economist former verltes so there would be no fur events and ideas is the cause of “in Two States Idaho state senator and former presi- ther reened from the road and smashed creates but machine which the age steps In the direction of worldThe other immense confusion into an embankment As the wheels which we have yet to find the way dent of the Idaho state board of edu- wide bimetallism” said a well-ication has the spent past month in day for example parliamentary spun the posse continued to fire un to spread out and use” began the formed observer Br Associated Press Washington til the car was almost shot to pieces government was suspended in document on out broke Wednesday Rioting dictaVoice Alarm of some sort and Car Urges Shot Amending Bulgaria Up Ask Labor Board one strike front in Ohio and in Min“Roosevelt’s capitulation to the all Mr Rockwell declared that inclutorship based on the army estabThe body of the gunman who four neapolis national guardsmen were a recommend "We that prime lished Tins was described as a years ago was a minor hoodlum called to duty as a jittery citizenry charge of the present congress should sion of the preamble thus agreed to verltes will only give new impetus Yet the re"Fascist revolution” currency movement known outside of Dallas feared possible repetition of previous be the creation of a labor board in May 8 is essential and that the pres- to the scarcely which the British distinctly do not ent bill ports from Sofia had nothing to to should silver amended be steerwas behind the were of labor rushed also disorders States the United Troops department say about a Fascist movement m Illegal Production Threat Plight of Rural Areas Put ing wheel a revolver in one hand for this definite declaration want If bimetallism becomes popto Toledo Ohio with full power to safeguard the provide This of Bulgaria nothing about the rise conclusion was ular it may be ‘good bye forever’ to purpose Bonnie died her with head barParker to and 3000 and Restrike pickets sym- right of workers organize ens System Says Before Ilopkins by Nearly of a popular leader like Mussolini between her knees unanimously approved by the Salt the gold standard She still was pathizers at the Electric Auto-Litgain through representatives of their Lake group It is understood Mr or Hitler nothing about a Fascist “At least it tends to forestall the Roosevelt clutching the machine gun lief Work Groups company plant In Toledo held work- own choosing army Twenty years ago any one “We killed Clyde and Bonnie at ers of the day shift virtual prisoners “We believe that minimum wage Rockwell notified Senator William E hopes and plans of Great Britain for said have would the report reading 915 this morning” reported Ted Hin- when a riot broke out suddenly with provisions under the N R A need over- Borah of Idaho of the decision in a return to the gold basis at any time that this was a militarist coup call and was advised in the near future” ton one of the Texas officers to the bullets spatting bricks and stones hauling We recommend that the' WASHINGTON May 23 (IP)— KANSAS CITY May 23 d’etat differing in no essential way The informant declared that Britain a conference of the senate silver office in Dallas “They were tossed and tear gas bombs hurled basis minimum rates shall be tied( that President Roosevelt today asked Drouth conditions storm aftermaths sheriff’s from the kind of revolution which at Black lake a hideout we had been As the mob raged almost uncon- up with the cost of living Indices bloc will be held Thursday morning has little interest in silver sales since to oil the control in congress up tighten occurred and has again and rural poverty were pictured here watching for weeks” again trolled for hours the sheriff asked of the bureau of labor statistics of in Washington to discuss and formu- India is fax less a factor in the white metal market than five years ago Latin America and in the Balprogram at this session (Continued on P Five) relief workers from a score Fred'Hamer former captain of the for the aid of the national guard and the U S department of labor and today by it (Column Two) is moment at kans the But and China is far more important This was among the developments of states as they presented pleas for Texas Rangers who hdL been the governor gave the order that should automatically he required to to call ascist the mode In government quarters little supanything in the brush for days for Bar-ro- troops to the scene known the with at made waiting them rise president’s today to L aid antigovernment Harry Hopkins which is conservative and port was found for the proposal to to come by on his regular run as In the Just believe that “We Crowd on Train Gam conference relief federal head of the so emergency semiweekly press democratic and for the invoke a world conference for Ihe “ added: case of the creation of the labor machine trained of our jnlnds we now rehabilitation of silver Another was that the president has administration Company guards and Bonnie not did need for1 an indepen“Clyde get to rioters had board there isconsumers Hopkins was here to confer with fire a shot Their car was full think of Bulgaria as having a govIt was the 'general view that the consented to a summer furlough for state of of guns on thea crowd after outside agency dent to and relief ernment like Italy's This lumpspeak guns and ammunition but torn down steel gate at the plant white metal would not’ play as imorganizations en an did have C of shall Walker chairman which Frank the they government Nat sixty-firsthe annual at In Minneapolis where three regitonight ing together under one name of portant a part in economic recovery not get a chance to use them” for the ments of national guardsmen stood by tirely free hand in standing of curas anticipated by the supporters of two things which have only a National Emergency council but has tional conference on Social Work in the flow stake consumers' Lured Into beRehabilitation families of rural Trap to prevent disorders striking truckthe Washington program partial resemblance then makes it asked him to return to his governwealth rent weather con unreuntoward Barrow had been lured into north- men rejected a proposal of the leaguered by very much more difficult to ment post in the fall Official Net Alarmed Attitude Must Alter and dtions crop failures derstand either of them depressed west Louisiana arrange- gional labor board to settle their wage through Mr Roosevelt also said he would In the alarm emergovernment our We abandon to was described ment with officers need of farm produce The strikers however Warns Soviet Against of the financial quarters for what he difficulties send a message to congress very soon prices leaders was not Skepticism of Words several workers as one of the most thought was a rendezvous with an agreed to an extension of the gency attitude toward unemployment by shared for the reason that the Britrelating to the controversial war important problems laid before the underworld friend near "truce” for another day in the walk- and first of all to build the federal Any one who wishes to protect Shooting Ringgold ish treasury officials do not have debts issue state-citinto an orderrelief federal administration at the closed setup embarenforced seen has out an himself against confusion of this that A of an relative convict escaped In letter to Chairman Logan of hearings expectations of return to the gold Manchukuo Border on commercial trucks ly system of administration with ele sort has to be extremely suspicious the asenate and go of former member Barrow's mines committee and standard soon of all blanket phrases and conThe city market of Minneapolis ments of permanent planning Making a plea for $1500000 or southwest gang working with the Chairman Rayburn of the house inThe city of London Britain’s “Wall re tinually alert about breaking up terstate commerce committee the more H M Cass of Pierre relief di- authorities had promised him pro- scene of rioting which Monday and On the one hand unemployment TOKYO May 24 OT— Charging that street” and the treasury have held rector for South Dakota said drouth tection at his home took one life and sent scores lief administrations should be weldthe logical fallacies which they Tuesday asserted that illegal pro- conditions in his state were serious views on return to gold As the officers fired Barrow to hospitals was closed and the ed Into a permanent system of pub the Japanese consulate general in divergent breed The commonest fallacy is president duction of oil is threatening the He told of his On the other Khabarovsk near the Manchukuo for some time the former favoring child who opened a door of his small gray se- streets were empty save for a few lie welfare services to assume that two things which structure of the newly organized oil had never seen rain truce was ob- hand we should institute a national border had been fired upon twice Immediate action and the latter holdare somewhat alike are essentialdan and attempted to raise his gun policemen A production control system insurance the foreign office announced today a ing that the time Is inopportune ob- So did Bonnie Parker but both were served by both sides while they con- system of unemployment to A of Texans exfor alike The other group sought day ly The official view toward gold was President Roosevelt expects the tain release of $8900000 they said shot before "We believe that there should be vigorous protest and a demand for settlement was Mr sidered Mark Sullivan could proposals the ample they trigpull N R A to evolve through constant act investigation has been filed with the said to have been unchanged