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Show r7 m 18B . ' I r y The Sail Lake Tribune, r 'rrrrwrvrTTTr Ml , Sunday, Januarj 12,15)86 ' Camion, About Poli.ical Expediency II,- - I Look to r uture, Matheson Urges Lawmakers cy to try to solve public problems in terms of the next budget cycle. We dont take the time to make the decisions the impact of which may not be felt for five years." thinking - and sacrifices that can't be put off forever are needed to help solve problems facing Utah's schools, economy and residents, who are making a difficult transition to new employment patterns, Matheson said. "I think we need to be thinking very seriously about those problems," he said, "and pay the price now in order to get there." Yet one of Ihe most obvious steps a lax intoward paying that price was ruled out by Gov Norm crease Bangerter during his 1984 campaign "I think the chances of a tax increase without the support of the governor are virtually nil, said Mathe Long-ter- & Special to The Tribune The Richfield PubRICHFIELD lic Library was recently placed on the National Register of Historic Places after application by the state. - v ' Moreover, he does not believe a single legislative session is an adequate or appropriate forum for building a statewide consensus on the need for more taxes "If we are going to go for a tax increase, we ought to bring it up early on. take up the cudgel for it and defend it. It's too important to confine it to the legislative session going on I think ypu ought to make a commitment to it, he said But instead of progress toward that kind of commitment, Matheson says he sees lawmakers preparing to beat a retreat. "I see some tax changes coming, but they're changes to cut revenue back. 1 see Ihe unitary tax being opposed and a continued erosion in our lax system," he said The best thing 2JpGD05fc expediency The worst thing lawmakers could do, he said, would be to shy away from providing public schools with a "substantial increase" in support. Although he leans toward conserving last year's $76 million reserve for flood repairs, Matheson said tapping some of the money and arranging to replace it from another source if needed would probably work. It is probably a year to sit fight on Great Salt Lake ... on the theory were not going to get nailed this year," he said. "I think using that money to balance the budget would be a mistake. But on the other hand, I'm very pragmatic about using Q2inEJ& hTrr77 it. 1 rrnm gg?33 iGEm situ i cm c? op asi .ypYtr- - ifcrfr flECJ '32110 CH2 5 ecus G2Sn3332G0Sl " aa TUndTLJFZI ATEE Ergometer Exerciser . Reg. $119.99 0K0 flywheel Heavy 40-lcycle features rugged tubular steel welded frame, infinite tension adjustment. Ergometer accurately measures Compact cycle is big on quality! Tubular d steel frame, deep-padde- seat, timer, Precision engineered exercise module features 13 separate workout stations. Easily mounts to wall, folds compactly for storage. Freestanding unit available at additional charge speedometer, odometer. Model 484 workout. TLJVTLJat Monster TRM-I- I p Deluxe Board Sit-U- nized. and untrained volunteers served as librarians. Eventually, the city sought a certified librarian and the books were later categorized. Reg v S 29 99 Reg. $84.99 incline board lets you get the most from your exercise routine. Comfort-padde- ) I 154-L- B. Stf'irl) a It) is imu ewphner and fn id of :ht Ht'hn ffuhl I tui o 'fi,' r,ui of li? Hwei "11 A'nutrstjn (, i',rnifiu (3L toUD G237 Q&0 Deluxe Fitness System Exercise .V Bike Julia Peterson, library board Ph rfiiiw EM-- 1 Deluxe Flywheel CScinDcti2i!iItDtti Rlh member, said the Carnegie libraries are historically significant because in addition to making important contributions to public education, they are Utah's examples of the nationwide Carnegie library system of the early 20th century. She said the libraries served an unparalleled role in the establishment1 of community supported, free public libraries in Utah. The Richfield Library was constructed during 1913 and 1914 after the City Council approved a building site in 1912 The council also approved an appropriation of $1,000 a year for maintenance. The Carnegie Foundation provided $10,000 for construction. According