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Show 100-- Wonted Hp Help Wonted 100 j MfeDkJli. VCCAL e Salt late clink. 40 hours per week. Indurttng day Sukedcry Me4 tJM terminology needed Mult oe Contort accurate Mr. Vwenten 535-- V7 NODICAL Full tor Mondoy-FrktoBusy medkcd office Downtown Sut Experience necetetry Peg board account porefc and tpt WMRY COUNSELOR Lce TEMPOfcA?! PART recelvobit. TIME Great benefit. 363 407payroll. Mt CxGAl Receptionist-ShaaP- , program ttrrvorary career oriented person tor eking C (Wt-flr- r coumekr Hour I o.m..? Noon, very busy Chiropractic practice MonOy thru Frktoy Retpomtff-th- e Filing, dictaphone, typing remciuot krtviauai (poop and quired GoudbenefW Resume relorn frierapy wffh cfmttaNy quired. 17 Eost 7700 South dependar odoietcer. Require Mamrt degree In beftovtva MEDICAL kA time R N portion TWO rvaH , Ktonce or caurtteilng experience contact: Personnel, Mountain wflh chrrilcy dependent 1000 E Wgr.wov 6, View Hospftot, Rteaie lumoff return ext. 106 Payton, Utah. to. Equal opportunity Employer. Human Betas ce Deuortmenf boi fcrln arJ kweollvil Oconot-- &uQ freohmenl inter mourrtotr Heaffh Cere me Soufr VMe Vfreeff, Sort 2)00 Sort L ck Cfry, Utah 84111 McDOi 36 Opecrtonfry r4 correntktf Ykk NANNY dtsked Survey home, 72 366-- VA 464 aMe cpeiwigs weekday, to my Mi prn hea.th care mt i 40'hr stort Small nursing toBounttul 74 2234 NURSE'S AIDE CaM Mtrlo Of Twin Pine Care Center, 444 7638 home HaYCKOSS VALLEY $ AoTiA HCXJR' Employ merto Agency Hciplai CO hot an apportunffy far a M time EEG technician. Our referral froumo center offer o choueog-ma Weal are experience m a teaching environment. G and Junction H located m beoufftui Yrettorn Cotorodo and rcn many cuitirtf omnontiM pkn irung, h tno and outdoor octivmei, only mmum from your door step Contact the Pertonnei Office Equal Oppcxtonfry k Mut k MEDICAL OPERATIONS ae knowledocAffe m home care reicratary therapy retpkatory equipment, and cylinder goev Portion erdoti tupervklon of rtvea, routing of frlver, knide tote and upervkton of medical operation Send reume and requrement try jar 17, to Medfcal Manoger P O. Bo 26057, Srfft Oty, iitr, X14 Tronsrrlptlonist needed buy pnykion oho ovokabto Md Ujrg and ft In 8EVERIY 700 East e?2, l, 1045 lost 40 ve minutes pay, stort WWiam, I So. lake City, Ut 84102 Equal Opportunity Ertptoycr Salt RNsOR NO H0UDAYS NO Profelonal Service, Inc., tfynomk ubidiarv of inter mountain Heafth Care, Inc., needs qualified RN's to loin our team at the Leodlng manufacturer of longwoll mining equipment seeks quolifled individual with a minimum of ? Inter mountain Surgical Center. be capabie of solving mechonl-cahycfrouilc and elecfricoi problems Position FEE PAID. Starting satory to 28K plus expenses, company car, and comprehensive benefits packoge. Send resume to: R.J. Openbrler VP, POLEN PERSONNEL Washington's Oldest Cmpiov ment Agency" 308 Mlllcroft Center, Washington, PA 15301 Must L 9 City, U7 44145 MEDICAL pharmacist Immediate full time position for Stcff Pharmoclst Poturtng shrfts arid we- erte Must hcre license for stae of 'Jtoh Contoct Pervjnnel Office, Utoh Volley Regional Medical Cener: 412225-950- MOBILE Home-Se- t up and service contractor needed. Apply at Care Pree Homes, 3260 South Redwood Rd. MEOICAl ASSISTANT quired. Hourly. Call Busy chlroprodk office needs full time clinical assistant to handle MORTGAGE LOAN CLOSER ond other cllnicoi physiotherapy Immediate opening. Established duties. Experience preferred but not required. Send resume by Mortgoge Company has Immedl-datopening for o person experi11616 to: Chiroproctic Center, enced in all phoses of loan closing. 345 East 4500 So., SLC, Ut 84107. Knowledge of FHA, VA ond conMEDICAL RECORDS CLERK, ventional Send reregulations. part time, days Mon.through Frf. sume to: Code 0079 In care of this yrs. experience. Basic anatomy, P.O, Box 45838, Soft newspaper, terminol physiology ond medical LcfceOty, UT 84145 ogy. K2D- - coding experience. Apply Ooxev Hatch Medlcol Center. MORTGAGE 1255 Eost 300 South Rapidly MEDICAL CLERICAL Part time for 3 wk. Medical exper. preferred. Erlene, mowing Mortgoge Banker seeks dynamic Individual to serve as Receptionist ond Processor Trainee. John at the University Hospital Nurses are our natural resource. We are seeking a candidate or the position of At HEAD NURSE MedicalCoronary Intensive Care Unit manage a salaried professional staff in a progressive environment 1 year ICU experience and 1 year management experience required. MSN preferred. Head Nurses are odered work study programs and graduate education at the University of Utah College of Nursing To otter excellent benefits including health, dental, leave and tuition re- tirement plan and educational reduction. Please send resume, or call: Johnson Nurse Recruiter 50 North Medical Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84132 Telephone: 581-230- Equal Opportunity Emptoyer SERVOS, INC. (61) Subsidiary of Inter mountain Health Care, Inc Equoi Opportunity E mo lover An Affirmative RN Car'ixftcJar Tean Leooty Experience In cardiovascular sur gery required. J UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER the University Hospital Nurses are our natural resource. We pieseritiy have positions available in the following areas: At CCUM1CU BURN UNIT PSYCHIATRIC Experience preferred, evening shift. On call. have various stuff'ng plans available ('penintS for An Equal Opportunity Employer RN'S, IPN'S WE NEED YOU. Immediate openall shifts choose available ings your own schedule. Coll for appt. NURSE Skilled rehab, facility has immed. opening for L.P.N. PM. shift. Excellent sol.; benefits, plus scholarship. 