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Show nn nyifm ly1 J 200 Unfurnished 200 Unfurnished Apartments Aportments -- t- j m m qu t ad 'i sec ur ea &,og An utus spectator vc paia Pool Nope ' Clean taO DOtms, coipet, capon Near scruxis To children ana Nepers Well oiie a 98 Sol j j.7$ m ERA Vtslg PtOttpry TWO ErDROOMS 060 Air WEST cor r4 m (Assistant Manager neeaedl !9.8 So. Uoufj'os, Suoartiouse. Tiee- tned sheet, pool. $250 mo Ht MW rOu LOW iNCOvr H3So BE DR :Ll OO V sm HIDDEN 2 deluxe. cu.eted clubhouse Hf 5 jper Secu- Nr LOCATION to work shonpmg and access txvm. , jGAPhOUSC 2 BEDROOMS immoc. proctlcoilv new taipets, dropes, wall covering and paint. Air, hook ups, ro smok ei s. pets, children. S315. 2 Free hot water VDvalE o xj heat. 2 bdrm., both, air conditioning, covered parking, cable Tv OuOl. No kids, no pets. Refs 1887 So LARGE 2 BEDROOM st jordon orea. Like new. Air, hookups, carpet, fenced yard. No pet S 300 mo 314 SOUTH 7th EAST 5250 mo., 4 rooms, bdrm., cleon, carpeted, oautts, no pets, heat ord water furnished. 532-- )77 or HiLLP.se APARTMENTS S,rC up. Like new. Beautiful, spo thus. ond 2 bdrm. Pool, carport, ciuohouse, tennis. No pets. 2354 r. 6095 So. ot REAL BARGAIN bdrm. No spociO'iS pets S235 up. 47 So. 8th E, S?45 623 So 6th E. 5255 up. ?6lSo 8h E. AVFNUES Newly redecorated, large living room with firefioce, botconev, small bedroom. Aduitv No pets. eautui $270. 2 bedoom. 607 EAST BEDROOViS and Suoios Mogno, U of U, Down twr, Aves., Sugornouse, South Si.. No pets. 2 OLlUE, bdrm., $265, spoaous, ne point, carpet, le.etors, air cond no pes, smoll chitg, down tcwnoiea Loundry. A BiT OF HEAVEN $745-Bd?m., clean, quiet, carpet, diopes, lounck v No child. 1964 So. 9th East 5. COiCE avE. AREA: 211 East 5th Brand new, beautiful, large, ? tyjrns., 2 baths, 5650 porting new 2txJrm. Hookups, appliances, corport, air, $310 mo. Nc pets, 7366 So Redwood Rd 49. Vanoger BRAND milage Green EAST 500 So. bdm, crpt, laund r, parting. lC SO. hookups 3id kiund. OFF 2 BEDPOOMS-- RENT IN Ck 2 (4045 COZY at j apt 380 bdrms. 5300. So ), BEDROOM Lce St. (74C E.) m SS.ldOdep lyr.leote. 22B9 Nopets. Lourvry, Eost 4625 I SO $225, 6, SOUTH 1300 soocious, 2 East Luxurious, bdrm., apple., pool, carport, court very nice Gos pd S)7f ment yd, $300 2 BEDROOM West voifey opts $335 ond 5275 plus sec. Refrigerator, stove, drapes, hkps, garoge Near $250 mo 2 bdm, V? baths, hookups. Dishwasher, eost orea. $400. rosepark bdrm, pen & lljUtiMJ-.