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Show r17 i oaf at. - rrf TTV TT out 1 tic the total um I 800-66186 Dul TOLL FRFX 20C Sail Lake Cily Hornet for Sole 400 1700 SOUTH WAS J 154,950 bdrm rombier, $ 3 Features $87 500 PARK txtm, white brick rom baths, dbi. Qoroge, 2400 ft 5 bier 3 froiineniol BENNI0N Excellent buy1 575,500 rombief.dbl Qtxoge 3 Excite txfrm brkk 2500 so feet 999 ASSUMES FHA 245 West Jordan rambler 159,999 5568 mo bdrms Garooe l?, 3 REALTY WORLD WEST RAMBLER VA11EY WIN - IT tor tost move Dove Itt Having trouble saving a down? Credit problems? Still want to own 0 home? We can solve you r problems If you are sincere! We will build you a brand new 2 or 3 bedroom home and let you build up your down poyment over time Call A km ASPENWOOO 567 2100 CARED TOR VERY WELL Bedroom Brick Rombier New F ur nlshed ond F Imshed Bsmt Near Sugurhouse 1786 Romono Avenue Ownet Annkxjsl 587,500 Bob 295 2572 3 TiVO BEDROOMS Housing PATTEE REALTY Realtor 947 PR0WSW00D CANT MIllER&CO. 969 7238 fantastic fha 235' txfrm doit house wtlh every extra! Subsidy payments can be os low os 5240mo NO RECAPTUREtt Call me and lets see If you Qualify Own you r own home for less than rent Price only 551,000 Coll Helen Thornton 4 SELLING VALUE PLUS TERMS Wafc to grocery from your 4 bdrm., 2 bath plus garoge and family room Absolutely spotless and ail finished. 554,900, assume 545,300 FHA of contract terms on equity. Bob Woger 10, Inadequate e2. Inadequate 272 5285 FHA LOW for West Valley location, chikfren Spiff entry with 3 bedrooms. 2 fun baths, ail for 555,900 or Loneil Call Diane CENTURY 21 McAffee Realtors Gordon MHar, NEW PROGRAM 7MI Rots Radiy veas. ULRICH NEW HOMES Coil now 966 6221 ENVIR0WEST MILLER&C0. NEAR MILLER&CO. AREAS Beautiful East Bench 5 bdrm multi' level Mtn views, extra storage, mother kv low apt. wood burning stove All this plus just min. to ski. 519,900 Myro REALTY REALTORS SKI CENTURY 21 BOONE NEWSON, INC $850 DOV7H $286 MONTH Huge kttenen and bedrooms. 1,776 SQuor feet Large basement Super low IH FXA. or V (not an ARM.) pvmt from $490 P4i Fixed; to rise! or RINDLESBACH HOMES FROM $43,950 MOOEL HOMEinformofton Center 2000 West 5400 West Many plans and areas as low as 5500 down. Great quality, super price Dove Ken Kris Bab Jim CLARK ROSE PARK beefroom brkk, carpet, (frapes, landscaped, fenced, sprinklers, goroge, full bosmenf, fomliy room, new klf Excellent cond. Mel TRIMBLE REAL ESTATE ASSOC & SPERRY AIRPORT And downtown (re aH moments from this new 3 befroom, decorated beauty Quality with as imte at 11,000 down Contract pottfrke Double garage Hurry! Alan 5774168 Chris ASPENWOOO We Pay $1000 Closing Costs I I 10V, Homes priced from I 50,900-85,00- 0 I Payments as low as $315 new door plans at I Come see ourour exciting model home in I SSf RIVEROAKS SF I 707 W. 6090 So. it I I CALL CARLA PARKER COMPARE VALUE FHA Single Family Dwelling Front Lot Landscaping plus sprinklers Natural Wood Moldings Vaulted Ceilings 6 Spacious Plans 42,900 sale. price FH 24S- 1st yeen pyiwt. $206; 2nd yr. $000; 3rd yr. $031; 4Hi ft. $3$6; 5th yr. $3$2; 0 plan r. $n 2 LOCATIONS lots available SHADOW RUN 3905 So. 8000 6720 Wut 4 Modolt 5600 West So. 1 Opon Modal Open 12-- 7 1 250-734- 5 966-850- 7 I 0 261-456- I . 4 boy window; s move-in- Colo- Brand new Easy terms our unique cation. CaN LOW INTEREST LOAN fun on this Vt ocre horse property. 