4600 South Highland Drive. Equal Opportunity Employer NURSE HOME HEALTH Aide needed. yeor experience and Home Health Aide certification desirable. Contact Hlllhaven Services or NURSE Excellent opportunity for LPN. Doctors office. Good working conditions. CALL NURSE LP.N. Port time wknds. for small nursing home In Bffl. Nurse Aides hr. JOBTELL Employment Agency NURSE RN SALT LAKE UPJOHN HEALTHCARE SERVICES CLINIC Some knowledge $15 per Wo otter erlent henet.'s including he.i.th. dental plan and rduc.i tinral leave and iuibun edut bun Call or visit Pam Johnson Nurse Recruiter 50 North Medical Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84132 Telephone: 581-230- f Yo fwr-- 0 evf' per hour ?G $6 utah Guard for phexmocy An Equoi Opportunity gtat is essenttot. POWER A DISPATCHER FuX PHARMACIST Must hove hospital pharmocy related experience and be eligible for licensure In Nevoda. Our highly progressive Pharmocy Dept, uses 0 Satellite Decentralized system. Our sotary, benefits pock oge ond work environment are outstanding. For more Information ond immediate consideration contact our Personnel Dept, art: 702731-831- 5 or send resume to Humana 3186 Maryland Parkway, Los Vegos, NV 89109. Equoi Opportunity Employer mf. Monday through experier.ee necessary. Coll Or Frldoy send your resume to: for appointment CHILDREN'S PRIMARY Nursing RN. MEDICAL CENTER Position open for B 5.N. in expanding Home Heofth Agency. Excellent benefits. or MCH year experience preferred. Call now for appt 320 12th Safi Avenue Utoh 84103 UeC1tv, Phone: Equal Opportunity Emptoyer NURSING South Davis Community Hospital is now occeptlng for applications RN's, LPN's ond experienced oldes. Pleose coll Carol, NURSING-R.N.'- For Skilled Care Facility. All shifts PHARMACIST, full time, retail In Provo. Must be clinically oriented. Send salary requirements ond resume to Pharmoclst, P.O. Box 7130, Murray, UT 84107. PHARMACIST - industrial clinic Full or port time. setting. No nights or weekends. Send sotary ond benefits. Coll resume to Liane Alder. 795 North Administrator at Rosewood 400 West, Soft Lake City, Iff. 84 103. available. Excellent Terroce, Nursing R.N. Hospice R.N. needed pari time for Mogna, West Volley, West Jordan for appt. orea. Coll NURSIN- GcomRENT FREE. Femole Uve-ipanion wonted for older gentlemen. Active in gotf 'tennis. Free to travel. John, NURSING-Matwoman needed to care tor elderly tody. 30 hours a week. PHARMACY MANAGER wonted. Must have California registration. No Sundays or nights. Call Jim between (69) PHONE CALLERS, 9 a.m.-- t p.m. OR 4 p.m.-Moior p.m., Monoav-Frcleaning company. Salary plus bonus. PHYSICAL NURSING- - Part time LPN needed Immediately. NURSING- - LPN needed, port time. Coil 68 028 RNs Join our new Resource Pools. Salary plus differential, benefits based on hours worked. Full or Requires minimum 1 year current hospital medicalsurgi-cal- , maternal newborn, or ICU experience. THERAPIST Immediate opening - McKay-De- e Is o 370 bed JCAH accredited hosoltql. Work in the Stewart Rehabilitation Center ond In a well eoupoed pnysicoi therapy demust be portment. Applicants registered or registry eligible in Utah. We offer excellent benefits ond o negotiable sot or y ond incentive program irerested applicants please send resume to, ot coil Sandy 5vbee at McKAY-DE- 30, CLINICAL SPECIALIST, GERONTOLOGYMEDICAL E HOSPITAL 2539 Hanwr Bki OoJen UT 84409 Equal Opportunity degree and medical surgical experience to function as Cliniand Recian, Educator, Consultant searcher. Resumes, please. SURGICAL CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICAL PRN POOL We have immediate openings tor experienced RN s and for new gradual , fun and part time LDS HOSPITAL Human Resources Department 8th Avenue & C Street SLC. UT. 84143 for appt. fnu.il Opportunity Employer M.FHV 321-101- PtoaM caft or send You must be willing to work shifts and must hove 0 minimum of two years education in 0 technical, scientific or accounting field or equivalent applicable experience. Deseret Transmission YEA resume. DPCSINC. 320 West 5240 So AGENT-Conf- r actors electrical supplies Versatile person for large growing firm. 524,000. Snelilng 8 Sntlllng Employment Agency. PURCHASING Suite E 140 Murray Utah 44107 (Ml) Radio Install. 