from securities the a between been federal the adminallocated in to had that by Ends Alabama Strike explain trying that voiced as long as two years ago changes but he is giving no public government for drouth and storm re- gers and the N R A the control of cap- soviet government In the wrecked car were three istration circles there is a diviAn agreement was signed at Birm- ital issues and the routing of govconsideration to the Darrow report lief that return would be made only recur"Strict A never made "available N Hopbut sawed-ofR the f two about of precautions against rifles sion opinion army shotguns ingham Ala between striking minalleged monopolistic kins as to make these rence of incidents endangering the when conditions are such as to as-- " so ernment credit to a with the conference and in order to suggest what the condemning prior (Continued on Pair Seven) ers and the Debardelaben Coal cor- financial policies a force for stabiliz- lives of Japanes officials" was asked sure that it will be permanent under the program (Column One) Texan said the was division was about he said that practices at the White House on the allotted them” $8900000 "never Answers to questioners in the house poration whose mines have been the Inquiry and earnings by Tamekichi Ota Japanese ambasR N A works “speaking loosely scenes of numerous bombings and ing employment attitude toward the reof commons during recent weeks president’s Moscow at sador office the Before the manifold Notables In the general direction of Fasforeign Hophearings Signed by have indicated that the official view dynamitings recently More than 1000 port of the special committee headed kins said relief has become act was informed a public the corporative state” cism miners were expected to resume “The attacks on the securities Clarence Darrow brought the is that the time lor a gold basis is received stated here that ex stock to and that Reports the construction whereas thr'opposition to N R A by responsibility “long range” won and the work Thursday The miners not yet in sight Latin phrase in reply— res ipsa 21 20 On on and shots is have which May again May bill "works In the general direction interests planning necessary by their fight for recognition of the col- change were into the one fired consulate “We all know that the hungry mah for need to the of collectivism of the Russian grind prove WASHINGTON May 23 (Senalective bargaining clause of the N R A axes The interpretation given of this Is is a bookcase in the ofcounter-tjirus- t bullet striking going to be fed and that there are type” This it seems to me is that things speak for themselves silverites again were divided into and the “check off” system of collect-- an immediate aggressive bedfice another in and the ‘ifs’ ‘ands’ which lodging not is to no or about administration one that who any misleading factions today but indications were by the It also liras stated at the White mg union dues a room of Consul General “We the Shlgeru most confidence as to how House that it is the of among generally agree that thoroughly informed that most of them would support the Terms of a proposed settlement of tyill restore understanding of "loosely” Mr Sullivan is speakadministration bill once the time the prfesfdent that the Darrow com- the unemployed are the victims of an Two Fled Near Scene of a strike at the Real Silk Hosiery people as to the financial leadership no one was the Though injured ing comes for a vote mills at Indianapolis and Dalton Ga of the government mittee! is to complete its work by economic and social pressure beyond was government repreto in their there which Japanese avoid power Utah- - Girl’s Death were agreed upon at Washington and "Certain industries the first of June To Study Amendments as viewing this occurrence in N R A and ‘Fascism’ “And more of us as the winters were to be submitted to strikers and is a primary public interest should sented It was said Mr Darrow outlined come One group wanting more liberal is’ and go since the cracking point be made the subject for experimen- the 'capital of far eastern Krai as Thus for example it true this program when he submitted his Claims officials company Attorney i serious in 1929 are provisions tentatively scheduled a to realize that the N R A organization of InMining operations in the Pittsburg tation in a large degree for planning original report and Mr Roosevelt has the American coming must createthata exmeeting to consider amendments to for As control: and a at standstill family were coal fields cooperative Kan dustry by trade associations unto heard nothing the contrary since long-tibThe shooting reported to have oc- the measure proposing a silver puron Piw Thlrteenl der codes somewhat resembles possibly permanent device SAN FRANCISCO May 23 (IP)— (Contlntifd P&k on Thirteen) (Continued curred aj