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Show I hi' Sail NATIONAL FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP 12 HI 1 yi-ui- 1 - Chicago Bears vs. L.A. Rams m 'Averages per game Outlook: la The oddsmakers like the c ham es id the Bears, who haw been made (J a point favorites over the visiting flams But in this nty where winning never has been taken fur granted. Payton still warned of the regular season Rams al Chicago (12-5- ) (16-1- ) Rams on olfense Will rely on Eric Dickerson, who relurned tu the record setting form of a year ago with a playoff-recor- 248 yards last week against Dallas, quarterback Dieter Brock will gams on first down again try for medium-range Bears on offense Walter Payton has never been to the Super Bowl and he should get the chance to carry Bears New Orleans Jim McMahon was quietly efficient in the victory over the Giants, throwing for 216 to yards Key injuries - Brock has torn tendon on left ring finger, an injury not considered serious (non-throwin- Key Statistics - Dickerson gained 149 yards in Rams' victory over Bears last season; Bears have NFL's defense, allowing 82.4 yards per game 29-1- top-rate- d I Kit iKAI'llll K S de-se- t tu play One ol the local points of the i on test will be the roles played by Bay ton and Bams running back lair Dickerson Bay ton. the all time NF I. rushing leader, lushed (or 1.55! voids this season. Dickerson broke the NTT. playoff record by rushing fui y.nds in a victory over the Cow boys last Sa'urday Dickerson said Sundays game won't be a battle between the two ' Barry Bird and Dr J. they day against eaeli other In sprints. Carl Lewis against, say. Hun Brown would he like that." Dickerson said "But in this game, it's myself against the Chi2U-- - Dolphins, Pats Must Answer The Tough Questions Today By Gary Myers Dallas Morning News Writer MIAMI - The questions werent the ones Dolphins coach Don Shula nec essarily wanted to hear What about your run defense'.' "Gitz. we gave up 251 yards and 6 8 yards a carry to Cleveland last week." Shula said What about your running backs" "These are tough questions Hun defense running game." Shula said gi inning "When are we going to start talking about Marino'." Ask the New England Patriuts about their losing streak at the Orange Bowl, and, not surprisingly. they get a little defensive and call The Jinx a non-facto- r. Sunday's AFC Championship Game at the Orange Bowl between the Patriots and Dolphins is filled with questions nobody seemed to want to face. But they are probably the most important factors in the game that will send the winner to Super Bowl XX in New Orleans against either the Chicago Bears or Los Angeles Hams. New EngThe Orange Bowl Jinx land has not won there since 1946 became such an issue last week that the Miami Herald contacted sports psychologists to find out whether the Patriots are indeed psyched out. The Dolphins have never fallen on their face in a conference championand Shula is ship game. They are including a victory when he coached the Colts. Last year, the Dolphins defeated Pittsburgh in the AF"C Championship Game and then got blown away. by San F'rancisco in the Super Bowl. 38-1- The elements would appear to be there for an upset by the Pats. F irst of all. New England is overdue for a v ictory in the Orange Bowl. They almost beat Miami there in the 15th week of the season, coming back from a fourth quarter deficit lo tie the score in a stretch, only lo lose. The Patriots have been freeing themselves of past failures in the last two weeks. When they defeated the Jets in the wild-cargame, it was 27-1- 3 30-2- d their first playoff victory since 1963 When they defeated the Haiders lust week, it was their first playoff victory over them. TO BEAT the Patriots. Miami must: Be able to shake Mark Duper and Mark Clayton free of the deep zones and the double coverage they are likely to see. Miami doesn't often win if it can't throw the ball. Marino