3 txfrms., 7 full baths. New carpets, flreploce and many more strprises Only 584,900 Wi- FomHy lburn, 263-267- 5 Wanda, McDOUGAL $65000 txfrm., 2 bath, brick, oak kitchen, family rm down, formal dining, fireplace, double gcroge, large yard. Ken 4 New Home, bdm$ 3 2 cer bsmt home RESJOR 550400 66 bdrm, full Magna Fenced vd Owner Agent In this from fhe buflderi Call tor details, Alan Chris ASPENWOOD BY OWNER 557,000 735 home fcr sate or trade tar h ocre lot in S.L. County 2 txfrm., spilt entry, dance 544,000. 3 Bdrm home Single studio, air cond, carport, land garoge, bsmt , 53,000 down, 5360 seeped, fenced, Mori, balance ma PI 10 APR, 30 year 541,000 537,000 financed ASTERN REALTY VA loan. 52,000 DOWN, assume) Clean 3 berm., 2 both home In Sandy Approx. 9400 So 1800 East Central air, 2 frpic., automatic BEST sprink, fenced vd, 4 95-- 1500 Mark, WEST JORDAN 3 DONT LET PRICE FOOL YOU This house is loaded Newer oil brick rombier, 6 bdrms., 3 baths, moin floor loundry, huge 2 car garage Repossessed Only 574,000. Coif Fife & Co now SACRIFICE ASSUMABLE 231 4 txfrnrt, 3 bath, view and more 5)0,000 befrpic., low evpr. 559,500 Some repairs needed No agients. NO QUALIFYING FHA $3,560 Down assumes 9 on loan this 1,400 sq ft, 3 beefroom lh years oto, 2 car goroge, 5640 mo. 51,300 ASSUMES 10 fixed rate, FHA loan Balance 57400 PIT! 5751 per month. 3 $376MO. 3 2 fireplaces, family room, new roof Room for expansion. 597,500 Cali Dean ALL STAR REALTORS NAME YOUR TERMS 5 baths, quanta family rm. wtth woodburnlng stove HOME BUYERS SEMINAR The downstolrs. Close to school, of purchasing o home We will churches and shopping. StW (tscuss how to auoiity, types of fidean. 562,900 Cat) bob. ond much more. A public nancing, Peefrtars Service No chcrge. January 15 1996 7 '00pm. 4390 So. Redwood $3,500 DOWN ERA WEST Rd RSVP 2 beefrooms, 4 NO BANK QUALIFYING 7 baths, sprinkler THE HOME INSPECTOR system, huge fenced bock yard Before you buy, hove an expert Total payment of 5540. Call Bob, analyze the plumbing, heating, Realtors. 4 txfrm., 2 both, brkk rombier Fan room, frpic., sprinklers Great buy Ot 558,900 Judy, 0 Bounty Realty, COMFORTABLE RAMBLER bdrms.. 2 baths. Completely Energy efficient. 2,100 so. ft finished Cottonwood Heights area Deck, view, garage, fenced Priced to selH 576,900 beefrooms, ACRE HORSE PROPERTY WEST JORDAN. 4 beefrooms, 2 full beflhs, family room, dog kennels. All fenced, Irrigation wafer, ger area den Grcfrum Century 584,900. 31 Nice Debbie 1 llage. BANK FORECLOSURE level home In Glenmore 3 2 bdrm., 2 baths, S355MO. 3 and electrical, roof, foundation, termfles. Written report. y ESTATE SALE 3 WeH kept, all brick bdrms, Vt baths, West VaNev Lvw 560's. Windsor RE, beerooms, bath, double car garage. Bennioa By owner. No ogeat please oat BEAUTY bdrmsJ GefraoeBig lot Wool tosh Larry Porter & Co 591 down!! Ann $250 DOWN Vi- car New 4 2 bdrm., bath, gcroge, 3mo Dean Seilers anxious. Priced low at 557,000 Nancy Lewis Ensign Investment Goto Meek car gar 2 586,000 rambler, fomily rm. flreploce Move In for as Ittfle as 56400 wflh tow Interest assume) loan. FFE Co. Gw And Company Ivory Brad, 66 In NO QUALIFYING1 Brand new 2 and 3 bedoom home, carried on contract directly INVESTORS Assoc A View Reottprs, Or Fe tCa T wflh fuN bon men txfrm, garage) 5172 downl j 57M jfCjim Porter & Co. Moscaro Cozy family home, super Insulated New point ond carpets thru-ou-t, Irg. living rm, flreploce, forGREAT STARTER HOME mal dining, 3 or 4 txfrms.. 