Khabarovsk followed re- chase program which would continue (Column Three) for absorbing its unemployed (Column Two) the New evidence he claimed will supthe corporative organization of Told to Serve ports of a number of incidents along until 25 per cent of the metallic moneslack of its economic machine” Italian Fascism But it is equally Deputy port the alibi story of Millard Hickthe Amur river on which the city is tary stocks consist of the white metal man acmarine (Continued on Page Six) engineer located One of those strongest In his critiPROVES SOMETHING Subpena on Dillinger (Column Three) cused of slaying Miss Louise Jeppe-seThe Amur for some distance forms cism of the bill approved by PresiNEW YORK May 23 (UP)— We 23 of Ogden Utah was anthe boundary between the soviet dent Roosevelt Senator Thomas (D TUCSON Ariz May 23 (IP) —One suppose this proves something Health nounced by Harry McKenzie attor union and the Japanese-sponsoreOkla) said he would vote for it even tough assignment that’s what Ed- Commissioner John L Rice an- ney for the accused man here 'toempire of Manchukuo if changes were not made mund Atkinson Pima county deputy nounced that 453 Chinese women in night ' Reports of clashes between border Thomas an inflationist apparently New York have given birth to 450 McKenzie who said Hickman will sheriff says it is guards have been made from time to took the view that he was bound by-tBy Associated Press He has been told to serve a sub- Chinese children in two years and enter a plea of not guilty tomortime and recently Japanese charged accord reached with the president DOMESTIC that not one of the Chinese women row declared an attendant at a stable pena on John Dillinger 1000-Mi- le ’ that a sailor on a Manchukuoan in the series of discussions on ARCADIA Lar-Clysilver Barrow The fugitive gunman Is cited to died in the effort near in Golden Gate park the place steamer had been killed and another On the other hand Senator PittTexas outlaw and gunwoman appear in superior court here May Miss Jeppesen’s body where was wounded shots a from soviet fired by man believed to the SIX WORKERS KILLED death by officers In am25 to answer to a civil action shot (Dt Nev) said he brought found reported seeing two persons guard post bush program would go through without against him by various banks which WARSAW Roland May 23 (UP)— in the park at about the hour of the was This in denied report — officially substantial TOLEDO Ohio alteration Three thoulay claim to about $24000 in loot Six farm workers near Lwow dug up tragedy BALBOA C Z May 23 (UP)— tors prepared to perform an emer Moscow where it was stated shots He said some changes made yester- sand strike pickets hold 1500 impounded after the capture — and an object to see if it was a The two persons McKenzie said The United States navy won the gency operation over were fired those the boat after workmen virtual prisoners in Ishell It was— exploded— killed them before the escape—of Dillinger (Continued on Page Five) he wa informed by the stableman first phase in a daring aerial race “Hurry— patient sinking” she had in charge had refused to halt (Column Three) factory four hurt in riot in 'response to a call of: “Who against death tonight with the ar- messaged today as the planes battled ran border verThe soviet the guards — LOS ANGELES Navy planes the toward on their are you and what do you want?” flight sion said had tried to stop the boat rival of two seaplanes at Tagus Cove headwinds complete flight to aid Hickman claims Miss Jeppesen a in the distant Galaragos islands in equator because persons on board were takstricken explorer at Galapagos -no radio but the had party companion left his apartment the Pacific bearing medical aid for The Svaap ing photcgi aphs of Russian posts islands was Santa Cruz vessel standing a hours before few Ameriher A Robinson fishing was William young body WASH! NGTON — Clarence found and that he did not see her can explorer stricken with acute ap- by relaying merges for Robinson’s Watchman ‘Finds’ Fires BEVERLY HILLS Cal May Darrow center of N R A discousin wife and again pendicitis 23— Not long ago pute calls on Hugh Johnson Hale was speeding The Miss 7:45 been had at Two destroyer Jeppesen Show strangled He’s To alighted seaplanes navy on Job to Germany Jimmie Gerard said Senator Nye asks N R A shake-u- p NEW YORK May 23 (IP)— Wage “If In a given industry the hours police said carrying gasop m (EDT) in the little cove where through tropical seas there was fifty men running the are not short enough to reabsorb to replenish the stores of the line ketch his receive "a earners must aboard Robinson significant lay ST PAUL— Evelyn Frechette country Now they say they let to return to PITTSBURGH May 23 (TP)— After them to all enable of furearners the then surwage life Naval planes for Indus-inPrices Offered