was held to under 200 yards passing in each of the two games against New each team won at home. England Miami has won eight straight since Duper returned in the 10th game from a broken bone in his leg. Control running backs Craig James and Tony Collins. They didn't come close to stopping Earnest Byner and Kevin Mack last week. Teams have been running away from right outside linebacker Hugh Green. Miami's best defensive player. But the Patriots like to run left behind Holloway and guard John Hannah, both Pro Bowl players, and that means going right at Green TO BEAT the Dolphins. New England must: -- Forget about The Jinx. The Pa arid 1544 Du her son rushed - I s (iKAIIIK K Sunday. Jan. 2 ?) 12 p.m. MST ni'(l tins Sunday uulej be tlie Hums dg.met Hie I.t ll lot - 111 SB XX alld till- double X lie would luting uppl upl nile Nubu''. outside uf Huston und im ts ol Los An II Hie it i geles Mould wuli! to see it ir it could be ( tin ugu uguinst New F.nglund I but wouldn't lie so bud lie cuose it would tie the lus.sie 'bud guvs vs the good guvs seenurio. ex ( cpt th.it the bud guys would In lie.iv ilv (uv oi ed Di it could be Miumi uguinst tin Hums Ac could try to gel interested in Fine Dickerson und Dun Murino on Hie s.mic Held except Hint lliev wonldn I be on the sume field ul tln sume time Boring Nope we wunt ( lilt ugo und Mi.'iim Dilku und Shnlu McMahon uim Murino Iayton and till. well. Nu th. hi llumpton Duvenport Dull' und uh. Bokumper ' No detuilclv put The Fudge und uh Bokuinpcii this is getting dillieult Let s move on Los Angeles Hums ( ) ut ( liieugo (Bel): TV game 10 30 pm MST Sun day lor NF C Championship. Hem s .1 t c ' i cored by 11 Weather, apparently ill not be much of u fuctur ns it looks like Soldier F'leld w ill be in the balmy w Hums are much' or the gume like (Bunts, except Hums' delense is u little stronger und Hums' offensive line is u lot stronger, but Hums' quni .'ills terbuck g e otCV New England (I at Miami I gume 2 pm Sunday for AFC1 Championship Dolphins favored bv L7T t Patriots (11-6- arc up against the team in professional football," said Patriots coach Kay Berry, who played with Shula, played against him, played for him and now coaches against him. "They arc the team with the most playoff experience and with the greatest passing quarterbacks in the league. But it doesn't matter who you play. This time of the year if you are still playing, there is no place to hide." yards: Outlook: 108 2 in Fisli fans are iulting all then hopes into the Orange Bowl basket clinging to the knowledge that the Patriots haven't won there in lO.UUii ycais But suppose nobody convinces these Patriots that they have to lose Net passing 343.7 Averages per game 23 (12-4- ) Rushing yards: (WWWNKfc 365 ssisa 257.1 1 just because their ancestors always lost in Miami Remember, the Pats have covered the spread in last 13 de games and only two straight-ufeats were by three points each. And the Patriots are talented. They have 11 No. draft choices, eight No 2s and three No. 3s on their roster. Losing Irving Fryar hurts but doesn't cripple the Pats' attack. ... In other words. Fish fans, forget history and worry about current events In two meetings tins year. New Fingland topped Miami in yardage. 699 to 505 and held Marino to passing with touchdown. 3 interceptions ami 5 sacks And yet. the game is in the Orange Bowl, so in a cowardly jioinl spread upset. Miami by 3 II gambling were legal here. d lake Chicago and give the points and I'd take- New Finglund with 5'.