to historians, the level of library services began to deteriorate in 1930s and 1940s. During those years, the collection was unorga- When PHD to come out of the legislative session, in my opinion, would be to maintain the integrity of our basic programs and not sacrifice them in the name of " law-fir- ra Richfield Library Joins National Historic Register A plaque commemorating the honor has been placed at the library's entrance. Placement of the plaque coincided with completion of a painting project at the library. The library, along with eight other Carnegie libraries in Utah, was selected for application to the register last year by the Governor's Historic and Cultural Review Committee. son, now a member of a Salt Lake Fl LTlT KTTiCTTITTR EEnto(iiicntDGCEy i7 By Jennifer Brandlon Associated Press Writer Scott M Matheson says he's concerned that Utah lawmakers, preoccupied with political expediency, may be about to make choices that shortchange Utah in the long run A sear after his second term as governor ended, the popular Democrat remains deeply interested in Utah politics, but isn't sure he likes what he sees taking shape in the 1986 Legislature, which opens on Monday "This session is a particularly criti-ca- l one because of the nature of the economy in terms of how it's producing revenues, and also in terms of the scnousness of problems, Matheson said "1 think Utah needs to remain or get - depending on how you see the situation now - competitive with other states, in terms of investing in our future " Political officeholders, he said, are always sensitive to how what they say and do will look to voters, and usually have truuble committing themselves to unpopular actions, even if it's for the voters' good. "It's a little bit risky for politicians to face up to problems that sometimes cost money. Matheson said "(But) I'm worned about the tenden- - T I d Deluxe Rower Deluxe Reg. $259.95 99 Weight Bench WEIGHT SET 69.99 Our reg. $119.99 99.99 Rugged mono-tracdesign rower features independent hydraulic rowing arms for maximum musclecardiovasuclar workout k Heavy-dut- y weight bench features incline, 2 diameter steel tubing frame with wide stance. Complete with barbell, dumbell bars, weight plates, hardware, and manual. Model 3002 m RUSSELL ATHLETIC IM remember sitting in The Grill one morning about 196'). contemplating the dav ahead. M gaze moved toward the ceiling where became fascinated with a famous Hotel lull hard roll svurelv held m the jaws ul one of the decorative I piaster lions How could tint be'1 When questioned the employees, tlvv d never noticed it lla' Hie question was never answered but the roll was removed I hen. about a month ago was talking with Jess graz. Engineer and lormer City Commissioner. We Adult Fleece Sweet Shirts d3J3sOfc Crewneck Style colut s. In 7 Rq. :?$ XS-X- i $12.95 I I were talking about his day s as an c npl'wc e ut the Hotel I tail was a Inis hoy in the L'olfee We were often in a gently remember a playful mood and couple of limes we gemv tlnow the iastner m the fish pond clothes and all I don't recall what she did to simp deserve that or what get even ' gam to put a she 1 Ladies Leather Aerobic Shoes Designed lor maximum comfort, stability and durability The American Aerobics Assoc states did to The Avia 44QV someone ch illem'ed us finest aerobic shoe on the i,rd roll in the lions mouth iri Urn ceiling Iff course that was t i'V I doubt anyom- - saw the results In of our sp.ie 1 )'("- - misbehavior u! the above- - I ", la, r In f g.eat colors. Sues Reg. $15.95 Fleece Warm-Up- s Full-Zi- p Reg. $50 Reg. $39 95 34.99 Jacket with Hood 24.99 In navy only. Sizes Reg. $ 17.95 Choose the Mac' in royal or mallard, or the Dylan m XS-X- '12.99 Adult XS-X- 14.99 graphite Sizes NUMBER Open Today 11 to 5 Prices Good thru 11586 Agr.c oted to a he,lmaii s mb was and then he became ot.e "I the In s! cjimri! e'l to greet guests at It e Hotel is the Ftefece Hooded Pullover Style r IN Bankcards Welcome! SPORTS!' ZJZ tab c 250 South State, Downtown Salt lake 521-055- A, k 0 62nd South and Highland, Drive in Salt Lake 272-866- 1 23rd and Wash. Blvd. in Ogden 627-189- 0 Layton Hills Mall 546-264- 4 1290 South State 225-950- in Orem 0 Park City Holiday village |