Income fighting Svaap 49 of ’em go of So naturally we and physician convicted of hid- - proportion” of the It was expected there Night Watchman Carl Frank found ther reduction must be considered Higher geons prepared immediately to rush the canal zone — those 49 runners John Dillinger sentenced to— try “if recovery is to be achieved But f — — his third f irbYn the basement of the have keeping alwayythe idea of At Ram on board hardly more than 24 hours in the morning — Western Sale by prison federal building he was questioned all on our hands and dissatisfied and maintained” says Frances Per- balance so that the cost of producan emergency operation Apparently had wife the after young explorer’s You can’t let the people out no WASHINGTON— House adopts M Turner kins secretary of labor In her book ing an article will not be so high as sent an urgent appeal to Balboa lor was the only thing that could save by Postmaster William resolution authorizing arms emThe postmaster said- - Frank ad- matter for what good reason and Robinson “People at Work” to be published to put it beyond the reach of other — SACRAMENTO Calif May 23 (IP) help Sales of black face rams at the bargo against Chaco disputants mitted starting the fires so that his have them go away bragging on tomorrow wage earners who need it and deThe flying boats dispatched by WASHINGTON WASHINGTON— House passes you 23 (P)— The prompt action in "discovering” and “The industrial recovery act is sire it mass production and mass fourteenth annual western states aucMay this on unprecedented I don’t suppose there is any administration’s industry loon an economic device made necessary tnarket will supplement each other” tion held here today by the Califor- Washingtonerrand of mercy navy was informed tonight that the extinguishing them would show he carried business with as many junera-ploye- d bill would provide $440000000 association Condition of William Albert Robin- was “on the job" Secretary Perkins’ book sketches nia Wool Growers’ by the attempt to maintain a mod1 1 o r W o R as the "advising’ busifor private concerns ern superstructure of industrial high- a philosophy of labor from early brought prices averaging about 40 Hutchinson surgeon and Lieutenant son stricken with appendicitis aboard Now he's held for action by federal ness What gets these big fellows FOREIGN speed mass production on an inade- times and she touches on most cur- per cent higher than last year Even Oscar D Yarbrough of the pavy med- his yacht at Tagus Cove of the Gal- authorities goat is Roosevelt listens to 'em LONDON — Financial leaders quate foundation of employment and rent problems Old age pensions and higher prices were expected for to- ical corps LieutenantCommander apagos Islands was too critical for FLIERS HOP FOR ROME all but they can’t tell whether Miss Perkins unemployment insurance are viewed morrow’s auction of white face Herman E Halland of the naval air an immediate operation fear Roosevelt silver program purchasing power” he is paying any attention or not Halland in breeds BALDONNEL AIRPORT Dublin removes possibility of early Brit-’isfavorably says was command in cprps Yours “This is he heart of the recovery “We have in this country no adereturn to gold Standard Approximately 1000 persons attend charge of the navy planes which May 24 (Thursday) (IP)— George Pond Radio Appeal Sent movement — purchasing power must quate federal administrative machin- ed the auction today to bid on or raced to aid the suffering engineer and Lieutenant Cesare Sabelli took TOKYO— Foreign Office deRadio appeals from Robinson's wife and explorer reported bv radio that off for Rome shortly after 6 30 ar m be restored to the groups longest and ery for registering the unemployed watch the rale of animals from Cali mands soviet explain) reported Idaho and Utah daughter of JRichard Crane Chicago Robinson would be placed aboard the today (130 a m EST) to complete firing on Japanese consulate at most completely without It in order or for recording their passage from forma - Oregon one Job to another" she writes to create a demand for goods manufacturer had brought the doc destroyer Hale and taken to Balboa their flight from New York Khabarovsk ranges NEW-iiOR- Jyde d cigar-smokin- g BULLETS FLY old-tim- e er IN TOLEDO AS STRIKERS RIOT $100-00- STRICTER OIL U S AID FOR 20 n CURB SOUGHT STATES ASKED two-bas- e found-slumpe- e m e I bes-sen- RUSS GUNPLAY mud-dleme- ROUSES TOKYO Japan Further -- y tie-u- p t Lawyer Bolsters Hickman’s Alibi te " - e n The World’s News Planes Carrying Doctors Reach Stricken Explorer d he Dash to Galapagos in Craft Make Time to Aid Appendicitis Victim de war-tim- e Continued Recovery Hinges Upon High Wage Level Miss Perkins Says 1000-mil- e Will Rogers Says: g -- ‘ 1000-mil- e Lieutenant-Commande- h Lieutenant-Commande- r 7&A& ofiAM |