- regular season New England p at Miami (13-5- ) (13-4- ) Craig James and Tony Collins will run to their left behind guard John Hannah and tackle Brian Holloway as New England attacks a porous Miami rushing defense that yielded 251 yards to Cleveland Dolphins on offense - Dan Marino will test New England's secondary with the No. 2 air game in the league and Tony Nathan will be a factor coming out of the backfield on short Patriots on offense The Patriots will be hurt by the loss of wide receiver-pun- t returner Irving F'ryar, who suffered a torn tendon in his right pinkie in an accident with a knife that reportedly occurred during a domestic argument. He will be replaced by Stephen Starring, the third-dowreceiver. On third down. New England will use Cedric Jones, who lias not played much. 1 passes. Key injuries - Pat wide receiver and punt Fryar is out with a torn tendon in his finger. returner Irving Key Statistics Patriots had 51 sacks in the regular season while Miami allowed just 19. fewest in the NFL lor the third consecutive season, Dolphins have scored - "Football is a game of distractions," Berry said "You have to be able to concentrate and tunc it all points 90 percent of the time when inside opposition 20 " - SoYouNeed - The Money?1 Who! , vc us 4 hviI to know is uhete to get you Iv.vv a ob coil TreediiUkle! hi icdiiv. ivvti ,i hi Use. nine and n-- L . (. MOUNTING NO-CHAR- A8.90 TO MAKE YOUR CAR OR BF GOODRICH HIGH TECH Sv. fix' Pvi'plc RADIALS SLC 322-425- TRUCK PERFORM, TALK TO A (YAUH'M GET THE LOWEST PRICE ANYWHERE ON TA RADIALS" 1 3 The Professional s Choice Arctic Snowplows are Available Now For Your Pick Up or 4x4 Mark Bob or Charge SALTLAKECITY UTAH A V r UM (Bill $1 589 mw 15 Min. kaO FILTER CHANGE wlb Tune-sUr to 5 qts oi GUARANTEED 6 MONTHS OR b.XT) MILES NATIONWIDE Then You get Coru1o'f Adiuat tfrrdnQ Oynamomeaer toot Uaing toc odc ndd AxJ f at no additional coat: Ostrihiitot noto cn IVioU (tip to Ji W pliq v it vo w: A'uat cartxrvtnr plLK)A (( milynr Infrarod aatwuto nayrai up to 1 DON'T call on the phone. Wc don't wont our competition to know our pricing. DO find the lowest competitive price you con on the TA you want. come in and see Jim or John ond prepara to be astounded at our low price. 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Consider this ll Bears win they will ojien Super Bowl favorites against wagering as Miami und just favorites against New Finglund In other words I. us Vegas really considers Miami to be point superior lo New Fingland ut a neutral site vs. Miami Dolphins In 1985: Without 5N c New England Patriots "I feel like we Stock... 1 weaker is TV "LIFE IMPROVEMENT LOAN. 394-261- sure woist Imppt loll t be so I game and couldn't score a touchdown' against Tampa Bay And just lust week the Hums' diV fense wus magnificent, taking away six turnovers from the helpless Low-- ' boys - and the Hums still scored just 21) ('liieugo will not lie depoints nied Hems by 17 Miami. Fla best-coache- d 1986 420 SEL. 300E. and 190 D2.5 3535 Wall Ave., Ogden r tu W Hie Sllpel llgllt' But ,ne Wi conclusion (unci! in our Ion-guilllnil Mi, inn will meet ( Imago III .1 v '' liuwcinwii f oi univcivdl supi Thus. I have the same question as I had about (Bants last week How are the Hams going to score'' Back in 1979 the Bams played in the NFC title CHAMPIONSHIP Avoid giving Miami good field position through turnovers The Dolphins have not had Hie offense of a year ago. but giving Marino the ball inside the 50 invites di vaster Patriots quarterback Tony F7ason has not thrown an interception in the playoffs He lias thrown just 30 passes in two games New England wants to control t he ball on the ground, keep it away from Marino, and not pul itself in a position where it needs to throw to win. Mercedes-Ben- z In 1983 AMERICAN FOOTBALL CONFERENCE 1 out we .ill know who we Blink will play muie than lull voids in both games 'We wore them out Dukeisuti said ' In the first half then 44 de fense worked very well We were try mg tu lliiow against it In the second hall we were sutcesslul running against it Against a team like Cluca go. we have to have a lot ol patience But we (cel like we can run against " anybody The Hams ioor passing statistic s in their victory over Dallas Dieter Brock was 4 for 22 bn have come under much 50 yards week Hobmson soul this scrutiny however, that there is no way of knowing if