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Show 8A The Sail I.ake Tribune, l)rla 12, 1986 Sunday, January Di-ni- Ollier Minion pl Shuttle Crew Hopes lo Blast Off Today .4 time, set for 6 55 am ES'I, ollicials feaied it tould disrupt N SA's busy schedule of 15 shut lie launches planned Ibis year Meteorologists said then should be scattered ami broken cloud laycis in the launch aieu. willi no ram. and vis ibilily ol seven miles A lieite lain-slorcaused the snub ol the pievi-oulaunch attempt Friday, and the same weather system Imgeied Salill' Fla (APj loiecasl impioved weather hnglilened NASA's hopes that K could launch the hard liK k space .slmlile Columbia and ilxcrcw ol .sov-eCAPE CANAVERAL. f ti'. I , - ' 'f4 A If' v - Sunday !. liuslialing senes a The weather looks good, and we re going lo go lor it." Lisa Malone, a spokeswoman lor the National Aero' ' V r k tjtyh nautics and Spaie ilvl h vh yx:A n ;' ,,-- s , v'; - - NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Gov. Ed win Edwards and (our M ill stand trial again on racketeering and fraud charges, prosecutors announced Saturday, and the beleaguered governor bitterly denounced the decision. "This foolishness has gone far enough," Edwards said after U.S. Attorney John Volz announced the retrial "John Volz just does not have the M'ltnesscs or the evidence to support his charges. "Thank God we have judges and " stop him ' Edwards and his brother. Marion If If If r changed by the jury's decision Hichard Simmons, a former assistant federal prosecutor and lawyer for Wyllie. said. "I've never seen a vote for acquitretrial after an tal There's no track record for this am not aware of any time case. when such a lopsided vole resulted in " 11-- 1 a v Si. Louis INcwpaper Honest Abes Boyhood Farm Nets Less Than Expected at Auction Ky (ITIt - The farm where Abraham Lincoln spent five of his boyhood years was sold at auction Saturday, bringing far less than the $1 million its owner had w anted. for $120,500. The property has been in the How- ard family since 1934 Howard had .been trying to sell the property since her husband died five years ago but could cot find a buyer for $1 million "Were glad it stayed in the family. " said Brooks Howard Meador, a Saturday 9 10-- Real Estate Investments Limited Partnership Investments Principles of Retirement Planning Principles of Estate Planning Strategies Understanding Stocks and Ronds Understanding Investment Principles Principles of Cash Management Principles of Risk Management Understanding Annuity Investments Understanding Mutual Funds Precious Metals Investments Tax-Savin- g Free Introductory Classes: Tue. Jan 7th - Woods Cross High Tue. Jan 14th - Woods Cross High Tue. Jan 21st ST. LOlIS The St. Louis which halted publication last month, has set a restart date of Jan 20. and will ask employees to work without a union contract - - Taylorsville High Cottonwood High PM Classes will be taught by: (I'PI) Negotiations between Newspaper Guild Local 47 and Veutas ('orp. which is buying the bankrupt newspaper. broke down late Friday. But most of the newspapers' 300 union employees said they would return to Thurs. Jan 9th Tues. Jan 14th Woods Cross High Classes start promptly at 7:30 All Sets Keslarl Dale first cousin of Julian Howard "Julian's grandparents were the ones that bought the farm initially " Auctioneer Cordell Tabb said he never expected the property to bring as much as Howard wanted "That was a figure that was pulled out of the sky to start with." Tabb said "That was a dream." Tabb said if the farm had not been connected to Abraham Lincoln, it would have brought about $00,000 Lincoln was 2 when he and his lam-ilarrived at the farm in LaRue County in the spring of 1811. They stayed SO years until moving to Julian Howard, 34. and 14 family members bought the pioperty from Howard's aunt, Mary Rrook Howard, program covers: 12 class The Globe-Democra- t, HODGENV1LLE. congressional observer, ' retrial iz predicted the trial would betills summer, but an irate Ellgin wands said the trial should be scheduled in were innocent "We believe the fads are there and a adult-educatio- " Volz, however, said the deadlocked jury did not mean the defendants as said af Lit Friday's scrub that he was picpaicd to strap in as many limes as It lakes" lie said NASA would launch Columbiu "when ever) thing is " right n One of the most comprehensive, programs of financial on the subject ever developed planning! ic-tr- Eal-gou- Hep. Bill Nelson, a Democrat who is Hying Asset Management Program0 thi facts merit retrying the ease." the prosecutor said "The policy is. we cases. The fads have not been 11-- 1 Refoie Sunday's launch dale, the irew had bourded Columbia fotn limes to wait out countdowns never completed Twice the count was hall ed by wealher and twice by mceli.iiii The oilier three posti al problems ponements were announced beloie the astronauts got on board INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THE: rM,tijnijl Ih'itn racketeering and fraud charges. "This foolishness has gone far enough, he said. on s I y ellite. conduct more than a doretl ex pci imelits and study Halley 's comet Community Education Granite and Davis School Districts ' Edwards; hospital consultants James J. Wyllie Jr. and Ronald E. Ealgout. and Shreveport businessman Gus arc charged with manipulating state hospital permits for $10 million in profits The first trial ended last month in a mistrial, with the jury of six men and six women voting for acquittal ol Mljalis and the Edwards brothers and for acquittal of Wyllie and management meeting Saluiday and brushed up on the lliglil dan loi then five-damission, during w Inch hey are to iclease a communications sat Columbia missed Sunday's y,: :. 'i if VS'n it '. 0-- 3 day The astronauts, including a I' lm nla congi cssmun, attended u .shuttle e Louisiana Prosecutors Planning to Drag Governor to Court Again on Charges ; Administration, The launth ol the icmodeled shut-lion its first High! in more than two years had been postponed seven limes, lour times in the last week Uml( Gov. Edwin Edwards holds up his hands in disgust at prosecutors plans to retry him s said Saluiday - 10-- alter of delay s ' Shop Weekdays launch ol A Arthur J. Costello, Certified Financial Consultant Mr. Costello is President of the National Association of Certified Financial Consultants and host of the popular radio show "MONEYTAEK", aired every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings from 8:30 to 0:30 p.m. on KDYE news radio 1280 AM on a weekend seminar when you can have the BEST for LESS? WHY SPEND HUNDREDS work Veritas, headed by local businessmen William Franke and John Iren-ti- s III. issued a statement saying il would recall guild employees as needed" to lesume publication The newspaper halted publication Dec 6 because of financial problems. For more information contact: Granite District Davis District 268-850266-578- 2 4 Closed Sunday 6 JAMPACW SPEODAILS AY 2CMQ yyy s j r ... Jf J VW KJfc AM HANDHELD RADIO .irpliouc .uk Huns mi 2 . 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