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Show V 1 10G WEDNESDAY. Duplexes for Rent T 80 UWI) DUPLEX 2txm., ID berths, dr opes, hkps.cw cood no pets. Vu90 So 1400 East, INvtSlMfcNT income propeity avail both residential and comrx. in roprdiv mercial Pnr-- 4 10. W bdrms., dining Hollodov. east side fir eploce, pit, no 400 Attract!. e, 2 , (or port $3(0 . m Exit both, 2 79 9 SO CHADBOUPNE, (3300 East), 3 bdim townhouse, ? buttis, go $465 No roge, pets NEAR Poshiun Pioce-berms., oil awls. Oulet ily room 6725 So tost $65 SuGARhOUSE en, cor pets, im fam- area. 4 $380 bdrm 2 SOFT PAD in higti growth potential shopping center. Sell or lease. Build to suit tennant. Ver y tovorable terms to right parry. Call Jeon TCS Leasing WAREHOUSES, 2,500 and 3,000 sq 16 ft. 540 West No. temple 534-- drapes, new krtch Non ifT0' deluxe office no pets, WAREHOUSE Sf ACE FOR LEASE 300 to 32,000 sa ft Downtown Area South Soft Lake storage, $J20, Deluxe! Immaculate! with 588' dbl goroge Free maintenance1 No pets N feW 1,500 Large 2 room office, 2 blocks West utilities . Son Palace, includes $500 THREE bdrm. townhouse, apples hookups, garage, carfKXl, 519 Mansfield (3115 So.) 26 So instant office WEST VALLEY CITY bdrm., I9j baths, oar., hookups. Oppls No pets. $375. 2 BEDROOM, spotless, spocious, $380 mo., 614 East 700 So., Carol Scott 2 $2r', SPACIOUS crpt, paint New bdr m pets. 3641 $. West for oppt, No Temple (rear ) BEDROOM, void, full bsmt., odufts, no pets. 3 39 West Lehman eves Ave (3590 S). $325. 2 bdr m 2 bathi, gar ope, air, family rm. 7823 So. J350 Post. Rental GoNery NO FEE CARRIAGE SQUARE NEW NEW NEW Newly remodeled very aftroctwe New stores 10 recently opened. New directory signs on 2 streets-trofflcount 43,000 cars dally. New Merchants Association Action Program. BEST LEASE PKG. IN VALLEY TCS LEASING AT EAST. 2 bdrms., room. Firepioce. No 22ND Uhl $375. OR pets BEDROOM townhouse with fomily rm., fenced yard, $490, vie. 7200 So 300 East 3 bdrm $225. utils, except lights Drooes, refrig stove, par. No pets 633 Eost 3rd so. All ONE utils. Incl. 2 bdrm. bsrrrt. Singles perf. No pets or children. Mlllcreek area. Duplex. Avail Oct. 1st. 2 bdrm.. gar., hookups, NO 55 PETS. No Children. $285. HILL ecutive profession s spoce located at exclusive Centrol Park West, 1875 So. State, Ortm. Utah. From 560 sq. ft to 2,600 sq. ft Free porking. Full service lease. Excellent occess to freeway, close to Shoooing maH. Richard bedroom apt. ovolloble all utils, poid. After 6 $275, pm. DUPLEX 2 bdrms., firepioce, hook ups, fenced vord. $375. 2805 West 2795 South m we j Bedroom, deposit, 700 MEDICAL Spoce located at profes2414 West 7800 sional plaza: South. Free parking, full service lease, excellent community of physkcions, full service emergenmonths free rent. cy center Richard: bora Bor HQLLADAY duplex lease. 3 bdrms., Vo baths, electric krtchen, air, ttoroge. No pets. $450 NEW 2 bdrm. Townhouse, firepioce, no pets. 147 Eost Tiffany Town (80th So ). PMS $265. TWO bdrm., carpeted, corport, hookups. Mon ond wife only No pes. 2544 East 33rd So BOSTON BUILDING xceiient downtown location ly renovated bldg., suites from 200 to 8,000 sq. ft., build to suit, parking avail. Ask about rent and moving Insenhves. Harold J. Hill, E 300 NO. with $575 eve $325. 2 BEDROOM, ronge, hookups, yard, clean. 742 NO 3RD WEST, 3 bdrm.. oppls, yard, $325. JUDGE BUILDING 3RD SOUTH AND MAIN Excel, downtown location in newly renovated bldg suites from 200 to 9000 so. ft., buito to surt. Prkg. near by. Ask about rent and moving irv senhves. Harold J. Hill, S3 6879 refrig, carpets, 7770 SOUTH 3355 Eost. New, spoc. bdrms. 553 EAST 7TH SO., bdrm., carpets, ppplls., $200 2 BEDROOM, Hunter area. No (frirtk log or smoking. $350. BEDROOM, 742 Eost thorne $775. 2 BRAND SPANKIN NEW! Choice Retoli Off ice Profession spoce ovoitatrte. ranging from 1,152 to 2,778 sq. ft. One spoce wrth 10 overheod door. Inquire: 3579 South Mom. 900 Eost. 7 bdrm., Irg, fenced yd. HOLLADAY 2 bdrm., no pets kids. $315. 4815 Nonlloo Dr. 1030 So. bdrm hookups, corport, HILLSIDE EXEC TWO BEDROOMS 236 WEST 4TH NO. $285. BEDROOM Duplex. 2970 So. 300 Eost. NiCE 3 befrm. 2'n bom, port, west side reoecor, car- Areo, hOllaoay $400 mo $200 deo 2 SPACE) new building with plenty of receptionists, answering service, secretary, copy mochine, word processing, conference room, computer, etc. As low as $150 mo. occupancy Oct. 15, parking, 169 I, 261-- OFFICE (INDIVIDUAL bdrm., $375, W FREE1 utils. Lone $375 per mo. DELUXE townhouse-467 Cheyenne (1525 Leonard & Red ITS WHERE YOURE AT THAT COUNTS. New stores, restauront ond opts. E xciting chonges ond traffic coun. Limited retail ond office spoce ovaiiabe or N m PSir 355-008- StMLL HOUSES & GRAPHIC Artist wrth office and studio spoce to shore. 30 sq.ft. SPACE Avoii. Share Insurance flee. 2015 Eost 3300 South 1300 SQ.FT. 4840 So. state. $4?5, Frontoge, CONVENIENT LOCATION In reosonabe rent Lfrirhes include ' park mg tn newer Convenient b'do Furnished If desired Earl or Edith, DUPLEXES T0 Renters F&EE SERVICE $4 50 Storage QUALITY A-- 1 STORAGE Storoge to fit your BUSINESS or PERSONAL need. Dock looding New, cleon. Access 7 oovs. 24 hr. Secur fry ond Custodion. 