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Show , 4F The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, January Sales Growing, But Watch Out for Risks Mail-Ord- er Continued From F-- the occasional opportunist l course. As the industry has grown, so have the companies involved; many are sophisticated, well-manage- d marketers, who study their customers, streamline their order and delivery systems and care about their reputation for safety and service. care about their image as an industry; all are tarnished by They also who jumps into mail order with a backad and a hope that page or late-nigsome people will buy anything. The Direct Marketing Association, an industry trade group in New York, therefore maintains a "mail order action line" for dissatisfied consumers. If a company is unresponsive, the consumer can write the DMA, which will refer the complaint to the companys management. Of some 11,000 complaints received annually, says Lorna Christie, manager of the DMA's ethics department, "approximately 75 percent are resolved satisfactorily." The U S. Postal Service, interested in "preserving the integrity of the mails," can take criminal action against a company for mail fraud, or civil action for false representations "fahely representing or implying, McFeeley says. The Postal Service may act on con- sumer complaints or screen ads itself. The offer can be advertised anywhere and delivered by any means, but the consumer must order or pay by mail if the Postal Service is to exmail ercise its principal remedy orconsumer which intercepts stop," ders or payments before they reach the company. Similarly, the Federal Trade Commission's "mail order rule" applies They Would Eliminate Need for Fertilizers Try to Make Gene-Splice- rs Continued From F-- l be cleaner fields, better crops and maybe even less spraying. Now farmers often must spray their fields several times, hunting down broadleaves and grasses, annuals and perennials. No single chemical will kill them nil but leave the crop. "One of the expected effects of being able to genetically tailor plants to go with specific herbicides is that youll only use the herbicide when you need it, said Robert Goodman. Vir- tually all herbicide application today Is done in anticipation of a weed problem rather than solving an existing problem. Its perfectly possible that the technology would result in an overall lower use of herbicides. Goodmans company, Calgene, based in Davis, Calif., is one of the firms that is trading genes among growing things in an effort to pass on herbicide resistance. One of their goals is making plants withstand the main ingredient of the herbicide Roundup. Many plants and bacteria have a gene that produces an enzyme called pyruvyl shikimate-3-phos-phat- e synthase (EPSP synthase for short). The enzyme is needed to assemble amino acids, a crucial step in the plants' daily lives. Glyphosate kills plants by attacking this enzyme. Sorting through salmonella bacteria, Calgene scientists found a strain that produced a form of the enzyme that was not damaged by the herbicide. So began the tricky business of transferring this virtue from microbes to plants. First, the researchers isolated the gene that gave salmonella its resistance and snipped it out. Then they inserted the resistance gene into WHY BUY A USED FORKLIFT WHEN YOU CAN BUY NEW? up to 50 PF Pricing 5.000 0 4.000 FG-- 1 5 3.000 Lease or Financing Available LB. LB. LB. Herbicide-Resista- Crops nt agrobacterium, another bacteria that attacks plants. They infected bits of tobacco leaves with agrobacterium. As they hoped, the microbe carried the resistance gene into the tobaccos cells, where it landed in the tobaccos own library of genes. Finally, the scientists grew whole plants from the leaf cells. The new gene did the trick. The tobacco plants and their offspring were resistant to from the lab to the farm, however, is a big step. The difficulties lie in making sure that you get commercial levels of tolerance," says Robert T. Fraley of Monsanto. "Laboratory demonstrations are one thing. Getting into the field and having it work . . under different environmental conditions is another. Yet Fraley believes they can do it. At Monsanto, which makes Roundup, Fraley and colleagues found a gene in petunias that made unusually high levels of EPSP synthase. This gene has been successfully transferred to tobacco and tomatoes and also appears to protect them from the herbicide. Another herbicide, called atrazine, is often sprayed on corn fields. Corn can tolerate it, but most other plants cannot. However, over the years, pigweed has grown resistant to atrazine. Alice Y. Cheung and Lawrence of Harvard have taken the gene that gives pigweed this power and spliced it into tobacco. . Roundup. Tobacco was used in these experiments because its biology is well understood, and its easy to grow. Using the same gene, the Calgene researchers are now constructing Roundup-resistastrains of cotton, tomatoes, soybeans and poplar trees. Goodman says the company plans to test its tobacco in the field next summer and, if everything works out, seeds by 1990. sell herbicide-resistaHerbicide resistance is a reasonable goal of bioengineering, because this trait is controlled by a single gene, and scientists already know a lot about how herbicides work. Going nt ffiM-X- 00 1,095 SPECIAL: NEW 1986 TCM FORKLIFTS U.L. Approved, Meats OSHA Standards FG-2- 130" Wk Vww StyW. Lowarwd hwtghf Fasfcti 42" long Hodi Typ$ Goaotin Powwad, 4 Cybndwr Vokiw, Ffcgb Torque, Low RPAA For Long Life 4 Better Fuel Economy Broket Hydrouitc, duoaervo, SeH Adjusting Tirer Pneumotic, UN ft4 4" Ovfod UOM-XT- One Full Year On Engine Drive Trotn. Balance at Unit 180 Days Ports & lobor WARRANTY im UT. 341 07 262-760- 04 didnt know until c Mr V k ft' a. r fI - The nations Current Weekly Rate When you purchase a Money Market Certificate of $5,000 or more, Western Heritage offers 10.75 interest. Effective annual yield 1 1 .04. WESTERN HERITAGE THRIFT 8. LOAN 9 Sat. . Fed). 