2 boftn, central or. covered patio, 2 ga- Taylorsville, 1,400 sq. ft finished, 3 txfrms, family rm. landscaped, rages with openers, fenced wtth frpic, double gar, 554,750. 582,000 By owner 4844244 Seller wM pay points to 0 10 FHA buy down. 52400 No agnfy 5480mo. kitchen 572,900 broker, MUST SELL FASTI BONUS Includes double garoge ond full Buy this treat Sandy home wtlh bsmt! New! 5191 down! 4 txfrmv. 2 fireplaces, doUXe Lindsey Gary Porter & Co. gcroge, krge yard vcMey view, deck and relax for 7 days in Palm NEW LISTING. Excellent HoHadcty Springs as 0 free bonus. location! 3 txfrm, 2 bath, aU brick 197 East 8320 So. klng 579,900 - rambler Immaculate inside and $500 DO Ig sate MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY! Priced to move raw East side Cottonwood area Close to aM motor Ifmtotng bus routes. 3 txfrm. brick rerrtoter, ftreptoce, fuM bsmt Great netyborhood 556,900 $39(900 CHIDESTER NICE 2fr Contract Jordan. Owner New WESTREE HOMESt tow down, 17 ptans, 3 subdMston STEVE VANET JAYE Is minutes from this 3 beefroom, new lew!. Brand new! Pick colors! Move In wtlh as Rifle as 51 400 down. Don't miss this apporhnfryi Forget throwing yotr money mvov wtlh rent CaN Ann ASPENWOOO lD A Y 4 berm., 2 bath, 2 or garoge. garage, workshop, krge fenced range, refrig, pool ktote. bock yard, Irrigation woter old West Reduce to 555,000 Peggy, tamky rm, level, red for detoNs. Chris HERCULES IVORY AND COMPANY Dove and Lori, 44 44 JUt APR Super Low down. FHA 10 creo of expensive homes. 3 txfrm (M you pick fhe cotorsi and payments under proyom. Seven lo- Alan ASPENWOOO COUNTRY LIVING 6 oat f?T the home of you Yearns! Hove LEONARD & RED 268-666- BY OWNER 3 befrm new home k tot In So. Jordan R3 Insu kaftan In wev Unfinished bsmt Across street from LDS church 2 blocks from eiem. 53,000 down, FHA ossunv OMume fixed 10h ctole loan of 5733 mo SALE FAILED rm.) Large white brkk rombier on alSWIMMING POOL most ACRE, zoned animals. S CONTRACT txfrm. 1 bath, frpl. Sprinkler svs. barns., double garoot. utility USE YOUR SMALLER HOME FOR FuM bsmt., 2 car garoge, fenced shed ANXIOUS OWNER!! Coil DOWN PAYMENT on this GorLois yard. 5 yr- old brick rambler. 5 geous home In Wlttow Creek 17x35 In ground pool heated and Leonard $ Reid txfrms., fuN bsmt with fqmfly rm, filtered. Priced way below appr. double garaoe, huge bock yerd OWNER FINANCING of $75,500 Delores MANY EXTRAS! Heidi Near 20th East 2900 So Quiet circle EVERGREEN DIAMOND 968 3535 and utotfvBton toe MTEREST 8 FHA 11 Annual Percentage Rate Homes priced framSttlOO to 585,000 J.ow Interest RtVEOAKS 707 w. 6090 SO Co Carlo Parker for mare Info. Mkt by ERA VILLAGE 4 in ig MEASURE FOR MEASURE Lovely 4 level tamMy home with 2 car gvoge Is one of the veers best buys. 4 yrv oto ond better than new Beautiful earihtones Low down and tow payments $64,900 Ruth Dart BELOW MARKET VALUE' WEST JORDAN ALL BRICK, 4 txfrm, rarrfctor, 2 51,000 Down, 5377 mo PI 54400 car part frpics, family purchase price, 543,000 finance fenced yd, quiet Bennton nei 10 APR flx tor 30 year. 2 Befrm., borhood far only 565400. Heryt car garage, bsmt Coll Charlie Exsok WESTERN REALTY Properties, 5300 MONTH Pt on this new West Jordan 2 beefroom home plus $3,900 DOWN-baMment Single garage. 