the Mams will have lo mi prove on that in order to heal the Hears "I Hunk you can win the game bv doing anything .Sure, you would like tec have a little bit of a passing; at lack." lie laid 'But you might win because you ictmn a couple ol punts lor toucTidow ns Returning kicks is something the Hams do so well that the Reals have made an adjustment, adding wide re eeiver WTIlic (Built, a former sprint er. to their kickoff coverage team in hopes ol handling Brown, the NF L s leading kic k returner "Can Willie catch Hon'1" Hobmson said How the hell should I know'. W e might have Hon go block Willie Another (jiieslion is will he tackle Willie He might just lace him and beat him acioss Hie goal lineIK. triots said they already have, but that would seem impossible. What they need to remember is they have won of their last 13. quick-strikin- liv Jcny Giciiir it landu Sentinel W i lie) 'A ell we .ill know w lio we w,.n pi. iv in tlie So.el How I doll t we quur-tcrbac- were a couple of weeks there where the team made some commcmuls and I see no fault with that They ved it. they earned it ' But that s all been put aside I Hunk we've bad a pretty good week ol wen-readhopefully, preparation and " "The intricate game plan we had devised was based on zero degree weather, so thats out." Bams coach John Robinson said ' I Hunk Hus weather is a positive tiling for Hie game in general This game should be decided on the merits of the teams, not the weather " Though both teams have earned Super llou l XX? foi Coach Mike Dltka said the oft the field activities have not dlstiaeled the Bears "Those tilings added to the excite ment in this city and the iopulantv around the country." Dltka said "When all that was haipening. we had clinched the Central Division and the home field advantage There dangers of great expectations "The worst thing tu do is reach for a star and fall short, even though that star looks close," he said "Nothing is promised to you If the weather here in mid January can turn piactically balmy as it has. then certainly anything is possible The Hams arrived here Thur sday to try to acclimate themselves to the conditions they had seen in last Sun day s game between the (Bants and Bears. The wind-chil- l made it feel like 13 below at kickoff Instead, the Bains were greeted by sunny skies ami highs in the low 40s, anil those temperatures are expected to prevail for Sunday's 10.30 a m MST kickoff The Cubs have played in wot sc conditions Malm it to u-- s go in I)i 12, 1444 kuwtav, Jjiiuarv So, ll ho's Gonna (ago Beats defense and Walter against the Hams di fense And although Hie (Ranis tailed lo Mule against the Beals a week ago Dickerson is confident Hie Itaius will be sui cessful In v it tui ovei ( Ini a their way here, the Reals an the tie v y favorites based on a defense j that is ran-- No in the NFI, then Hi record and. per flaps even a bit ol sentiment The 1943 Beals were the last Chicago team to win j major i liamjuonslnp and Hus season s team lias captured the nations attention Bum the commercials of rookie Wil ham "The Kcfrigcr jtui " Berry to the making of 'The Super Bowl Shuffle a musical video liy T nii ( o liliiiw Dallu.. Moi rnny New Writei ( IIICAGO It tmk IU fur Waller I'ayton tu discover tiow it t tu play in an NFC ('huriqunnslii (j.j ii ir Sunday uni- year aflii tin Hears 23 U title game loss in Sail F runrisc u. He and tlie rest uf Hie I In rugo Bears Mill try tu ventuie une sti'p beyond 10 30 a rn, MST Chicago 'I r ihuna. Only Dickerson Stands in Way Of Bears Super Bowl Shuffle CONFERENCE Sunday. Jan lake ONLY I 86 Expui". Appocrrtmerrti Accepted wKI Hum Your Precision Tune Al 6 V .xTIRE CENTERS INC. 364-785- 8 414 EAST 200 SOUTH HOURS: 7:30-5:3- ,l,rly iSFGoodrich 8:00-1- 2 0 NOON SAT TIRE CENTER USED TIRES FROM TIADI-I- S 9.95 KCiniD cr a 6 -- E NIASE CERTIFIED MECHANICS ' ! t (406-88C- 2207 So. 700 E. L Um- mm - INSTANT CREDIT APPLY FOR YOUR BFG PERFORMANCE CARD. v , ,A, ,, |