1674 Beck St. or 471 West 500 So. $6 JO up Hozel or Foirwov, frolian morbte entry, sunken living room wrth vaufted ceilings, Librorv, study, 3 fireploces, gormet krtchen, pool, mony other omenities Reduced to $798,000. By owner 000 So 98' 53 rooms, o'l iftHi. PO'C, lOnrtrxo windows Included, mom level porv.no, 445 Eost ?C0 So 4 EOU'Tr MANAGEMENT STORAGE UMTS Serf $8 ond up of City Center Storoge, 230 South 500 West Ccroi CHOICE VALLEY 3940 So. 200 East center LOC. 12 262-- RV STORAGE We will beat any price. New, krge secure Just north of town. STORAGE UNITS, 1432, 365 West So. 9j00 USED VAN LINE BOXES, Buy all sizes. CJ's SPACE FOR RENT R V.s OR BOATS. FOR ten tt ooor Cham 14X12 at Large x?V $35 MONTH West. HPT t linn pork, 6, 2830 Sugar 4S?5 So faADOLR-J- Se.erqi teams courts, god seer on greed Oppcxi Own hmeshjrf C'HSXJS Rai k Cfr., PXI Mrylhv, ol Foul, tennis, Si L 4.?J4k gr 6 53 bleeps t t, JKuZZ' PfXjl Atrt t. k .' l A - So. Tudor 2 Story, fun 5300 sq.ft. 4 bdrm., frplcs., 2 fomily rms, 4 baths, $249,000. No ooenty LARGE home on best lot in Oivmpus Cove! Next to Forest Service Land. Assumable loon, ah offers considered. Bv owner Luxury Homes "O k' t n'j intf) tans . .V f H 'xw-- k oeo 5 8 bfrm., bath, sumabie cove. $149,900 3 In if as .? rO.. $42 500 with moiTthlw poymei'ts starting os taw as $35 at app with down Homes include Irg ort ord londscopina Come all the beaifrrtul tKxx out ond plans TODAY1 AT 4 CLLE'J, SECLUDCD M-RA- LOCATIN' Bior-- ne w Wrff bdrnis ?' baths, 2 holes mom tmi. floor xjv Gf FiCL SPALL $110, $'50, $240 nn sm'O'iS 4 . 96f. x.j.r-- v4 D0'NT0VN OR Y4 .n t f.4S4 MY 1. (ftafi. re, h, me owl Mil' fall. i.)('X fiftno wft Mo '.rf CoutriM- 824 room, 1orn-adining grr ooe Moke ah the Ask tyq O Custom home 74 for KEN MA $ 500 As viNCt al TmtaS V43V31 LEN 943 5Vt9 2STCR' 2543 E ? 0C y pm oc D" 8 5: E c yuxe x.a ChVKk uuted ceimgs cases wqik-.- jin MODEL 94.49SG r 0NS 9 SiAxt 80T.?7 A V'4e V.LU c .1.1, nfti. Dnr oth jecyne verve rytw ? ftu r .ukkie c u wy k Cobh'esfrne An, ,r r .mxv of nv 3 'Ty qxcxx e.'xati.p a cry. dfh irv.hosn c nr iixx"x cer'-fook hKdwO'.(d thrnjghoT double s ewer, cn::' 2 batt o- d r (Ji; r frv $ S9 W -- racjum, C43 4' 942, ,0 :f.29'n, A HtM-e- 'I wk 'f ; i 54 III' ! vr- v d "vro , C'lfft' S. V.rv ,.t tempii' WEBBER ck. mo a ft uffe lk'ina, FI j 0 aw 6w6 V RF Vei F 10 So I, ., .sr PER:ECT 'OR kept5yf old name tat, tenced Vrfther co w good terms 4 .a S ' rrrtn ,r Vxrtti srtr I rj. '?, PROPERTIES v r 969-725- V41 .3 "AS n ynO .i,i a' 4 " ,w vr. PRICED FROM 10 ed kcas JIVY 6 nv nr ) LOW. LOW INTEREST LOW. LOW DOWN PMT LiHOLHS WtlWAIL OPfN 1? 0 00 I'M CLOSLC SUNDAY tvft'S. lit' i.t( 480 O'M R ,ny '912-200- 9 tri OWNER; 3 bdrm., IH bath upstairs. Bdrm. and bath, parfraiiy finished family room downstairs ViSamO Terms neq. BY OWNER red brick 3 btam., V bath, carpeted throughout, rental in bsrrrt. plus many extras Loc in Tooele. BY don 7000 S. 3350 W MODELS OR CALL REALTY 9683535 BY area. $4900 TO ossume 9.5: fha, boi Yr. o'd, 3 $6?, 400. Pymts $508 bdrms., bath, rambler, full bsm, Westside, NICEST Hunter orea, $3700 do.vn. no qualifying ossume FHA All brick rombier, almost new firepioce. $53,900 VERY NICE 3 bdrm home in great Eostoench locohon New carpes ana point $83,000. $17,000 Down Controct 11 ljn, reduced 55" FmAVA pmts. A'cxk towards Low down; untn down FREE Refrigerator All Sept. I5ft brick fronts Choose rfOor colors' EQUITY 3u0 5524 MODE: HOMES OPEN 12 TO 7 PM. DAILV COLONY Y2HST SOUTH 4lflC VAI .E y Vic SOUTH 48f0 WEST feiNDlESBACn C'AY Ecfrmq doors, moser 3 INTEREST MDER5 $59,960 Must sell this bath home bdrm., with unfinished bsmt., new point and carpet. $500 mo. payment, 7162 West renwav (3455 So ) Call Scott eyes the voiie, some only commissions down. MANSELL AND ASSOCIATES of FIXER-J- to discojnt 3 Bdrms Goodte'ms Less than year ertd. Drive bv 4249 VoiDown then coll: Will INTEREST 30 tears. !0; down, good location, spirt enti , 2100 sq ff. $65,000 3 OWNER. 1531 So 2100 Ea't bta ms both, frplc., remoctaied kitchen, brick, $77,5QQ BY OWNER East oreo. Wonderful inooor outdoor ll, mg, 4 bdrms 2 v OWNER, 4 bdr ms baths, fir epi West Jordon $57,900 $4,500 as sumes $577 mo. PiTl 964 0ft 36 So this maintenance bedrooms, free home super city location, nice ronibier with goroge, nice yard JUST LISTED" Con Mame for Terms Leonard 4 Reid Delightful bungalow' Or gmo 2 bdrms, hardwood molding basement, garage Compete veN pneed for quick sole Call Kav Low SPECIAL ex BADGER-INSE- EAGLE TINY DO Foft 160 mile view of Wosatcft Soft Lake Volley. Beoutifui. OK, gardens 50CrPS $144 John Thomas ANNUAL PERCENTAGE 283 NEW O4 5 al MODELS PARK MEADOWS 7000 SOUTH $800 $550 ha fied to f iQj 8 CL0SE0 SUNDAYS TRENDSETTER 966-606- 1 est ert oni alt veors 30 562H56 CuSTOMB'JiLT2 bdTn7 hc'me, sunken living rm., vaufred ceiirg. firepirjce. krtchen loooed, ke ge yard onq caroorr. West Sort Ink Cfrv, ossumobie 10 fha 477 39 73 loon CoH B7 3tel$5'-l1-- WEST 12-- gcroge, irg krtchen. Good We Vui'ev oreo i.ttrrytt.e hon.e wrte. 