544,000 5577 PiTl, 3613 So. 1990 West, 3 543,000 finance, $1,000 purchase, 2 ctoee In txfrms, baths, vet FHA buy down down, 8 5 Clean, earMar.sf Vlote nkrtgog tor X years. Hcrvey BEST AE STERN REALTY EXSAIE PROPERTIES 969-725EAST BENCH REPO. near Qulef wocxled Danish rood Beoutttul 5 txfrm. FARMINGTON APR 3 3 nial door pkg. FuN bsmt Large tots, borders new West VaNev City park 541,950. Total pymt 5430 RINDLESBACH WOODSIDE HOMES Mkt. by ERA Village, Garner & Reid Ltd. V Oxbow Realty 5500 to 5100 total REALTOR 6 beautiful locations throughout valley 7 & P Work far down. Ouolfty built, new 2 beefroom. Garoge, large kitchen with deck $49,900 CALL Icr detobs $373 MONTH NO DOWN ind. free DOWN $700 Neat $295 42,900 TOTAL MOVE IN cost can be this tow! ftoarptan, fuN bsmt Bay window Ind Large tots. Borders new WVC park 549,950 Law, low pymt move-i- RINDLESBACH NEW HOMES MIDVALE Prices Start At 4 541,900 NEW SINGLE FAMILY 7 BEDROOM 5850 down $290 PH Pymt. Landscaped wtth sprinklers. MOOEL AT 2905 SOUTH 8000 WEST OR 6740 SOUTH $600 WEST 9664500 OXBOW REALTY NODOWNI $200 TOTAL MOVE IN COST WHEN you paint Incrtdtoie 6h (not an ARM) Total pymts. from 5400 mo. PfTl 10 floor plans. 3 locations. MOOELS OPEN 12 TO 7 PM DAILY 5500 SOUTH 4100 WEST 4100 SOUTH 6400 WEST RINDLESBACH HOMES 0C S62 ASFCNWOOO WORK OR TRADE FOR DOWN AND CLOSING COST AT REALTY HARVERY-JENKINAND CONSTRUCTION. COMPARE This lovely southeast 4 txfrm. home wtfh anything on the market. THEN OECJDE. Every In Ind. vacuum. Sprirdtng sys fenced, 2 car gar beauRMfy appointed and Immaadale- - S77,!m Co for pt 0 new VETERANS 4 FREE BONUS Rtku In Palm Serlnps far 7 days alttr moving to Iti 9 tat hona Sandy. Entov vaaav vtow, 3 Brand ntw 7 and 3 boom 4 dk act con on ecHy arrifd horn, Mm, y. acraga, Yard. dK , altclrlc ok daorar DuUdarl CaH tor Bom Ken Pftor AJan S734I6I ChrN 5)0400 down. Assurrw FHA no qualifying. 3293 So. 7655 West. Ask far Ray 5300 for Sal Horn no qualifying bsmt arrenfty rented at Wofc-i- (HARK & ASSOC. Total Realtors DOZENS Of REPOSSESSIONS New on market, low low down, Iflfli or no closing coets. AH priced to sell fast We hove keys and ptcfted catalog. All decor 3 tafrm. rambler, humkffler, Inker com, RV prfcg. and much mart Fantastic price 5 105400. Dove 11. $500-$80- can HELP! Seiler financing.. TERRACE 400 Homat for Sait 400 SaW STOP Tt BANKER Beautiful 5 bedoom, 3 bath, 7 kitchens, 2 frpics, brick rambler. Completely fenced It ocre tot 4 car heated garage wflh opener. 1 WILLOW CREEK goroge Two-co- r Bov window Includes We Call ULRICH l Down? Credit Homti for VcMev, new TastefuNy WAY A 400 ASSOC. NEW 3 BDRM., 2 BATH 2 txfrms , brick ond alum exterior, range, dishwasher, full unfin basement Close In location. QUALIFY?? HOMES To choose from with payments os low as 5230 If you quality far one of these 235 homes CaH Grcfcam Jones for details, Realtors MILLER&CO. GIVE 7475 95 51,000 TOTAL Includes closing costs on several ex Isftng homes located thromfriout the vatiev Payments os low as 5300 fixed rote Ask me how Coil Mike BUILDER SOUTHEAST Beautifully kept ond decorated , Fully carpeted large double garage, aluminum tiding, fenced 553,500 Possible Utah WEST 6740 SOUTH OXBOW REALTY Rniesbadi for Solo