- - 0 Phone 1 2 435 East 2465 bedoom condo 20. $235, No child or South MONTH, Coty, clean studio apt. Utilities poid, private entronce, near stare ond bus. no pen, 1573 So. QUIET at Pine Cove. Clean bdrm.. gos pd. Near U. 1234 805 $100 805 $7$ townhouse. Mam. All VER Y ottroctive bdm. mom floor, ah utils, poid but lights Adutts. Ashby Apts. 358 E. 1st So. STuDiO. Bright, coiv, clean. Loov only. $150 gos Incl. STUDIO APT. 338 North 300 West. Uhls. paid. $65 wk. nosmo U, kepets, 3 bdm. OR Fill Roommate home In ott 5 YOUR PLACE' Referro's...3?2-535- LDS femoie !g house HISTORICAL home, view, own room, 3 bdm , $300 mo. 322- - 18V6 ROOMMATE bdm apt, needed to shore pay 2 $150 mo. ROOMMATE to Share In Hoiiodav. $00 mo 4 bdm. opt. your tow income ptoce, S cost Need now! 532-- 198. mole wanted bdm. condo. m SLEEPING Rooms, some wrth. Uhls poto. Also Kitchenette, 959 Eost 200 So. SLEEPING rooms hom week ond up. Se Roncho 640 West Ndth Temple. refr.g Motel, BOARD ond Room for men. $200 per month. CLEAN furn. rooms. Kitchen 927 Eost So Temple. EXTRA MCE FOR MAN privs. NEAR U. working mole smoke, dink. ROOM for rent In LDS rome tor $130. No Rooms in Hotels, Motels S. WEST Burton Ave. bdm. $265, utfis poid. or BEDROOM, utils paid, oft Street prtg. $275, . BEDROOM-Util Nice. 1640 SO. WEST TEMPLE NEAR BRIGHTON salt 4 SUMMER S?EC'ALS $34. $9 AND UP rms. in newly refurb'Shed travel motel. Color TV, phones, moid service, oir cond, swimming pool. Kitchens ovo'iabie. Scottvs Trovei Motor Hotel 754 West North Temple Rjral 2 bdm., BEDROOM or stjdto, cieon, furn. 'unfurn, gos pd, Newer 3 family rm dishwasher, GARAGE! Advonce fee DBlE. $260 ATTACHED Larger 2 BDRM, poid! Advonce fee GARAGE utilities S0 WEST VALLEY VACANCIES All below listings advonce fee $160 only $50 depost, all ut.is. paid $235 dean 7 BDRM. duplex, kid, pets HOUSE ovoil $300 $300 coty 7 bdrm. house, ftpfc. Rids $325 3 BDRM. HOUSE new carpets $350 3 BDRM bsmt, garoge, more $430 family sized home, kids ok Ail above listings odvonce fee 486-744- 1 100s MORE EXCLUSIVE HOTEL CARLTON bdms., $175. PAID 435 So. 4th E Uhls. 2 CITY Near u. TWO bdm, Near or No So. dean 2 bath, oil T Meriene 130 HILL omens, $450, WEST 1st AVENUE. view $245 rent. bdm, BEDROOM, Sandy, month, $175 deposit. bdm. AVENUE, targe utilities. ROSEPARK AP COND 2 LARGE 2 good $280 per $365 plus BEDROOM, $775. BEDROOMS. South hkups $315. hookups, oir, 400 NO. bdm. $220, 15 2 east BEDROOM Eost S40 So fully furn. BEDROOM fully Hectaer St ioc. $250. carpeted. REALTY WORLD STONEBROOK 57 VI 299 Pool, 740 $225. BEDROOM $215, $160 deposit. Near downtown. Coll a Luxury Features t month' rent. . . . 1, 2 4 3 Bedrooms Available Indoor Outdoor Pool 4 Sun PhyaicW PitnoM Center Lighted Tenru Court her Dryer Hookup Firepice 966 - 0132 ROBERTSON PROPERTIES tm t U. I BEDROOMS, flrepl, no pets. ktos ok. 7m E. 9m So. $37 5 3 TWO SANDY 4 bdm. unfmish 2 bam, frplc., bsmt. $525. RENT MY HOME FOR OrVNER W SHIP. $495. WEST , 4 577 baths, fenced, 2 bdms., 6108. bdm., fomily garoge, $495. VALLEY, 4 fenced, &i. KEARNS 3 bdm. spirt burning stove, $440. 2 KEARNS, 5 bdrms., rm., fenced, $475. berths, fomily $3. 