56 hr JOBTELL Employment Agency PROGRAMMER Growing local software development firm needs sharp, self motivated Programmer with 5 plus yrs experience to develop, maintain and provide lotos and customer support for software products. Data General experience o plus. Salory, benefits, bonuses, equity possibilities. Reply to Code 0074 In car e of this newspaper, PO Box 45831, SLC, UT 84145 RADIOLOGY COORDINATOR or other training - PH E SCHOOL ed. scry. Jerl, TEACHERS needExp. necev Employer out, R oopnrtuntiy tor the riaht person Musi be ccveer minded and willing to g aw with the company Call Royol HtvAoaphy Studto's kx twotnhnent 466- - 885 ESI IE REAl fees we puv hourly salary Greed entry level position. Jtni 268 8444 SnektoQ fc Snelilng Employment Agency RECEPTIONIST 5750 mo. Pleoiont atmosphere, cangenkX boss. L el's OM k kv 48 5577, Alta View Emptoyment Agency. FSTATE AGENTS (Rfference In Recff Estate fS o componiei There Surround yourself with successful agents, o positive environment ond unpor oueied ha tretining prose am. We hove out itanring service program nan. retaadlon afRMotion .creative Incentives, and the vDEO advantage. To interview far this unique PICT PTIONISTSc I egat Oetanctar AssociaU tion needs part time receptionist Typing requked. Kqrtn, to RECEPTIONIST Part time, 6.30. Must type 50 wpm 54 J3 per opportunity can Jutle at CARL! & CO., REAL ESTATE SALES Km3J462 MANAGER SALES PEOPLE Malar Mmeshare develop er needs experience, ikenses professionals to supervise and Implement Inhouse sales at 3 Utah resorts. Cali Mr Excellent commission Robinson, SALE PI US RECEPTIONIST type hey, and cashiering exper. 5650mo. Joy's E mptoymenf Agency. 486- - 3838 Moa-FrRECEPTIONIST Type 60 Mature. To 57 hr Joy's Emptoyment Agency. RECEPTIONIST. People telephone . skills JO tav 5300 week-Wl- 3 REAl STATE SALES Consider the advantages YouD enfoy of OcPvtew Training-sale- s tools Quality facilities Top people It's time to colt Stave of REALTORS resume to: Wasatch Education Systems 1714 Wlimlngton Ave nue. No phone colls please Equal Opportunity Employer PROGRAMMERS X" I Knowledge. E HOSPITAL RECREATIONAL GAME ROOM MANAGER Westminster College of Soft LcM City seeks o port time gome room manager, of recreational und leisure programming, student Interests, game room operations, and simple accounting required. Must be able to track inventory, supervise employees, plan ana Initiate programs and activities, ond odvertise servkes to the Westminster Common fry. Submit application or resume to PersonKnowledge W8000 REAL ESTATE ANALYST Requires MBA or equivalent, anoiyt-tooskills, with bosk real estate Good writing skills knowledge. o necessity Bose Income plus incentive. Send resume to Code 0171 In care of this newspeper P.O. Box 45838, Salt City, UT 84145 99 nel Cocx dkxitor, Westminster Col840 So. 1300 Eost, Bomlege, ber ger Hail Rm elOS-G- . SLC. UT Hardware 3939 Homyjfl BM Ogden, UI 84409 (80 5 p.m. An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer RECREATE '.ASSISTANT. Part time, . tortence preferred. Call Eva 486-- j RENTALAGENT, Come grow wtfh us. Lo ge growing company has a need tor outgoing well gr oomed person who entovs people Good benefits Bosk office to Hit preferred. Pleose apply in person a 383 So. West Temple 2A. South State. re 04, C0LDWELL BANKER Le MIUER&C0. treatment progrom. 520,000 Plus room ond board, benefits. tax brake Excellent Coll Training provided or Send Resume To: P.O Box 1682, S.L C, Utah 84110 PROGRAVMER CUSTOMER SUPPORT Insurance brokerage firm, seeks programmer with working exper. In the BASIL programming tanguoge. Good communication ond problem solving skills Accounting ot Insurance exper. helpful Send resume to JOMS 2614 So. 1935 West Salt Lake City, Ut 84119. Equoi Opportunity Emotover PROGRAMMER- to molntoln existing ond develop new applications. 3 years minimum experience, system 3436 RPG ll required. Strong accounting background helpful. Sotary rortge $24,000 to $30,000. Send resume to; D.P. Monoger, P.O Box 1031, SLC, Utoh 84110 rental oetc ok'n9j lS ener nersonatde, Interested 'nper providing .mTfME Johnson WAX), A"T; JS SaS'' au!w twrw "i"90,'S P etc duct pricing sell a Store Managers, contact re ired l0 with you may to coincide idea) tor PRODUCTION leader in the tood industry is locking for a qualil'ed Produc tion Supervisor for its operation Qualifications include years enpenence as a supervisor m tood processing or re 'ated titd Bachelors decree dfjsirao.e Should have proficient skills in supervising people Competitive wage and Benefits pjfkage available, tvr consideration p'ejse forward your lesume to. Don T 94 in care ot this newspaper PO Bon 45838 Salt lake City. UT 84145 experience tqu.il Opportunity fmpioyn tHE c0Vered is to LAXE CH OON,PBOVOa:3dS?e dave and ,v,ljSi also Pu within this 'e!r' CTV'ers kce'1-- AREAS 0 t.onpavsaCTj harness pcon Cdno expense? out1,0 or resume 7art-tim- ence necessary REPORTER: The Park Record, on owrrd winning weekly newspaper In Park City Is seeking an experienced reporter who can cover anything from sports to news to arts. Ftitotogoiahk ability desireo-biSend resume and clip to Janice Perry. P.0. Box 3688, Part City, Ut. 84660 RESEARCH TECH il: Bachelors degree In a Btafogl-coScience or equivalency reHv quired. RT RT ill: Bachelors decree In o Botooi-ca- l Science plus one year full time rekited tab experience or equivalency required. Previous electron Microscopic, tissue culture andor histology experience preferred. Routine procedures; fresh frozen, fixed frozen and uttramkrotame sectioning; film development and printing; nance. ond general kb mainte- UNIVERSITY Of UTAH -6787 PERSONNEL Annex Building, Soff City, Utah 84112 Equal Opportunity hmploer 101 Le THERAPY RESPIRATORY RESPIRATORY THERAPIST OR TECHNICIAN To work rotating nights to 7. The Therapist must be registered or reglshy eligible; technician must be certified or certification eligible. Experience preferred. 