TRADE FOR DOWN construction BUY LIKE RENT Front yd landscaped and sprinTWO BEDROOM HOME kler sys W out bsmnt, deck off ONE CAR GARAGE master bd m, main flr famHy FENCED YARD I4TH SOUTH 10TH WEST rm., formal dtoing, 3 bdms, baths, flit entry and kit 11)9400 offer or win trade CaH George, THOMPSON REAL ESTATE SALES 1 10 Inter ctxrige Red Estate JORDAN TEMPLE $500 DOWN Is the view from this 2 beefroem Work off closing costs New homes beauty Easy to finish frd bed from 543,950, with bsmt.. double room, tondKQping, fence, ON op per , brkkatum. Biafr pUancesi Quafrfy wflh as Rifle as Ketfh Dove 51400 dowm Alan Darren ASPENWOOD CLARK & Hidden OR 5600 5523 261 Rob 571 4866 REALTY RATE FIXED or not We hove It Point for Downf HURRYi LIMITED SUPPLY REALTOR Oth- 100 EAST IU30 SOUTH WESTERN YEAR Believe Three locations, 14 floor plans 900 - 1,500 sq. feet 7 4 txfrms. Pymts from 5440 P Level fixed. ERA HELM REALTORS 2 ANDERSON 30 SCOLD NOW BUT SWIM this spring In you r own heated pool LOvefy Inground through traffic Home ond pod covered by year ERA warranty Soody Hom WOODED BACK YARD PRIVACY MONTH PER 4 BEDROOM $57.1 50 FAMILY ROOM 2 CAR GARAGE $1,300 down Seller poys 5)000 of closing costs Large lot 10 3 Annual Percentage Rote MOOElS AT 2905 SOUTH 1000 WEST FHAVA 400 Homts for Sole 400 Hornet for Sole $380 961 1491 baths, Irg. rooms Many extras 572.500 er models starting at 565.000 MIKE basement baths, 400 Homer for Sol 400 WEST JORDAN tek rombier h ace. zoned for horses Appraised for 595,000 terms Low down Dove Kent 487 3515 This beautiful home Is an exceptional value In todays market! Priced mkJ 560's NEW HOME SANDY txfrm., 2W Hornet for Sole grades goiore RAMBLER ?bfrm super clean In eorlhtones SlnpH Qarooe LrQ,lrgyd 562,000 3 btfrms. WIN - WIN Start 196a winner with this extraordinary 4 txfrm energy efficient home Cabinets, storoge and up- Brick 2 bdrm Dtol Qarooe on 1,000 sq ft lot Assume VA loon or ref) nonce at pood low rates 565,000 SANDY 3 Bi voufted ceilings, boy window, toar water heater, double garoge with opener, and much more Lot Is fully landscaped and fenced with automatic sprinkler System Redwood deck Smoil orchard and garden spot Home Is located In o Quiet south east close to schools, neighborhood, shopping and tree way occess A reoily beoutttul home that you should see without delay Priced at M 7,000 Call after 6 p m for appt to Inspect 3300 ft both, S0U1HW00D MURRAY) SI1 900 Hornet for Sole 400 FOR SALE BY owner KINGS HILLS with unfinished halt (1985) TODAY' STEAl 400 Sunday, January 12, 1986 Porter Bill Co. & GUMP & AEKS ESTATE REAL y?Ut4 24 ACRES PRIME Subdivision ground, easy freeway occess. KaysviMe. Close to new city park. 1 Mary Louis Wgtzel 295-24- $ w30 Lynglg 1 bths., 4 bdrm., fom rm., shower! & 2 steam 359-612- 9 MegAvgrett WANDER LANE Btfl. duplex for owner occupied Extra garage for work shop. Over 5500 sq. ft 7 bdrms. Rick Wisman 487-397- 8 FABULOUS Huge 7 bdrm , 4 bth. Perfect for Irg. family & great for entertain- ing wpooi & BBQ Debra 5joblom 943-090- 9 LOCATIONLOCATION MMam Mcf odwi FIRST TIME LIST 4 bdrm., 2 bth , great view contemp. 2priv yrd. High k U., Davidson Shiriey Miller 12 CAPE COD CHARMER decor fab view Exciting bdrm mom fum rm. Barbara Madsen in YAi ROOMT & ACRE HOLLADAY Brck home that sparkles! 