3 bdrm., 2 both, brick, dbl. erport, nice nelghborhoodL$4?5. FOUR bdm., 2 bath ond bsmt. Older, but nice home. Fnpic., Itrge fenced vd. 33rd So. 9th West crea 1. $500. Refs, required. $4, $770 LOVELY appls. So. 10 rustic 4 aft. bdm., $4 plus $4 214 available Seot $6,exiros. ONE tenms, aft bdm. Sandy, fenced. 3 WEST JORDAN, fenced, $360. $5. bdm., fully 1 3 bdms., SANDY, 4 bdms., firepl., $495.485-406WEST VALLEY, 3 goroge, 2 condo., car garoge, In Center-vine- , $365 mo., Duplexes for Rent NEW BROWN SHAG CARPET Deluxe Duplex. Rent $345. ideal loc. Lrg. flv rm. wrth firepioce, 7 Irg bdms., W berths, kitchen, Range, refrig, hookups. New brown shog carpet, daoes, corport. Star. Air cond. Access to dub house, pool, tennis court. NO PETS. 1477 west 24 So. Mgrand Cftfice Eost 33rd 345 So NEW luxury dttpiex, $995 mo. 2 bdms. wrth large eiegont moster bdm. ond bath. 3 bathrooms, fomily room, den, dining room, sQ.ft, fire-- , loundy room, 24 poce, exquisite corpets ona dopes, private yard, Elizabeth 294 So (1140 East). ONE MONTHS FREE RENT Beoufttui "New units TAIN TREE APT. COMMUNITY 3395 South West. 2 Bed ooms, Low deposit Ouiet, oft main roods Infdmahon 52L6565, DELUXE 2 bdm., 1 both, corpets, dopes, hook ups. appl., gos heat, oir, firepioce, off street parking, fenced back yord, heated pool, odufts, no pets, deposit. bdm. baths. DovJ HIllCREST HIGH townhouse duplex, $3 'mo. Sonny Ik 969-725- HOLLADAV Duoie. 2 bdms., ldge family rm , stare room, bsmt., dishwasher, corport, tool doset, fenceo-ydd. Lovely location by Cotton- $4. wood Moil. Rent, eves, after 7 ond Sundoy. both, lrg. bath, 2 util, aft 5:30pm poid$?95mo BEDROOMS, 2 baths, firepioce, $615. 7 2 Mod6 areo STUDiO EXSAIE PROPERTIES BEDROOM, SUGARHOUSE yard, $525. S6C0, garoge, bdm., swimming, Clean 22, 1W berth, em apple. $775. rms, carpets, BEDROOM, bath, fenced, pets ok. mo. plus uftls. $3 16th So., oir, firepioce, BOUNTIFUL 2 bdrm., mony 155 3 bdm. West Volley City. $425. Corpet, oir, fenced. Call 4 ccrpe BEDROOM condo. Sandy E. 8375 So. BHI NICE 2 up $6 WOODS, bdm. condo, 14 of omenrhes, $425, Condo. $3 mo, East $4, 2 bdm.,no13th pets. wkdvs. 6 days BEDROOM Orem, Utah. THE ORCHARD deposit. Pets ok. Glendale park, $3, frplc, no pets, bdms $325 New point Southeast. Nokto pet. entry, wood RENP Lease wrth purchosel WEST Temple, 2 bdm., cieon, park option. 4 bdms., near schools ond I Ing. shopping, m West Voiiev. $595 mo. bdrm., 2 bath, gor., firepioce, $3 deposit. 4 BEDROOM home. Taylorsville 2 bdm., $450 month. References required. no chrtden. clean, Deposit. 5105 Lo Mancha Way. wrth weekdays after 5 RENT Opt. 4 bdms. in West Vortev. Fenced Kids ok. 21 So. areo. 3 bdrm I WEST 73 bath, 2 firepioces, finished fomily NICE 2 bdm. homeww crpts., no room in bsmt. Fenced bock yard pets, 872 E. 8 So. $475. mo. $4 dep. 52V9791 off 5 $295. 