4 bdrms. J,d. y ?SQ.fl0O0 BOUNTY re TRENDSETTER 0i'SG .oons OPEN number of tremendous fmoncmg th.s Prior B home ownership OK Aion 57J. , 0108. Greg. Chny Sunwocid Homes 5622800 ovy See to s home m 2k $1 btam 4 qu'et. taw frrjffir rrea ffjmtilys, CWftfcW for 5 GrOR(-f- ' LlNSC 7ft 2 5661 PftPTER i fQ'.TAN 91.) '7no y.ni TAt cutRArr Good te ms fur a gre'rt un.ii , fipme wrtft bvJrms, ? txfttis, eti mg e UimNc room, JiftV O (oil Ho a rud grige 56J 2 "8 R( Ai t. Lf R( A, TQWS bar. SU J t uRL O "st 484-- nnvf ;i ftd fimstieij xrt)le family rm wfft w"f upstairs, tec rijorn to ? tKlrms down. fee Ft,e'iert ix 8'- - oS'um rv.tauge AftrKft.e fl.nn irg stun BRIGHTON HIGH Possible Leer Purchase Whfre Bnck Ranch bekm 3 bath, ig yard, OvQMibtr now Reduced to $ 106,5W A'i;5SE i 6 Atsor SoriCK.S 31' VI ft main CYfJ.e v $ .4S 180I 'Ht Si by Co'dweii OfimsfKiw tfick Mnnei fir Sweet n er n'iO ice Vm.vot L Joe v. lent try 2' pr f 5ft' fl..? 2v8 8775 Jeiifftxs 7W 44)lfi $l.O?OLOWN $05 V C NTH 9. own. e CllStnmtHjn? ( nv to ft'wn 9, y (6.T Souft fftipt Sfr). Cnhefft),e firepioce Sugarhouse Oenef e.Antrys, weekends BUILDE'R Must nau derte, Voqno $4fl,9ti0, low dov.n Bcnt Parsons & Co ASSUMARLE Lfrrjh Hnusiriq Loon 8 Spirt level, 3 bdr m home k ocre, mony erfrtft. OWNER DESPERATE l 3 Must bdrm TfjiQfSMiie Needs some repcjir Aff 6pm oea wm Bjtlry Own ho, hire you B In r.e, build your Lorenio s SnenceRaif r OWNER 5 state, ?9?.6065 tn. level, m bdr fomily room firAylOCe. .much more, E Side dM y 10 NO bfh. ucxo ? down 0tfr Of sale on West Valley bdrm $667 n O (Pill) 9is3 77fi NbLD A HO Vfc 7 Ho.e (V(1 credit No Down payment We cat: help C R R W Reality ?6 HGLLADAt SAUNA, ; 4T 263 fiVj$ DPOOM POOL tjArH (IA QP r OWf4F.R-wtl- l tt lod who FOR Sole by owner $6 (Vn down Inquired obout the Mo'inda, ossume loon. $109 mu 25 hs house, asking $60 (W) down and Nn rjuolif Loll 9ft7.?415 was informed the down was nrw $80. 000, piease co'i bock then 2i.l9r-- rxD.v-- great eostvie Perfect Volley Cfr, $62, VyO RENT to 0 A n yr iu' chose $j99 to $75h per 'no Several 957 2tYi. 32 3600 LOW DOWN Assume 7 , 3 bdr m Dt)i down ioc 'do1 and 'liter pr $7?.'-0- SALE by owner, 4 bdrm, split entry, dbl gcxoo, fenced '.est ASSJf.'E lO.V?Ai''.'.(M.235 RATE 8 FURNISHED TERRIFIC FAMILY HOME IN NLW WILLOWCRFEK AREA b.irm., 3 berths, much more Must to appreciate $145 900 see r. Z confroct terms. FRAMPTQN f Y, PE S BEDROOM ocre, stream, quiet seclusion. Controct terms or node doss Broker courtesy Owner agent, or SPERLING IMMEDIATE POSSESSION soft of too Quality on .05 breathtaking view, wooded ond us cjrvl Glendale in FOR rec room, tooded Agent By GWNER wm finonce. 10 interest. Lovely Murray family home 5 bdrm., Newer double gar, fenced. $15,000 down. $70,900 Drivebv 5785 So. 75 West in circle or horses sa ft, 3,276 'VX1 AS Appro'sed for $107,500 Owner moved Desperate Make any offer Sondv loc. 5 btams.. 3 baths, 3700 $.ES home nww ?7?. REALTY FHA 10.5 10.75 UTAH Housing, 3 bdrms, ? B baths, family rm , carport, fenced yord, 4213 So. Barker Rd. (2090 West), low d:wn, $60,000 $5,000 to equity or b.i Owner Agent. Rlc Sume p mts o $610 '8 Doug, a $60s in in 4 4496 10 10'. M Yu,, $25,000 V.ogna terms or frchta. nome & L bdrm. house and 2 in iSMsaft DOWN, drive by, Aeyt Tnnrhy, no ogents Coil Louise or REFOSSESSON EA Gary 323EAST Ho'iywooi a ve 3 bdrm, 2 bath $19 500 or fr down wrth confroct JlO.hOO LO.vjO-vs- CHPiS & COMPANY Sfrturrta,, weekdays and Sando BY OWNER, 3 bdr ni brick amblr Ouiet deod end sfree, Mur'd JO 3 2 Many areas togna down $5,000 DOWN EACTS build CRa:G M 566-3- call homes of tomorrow, at terms of yesterdo, for todo's best voiue. Ckjr success is because of Our serylce, and transactions, coll US' YVe core' 2i3 4450 3 bdrms., 2 Oaths, fom ocre. Upper $50 s As towasS340mo By OWNER 9 2 ossumob'e 3 bdrm spirt entry, frplc, oirtomahe spunk $68,500. Fha ?35 assumption Beoutifui 3 bdrm $55,264. Bg at 4626 T wiligbct pr Fha 235 Tobckfns low MODELS OPEN PV 3351 So 6400 W Prices start art $49,900 VETERANS GETH BEAUTIFUL room, nr BOISE HOMES REAjr DOWN $600 Total closing costs when vOu paint Pymt $4?5 plus taxes ond rnsur 10 floorplons. 3 iocs. M.odeis open l? to 7 daily. 5500 So. 4800 West 4100 West 3100 So. PNDLESPACH HOMES We $4,000 DOWN, take Over pymts J bdrm., both, sewing ond iaund'.v room. Call Post 17 REALTY NO 20 BRASS $77 ?0C , y, tap1 cod hewdwoed flews, french bay wndows and larqt suite Over ?flCG sa ft OvdurJOle HURPr' Mark Bta'ne Chris new roof, brick rombier. tot $65,888 4196 West Midway (4M5 So ). Joe' HOMES Robert SALE 61 to $600,000. Distress prices So Eost bench and West side. 30 Dk OWNER, beoutifui brick 4 bdrm j both, ftiy landscaped on cui de soc. ideal loc.$89,900, NEW HOME West Valley C Tv, 2 bdr m., both, from $387 per mo 1st year Pi, FORECLOSURES APR bonk repo's $36,900 F om Black MiDWEST WORK FOR DOWNPAYMENT-Onew ond used homes. ERA WEST REALTORS 5?0 10fti AVENUE bdrm., 2 berth, 2 frplc.. full bsmt, double gor, automatic sprinkler do vs System x 36' HEATED OARAGE RV Por xing. Totally fenced. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, triple pone win8C LOW DOWN, we pov closing coss, several to choose from, mo,e m now. Ross Reofr or Judy TRUSTEE ASSUMPTION VA , OPEN HOUSE Rent to Own or purchase, move in tooay 41?! So 0180 West, Ross Reaftv with garage ond basement $50,750 Sugar house area. Owner agent. Coil weekdays Doryt In dows. ft;CE AShED PR'.ME HOLLADAY LOCATION' N6a roof, car pet ond point nxA ft is 4 'xxm 3 batf rambler o eoi stea1' $U4.900 8 controct possta'e. 4 lovely bdrms cw Preston of TmC FORECLOSURE, FORECLOSURE Many homes' Best interest In town1 Low down! Dont wort, coll now P W.R. Peofrv HOME OWNERSHIP The American Dreom. We con get you Qualified for o new home in West Jordan. We take frodes or work for down. Coil Bob, 2615400 ASSUME 30 Ck H SEAGULL REALTORS ERA SWALLOW OWNER: Horse property l OC. m Sandy, 1563 so ff. full bsmt. fr finished, wet bar, 3' ; baths, 2 car 2 block barns. REALTY BY OWNER. No qualifications $59,200. $10,000 down will ossume this quolity 4 bdrm., bath beauty. Fomily rm., patio, fenced. DrNe by, but do not disturb, 605 East Pico St. (10485 So). Coll 26M69? for aopt. No ogents. PRETTY Reofry BY BIN 4669544. cond Crown moidmgs. Sunken living room, ? frplcs A'! brick, excellent location, $89,000 Jill 2669133 Suson 5711230 n.'fri nr tekonce 27' 844 3 3 'Vi. Sj 4 Throughout! 5 bdr ms 3 baths, 2 fom. rooms, firepl. Controct Low Int. BJ Realty: Jay bdrm rombier 3 iM houtsspufiot fkVxf bdrm condo FrnKheJ TAYLORSVILLE: UTAH HOUSING TARGET AREA Be reodv, Quolifv for lower interest rote ond payment. Smoll home INC. LAWLER. x Ixy ALLSTAR CAN Delightful hS:-37- 3200 01,580 2 OWNER, 4 bdrrn., Iuury fanvi, style home in HoiioOo $225,000 fin. For $80,000 mini down. 10 then oppt. $53,500 $43,500 DESPERATE Owner must sell Price tor quick sole. $10,000 CENTURY 21 JOfc ' '4"4 ,f E. 3 BDRMS 4 BDRMS 'XT ft HOMES A S.) d it." ees GRANITE HILLS s1 $5,500 941.4400 r r. ' 17,71' TO opt LIVE eat Sandy orea Darling krtchen, lorge deck, beautiful firepioce in living rm , solor system, and only $66,000 PICTURE BOOK REAL ESTATE SERVICES PAR4DE OF HOMES 81,595 .(rtes 5323451 MUST SUGARHOUSE 58 THAYNE I 4 T WEBBER eta EXSALE nr. g'jrrk-S 7 95u 9308 S' 4 4'i Icr soft- Rl'H'. bed'Ocm o' m rOS BoMar V4i M.jr , .a WEBBER CO. & PRICE bdrms., CLOSE IN DOLL HOUSE Eost side sharpie! Very clean! TlC Move in todoy! throughout sprlnk system, privoev Terms. $55,000. Call now1 yard ART DICK 9664612. Century 21 MtnWest, m gr 175 4oh-- New cn market, low taw down, no Cosing costs. At1 oncer) to sen tost we have keys ond pictured caj-loAH oreas Starting $jGs 10100S. 2300 , . g Uwsw. 5Be'fr'' DRIVE Reoftor REPOS MILLER & 2 loan, ROSE PARK: 3 bdrrns. Large mom floor family room. Very cleon1 Low down. Controct Low interest OR BJ REALTY: BEAUTY 3 BDRM. RAMBlER TACiNG EOREC.OSIjk: Excelieut Suqrji house 3 bdrm, super neighborhood, updated kitchto S74,9O0 sloshed en, price PORTER New 3 bdrms., .'ouftwg cenmg drxjbie goroge $59 9X) jo Vnoe1 9(fth So 1240 .Vest Scfr Cfry Rfrr 3 CONOR r,ome, brCk, new TCftFfr 2'irepipces, rrr,vd,i"jte nrcupO'Xv 37 xy S 34 Son. P'lon r S dusk b . r ss ftev 09 5 bw.J'fr'ns rr D '?880 as) I mil WrxH) CO, a BEST DESIGN j.) i, ,, & r V ton HL.h U tw 388 WORK SOMEPLACE. ..and we've got SOMPLACE! 3950 sq. tt. of gorgeous troditionol 3 stories of Hying For mol living, dining, mam floor fomily and loundry rooms. An exquisfle view of the mountains and Hidden Volley Goff Course. $149,800. Assumobie loon. Coil Veda 2788838 or Moroiyn DESERET PROPERTIES EASolDE PRICE FIXED RATE tr..l- $4 l 2 new 3 bdrm tjTi heme m new area. Rffresf-mfloor i tan, 13 ft ce.hng, wood roil fenced new oft, rord, by Mixro. C'hy Golf Course Great assumption Pa. meat of $569 50 mo Pa. ff m tj O Owner CKXrfr kirk 56 , O' r jr lx brftt; Beoutitu. try 'MU 4 or Associates & l'. 30 FALLENTINE r Fo Rirxi ?7g. VOS 6 LOWEST Foothill Dr 1400 EVERYBODY 700 obove Cozy brick bungelow Eost Anxious sei'er wonts au'ck sole $39,000 Great rnancing available $6$,OOC CC:0 ar'O'OOC horn ORf N rrODN tO BiO N'Or rxrr"- utaa. A ASS0C-ATE- CYPRESS L:split on quiet rnsidenfiO'l Nftrx Fe'xed yord. double yaage wt otrer'er FefKed tor se-- - ,lfns7 t.y (j JA'ed j". onds;aped koe wJ .MURRAY MILLER txick bungalow zoned business ideoi f'X office Am-rno IP rear A rare Mam Sheet 'X'Jhnn Con fx hjrther details jo Txaz'Ch C:a Chrs, REAL TOPS 250-734- 5 xi'STB lf n nr r home Owdetails1 a ion igr ty Call DOZENS 'I6n O.VNFR Must Sfrt Rushc niCMm torn Mde cedcr homr. tft 1' ociev, 2400 sq ft, Dnw frnrft 4 ce iiro-deck, htfrrn k,rjfk.;s noste bdr n ; both, mm nokve mx.k ft i.ic h room wim sta.e, cur gorooe Si,DOf D Qua it, X)rt ffnouuh'x.t soeeftx, ,'r9 . R .fft ont or en'it,. f tiortlng frshfy gad wmv 55 miles fK i' f'ri'Kj I? 