4 bdrm, 3 bth 2821 E Kentucky S Model home Country jfohon 4 bdrm huge yrd Assume loan Barbara Modsen 562 9792 SUPER YARD Prued of opproisol $55 b'X) bdrm 2 bh many xtros 8 ,4 bdrm fam rm 5 LOTS OF SQ. FT. for $ Good volue Willow Creek contemp wotnum, 6 bdrm , rms & ust $ 65,000 Shirley Miller 5 00-71,0- 00 Moor $2 COO CITY VIEWS! 3 btfl contemp wcozy & 2 frpics SI 29,000. FROM The city 4 live in the country m lovely br ram home 2 barns Hot walker Covered oeno Jon Mendenhall 4854323 lyngl SPACIOUS ONE ACRE w lb 3 bdrm 3 brh home C eon1 guraye fomi.y room Non Holmet lot S 0 OPEN 3:00-5:0- 0 1563 E. DOWNINGTON (1810 SO.) OPEN SUNDAY 12:00-5:0- 0 PM 9434376 MordaBown UNDER Darting 2 bdrm. MEADOWS S50 EAST Smgie fomily homes with condo conveniences! 5 models from $76,900 to $94,000 Top quality Come see the differences!!! SUNBURST E. MIDLEW ALK LAN! (S770 SO.) New home, very unique, hot tub room off master bdr , $ 69,000 Grad Crompton 0 8300 S.) Fob on gufley. Best price ever on Coiomai 3 bdrm $265K FP., SOUTH Iranda Downts Jana MtndanhaR JknTimt 1561 E. YALE AVE. (1080 3 9430909 - 0O,ooo MOUNTAIN VIEWS Spouous contp neor Big Coo' wood 4 bd Volue at $77 530 Non Gottoigne Jim Tutti 486-127- 4 Call 562-227- 7 HOLLADAY RAMBLER Seclusion, Large yord, Great area, 5 bdrms , 3000 sq ft. Susan Soon 4 & RATES INTEREST qmat st. MAY 2 4 BE Unique contemp twin, Ig mstr , Fom. rm or 3rd br , Custom Bsmt , $76,900. Totally dm., ABU AT ARE THEIR 97911 YOU Larry Brawn TO AFFORD THAT CALL ONE 566-7- 3 4 5 MOTIVATED SELLER rmblr , mam fam. rm , 3 bdrms., 2 bths Murray $80's. COUNTRIFIED SANDY Quiet nghbrhd , 4 bdrm , 2 bth garoge. storoge $75,900 0 Gale Frandsen SPACIOUS Mtn views 5 br home designed for growing family Full bsmt 4 TERMS, TERMS, TERMSI Assume FHA low low down, Se'ler wilt carry o note Grade Crompton 943-7JQ 1 ' EdBelka Betty June Kiley RED BRICK RAMBLER Hillcrest high 4 BR 2 Bths , Ig fenced yord 2 fP , $59 900 Betty June Kiley 278 8749 566-135- 4 LorrySandro Bailess HEATHER RIDGE bdrm., 1 bth., spotless, nice cor, must see. $32,750. RMBLR. $70'$ 4 bdrm., 3 bth , 2 frpic , great loan Lots of improvements BRICK Enca Erekson CITY FARMER Huge 4 ocre yrd wlow ray utils Updated 3 bdrm Helen Rappoport Mur- BNTFL. NEAR 5 PNTS. 2 bdrm bung wnice yrd , I car gar & S62 500 Nadine lyngle 485 4323 Vikilyngle Rob Vincent de- 486-854- 8 3 Bth., 266-597- 6 Fireplace, BLUE SKY CLEAN AIRIII Warm temps. & only 15 mins, from SLCI Pinebrook residential 12 ocre & bigger. community Wooded lots, streams, soutfj-tac-mbeginning at $25,000. Financing avail Hottest develop, since Federal Hgts! Up Parley's Cnyn. across from Jeremy Rncn. Fam. garage, $39,900. Dan lindberg 2 BDRM. CLOSE TO Town all that's going on. Very sharp, $52,000. Jane Mendenhall 4 & & ADULT CAPRI HOMES Beautiful 2 bdrm end unit Great amenities $69,900 Robin Hough Court Klekas 0 8 649-849- 4 CENTERVILLE LOT Gorg view, & 15 mins, to town. Schools & church nearby. OCCUPY IMMEDIATELY Brookstone br. rmblr , 2 bdrm., 2 bth , btfl wxhas Marcia Bown 3 1 VALUED! Miriam McFodden FHA ASSUME LOW Close-3 bdm. English cottoge. low down cnt. avoil, $55,900 75,000 BRICK RAMBLER 3 BR on mn , 2 Bthj , FP , large moster Unf bsmt 7 years, 70 I CONDITION $55,900 , CONDO dean 4 Assume Utah Housing 3 bdrms., 2 bath , Good SW area, RIVERIA HGTS. Super FHA assumpt Brk mulh w4 bdrm , 2 bth $78,500. 