11 Accepting from 8 Fridoy. for review applications p.m. Monday thru a.m.-- 4 LDS HOSPITAL HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. 8TH AVENUE & C STREET on equoi opportunity employer-mf- RESPIRATORY THERAPIST Medicoi sales position avail for reg- istered respiratory Must be knowledgable therapist. In e tory equipment ond cylinder gasses. Send resume ond sotary requirements, by Jonuary 17 to Medicoi Monoger, P 0. Box 26057 Soli Lake C1N. Ut. 84126. Cyprus Creek Mining Company is a large sudace molybdenum mine in beautiful Central Idaho If you enjoy working with people, and are looking for a challenging career, wed like to talk with you. We are currently seeking a L0SattN l0cal mu' HOUSING AND PUBLIC AFPAIRS COORDINATOR The qualified candidate must have a BS degree m business or related field. Candidate must have yoars experience in real estate; banking and public affairs experience a plus Individual's responsibilities will include managing company housing, trailer and land sales Also, helping establish policies and procedures, as well as interacting with various government agencies 3-- Join us and we ll give you a caieer with an attractive salary, a compie'e benefit package and relocation assistance T his is an cptO'-tunitto work and l.ve m ar contains all 'he outdoor activities tor whicn Idahoand its mountains are famous Send v.,ur resume today to MINING COMPANY P.O. BOX 2311 T g0040 Giessen home care respiratory therapy, respira- Human Resources Department CYPRUS THOMPSON CREEK MRCe 2 M AGENT Come grow with us La ge growing far outgoing o need has company well groomed person who entovi benefits. Good Bosk office people. skills preferred. Please apply In person of 383 So. West Temple 2A. Mondav-FrNo experi- Cyprus-Thompso- Mojor SUPERVISOR No experi- L, Provides the Challenge.. You Provide the Talent PROFESSIONAL Teoching Parents Reliable couple to live m ond provide care for girls In profession resi- dential Monday Ft ence necessary spilt. Coll for interview. R.J. Sktwell Associates Emptoyer PROGRAMMER-yrs. NCR Tower-RREAL ESTATE: Generous split tor PRESSMAN, experience on small off COBOL tanguoge or comparaexperience, self motivated set presses. Coll Chad ble exper. fee nego.-t535000 yr. ogent. Lot of leod from our Joy's Employment Agency. PRINTING Company Needs Folder REAL ESTATE management entity. Precept and Cutter operator. Must know PROGRAMMER: 57.25 HR. SELECT Properties, Inc., prper sizes ond weights. ExperiEmployment Agency REAL ESTATE; spiff to experience only, wages open. Utah SALES TRAINER enced commercial sales persons. Programmer to 535,000 yr.466-3Printing Co. 2855 So. West Temple We New support servkes for maxiJOBTELL Employment Agency seeking a career professionPRINTING al of high business and ethical mum production. Good downtown PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT Color Stripper. Minimal Experience. toe. Donovan Co. standards with a solid Min. 5 yrs. supervisory exper. with Pleose Coll Roberto 7 o.m.-- p.m. ot two to three yean of RECEPTIONIST Typist. Part time, smoil and diameter pipe large successful Residential Real Estate National compony located In inond associated utility construcSale. A teochlrg or public speckCenter looking for part ternational tion. Successful applkont must be Is highly desiring bockp-ountime ReceptionlstTyplst. Must able, to supervise entire project able. Position will Include soles type 50 wpnv have good tele directing production as well as copersonnel recruiting responsIbH-Weordination with owner ond must phone etiquette, good Interpersonal skills. Good personal apbe willing to travel andor relo- Coidwetl Border, the nation's largest IS required. Approx. cate. Quality control ond safety pearance Reol Estate Company nrs. hours PRODUCE BUYER is per week, Mondoy-f-radministration exper. desired Is exponding It's Northern Utah flexible. For appt., can DeVonya Sokry nego. Send resume demoperation. Advancement opportuon Mon. or Tues. Jonutry onstrating experience to: Western nities. Progressive Distribution leoder bet. 9 om-- pm only, Inc. 800 So. Utility Contractors seeks energetic produce buyer to Equal Opportunity Emptoyer Ut 84062. Pleasant Moln, Grove, be located in S.L.C. Experience in RECEPTIONIST Coll Dick Webber, ' District PROPERTY TAX EXAMINER purchasing produce direct from Part time filling in for absent motor growing areas a must. President Must hove year experience In: For confidential Interview employees at our medical center. Marketing experience with g colPlotting, Metes ond Bounds' Lego) Involves public contact ond Must be able to lege degree being helpful to qualiDescriptions. cashiering duties. Must be fiextoie fy for this position. Company protravel. Good benefits. Apply shifts. Apply vides eompetotive Transoor regarding Frldoy ot; compensation Thursday or and benefits as well as opportunimer ica Reol Estate Tax Service, 5284 So. 320 West, Suite ty for advancement. Pleose send beresume and sokry requirements tween 9 ond 2 p.m. FHP In confidence to: Code 0055 In care Equoi Opportunity Emptoyer. 