'n. y Gtiy Ac' fOnch, Ad- C"l' Aim 4riWer h'g'j' Sweftwut.f 'J '0 rates tv or call PARADE OF HOMES 35F0.es 9906. ?6 MODELS OPEN MONDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 1984 2S84 ! .er 3000 12500 10700 900 3200 6200 ASPbN.OGD REALTY $1000 ta1 tr Ooen Do'i CHA. Borboo. NICHOLL & Aet So 13C0 JSC1 .Vest So So iQQCta-- f NO t&vO vW.t So 6?fXi So Geq, NEW HOMES 5:,t CYy TaiorsiHe many instances, p 56 txbT T,C STGr 9?00 nership isO k SHADOW RUN Liber- r i Hvu-- ( Sandy Soit Lake Hunter $60,000 UNDER APPRAISAL Luxury 6,000 sq ft Convon Cove home Terms. V550, 000 OWNER Assume $85,9('0 kare, ?, locations-M.es- Jord-j- Ri.erton Ge'xg JRG ax LUUr m ) .ft(,U i fol'owing LuurOos taCKx, ocre, private lone, in the WillOr rog carport. bdrms., cathtxko eartttones up. Great ce'hngs, owner Of investor home with ond confrod. Ask to V jEf FAyE ThOlEN SE'N 272798. '. su A CCD HOMES hqs Utoh mouswq money o.ai1 rates from 8 7 8' at the ST Wfc OWNER 3 NE.'. 5000 Estate, YOUR OWN HOMiE with 0 hr Shed 2 bdrm aoormerrt down 7 go yr. ota charmer includes IN B t t0. tastic area1 MUST SEE' downtown. Assumable $4 2 000 negative. $$$ TO HELP?? Or Trade FOR DOWN NEED Ferre Loren BY OWNER, clean, 2 bdrm., nev carpet ond paint. Gar age, Close to TAGGART MILLER CO. Colleen Anderson, Agerrt 9432578 NEAR STATE CAPITOL New on the morket. 2 story 3 bdrm home, 10 min, walk to Temple Sauore, $79,900. SANDY LIKE NE .V CO & MONEY Rambler 3 bdrms 2 baths, mam hr recreotmn rm and fuepioce all the extras1 Unfm txiseme.it Fan- NEW HOMES MILLER HOMES 3'00 SOUTH APPROACH FROM highland GR 3800 ft 4 loroe Fi'eOiUCe Sprig StairC0e, yr 272-968- wrjtwr 5? furniture Stored recep rmswe se .e 2'OCSo Bi.itt PM GREENBRIAR EAST BENCH, St Mary s, 1347 Em bassv Wav, 6 bdrm, oak floors mmteond $199 950 Romney Real 6350 A-- n.gft $J'.i b aw ' KR'GHtON 9j;.H(y4 rt, ' i wg U 0irS I MV v C s Ct hwat. I.gffts, PM AV-- AM-- 4'R4D;TC.'N SPACE 1ew jDtLUXE OFFKE pr nfessiono O'Ce SPOCC tqr rfirt 9ro0 Aest ?10C So Offices t soft Aygil app'0l'T'dtf. ?9? Cotl V4A.?69? Sn 4fl ft SQ et Sun mer OySf 46?n ,t1 7ALI OCl AN FRONT 'L w' fftes, a.rjii n'w C'w e j. 2425. 8"8 5'7-9L 10 EAGAR & COMPANY fust ?st So, RHxxco, 341 . PAFr Ct. co tan Venus ryte ns Vkr C SPACt J-t ICO Ol C'RCE cotkx:, steeps 4. 36 jics gort free dan., C house time between now ond Qt.ijO KJ'.UZi Ond dni! ah Models Open Sunoavs. ' TO nOGStrUOv BOTH $65,900 Terms on $63,400 boionce at onnuai percentage rate. (Monthly principle ond irterest pvmts. ol $64 for 30 yrs No ctosmg costs. Thee homes need some work and we dont wont to do rt, but the y ere priced termed accordingly (1)10689 So 2200 West Approx N OC hexse property bnrk, 4 bdrm. ?) 46? fta 400 Eost KaysylUe, oN burn, paio, frplc, fenced yard, Oir, 3 bdrm ond den. includes bdrm., baths, 26 au'Is, refriQ., stove, gorden tub, ccroet, drapes, much more! - own CO. & BY MODEL OPEN 5516 So 5720 W 6 bdrms., recreation rm. new kitchen, new carpet m living end dming rm. Beautiful vend wffh oversized dbie. oaroQe VA Assume Gordon, $j9,900 9438098; bar oh, 3639483 $5 COO 8 7;8H Sensational rote on o brand new 2 bdrm. jewel In Taylorsville. 2 story home. Bosement. Frplc. Discounted price. Colt Immediately1 Alon Prince, 5622800, 5720168, MURRAY MURRAY RAMBLES 12, VDVALE 5 bdrms., $75,000 MIDVALE New 2 bdrm. twin $79,000 tak ng reservations tor new issue of State Money coming soon Don t miss ouff bsmt, ond more. s MOVE IN T0CAY' 2 wta ok ium SftGCoe ?30( Fot NSEN REALTr 777.9444 soft ech.nye O'. ledges ta ixJghrXY, newer built-m- $a0,860 SUPER TERMS AVAILABLE. 10 v lOCAT-O- sqt Deta:, to ?,4u0 office spoce GLORGE m de'uxe. otcohigh CmOE KXlADA weei S CO'kJOS. S.nfiOwe SEAslN Rgr k CrtN CondO, Or Caro-- TO SELL TODAY corrtemporor v beauty, cathedr ol gorooe, frplc., 2 bov windows, oir, basement, landscaped yord, maintenance free extenor, kitchen h $42,900 4 fenced o MORE CHEAPLY LIVE CHOICE L0CATON '00 SQ ft, 4190 So. Redwood Rd, 3 separate offices plus ig office orea, $450 mo Coll Dmo to see. eif deiorec 24n east 7ffrh So and neiv decorcfred. New bigg From 600- 1?O0 sq. ff tarn, or un service o.oii, urn, computer easy occess parking, $n00$800 mo. Co Lee or Ross Su,f'owe condo Cvj., nxiotM, rates S'rps wiek adults Full turn Tf'is COurS r 2 swim pc)i grfr cn'jfses tk A MILLER 3 0ea $395,000. 1794 Ft Douglas Cir. al terms Owe ogt Dove PARK 10'?. no Qualifying, Financed, sharp 3 bdr m, bath, fir eploce, ? car cortoort, fenced, $5,000 down, $598mo. Kent $711131 OWNER broker. 466-930- 1 rE?V$ $2500 DcwmCortrcct $169,900. Days FANTASTIC CONTEMPOPAR 8uiiders own home. 4600 sa. tt. Too quality, large deck, spa, horse Karen, prooerh,. Murrey Smnns & Co. Cathedral and Double vower, ESA.t PROEETitS ORC-- !; large offices piu? 1,100 sq ft office, $760 mo Fufr service Con extend to i,?88sq tt now. larger Avoiiobie spoce o.od in 60 dovs. Close m. Gorden good parking nfrode setting, Bidg 1399 So 7th fast O' j RCaBOROUGH park 3000 WEST (enter at 3 TOC ocross from Americon Express. THE LAST HOME, PRICED SO West) HOMES FROM 2702 vEAGAR eecuh.e 'NC Accommodations ynrfcourse 2 i Full CLOSING 450C 272-968- 6 Sen & office COMMERCIAL Shop Spoce house Reasonable - 485 orea x Ou .need to see this one. vLATiON h"e cx ent a iionjn Palms near Pam Springs, smeos 6, completed tumisnea Oers s goh, tennis or0 swimming mode y Nov 2 DC Co. m So. 5300 recepf-x- ROSE EAST BENCH, 2 bdrm.. bath, forAssume mal dining, remodelingcontroct at Can Lindo or Owner 30 yr contract 3 bdrm family rm, delude krtchen $74, 900 ?9?437? Bennion-W.JO- r AST CALL! GRAND ESIAE R:Ai Yaiecrest cieo. Bv owner. 