7 BEDROOMS, dining room. WEST JORDAN 1054 E. Blaine Ave. ? Avoil. now. 7 bdm., rec room, bsmt 3 BEDROOM. oaroge, fenced ond landscaped, EASTSIDE oir, goroge, PV parting, oir BEAUTIFUL 4 bdms, 3 berths, sun RENT TO BUY $425 mo. 3775 So. 3 bdrm. 465 West, Located of vd. tenced rm; krge foot of Little Cottonwood Con yon. SMALL house, 915 Sa eth Eost. Con or $275 2 BEDROOM, Dowmngton 27? 2 bdm 2 WHY m loc, 2 bdm, Furnished Apartments 35 Rentals to Share ANNEX, m TO OWN Furnished Houses EfEf 7i 385 k i ZlON Summit ond Soft CftY Rfty. 4 re- BEDROOM house. $325. Close to of U. ond downtown. bdm., berth 845 East both 7 So 54 bdm., new unit, security, on FrstAve.. $375 mo. ONE Bdm. American Tower s, U00 Lease. Includes fees. $650 MONTH. E- Bountiful, 5 bdm baths. John 48S72 I MOBILE HOVE 6853 So. 13 West. 2 bdi m. 2 berth, otr, fenced, $385 Rental Gallery. NO FEE 2d 4 2 bom, 17 sq. ft. fenced, oir, deck, garden space, 2195 98 So. $625.1 East ok, pets Rental Golierv NO FEE I. 4700 So. 2930 W. 3 bdm., 7 berth, full bosement, $450, BEDROOM, garage, fenced, Sandy, $575. mo 57V9731 2'5 BEDROOM near U of U, just modeled. 14, a ONE NEW Centerville, bdm plus taft, $8, WEST Jordon, 4 $495. NEW 7 South. 3 BEDROOM executive home Olympus Cave, 7 100's more CrporU St. MAIN, 2 bdm., bsmt., aopls, corpets, garoge, $365. J) TWO bdrm cottage. Bv Liberty 4 omens. 235 Eost, 4. THE ORCHARD 2 bdm., lb $4 month. Anne Orem, oft 5pm 2 1799 SO . bsmt. 4494 Double Door Frotl Free Refnj. Eiy Acce to 330 No. Quince ext. 411 All dep. country tats NiCE 3 bdr m., 2 bom, $390. West Voiev, carpets, 5V305o. Sandy, $. vJb!e BEDROOM, , bath $395 Top floor baths, bdms., ctrport, I BEDROOM duplex, turn, or unfum., Sugorhouse area, close to bus lines, ldge ydd, goroge Only pay lights, pets negofiobie. $2 mo. $150 deposit. DLynn. $325 LEASE large tot, $4. $58 week. Efficiency apartbdm., oir cond., gargoge, some ments, $5 week. Semi private KEARNS, 4 bdms., carport, lonosc., manogement reauired or $375-nbattts. Diol out phones. T.v. HBO $415. Mgmt. 3)78 So 5 6 In every room. 140 East So 5 BEDROOM HOME West Volley, LARGE 3 bdm. duplex, 24oth$, Tempie. bulft-ln$540 mo. Lease option RESPONSIBLE dean womon-child wosher dryer hkpfc, cor4 bdm., 7 bath, spirt entry in exSANDY 3 bdm., fenced yord, sprinFURNISHED kitchen opts. $85 per OK wonted to shoe my new pets, dopes, Idoe 2 cor garoge, 3 BEDROOM, 2 both, torn., clean, cel. Hunter area, close to schools. week for and up. Aiso sleeping home wrth some. Great fomily kling svs. Enclosed corport, no pets. $450. 7831 Chodbourne. W Fenced yard, oir cond. $525 wrth rooms ovoilabie ond up. Se swomp cooler, frpl., refrig, stave, I carport. Volley, $495. neighborhood, fenced vd, gcroge. cosh rebate. BEDROOM COTTAGE, Rancho Motet, 640 West North odufts disp. $4, Aft. 6pm, ah me extras! $400 incl. utilities. RENTAL aft. p.m. and weekends. Temple, office. only. $2. Coll EASTSIDE 7 BEDROOM, targe living ond dining BEAUTIFUL home ond neighbd-hood- , MAJESTIC ROCK 6S MOTEL room with frplc, new carpet, utili- COTTONWOOD 3 bdm., fenced