33 SOUTH 600 EAST cf this newspaper P 0. Box 45838, PROPERTY Manager Calif. ProperEqual Opportunity Employer Soft Lake City, UT 84145 ty management compony seeks RECEPTIONISTS Individual to oversee apartment Experienced receptionist needed City. Exoperations in Salt tor a vg lety of interesting assignThe Home Seilers perience In new complexes ments. Good professional appearEquoi Opportunity Employer CPM or Condidate preance, pleasing phone voice, ond ferred. Send resume ond sokry REAL ESTATE PROPERTY INPRODUCTION italitiy to ded with the pubik hlsfrr to CPMC. 1551 1 os Gatos SPECTOR HEAVY PRODUCTION LABOR mandatory T yping is needed Bivd. 1, Los Gatos, CA 5030 Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Is Production laborers needed for variWort when you wont, where you and Y seeking quollfled highly PS t'CHlATR wont. No fees-w- e ous lengths of time, work site repay weekly. Call motivated Individuals to fill key fex apoolntment of quires steel toe boots and hard In bank vacancies liquidation SOS TEMPORARY SFRIVCES hats Prefer people from Sandy, GINICAL PSYCHIATRY functions. Applkants should have WE CAN YOU KEEP YOU BUSY! Jordon area Phone ond car reextensive experience In general quired. Apply In perDIRECTOR contracting or construction tech- RECEPTIONIST, University of Phoeson between 9 o.m.-- p.m nix Is look Ing for o person to funcat cost niques with knowledge SOS TEMPORARIES tion as o receptionist. The person LDS Hospital, a 520 bed tertiary associated with repoir of real Interviewing office must have pleasant phone and care teoching ond referral center property. Successful aopilcont will 14 Eost 800 So. tor the Inter mountain region, Is Inspection of reol people skills ond be able to type at perform NO FEES. WE PAY WEEKLY estate owned, solicit bids for least 50 wpm, as well os have a occeptlng applications tor DirecPROFESSIONAL tor of our Clinical Psychiatry Dept. positive professional appearonce. repoir, ond show property to protenPleose coll 2631444 for appt. Include excellent ond reottors, Qualifications spective buyers ants. Starting salary will be Dosed leoder ship and public relations SAFETY DIRECTOR RECEPTIONIST with typing for on ability, experience and previskills, along with o BS ond minismall attractive office in downThe Montano Power Co. Is seeking a ous earnings. Send resume to: mum 5 years proven experience town SL. well groomed Needing Safety Director for Its Thermo In management FDIC, Personnel Deportment, P.O. and cllnicoi attractive mature Individual with Generation Facility at Colstrlp. BOX 669, Ogden, Utoh 84402 psychiatric orea. Master degree $900 mo. outgoing personality, in Formol training industrial Safety preferred. Excellent pay rotes FEES PAID. Coll Joon ond Hygiene equivalent to o 4 REAl ESTATE SALES and o comprehensive benefits Cencor Employment Services Is year college degree required, Dockage offered. Please submit Business Is fantastic ond we need 66! East 4th South with responsible expeHence In, resume In confidence to: more qualified ogent to associate and demonstrated t nowledge of, e In our West Volley and 2 agents In RECEPTIONIST. for busy oil Plant Safety policies ond prooffice. Must be neat, efficient, flexour Salt Lce offices. Whether cedures, ond The Implementation ible ond people oriented. Send f LDS HOSPITAL your spec kilty Is new construction of store ond federal safety to: Property Monoger, P.O. soles (5 projects), existing sales, HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. regulations. Box 1947, S.L.C., Utoh 84110. listings, Income property, or a 8TH AVENUE & C STREET Competitive salary ond benefits combination - we're the compony RECEPTIONIST: Fun busy office SLC, UT 84143 pockogt. To epoiy or to obtain for you becouse we have If oil! needs your people personality more information, contact your on equal opportunity employer-mfColl for a confidential Interview. NOW! Peggy local Job Service office, or send a Snelilng West Voile Miller and Sneli'rig Employment Agenresume to: Wrathaii cy, 33 Eost 300 South. 202-Dick Nosh Broker Kyle Miller Personnel Administrator You Can Sell Anything MONTANA POWER COMPANY P.O. Box 38 With Classified Ad. Colstrlp, MT 59323 WE ARE AN EQUAL DIAL 237-200- 0 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. MF 25 Equal Opportunity deodllne 84105. Application Thursday, Jan. 16, at REAL ESTATE SALES Shrp small office ' took log tor new or expert encea agent, we hove an excellent frotatog progrom, a unique mofketlng system, successful compatible associates. Call Elsie Deseret Properties, 115 Eost i300 So. REAL Estate active office In Hofiodoy has opening tor an experienced sales person. Good commission skills needed and computer 566 1601 AL 851 Alta View temporaries 566 RE Cf PT iONIST ' T V PIS T 5850 n to Lots of pubik rekjtions. WIN tram FuH benefits Wont on cantoutar tact OM Pam 566 156 1, Alta View E mproyment Agenc y 780 "mo. RECEPTIONIST Typlno McDOUGAl R PflX Rutin HurUun t tr longShorl OM Now Mono No RffEPTIONlST Gerneneton SUPfR OPPORTUNITY!! ktierefl rotas are tartasllcl Need extonovo-fivperienced agents to commission ipitH. Frlencfy, PrtvtPt desk retuxedotmcMphere and phone Contact Wlturri for Inor terview, PEAIT0R TvpNtlor 2 4 week fEPTiONiST tampor ar v assigrvnent. Mast type 45wpm and have good phone skint Friday payday Never a fee. We pay tukx y Lynne Cencar Tempore y Servkes PFfFPTiONiST-FiprlerKt- SEASONS ALL Le McKAY-DE- help- f must be a registered technician wtlh five year CT experience. Three five votes