2 story colonioi. 6 bdrm , 3't bath,, remoo kitchen, mam floor fom. room 3,500 sq tt. 1903 East 9th So ir BERMAN & ASSOC. REATLORS Outstanding buy TRADE WEST SUGAR HOUSE CUTIE Gorgeous brick beauty, 4 bdrn buttis, dining rm., country krtenen with all buitt-infrplc., full bsmt on for $53,900 Won't lost, call: UNDSEY REALTY Now CO. Oil DOWN i'JAD'ilO'' condominium SUMMERSET Model Now available. Fully furnished. $128,500 No payments tor 12 months. Rick Millstream Reofry. '2543 Vacation tOA EDO itiG Sf BALLSIAEDT 2347 EAGAR & COMPANY LARGE areas. OFFICES EXECUTIVE SERVICES 3 10 & MILLER ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE! Super sharp 3 bdrm. rambler. New corDets, point, wall coverings. This new listing won't lost Iona1 Onl r $54,000' See todoy wrth PAM ELL'OT ABBOTT or DARLENE DiPO must se bsmt Murray. PLUS frplc, krtenen STATE $500 DOWN bdrm. home LARRY 3 AVENUES REDUCED EAST EMERSON AVE cor bdr.m. fenced coftoge, goroge, pood starter, $57,000. 3 DUPLEX POSSIBILITY, 4 odrms. l fr bath. Lorge II yog and family room. Double garage Cooler, targe yard $69,000. Coil REPOSSESSION NErV HOMES 235 10', A Management PwOESSiONAl VonogenieiTt Residential, muft'p'es, ccmoos, commerc'd! F utl ser .ices PRECEPT PROPfPTY VGVT Was $130,000, now $109,000. Cottonwood orea, super, no nuaiityinq, low interest terms. Seiler smoved ond cant hold it! Professionally decorated inside and out. 3,500 sq tt of finished living orea with 6 bdr ms., 3 full baths, 2 rec rooms, 2 fireploces, bar, large RV porki.ig, 2 cor gorooe, Rodor oven ona much more. City and mt. view3 First come basis only Courtney OWNER MONEY RAN OUT-ATOO! 4 bdrm, bath, needs TLC. The swimming pool Is the ali pits. Only $40,000. Wont Fife & Co now! Assumable loon to Qualified buyer 3 Bdrms., double goroge. beautiful fencing, Irg. lot $63,950 Of offer. Drive by 2943 So. 4315 West (Cortney Dr.), FIRST TIME LISTED! SANDY 3 bdrm. rambler eost of Afta High with lovely tandscaping, mo tore pines, auto, sprinklers, inside 1500 sq. ft. finished up with unfinished bsmt. Will sell tor $75,900 on assumption or confrod. fjr terms, address. Owner ogent. barconv, jnfln. walk out bsmt. .000 OWNER Low or no down. Terms to fit your needs Home ownership couldn't BY New eostslde unft located at 1978 E. 3080 So. 2 bdrms., 2 baths, bsmt., garage, yard ond more. $89,500 Roy 2659911. LYMAN . ASSOCIATES KEARNS $55,000 Russ Ron be easier. Call VIEWS bdrm, 1. OAVoGN HIGH AVENUE VIEW HOME 24x27 High vuufted ceiling living rm extending Into formal dining and music room. Family room, kronen, master bedroom wrth bath, lower level. All wrth beautiful view Crf erty ond mtns. Swimming pool $315,000. $70,000 down, Controct sole by owner Countryside bdrnis., 2 trees in Garage. REDUCED $21 OWNER STORAGE Store your goods wrth CUSTOM STORAGE, ond porticiopte in our tun weekend Gcroge Soies. Store what you want Sell what you donK Unfrs avottabie ah 15TH SOUTH 4TH WEST ALSO BOUNTIFUL LOCATION 5 X 8, 8 X 10; 8 X 70. $25 ond Up Coll us for more info.: 5400 2 Property 5T.f( ESTATE lth MOUNT OLYMPUS COVE Immoc 5 bdr m 3 bath, formal dming one kitchen. L'ving room with view Fomily room, Central Oir, ? trpis.. Superb loc $139,500 b owner Days 277-- 586, or eves. Moving, 10 GALiEkY RENTAL Houses-o'- all ASSUME MODE1 HOME porking, LARGE YARD 4'ce brick home wrth 3 baths, firepioce. Fruit vord Covered patio. $59,900 Claire McHugh SVAlL DOWN ASSUMES LOW INTEREST WITH TOTAL UNDER $450. Delightful 3 bdrm brick rambler ;n excellent yeo of newer homes! Asking $51,90'" See with DENNIS ON OOl or COy ol FLEXIBLE office space from sq. ft 161 West 4500 So. Homes for Sale HOOPER 360,' Garages :s- 400$&.-2fJE- COSY LEASE: Nice business btag, 750 to 3200 sq ft 169 Eost 900 So. OFFICE AND SHOP. 2500 East 4070 So. $500 mo. 400 CONYERSICS TC DUPlEY reat Aves. orea. Beoutituliy restored. 2 doors from firehouse ...G reef1 for arsonist Assume FHA loan $60's. Jcnno Smith vEAGAR 2 At SRfCA.iZE OT'7 1700, WEST JORDAN, deluxe office suite, 14. $300, utils. Included, DELUXE Office Spoce. Sugor house Oreo. $190 mo. Uhls incl. EXECUTIVE Overlooking Creek FOR LEASE OR SALE 451 Eost 33rd So 2400 sa feet office space, free Sondtng building, lots Of parking ond skyoge. individual office spoce, $175 00. ivy place (.J OFFICE SUITE 3 278 incl. $190 ThIS? BEAT Homes 400: for Sale JUPITER or Vickie for oppt 4588 Dave l&R bedroom. Rental EH Agencies C0M-PU-TR0- 13x16 OFFICE, priv. both, utilities. 5336 Riley Ln. 400 Homes for Sale 4588 Jupiter Dr. -- See Classification 390 LUXURY HOMES WIL10W CREEK COUNTRY CLUB OFFICES These professionally decorated offices offer secretory recept. copier, conference room, covered bath, parking, more. $325 mo Includes WEST Volley 3 bdim., hookups, fenced. $360. 2 BEDROOMS. Refrla, stove, 3900 So. 7210 E. oft 2 2 MONTH FIRST . $360,571-2313- for sole. DRIVE. Open imme-d- 867 EfcST 3900 SO., opprox. 1,000 sq. 17 feet prime retail. $500. 363-- $300. 