7 Saianne Allred 4'D0O0-- AAA-- 2 4 Noncy Harris 2 Br., roam, Close to mall, $64,900 943-090- 9 BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Condo with sm yord & bdrs , For. & Kit din.,privacy, 2 Gar room, 6 Lee Linda Coleman Debra Sjoblom 968-561- 6 QUIET AND CLEANI ba., fp , Cozy rambler style. Assume UH. loan, $61 ,500. 4 Jan Johnson STARTER HOME 3 bdrms., 2 bths , Large family 3 CONTEMP. TOWNHSE. Creekside Eost. Top floor w2 bdrm., frpic., A deck. Excel price. 2 bdrm., 2 MINT CONDITION . . . kitchen. Fm. room wwet bar, Nan Holmes Terry Hill Lee Coleman 0 EASTRIDGE LN. 3 Fountains East, Well kept, 2 Ig. bdrms , 2 baths, $66,900. 75,000 582-854- 7 ASSUME UT. HOUSING 2 bdrm., gar., frpic., low VA loan. Just $49,900. 943-315- 0 Gale Frandsen 4969 Better-than-ne- , 6 70,000' Lg remodeled, Brck SUPER FAMILY AREA And close to everything! 4 bdm 2 bth . Beautiful yard 93,000 Brenda Downes 2760 S. 2000 EAST $52,900. 3 bdrm., 2 bth., frpic., well-kecondos. Eorthtone. FAIRMEADOWS CONDO 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Spotlessly clean. Vacant, Ready to move in sssssssssssssssssssssssss CONTEMPO Bailess decor. Noncy Horns 943-496- 6 Nan Holmes 0O,eoo FEEL Mint condition, 3 bd , frml 582-141- 2 Btfl. BACKYARD MECHANIC Cottage style home w24,x28' detached shop. Only $43,900. Steve Holliday S INFORMATION. 1358 E. Yolo (1080 S.) Fob totally redone bung 3 bdrm , 4 apart w Hrdwd dwn On guiiey 2 Lynda Pott ms - 1 HOLLIDAY Carriage In. condo only $59,900. Spotless. Won't last. 534-063- 5 Peggy Griffiths Large kitchen, bsmt. lochoei Stephens 9434604 2784274 LOWEST UVEL SINCE LorrySondra SEE IT, YOULL BUY Andy McNeil Full sssssssssssssssssssssssss 2128 E. Sahara Dr. (4350 5.) $85,000 4 bdrm rmblr wform 75,000 DRAPER RAMBLER low assumpt on foreclosure bdrm , 2 bth $105K yc, 000 i 0 HOLLADAY RAMBLER Nice 4 bdm., 3 bth , Fom rmbor. Seller leaving area, S80 s. 6 Nancy Hams 3 J - HOTTUB HOUSE 4 bdrms , 3 bth , 2 kitchsns huge yord. hot tub. 2 Decks, $84 900. CLOSE TO SLOPES Pork like yrd , 3 bdrms , lots of wood accents, contemp sud'0 Srn.scn 7$, 00 Garage, $50,000 Gwen Bain 3594129 dmn, 2 frpic, fam rm, Shalla Galmon . TENNIS ANYONE? OF OUR AGENTS NOW FOR MORE Three bdr , updo ted kitchen rec room, ig yord, garoge $79 900 5714663 Lorry Badass Mymc Riddle Terry Hill ieparute h',4 J OO in Willow Creek W4 for dimng $1)6 OOO AVENUES CONTEMP. 3 bdrm , 2 bth , open contemp w'fo'm dme 4 great views Helen Rappoport Debra Sjoblom 20 MIN. Salt Lake Office (801) 466-870-4 South Valley Office (801) 1 4854323 ping close. 2 bdrm., 2 bth. Mary Louise Wetiel 295-248- 1 2 WICK Grocia Crompton GABLES ST. RCKPRTSMTH MREHSE Unique setting nestled among 4 acres of quaking aspens. 2 bdrm , bth So focing rmblr. GOLDEN HILLS home on fantastic ook covered lot Ask about super seller financing $139 500 ONLY , Marcia Bown SUPER LOCATION Moutn. Millcreek Freeway. Shop- 6 DREAM HOME NOW! Debra Sjoblom Sheila Gelmon NEAR UNIVERSITY Spet'acu ar viev.s 5 bdrj 5 lorge bdr 0 lyngle OOf (5V - !. Robin Hough Echo Erekson tcro, Moon MogAvorott DRIVE 13 Rh CUTE E. new 9434646 WILLOW HURRY ON THIS ONE Great 5 bdrm., 2 bth., fam. home, wnew carpel A paint. $50's. 5 3661 SUPER TERMS long term contracts 3 SdxSd duplex E 1 to rent $ 74 900 eac h or discount 2 or more MarooBown 5821412 2748 (7045 S.) 584 OOO Chorrmng 3 story Twin hm wendo amen , 3 bdrm. Exec 3 Emitlogan Great Galt Frandsen 6 bdrm , 3 bth , form, dine In Holloday wsuper yrd , RV prk , & many xtras Owner will carry 7 Chorocter, krtch 75,000 2 bdrm., 2 bth., cl. to Sugarhse. Pool, earth tones, BBQ. $61 ,500. 