steiervlsorv experience requfred, REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND PROGRAMMERS If you want excellent public relatione ikfti SALES PEOPLE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT ond demonstrated leadership tralnlna and o profesSYSTEMS PROGRAMMER sional support system, call 3 years experience and BSCS or tor o recorded Infroduc equivalent. C kmguoge required Please apply In person or tend a tion to Advantage Redly, then call Data base management desk-ablresume to Sandy Bybee, Human Kov Cole tor on appointment. AdResources Deportment. vantage Reoffy Applicants Send needed Do you want to work 3 10 7 18 pm MortaOv Thursday In Murray (a m 3 per ior dental uffW e team I o Hector. keceptiorv kx tooting 1t Send Resume To: Af ( P O box 3, Marary Ut 84107 RE Ct PT IGNIS typist far ptrf time daltemporcvyiob Hoi ly torg term assignment Must type 40wgm and hove prcX Friday payday We pay sorry CaM Lynne Cencor Tenporary Services REAL FSTATf hove O tow apenlngi hr tied professionals to wars to an exciting end h tonctiy ervfromenl Must hove ar be wtiting to acquire o real estate license. Ccto Cliff 0AKV1EW GMRI COURSEWARE PROGRAMMER BSCS or equivalent. Poscoi or C equal Opportunity Employer A ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY Call f I tton 0 new ond expanding utility. Vie hove an Center Opening r ou Operation to Sandy tor 0 Power Dispatcher. with masters ICU fat UNIX Deseret GenernMnn and Transmit PPESCHOOL-Teoch- Emptoyer PURCHASING ASSISTANT Wanted tor growing proysNve company Muet be responsible, aexfrtve andor (rtisftc. Meticulous, kfiemgenl, wtMng to work htrd, work w4 wtlh other people. Type and 18 key experience, k o muetv Prior experience andor education fiotoAd Pay commenetrot wtlh experience. Good benefit. Bring return and moit aerenf school transcripts, Tues thru Frt. to 3155 So 500 West, Unit F, SL.C, UW. a to 7 shift. Apply ah NURSING: LPN Doxey Hatch Medicoi Center, 1255 Eost 300 So. UI &44W noflonol temporary personnel compony. Requires maturity, prof appevance Strong ceganF zatlpnol ond communication skills Hourly rate plus bonuses NOFEES Joanar Lynne 34 3535 Cencor Employment Services 661 East 4th South time positions ovoikCffe tor: Ecmc I Mr helpful. Inquire: SUNRISE yeor 0.r Equal Opportonfiy tout programmers REapTVxffST 39V Hrnyir 8M PROGRAMMER CONTRACT supikxI to the ar eus of personnel, office servkes, budget, ktkreng. Etc Aberty to commieikate bath or (toy and to writing RecX Estate Pecpto rwed-ewt have extensive experience to recx estate sutes wrm bcrmg buckgrourd Position writing cuse histories and documenting louns os wen as sates at properties Please send resumes to FCtC Personnel PD BOX 6 Ogden, DkXi 84407 CENTURY 21 PUBi 1C RELATIONS SALE S per day tor (Port Time). An AftfrmcPtve Action E(pa Opportunity Emptoyer drw E Assistant Center Development tor Maraccvped Per sons, Logan, UT MGR fit REGtJrTiONiSTOFFlCE vas awn buss put yocx idea and persrwjttty to work tor you 5LI08 mo Fee Nego Peggy 268 666, tneir ond Snettaq ErTxuyrrwnt Agency, 3) fcoN 3Ki South. Kii-- aa ntoHecpive HOSPITAL t and tree letters of by January 31, 146 to Ms. Mreiiyn Jaockt, Admtoistt ative FiTTfR Min. 3 yr. ccxrent Certified Welder Sotary 'teguho-btcxtact WtoAUtoy PL ANT Cart 3375 wk JOBTFlL Employmenf Agency Pi OMbf R $7 70 hr JObTELL fcmptoymerk Agency POTTER? STUOtOASsT iTTkxs week. Clean greenwore, pour, genertf Cleaning 5434ll EVTATEADMlNtSTkATlON Federal Deposit insurance Cor p has immedkjto cpemngt to oamtnis-kativand retx estate depurt Ouden e eo Adrnew ments to Ishotive AssTsiont Provides iAifl Hlp Wonttd 100 Help Wonfrd Porter, McKAY-DE- ctoffity, PPf Montssori Employer B.S.N. ond Depcrtmenf ond be ehgioie for Nevada VAX VMS licensure Tfvee years practical PRESS OPERATOR WANTED ADA perexperience to Pharmocy with on Great opportunity for the t We employ and pay sokry. ARC on son. Experience on AB Dick 360 emphasis leadership and TECHNICAL SERVICES, Nursing required. B5 or BA to fosnattom, Marketing, Communications or r ended fietd S years experience required, or GRjMfky gvffiatiarvX tnd strong writino skids retxiked Applicants shoted send restene and writing samples to Human Ketoceces of writing vita, evidence Interest, s South 300 West Sandy. Utah 84070 HUMANA HOSPITAL ItfDSffMSRiiTflDi RNs hour PERDIEM of musk: opportunity Stale the handkapped Comprehensive 40142 knowledge of P l Corrpefftive sokry Send letter of 8722 SUPERVISOR ,pHARl,ACY Must hove a BS degree nPharmoty GYNUROLOGY DIALYSIS CENTERS We 70;J45 IV44 ' PKOtOPLAYFR Aqidm-jTodtrrf Davd at Skrt-mcr xxi 01 Cooperative R.N. SUPERVISOR to shore our committment? interviews orranged with Anne Part time administrative nursing suneeded to supervise pervisor Maxwell, Hillside Villa, 1216 East 1300 South, Soft Lake. newly developing progroms In PHARMACIST Home Health Agency. SupervisoEqual Opportunity Employer ry experience needed. B.S.N. reNURSE Aide Full time position. Experience In 0 quired, M.S.N. preferred. Coll tor appointment ATTENDANT clinlcol setting preferred Must be licensed to the State of Utah. Will Downtown residential foolity. Assist Nursing be involved in dispensing and IV with baths and AJJ.L.'s Good pay RN. oddltive programs, benefits. to No smoking. 