1st we 555 NEW YORK (AP) basic money supply fell $3.1 billion in the week ending Dec. 30, the Federal Reserve Board reported Thursday. The Fed said Ml fell to a seasonally-adjusted $624.7 billion in the week ended Dec. 30 from $627.8 billion the previous week. 1 0.75 10-- 2 Sandy 9383 South 700 East Hk. la Drops $3 Billion YEAR WARRANTY! 531-138Mon.-Fri- Basic Money Supply MONEY MARKET T Item-stem- 1 fck green coffee beans. "However, what you ultimately taste in the cup is also dramatically influenced by how the green beans are picked, sorted, cleaned, stored and last but not least roasted, Mr. Bolton said. Although the bulk of the Salt Lake Roasting Co.s revenues comes from retail coffee sales, the company also offers for sale such items as freshly baked pastries and cheeses to compliment its menu. "I change the menu everyday," Mr. Bolton said. card-issue- QUALITY PRODUCTS SINCE 1975 BURGOYNE COMPUTERS INC. 260 E. 600 SO., S.L.C., UTAH ADVANCED MATERIAL HANDLING 3951 South Wtst Tmpl, Salt Lak City, The taste of coffee, much like wine, is affected by the climate, soil and care of the plants that produce the If the consumer cannot resolve a dispute about quality with the merchant, he can refuse to pay any amount still outstanding until the matter is settled, as long as the transaction exceeds $50 and involves a merchant in his home state or within 50 miles. Given those conditions, and the inherent subjectivity of quality judgments, billing errors are easier to challenge. If the consumer writes r within 60 days of behis ing charged for undelivered merchandise, the wrong item, or the wrong amount, he can refuse to pay while the without delinquency issuer investigates, then corrects, adjusts or explains the charge. & amh Continued From F-- l coffee producing countries to search out the best beans for bis customers. One such trip last February to Central America resulted in him selecting a Costa Rican coffee for Bale by the company that was "grown on a certain farm, in a particular microclimate, in a particular growing n of that country. "Had I not traveled to Costa Rica I wouldn't have know that particular coffee existed," he said. He plans to travel to Indonesia early this year. "There is room for a lot of personal signature on a coffee beginning with which beans are selected for the roasting process," he said. The consumer is not without a if he has charged weapon, however to a credit card number, by mail or phone. On the back of many credit statements rarely read, barely unis an explanation of the derstood consumers legal rights, and how to exercise them, in case of a billing error or quality dispute. 2-- 1 r If a company has not followed the rule, the FTC can sue it for both penalties and a promise never to misbehave again, which may or may not help the consumer who originally complained. Both the FTC and the Postal Service seek patterns of bad practice and do not necessarily intercede in an individual case; the DMA does, of course, but its strength is limited to "peer pressure. (40K Ram Parallel Printer Port 8 Expansion slots G" Drives 360K ea. 12 Green Screen Monitor DOS 2 11 and Basic Color System $1339 00 20 Meg. hard disk (add $687.00) trademark ) at International Business Machines Standard Equipment 46" Lood Orerheod Guord, Hourmeter, Fuel Gouge. Headlights, Turn Stgnols, Mirrors, ToilStop lights Ports locolly Stocked. On line Com puler With Factory Service Local Trained Techrwctons Tasty Business only when the order is mailed, and its concern is not the quality of goods but their timely delivery. Under the rule, a company must ship within 30 days of receiving payment, or within the time specified (as in "allow six to eight weeks for delivery"), or give the consumer the option of canceling the order and getting a refund. Compatible $9,996.00 $8,996.00 $7,996.00 FG-2- 5 SPECIFICATIONS r Coffee Roasting 12, 198(1 will lx moving to 562-020- East 400 South, SLC, UTAH) St. George 494 East Tabernacle 628-365- 9 8 I called I could that consolidate all of my monthly bills at a rate this low! 99 Full Term, Fixed Rate Home Equity Loan 11.99 12.37 PLUS 2 POINTS ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 801-531-88- 81 The CITY LOAN HOTLINE City Consumer Services- A -A City Federal Savings Company M b od Nationwide Financial Services Network of Over 300 Offices Equal Housing Lender Buy Mouse. Paint Free. oy when you buy the Microsoft. Mouse lor your 1BM P(! or eompatible. youll get PC Paintbrush-- too. Hie mouse ean help you work taster by sating of keystrokes. hundreds you And you ean team it up w ith PC Paintbrush to ereate illustrations, logos, letterheads, anil other designs. So get them both. And an put Art Department at your fingertips If you have a certificate to mature, take some New Years advice from First Federal Savings. Roll it over into one of ours. First Federal is ringing in 1986 with competitive rates on FSLIC-insure- d certificates, including a new high rate certificate for big savers. Our Investment CD, for example, pays market rates on minimum deposits of only $1000. Or deposit $25,000 in a Silver Certificate and earn an extra 12 percent. MICROSOFT ar interest penalty for early withdrawal. Your old certificate rates should be forgotten and never brought to mind. Invest in First Federals new higher-earnin- g certificates and receive many happy returns 1986. throughout Call any office of First Federal Savings, Plaza Downtown Foothill Fashion Place Sandy 0 8 Price 531-780- And for 1986, First Federal introduces our new Silver Certificate Plus. This super premium certificate pays an 637-344- Member FSLIC FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS re9'$195Sale$l45 Sale KimIs Jan. 15, 1986 The Human Touch Come See what we have in store lor you Dr. 272:9425 4 five-ye- thats about , Microsoft Mouse and PC Paintbrush extra 34 percent over our Investment CD on deposits of $40,000 or more. Open a Silver Certificate Plus today, and your money could grow by as much as 10.38 percent per year, compounded quarterly, based on a 10.00 percent annual rate. Of course, there is an Transfer your CD account into a higher earning First Federal certificate. Based on quarterly compounding and (Minings remaining in account until maturity. Published rate good through January 20. Published rales change weekly. |