353 E. 400 So CAN YOU French frplc., summer winter clothing storoge, cold food storoge, etc. Ready tor occupancy. Must see. At $380,000 rt is priced OFFICES 5CX per ft orHy Open House GREAT VALUE bdrm., dtshwosher, near Vol For Moll, $375 mo. LARGE 7 no pets ft. Monthly So. 900 E near Vol 3 $345 CAN YOU BEAT THIS? BEAUTIFUL NEW HOVE! INCOMPARABLE VIEW! UNSURPASSED VALUE! New 6,000 sa ft. European Country manor on Mt. Olympus, k ocre. Ertros galore. Porauet firs., ook ond brass mouldinqs, brass entry ond dining chondeiiers, imported LARGE OFFICE: 525 squere feet for rent, wrth warehouse area, H needed. PENNY or JIM: 9737743 PRIME 395 4 RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE AMPLE PARKING. 132 EAST 9th SO. or eves CONVENIENT OFFICE SPACE 2520 SO. STATE sq. ft. From $155 Excellent parking Just off freeway 540 So. Haw- MCE 2 bdrm., dtshwosher, ley Folr Mod, $375 mo. MCE ley exchange place In new- 9 $395, NORTH SALT LAKE AREA 4 bdrm., carport and more! V East RENT to buy on 800 Eost. credit to down pymt 390 luxury Homes NEW store in West Jot don tor rent or ail utils., lease, $400, includes 3333 it no. iso mo. Call Bruce or $775 MURRAY office spoce, 1560 sa ft., front unit, off street parking, 4901 State, $750 per mo., Street location. $1800 mo 4862176 Volley Fair Moll, 2 bdrm., dbl. carport, firepioce, fenced vord, Cleon, no pets, $330 mo. LARGE Oct. 1, So. ft. ware- 294. bdrm. rambler, full basement, large yard. $48,500. 85, Ron or after 5'weekends, Russ, Dock NEW TWIN HOME 2 S'CV1Reajcec $130,000 Fantastic home with large rooms, tine decor, 4 bedrooms, 2 fireploces, den and much rrxye Seiler will finance1 Coll 272 63 ifi or A'oer, Waiioce, me. 2688840 REALTY WORLD ALDER, WALLACE, INC. REALTORS 10th WEST, 2 offices, heated storoge or light mfg. 2200 sq. ft. Large overheod doors. 572 65320 Hlckorylone VALUE BEST NEW LISTING 10.55 Utah Housing money Help pkk colors, beautiful west side. $58,900. KN Reofry (U50 Eost) 4 bdrm., 3 bath. Finished, full basement. Air conditioning patio firepioce. Patricia Sargeont NELSON LAND COMPANY: FINANCING BEST 25 SO. OFFICE SUITE, nr. 5300 Ophonot 1,000 sq. house. Hickory Dickon 251 5523 Sandy Draper NO DOWN $563 mo payment on 1ike Fha loon, $63,900, West Jordan Kristie Trode West. GREAT DEAL ERA HELM REALTORS Millcreek LEASE 3500 Sq. ft. office warehouse, (1200 ft. office) 3453 South West fice mochines ond employee Temple. withokJIng heodoches. Call Harold J. HHI. In the Judge Bldg, at COMBINATION Office, retail ond warehouse. 7,000 sq. ft. State 2 years new, SUGARHOUSE 10 min. from U of U. 2 bdrm., double gar., dlshwosher air. 3550093. BY Hll AY HoDaday 3000 sq. ft home, must see interior, exicfrmg eomblnat'on of old and new $89,900. Mortgoge ossumobie at 3632899 10. Corry YOUNG AMERICAN HOMES From this contemporary In Olympus cove. 3 bdrm., 3 bath, firepioce, wrap around deck. Price reduced to $114,900 tor immediate sale. Dove 2650855, Carolyn 262-- 365- MODERN OFFICE ond ft. manufacturing space. 3090 Eost 3300 So. sq. feet. Mitch 3 BY builder. Office 4858982, Poui - UNLIMITED Sugar Houm Canyon Rim Olympus Hill Cottonwood ATTORNEYS wonted to shore or 2 offices, word processor avail. Near courts. ?2 EAST BROADWAY Join us in the Broodwov jjfres, with onswer service, 0 receptionist, mail distribution, print quality copying service, ond a confer-oncroom. Taping service avoiL able on premises. Office spoce without the odded expense of of- ALL CAPITOL BR0ADA A LARGE 2 bdrms. wrth bsmt. ond cor port, Near U. 38 So. 900 East $350. Incls. utilities, deo. required. $345 SPACE RETAIL $425-- 20t5 SOUTH SOUTH EAST ED: OR UTAH HOUSING bms., UTAH HOUSING! Artawocd Subdivision Announcing bv Sunwood Homes. Just north of Ada High Schoo1 Opening prices ond lot selection. Severoi Utoh Housing Loons conovoH Also 12fs fixed-ratventional money No points!! Call NOW for best selection! Alan 5720168, Linda Chris, 57 9906. ASPEN WOOD REALTY SANDY Locations. 2 qualifying rate '.'EiSSMAN CO 4877771 builder, with goroge, REDUCED $200, Assume 'oan on 2 bdrm. home, Magno Part finished bsmnt., con provide 2 more bdrms., now $49,900 offer' Steve Vaughn NEW EXECUTIVE rhis one Is 0 wife saver. Under $95,000. Cont be beat. Near 3 baths, Dlmpie Dell. 4 formal dining Oak combiners, by family home with Exceptional bdrms. on mom. Big sunny kitchen. Mom floor family room. VA approised of $05,000. Asking $79 900. Hurrv! 487777 1, om $48,000$90,0u0 fi ramblers and spirts, low or no down, Bul'Jr povs closing costs l SEASONS 10.56 3 3 BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED, Prestigious Office Suite. 1,500 squore feet or less. 345 Eost 4500 South. clNium all Olympus hills FOR LEASE deluxe office spoce. 2,000 sq. ft. Can be furnished. 145 West 4500 Price negotiable. So Frontage Rd. BEDROOM, covered oorkmg oir, fenced, 3353 So. Vaicrest (3295 West). $345 mo. PMS 3 Prices Builder NE W Homes by 2 and 3 bdrm Only 0 few commitments Itft. Hurry! Beoitttul new Sharal Park sub ASSUME 8VA dlv. 3270 So 6400 West. Low $60 s. M'licreek brick 4 bdrm. 2 bath, for Coll for appt. Office to Poui mol dining room. Reduced Corry $79 900. Small equity YOUNG AMERICAN HOMES of PROFESSIONAL office spoce avail. Finished, approx. 