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Show f V Tips for Curing Common Debt - DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) Seriously in debt? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. Professional debt counselors say that many more middle-incom- e families are seeking help now than In the past, according to Better Homes and Gardens magazine. There are things you can do to correct the situation, the magazine writes. Among them: set spending priorities for the months ahead; try to cut expenses; reformat your budget; raise some extra income, if possible The Salt Lake Tribune, and put your credit cards aside. up, if necessary.") Whatever the cause, it's important to recognize the danger signals early, swallow your pride, and take immediate steps to get back on solid financial footing," according to an article in the magazine. The warning signs: dipping into savings to pay old bills; paying the minimum on credit card balances; applying new loans to old bills, and when monthly loans consistently total 2C percent or more e of your pay. Sunday, January 12, 1966 (Cut them there's an mm m iflai m that lets you start with a small investment but earn high, money market interest. take-hom- Finally, IRA still RtiSnflgi HStesTKtTgHSrter! money market rates on as little IRA Add funds whenever as without you want, delaying your maturity dates. Your interest rate increases automatically when the market rises. When you reach $2,000, $10,000 or $25,000, it goes even higher. Start earning $500 with our 24 Mos. IRA Effective Annuel Yield 11.50 Annual Rate Certificates CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT can transfer funds from another IRA into account for maximum flexibility. Or You this choose either of our longer term IRA accounts ""vd rates on as Ccme PASSBOOK SAVINGS signed to EFFECTIVE ANNUAL YIELO 9.00 ANNUAL RATE fit in little as $1,000. tc lay and ask about the IRA cm m w mmm network of 34 offices senring you throughout New Mexico and Utah. 322-18- BOUNTIFUL 33S W. 800 S. HOLLADAY 4891 8. 10 W. 3rd S. 272-420- 7 Kiel 290-399- 7 de- your budget and your investment goals. A SALT LAKE CITY for OGDEN 1175 3 Country Hide Dr. E. 479-128- 1 COULD YOU MAKE $766DAY AS A CONSULTANT? Thet'e the everage dally fee charged by the nation's consultants. The top 10 average the profession is largely recession-proohaving experienced a 20 growth The Professional Consultant Newsletter rate each year for the last eight. ' ' $1 ,472 and f, LEARN HOW TO BUILD & MAINTAIN YOUR OWN OR PART-TIMCONSULTING PRACTICE (FULL-TIM- E e e or Attend this Informative Seminar end learn how to develop your profitable consulting practice. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Any man or woman with a marketable skill gained through education or experience. Managers, engineers, trainers, professors, consultants, accountants, investment advisors, real estate professionals, psychologists, health care professionals, attorneys, military, educators, etc. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN 4 HOURS: How to set your fees (price your services) 9 How to avoid marketing strategies which work How to build imagereputation tor tree How to get clients to seek you out first How giving away your valuable know-hoto Identity hidden consulting opportunltlea The 7 situations which require a consultant How 60-8to get 5 of your bualneaa from retemla AdvertisingBrochuresCapability statements How to create your own Why you shouldnt use a resume ContractsBillingsCollections demand How to sell consulting from your seminarsnewsletterslectures Howto profit while meeting with serving the small (or Impoverished) clients How to handle the first face-to-faprospect How to get a contract during the first meeting Marketing strategies which dont work and hurt your image Professional liability Performance contracts Proposal writing How to expand with low overhead Strategies which insure success And Networking much, much more. SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION FSLIC MntlwtiUalMnM6Cr9 Veur Savteige Ineur to lOOOOO for the offices listed below-Ma- in Office: 125 Main St., Salt Lake City 5th South Branch: 490 E. 5th South, Salt Lake City Phone 322-900- 0 S. Centerville Branch: 323 E. Pages Lane Murray Branch: 125 E. 6100 South SEMNAR DEVELOPED BY HOWARD L SHENSON-Editor-publi- sher of The Professional Consultant newsletter and author of 1 8 books and audiocassette learning programs on marketing and management of consulting. Shenson began consulting in 1971 while teaching at the University of Southern California and California State University. More than 35,000 have attended his nationwide seminars on consulting, and hes now nationally known as "The Consultant's Includes workbook and resource is advised. To register, call Ext. 8221-C- . Unable to register in advance? Register at the Seminar 30 minutes before starting time. Payment may be made by VISA, MasterCard, American Express, check or cash For further details about this seminar or AAPC, phone (603) UNABLE TO ATTEND? Order live professional recording of the the Seminar on cassette tapes. Includes all materials. $69 plus $3 shipping Credit card orders phone t Ext 1 Mail Howard L Shenson OF 8 WORKSHOPS DENVER SALT LAKE CITY SAT., January 18th 0 9 am-- 1 pm OR 2:30 pm BEST WESTERN LANDMARK INN 455 S. Colorado Blvd. & ("Colorado Blvd. Exit" off THURS., January 16th 1 pm-pm pm OR 6:30 HOLIDAY INN AIRPORT 1659 N. Temple Street and (AirportReno Exit off 5 8221-- checks to address below 7985 CHOOSE pm-6:3- pm-10:- State St.; 825-222- 7 399-921- 6 465-259- 224-105- 753-555- 0 (Giulia MffiY ONLY $95 material. S. Ogden Branch: 2180 Washington Blvd., 6 Payson Branch: 201 E. 100 North, 0 B Orem Branch: 48 University Mall, N. Main St., Logan Branch: 610 ftcidOQ Consultant." TUITION Clearfield Branch: 75 SAN FRANCISCO N. HIGHLANDS WED., January 22nd FRI., January 24th 1 pm-- 5 9 am-- 1 pm OR 2:30 pm-6:3- 0 pm pm OR 6:30 pm-10:pm RODEWAY INN SACRAMENTO HOLIDAY INN CIVIC CENTER 3425 Orange Grove Ave. 50 Eighth Street (Corner of Eighth and Market Sts.) (Business Loop 80 Watt Ave. Exit) American Association of Professional Consultants 116 W. Merrimack Street. Det22UCJAanchesterli0320 ;ME lO-ram Yiffi (Mil B HD F Buy Our Tandy 1200 HD With Monitor and Get Framework or dBASE m Software at No Charge! TOOArS COMPUTERS BUSINESS CENTER BIG SAVINGS ON the IBM XT Reg. Separate Items 3433.80 WITH 20Mb HARD DISK Commercial Lease Available for Only $90 Per Month (Plus Applicable UseSales Tax) Save 1 030 Tandy 1200 HD with Built-I- n Hard Disk Drive is a Mirror Image of the IBM PCXT 10-M- eg DeskMatePC Software (Included) IBM XT SYSTEM REGULARLY: is Six Applications on One Disk Choose from Among the Best Programs Available Save $1143.90! Color Graphics System Available for Only $2849 (Reg. 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Includes Your Choice of One of These Powerful Programs A s695 Value at No Charge! dBASE IH Framework "idea processor that combines word processing, spreadsheet analysis, a database, communications and graphics into one program. An Custom design your own information system that will grow as your business grows. Keep track of customers, inventory and more. Requires graphics board and plus you' choice ol Color graphics system includes or International and your choice ot IBMTM Local Computer Centers Serve You Better Salt Lake City, 301 South State Murray, 6051 S. State Ave Ogden, Shop. Ctr. 3672 Wall Ave Orem, Grand Central Plaza, 384 East & 1300 South 322-489- 3 268-897- 8 394-166- 6 226-865- 1 , 487-607- 2 A A DIVISION PRICES APPLY OP TANDY CORPORATION wM AT PARTICIPATING STORES AND DEALERS F9t |