6 am. ond om. Cal! bet. 9 am. 3 R.N. needed In exponding Home Applications Accenting for Heofth Afternoon qppt. Agency. hours, pot Between 8 am.-1noon p.m No weekends or onoil RN LPN OUTPATIENT CLINICS la 6ji STAFF NURSING NURSE AIDE Certified Home Haftt. Aides Needtor ed expooclng Home Heofth Agency. Flexible hours, excellent benefits. Must hove expei ience ond good references. CALL for appointment posmqn prlvato proctlce. T eaf 0 var lety of out ouHerk xv eluding wxiinessrtcondhtoriir praams Contart. Rancho Physical Therapy, I2C RanctiO I on, Suhe Mi, Vkgris, NV 4106, Is positions ovo'labl professionals: part-tim- ONCOLOGYMEDICINE Doy Teom Hospitol-Sunris- supervision UPJOHN HEALTHCARE SERVICES 320 12th Avenue Sglt Lcfre Cfty, Utah 84103 Phone: 5211651 NURSE'S AIDE forCoude With slroke, heart conditions. Brecfc-fasnoon meal, 6 hours doily, some (frivfng. Weekends off, good pay Foothill Drive orea Call 5819521 after 6 o.m. Tues.; anytime Wed. or Thurs. for interview. N NUKING For Long Care Foclll ty. Supervisory experience nec essarv. Knowledge of Medicare ond Medicaid. Famllkjr with state and lederol regulations. Coll Eloine Mortonsen, Administrator, for appt MEDICAL CENTER Employer Sa,i rapist PT In OvoltcX a ocute ccr e foe Ilfty located to Las Vegas, NV. Vie currently hove the tot owing We need iCU RNs In Bountiful and shift. Farmington area, for Pleose coll for more Info., (Located at Primary Chltofren's Medical Center Annex off 13th Avenue ond F Street) Tnf to Education Agencies Department of fcOal Education to improve services to handkopped tzffkten and youth Ecrned MX or PhD to speck education or rekited fiekl At teaet two yeert of successful profev Nonat experience os 0 toucher or cMmckm or two yews demon-skatoexperience with stale local admtotitr atari m ipeckX education. Demonstrated (Xffifty to inefrucltonai development or Cffher profetMonri writing. tomXkrity with 0 wide wiety of research to the fietd of plus Humana JS PRIMARY CHILDRENS ottManti l'je Physical RELATIONS Develop onf provide technicoi RESOURCES Ctty LHV' 84! 02 Equal CtoPortanfry Fmptover So! OPPORTUNITES NURSING Accepting Applications Between 8 am.-lnoon Monday through Friday HUVAN 1045 Ew Is PHARMACY 1S8 92041 ext. 61 Action Employer DIRECTOR OF heioful bock office nursing. Contact Mrs. Rogers aimi UzU DIPT commission. Local experience most helpful. Submit resume IN STRICTEST CONFIDENCE to: Alan Kelly, 1231 Eost Nos sou Drive, Aurora, CO 80013. NURSING chemofherccv ogents would be V P.O. Box Mesa, CA LO A other Saturday. OS Pin A PUBLIC STATE UNIVERSITY DISTRICT HOSPITAL position 40 hours per week. Including v dav every . The Million Mile Salary IHC PROFESSIONAL NURSE AIDES Hours available on all shifts, will consider full time and part time positions. Job requires: emotional maturity ond physical stamina. Our business Is serving patients' needs wtfh kindness. Do you wont UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER SCHNEIDER NATIONAL with 0 current open GROSSMONT Equoi Opportunity wmf Mitijj Area) year UTAH HOLY CROSS HOSP. hup for Nurses DIRECTOR- - Wj0.S heort experience to actively We offer excellent working condiparticipate In the establish ment of PERSONNEL our exetting new program Leadtions ond 0 competitive salary benefits pock oge Quo toed candiership and toothing skills preferred. Extensive orientation and We are a new temporary help firm dates should send their resume. to Soft operations commencing continuing education, immediate Including salory history, to Loke lote January. We ore Human Resources Manager: openings. Send resume or coil seeking permanent management SHAY McKELVEY, R.N., Cardloc salescoordlnotor personnel. Surgery Cllnicoi Coordinator. We offer an excellent satory and benefit pock age. ft you quoilfy, please coil VODELS-Uta- krgest mooellng ogenev s now occeptlng print, ramp ard comm, models to be promoted for the New Year. Pur chose of photo portfolio not re- Dgo (San We are looking minimum of years experience in underground OR NURSE mining relating to Installation, repoir and maintenance of equipwith o ment, preferx4y longwoll Experienced operating room RN to work approximately 24 hours per face conveyor manufacturer. Location, Price, Utah. INC Pam CARDIAC SURGERY IHC HA'WEAFtED t The successful condidofe will pert arm hourly shift coveroge for Requires 23 years of oge or older tood monitoring, generation and wdh recent. verffk4e over the afher resource schedule rood experience and a 140 or emergency coverage and newer 2 or 3 axle froctor. Call economic transactions In Oregon coll CALL Ml AC ASSISTANT CENW FOR CaX for muc O.R. NURSES NO WEEKENDS ENGINEER r YECAiST (4t Pom, Ala PART TIME Utor Depcrfrrient of Health, Division of f omkv Heort Service OPTkAL ASST 54?5fto"VTFCT seek leader ing opptocant to mptoymerk Agency 56LJ60 Ihip responsCxifry In coordtaottng OROF.R (jfcSk afcRKWiutocti7 the rural prenotof ruisuftattoi er of wetdtng equipment km and care protect Respanstoome tor 0 tfiarp, experienced oervxi Inckxle the provision for deec tor order desk receptionist ducMnltol services Participated ties Must hove cfciifry to handle wffh a4her maternal ond infant Customer service, tofreig orders high risk pregnancy personnel a by pnone Must be atM to type, mKfcvtfe To quatff a staff use und CRT entry. Word aDpHcont must have