1200 sq.ft. Located near Humana Davis North or Hosprtol. DANCE studio or office spoce, 1,000 sq. feet, 70th So. approx. 23rd East location. Call morns, or eves. STARTING AT SI 35 Your New Office In the CSB Tower includes: ' Reception creo Conference Room Secretar ol Service Telex TWX ond FAX Copying and Binding Full Part Time Offices Full Staff Support VETERANS1 $8,700 down assumes VA loon, $596 per month, 4 9.5 txkm., 3 butns, 2 car garage neck 8700 So 1400 Eost Nice! $5.900 All Points Realty, Hedy NEW HOMES-UtaHousing Murroy, Tovlorsville, Sondt West Jordon. Work for down INTEREST DELUXE Exeejhve offices, turn, or with without phone unfurnished, onswertng and receptionist, secretarial services avail. 3 BEDROOM, full bsmt pat finished, carport, yord 2047 Atkin $410. (7835 278-048- Indian Hills Hills LAURELWOOO Nice l room offices. $60 up. incls all 112 utilities. 1341 South State Scf CaL Sf Mary Carol INDUSTRIES CAPiTOl 3 BEDROOM, fenced yard, bus stop laundry. 4015 West 770.1700 So 58H HOLLADAY REALTY JUST REMODELED, 500 sq. ft, ideal location otross from Wogstoft's Toy 3ta, only $775 mo. 712 So West Temple North Soft Lake $350. canyon gnyffm, see Rebecca Murray yard 2100 SOUTH Gtondals Kim, Crt EAST CENTRAL WEST CENTRAL So. Temple 200 South surtes-site- 60 564-- TERMS 559,900 FJrl Height FMiriPATink; Choice 5 vr 3 bdrm. brick rombier, close to Vot'ev Fair Moll. 2 lovely flrepl., prlvocv, fomily room, im mocuiate! Low down. Assume with no guoltfying! $56,800. OPEN HOUSE SUN. DICK, ART. 5663077 Century 21 MtnWest, 5669291 Eos siae super home, 5 bdrm brick NEED HELP SELLING rombier, unique family rm mijcn YOUR HOME? Contact one of the awov In quiet more1 Tucked professionals at CENTUR k 21, ah voue neighbor huxl. Excellent Seasons. Pul Number one ta work See Ond compare to ony other 5 for you. bdrm brick rombier ovolloble Con Sarah BeNie rh t 300 sq. ft., TOTALLY Convenient, $210 all uhls. Included, 1200 sq. ft., 5 offices, 445 Eost 200 So. Access 2, kernon drinkers $385, ROSfc Park, 7 kk ge bdrms., carport, 807 Eosf 275 Eost Ralt0R Avnus 13th SOUTH year lease. Locations: Various SOUTH TEMPLE 400 SOUTH ' month rr?cx RCtr Offices P1 Ro eves. WAPEHOUSE Space for lease wrth office. Approximately 20,000 sq ft 18 ceiling, sprinklers. Newer bldg. E cellent 7200 So. location In Mid- vale. Cofl Bovd BUILDER DESPERATE Utah Housing Eiegont bdrm rambler, dbi. goroge, West Jordon $58, 10.55 3 ''A8VW! North thru Farmington North LOW $400 V GREAT LOCATION MARGIE 5721571 JIM LINDSEY 2625663 PORTER & COMPANY 9421700 McDOUGAL NORTH EAST NORTH WEST Square Feet On ) DavS County One You make oil color and option selections. Poyments- - builder has gor modi' h scrvv to finin ynyr family rm free for 2car $i4 900 3 txm gar oge.frip'e pane windows Fha buy downs Ovoti 3 lots left Russ, Cv, 255 22S4 Mv COMPACT OFFICE SPACE SUGARHOUSE AREA oiorea, 12 55' UTAH HOUSING 10 NEW SUPFR ENERGY STARTfcfc HOMES $47,900 MARjH ENTERPRISES ATTENTION RENTERS!! Fontoitlc new starter INSANITY BUILDER AREA Bountiful and Farmington City Wood Cro Bountiful DAVIS COUNTY LINE DELUXE MECHANIC S SPACE on pi ime State St., 2400 or 1600 sq ft., 532- - ccypoH frnnk.jps, TwniNjr-vd, Adutts, no pets. 1363 West Al der Rd (4090 So.) $663187 eves. Farmington SOUTH DAVIS Cntrvtll CHOICE OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE. Deekview Pkiia, 9tn Lost 7 200 approx. South. 2 suites Immediately avail 2300 sa ft. and 1,800 sq. ft 1,625 view No pets Eostside 2 bdim alt, conveisotion k patio, NE WE WEST VALLEY CITY New. Super vrsabilrty. 4330 West on busy JSOO South. 102 to 55 10 sa feet avail. Reasonable SOUTH MAIN BUSINESS PEAZA deluxe office warehouse units, 1500 so ft to 3,000 sq. ft, convenient loc 3W9 S. Mam. 3 1 SPACE RETAIL Ut Offices, growing Wendover, Opts, and shopping center cur rently under const. Sell, lease, trorte-wbuild to suit. SPACIOUS basement, good locution nice, 2 bdr ms, $350 mo pm, om,6 LARGE 2 txir m 4 piex, West Volley 5 $i ut. Love kds, no pets AREA LOCATIONS lha correspond with Realtor Board Map location are designated through 13 in thi illustration. Look for the area designation in the listings in the "Homes For Sale" Classifications. 'A A Et'B'Jk i Choice 260 sq ft office with 2 hr to ce ling windows tor lease $235 mo. $600 So and Van Winkle Dorothy, 400 Homes for Sale Homes for Sale 400 Homes for Sale 400 140 Store and Office Business Properties Sf Cl $590 itf Htgh 12, 1984 SEPTEMBER i.ft-- n,0 nothing Cui loieer WesM fi. 3 good 6C tasar es All of any) int RAP ftevift, RLPOSrTSM Agwrrt TQ OWN 3ti)rms dan low kwn B ( R irtft Part! $.;,V4) $40 low 'trt HOMES XrE RENI 'Kl.e 3 West jm 7.(17 m (,;) Tfm,, l.'oWl,! OuoHP,t' (k,W' $4 wm 5ft; av. 'Mi . tsen 1; NewJthknn, Atti iiunt E?TTor p,; V' fyrfl cie. VR If East Central , vi DO-'.- $ 10,000 b. curt of stat ,)wn. 11 m , i'i brtti tawnhrujv hsmt UWivift 247 c entwitir rrw t f!45 W $4ft 0MO 9'4 Reduced ,.Q 72ANY down A.e ; WesfrT.mMp, to'Wrl illrimy higfi crilittgs. This but ree.js IkKt H,tJ( Ilf m, , 4 uf, t,B, brrths pins n'o tpnovn1 ,, ,J(1N ,.,sk ,n |