385 E.) 606 SOUTH 1100 EAST today to see fht ioveiy Com trod Mtrriman K. Mary 12:30-2:3- 0 E. kind OUTSTANDING HOME, E. 8RYAN AVE. Alfa StftOM (4060 S.) 773 OPEN 3:00-5:0- 0 940 SO. 2300 E. c la 11k, pvt Orla ownar's - 70, 0OO CONDOS OPEN OPEN 2:30 to 4:30 PM 249 S. SHAUGHNESSY 46 (700 E.) Close to U 4 town Bright bdrm in great Ice. for only $39,000. boms for aoch bdrm. $ 29 500. Wndrfl fom home w6 bdrm., 3 bth., mstr., 4 study. $82 500 Coni mpo design, hottub souno. 3 bdrm, ot o 1 SOUTH 4 (1560 OPEN 2:00 to 4:00 PM 2604 W. DUSIIN DR. 5 HOME ON ACRE , 2 bth , 2 frpic Big lot Sondy 1 yrs old Rtck Wiseman 1965 to 3715 SO. bdrm , 2 bath, Grot lighfSunny kitchen, Assume FHA, $62,900 lorry laileu SERENITY & SECLU. Heart of Holloday 1 8 acres, fob. gar. view, hot tub, & Potential. RonMerrilee 4200 lovelv 5 bdr , 3 bth., Formoi br rombier. Close to schools, Terms Satan Soari 2724194 Rich Haknti OPEN 2165 0 900 Iasi Veka E. nw 2 bdr cottoa dos Nat efcorl $49,500 Nan EAST 4 bdrm, 3 bth, 2 frpic Stop by this cut home. E.) 909 SO. 100 Viki 3 bdrm 1549 Hug kitch, $ bdrm, wndrfl fom. hm Grot yrd hottub $ ISOs. Martialown 5SM412 ill WALKER LANE Remodel trod, woll the extras. Ultimate exec, home wnew gar 6 great landscape 7 Kevin Jensen 25K. Shirley Miller 103 S. ALTON WAY 5 new inside, hrdwd. firs , new corpets new paint, if is fabulous w3 bdrms & 2cor gar Skyline 5 (2820 home above Miriam McFadden Ave 2 (2918 E.) Perfection const , view, 4--4 fab areo. Just $2)5K. bdrm., 4 2 Mardalown 0 CONTINENTAL ELEGANCE, Throughout. New custom built home in Murray. Great appt. All Terry Hill Gene Zeeger 566-US- 4 $189,900 0 TWO STORY victonan wnew kitch., Ave s. bffc, OPEN 3:00-5:0- 0 4656 SO. SYCAMORE DR. (20S0E.) OPEN 3r00 to 5:00 PM 160 S. AUGUSTA WAY 1 Cov, cut ctoan 4 bdrm, 3 viw. low motnt $119,000. Oty blvd.. Will sell on contract. leeUnda Colemon 742-410- 4 FEDERAL HEIGHTS Brck. rmblr. by Rod Irwin w5 bdrm., 3 bths , main floor fomily room. $229,000. NanGaKoigng Mia Ed French 272-580- 0 CLASSIC TUDOR Oorg. home wcath. ceils., oak floors, leoeied gloss, & French doors. Univ. area. fading ELEGANT A LARGE tudor. Top quality, Top condition, frokson Dairy. $234,900 VIEW 5 bedrooms, 4 baths. Great rm., ft. pines, complete privacy. On the stream & olmost 1 ocre. fading lyngle OPEN 12:30 TO 2:30 PM 4461$. CREST OAK M. (3680 E.) 1 MILLCREEK CANYON Bffl. cont. custom home OPEN HOUSES ,ooo MimI, C. N I Kent Modsn 277-379- 3 2 ST. MORITZ CIRCLE 49 acre on lovely wooded GREAT VALUE Jump on this one! Others sold for $ 09 9001 Much lower. Gene Zenger 5 3 BDRM. TOWNHOUSE attach gar 2 full bths Eastside $89 WO , $24,000 Susan Soon 4 ONLY $14,500 view lot with quokies, Modero! slope Lovely , Barboro Woodbury Gale Frandsen 3200 PERFECT LIFESTYLE 3 bdrm , 2 bth rondo 20 mins from SIC Light A rhenry 466-870- 4 Basil Velas Stunning mtn Brando Downes 1 i 12 ACRE views from aval improved lots Cul one of our offices for more information on these and other properties. Park City Office (801) 649-855- 0 Commercial Office (801) 486-581- EAST 0 de-so- t 943-660- 4 |