licensure as processor woud be helpful 15'hr o registered mxte in the State of CkXI Start Good benefit Cokeen Utoto plus 4 veers of M time paid xed-Harvey, for qppt professtonaf retorted employment, Co. 76? fid. Redwood 5o ion graduate study or specialized In study mrte midwifery may be Customqr substituted far up to 3 year of the order pricing 5750 reoulred employment period e per week plus bonuses. Preference win be given to those job frgjritng. applicant who hove completed OWNER OPERATORSFLEET the required ctoss werfc towerd a OWNERS master decree h on emphasis on theoretic or cilmcal nurse midwifery, interest applicants RUN THE submit Stale of Utoh application form and transcript kr. Schneider Nottonot of WIlsonvHie, Uto Det. of Heafth Bteau of Oregon, needs quoiffled owner Personnel, 3704 State Office Bldg operators to run the 15 Western xsvx ci Dn irr states wfih high miles, low dead0500 No later toon M7iU. head, weekly pay, fuel discount For more Inter motion can progrom, trailers furnished, Goli Evan of competitive pay package arid Equal Opportunity Employer much more. Choice of pulling sinNURSING gle or double van trailers. po SERVO rural medical clink Is In need of o fuH time Physicians Assistant. Excellent salary and benefits Please submit resume ond phone number to Code 0120 in cere of this newspaper, p O. Bo 45434, Soft orVia PROGRAM C7 Sunday, January 12, 1986 Salt Like City 100 relations PuduC f Fuk ton (Mitkjo tor SMt Physncx to work t he putt 4 Any HDf fuming hn Oopcxtonm tor continued kducuhun Cuk J5b4j7w uwxy to person MSI NURSE 10NGWALL MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST MLT MOLECULAR BIOLOGIST Experience In virology, cell cutture, or molecular microbiology helpful. Apply of Gull Laboratories 1011 East 4400 So. Salt Lake City, Ut S4117. We si MERCHANDISER, part Hrr Eernwood Candy Co.. ISO W. Commonweofth (21)0 So.) Apply after 2 prn. See Sharon. MEDICAL VOLUNTEERS Flnonclol rewards for male volunteer needed for drug research trlols. All protocol have been reviewed and approved bv the J of U Human Rights Committee Ages IS to40. Must be in gooc heafth. Call and leave your nome and phone number 566-S61 or Nunry View Employment Agency 7J.1? 350 4722 TECHNOLOGIST-REGISTERE- UT &4107. 4 2A, nuu CN. BELl MEDOL office to do testing and ottlst with patient. 16 to 20 hours per week. Salary negotiable. Send hand written resume to: Leslie, 3V80 So. a ar lttanf needed for lab MEDCAL rquk6d I On can htft Imrrwdtoitofr MBU. MINING A flrrw nigh t Mft pothoo ovall-Cton our Mortftored Bd Urrff (3 shift l oiw an ouhonj. iCU xpHrK4 MGMT. Trolnee 1300 mo. 06 TELL Employment Agency Part time medkaf uppeuqnce, de In person only of pendabw Apply 343 5o Yrest ftkAhS THERAPIST AMC')(fP RfNAJtl quet OpportonffyEmptover QFFlCF PERSON A tM to meet the public, offtoe ard nertoxX tkiMs, neat persuoi T STAFF PHYSICAl E i?28Hoir Good L(t. Contact Immedtotefy re hoe exper R.N.'s NURSE RECifJlTER from Salt MEDICAL Per ton needed to do fiung qrd Mgr office work and deliver arxJ ptek-jMusi be 71 veut of age ar l Older Mut vtxd Ukto Nc and rruil have cieun driving record Hous are 4urn 5pm 50 Mondev thru Friday Wage hr CaX lor an apt for Interview 2$00yr fuM otorrioie doge bookkeeper, I o must Ccxi REGISTERED NURSE MEDCAL LAB TECHPHLEBOTOMIST e position. WM be willing to train person with medkdl back ound. COl Odie Odici HEi.ptyrft SEARTAN PHYikAi Help Wonted 100 Help Wonted 100 DifLOPMEM TF OsttiC IAN OFF St T if U warded AAuM be exper to A B Dick ofrset CaM A Cnrji Prod udl ofChcqC A I to 43-4- 14 Terre WEST JORDAN, UI FuM MEDICAL Receptionist BiJSt CHnic Experience preferred Sharp person tor tront desk. Must hove good telephone rteporf and office skills Emptayer JWJV OPRORfvXiTtS aume part ftrne. Medkxk terminology previous expeirence, 60 wpm type days. Salary negotiable AUP Personnel, 5I277 30 O&A Pi AYFR for Aocjnvns Trxirxyei David at $24 i X4y ajt ut 5toi kg X U X urn hou UTAH OlAMO OFFICE MANAGER, NURSING appointment mfdal Medicoi SEl FCT NURSE HOSPITAL kt and technician needed for ev totxHled growing corrpany. Ex perience wfm Hotter procedure and scanning necessar y. Can tor Mart ycv UFjOhn Cardiac medical- EtO Technician. V in Grand Junction, I aro kumpextaftom necessar i Om to qppt 3 Nrjn smee er VAar y Heg. 263 rrunm Natkmd Car Renta N now toeing Eqxii O pportort tuM rema tor time SjpMcohais NURSES AX agent posnane at ou airport 7 for to 1, Fuk ftme, Aide Nurse Person we are seeking must potmon Good benefit be neat m cppearance, oeoend-MM- , AND CARE Center 778 283 and entuy work mg wrth me HiGHl NUfrSC S AC ard OUFRl pubMC. ft you nave fhese quaRhes can tor aouintment 53 43200 Apply. Doxey natoh Medkxk Center, 1255 East MX South NURSE MURtf 5 AiDfc Pert time VJViO-1- JORDAN medical im you owntthM. ChuA4 Help Wonted 100 CaX SNft 9uMuPW YOU) AX Help Wonted 100 WiSAtfS NtFO WC ark NANNCHOuSEFFEPER, Loving LOS ton Ay lace mg tor kvo m to help with cheaen, coding, and Hit nousework Atiernoon ere ASSISTANT at teost year eperlence X ray for part time employment Call equal opportunity emptoyer Erroyr MORTGAGE Co Loan processor loan closer tor meal growing co Experience rea Fha, Help Wonted 100 wtfh AAA in fequal Help Wonted 100 Clayton, (208)838-2200- , 62 83227 Ext. 345 ID hju.Ji OlMHMurvty F n |