yd. 3383 East 78 ctose to schools in West JorSouth Vacancies, liberal male The Computerlied Renta! Service OCTOBER 1. kit. nice wk. rm. No mo. $575 fomily ty room, 3 bdms., firepioce, tall bsmt., roommate wonted, $185 mo. All HBO, coble, pool, dan. $495. deoosrt neg., fenced vd, ydd. pets. child E. 3300 S. 8865 South State, Sandy, 4 bdm, IS bath, laundy rm, pan cieon. only. 1217 Lde St. utils, included. Please leave name very $5. 4 $6 NEAR U. Qurte bdm, No All below listings odvonce tee ond number, try, tamily rm with frpl, move In M'DVALE: K itchen. Air. Maid. LEASE WITH OPTION dink 'smoke Vtos pets. LUXURY now no rent til Oct 1, can be seen 4 $160 West Volley oil uhis. poid wk. 39 NO. MAIN. 56' 9936. VALE To share with some. 4 bdm. Bdms., 2 berths, carport, wolk-ou- t 364-call welcome. Heat $180 oes poid 48 onyhme, So. VWmont St. (?1 days, E.) bsmt., beoutrful vie'' get $1,0 cordo W. Volley, washerdver, TRAVELER'S Motel. 1465 So. State 53 eves, ask for Mdsho $195 woik to U ot U" avail, no w 3 fun towards semi turn. $50 dep $140. Non bdms., bsmt, double Qopurchase, $55, WHiv. special $72 up 6 6. $225 Murray 2 bdm. All utils, paid Stave roge, super ctoon $9 5 smoker. 3 to RENT torn buy, bdm., pdoge, Great Aves. locohon $235 oil uhis. LARGE, dean rooms, 39 55 So. State. ALL UTILITIES PAID liy room, frplc., oir, fenced. $5. RESPONSIBLE femoie to snare kg $235 MIHcreek with flrepioce $65 week. FRtt RENTAL SERVICE RENT Will credit $3 toward purchase. house with same. 2 biks. from U. garage, fenced, frplc. wosher-drye$275 kids, pets ok, oil uhis, poid $5 bdrm., FURN. or, erty 1386 So. Gilmer Av. West Volley dea Coil $250 oil bills polo, 17th S. 23rd E. (1Q Outot, loundry, $200 mo. Includes NEW HOMES 2 $4 heat poid, pet, ok bdm, So) Rental Gotiery. NO FEE Uhis tto Children or pets. $270 pets ok, oir cond, gcroge SMALL bdm. house; single person YOU CAN OWN A HOME 2 $7 ufiirtes poto bdm, $775 Foothill tocahon. HEAT PA.D No CALL GLEN, $2 3 pets. newlyweds. LUXURIOUS 6 bdrm. Prestigious 17 ft. dep $ d$775 mo. 5368 W. 35 So 99-sq. bdm, oaroge, $295 on uhis. pad harvard avE. GLEN AITKEN REAL ESTATE BEDROOMS, 3 baths , loundry rm, areo. Ample prlvocv, porting Many mcre-Af- l AH above listings odvonce tee Ethico' odufts. $250 mo. plus utlis. BOUNTIFUL Fuliy furnished frplc., double carport, ponoronvc Come Into our office for your 27, ask for Jtm or Sotty, after 3. VERY nice 2 bdm. condominium 100'S OF FURNISHED 2 bedoom home, double oaroge, FREE oddess ond phone numbers view, $525 'mo. 1st ond lost In Fruit heights (easy commute to RENT TO OWN, 3 bdm , 2 bath, go AND UNFURNISHED DAILY aft 5 months rent, cleaning deposit. No $600 mo, No pets mo. twor wrth Soft credit ds Grod student seeks some Lce or Ogden) Covered rage, $542 pets Hoitodov area RENTAL DATA 469 E. 3300 S down. Ross Ready 372-to share Ave house. $250 plus W CLEAN 3 bdm. Liberty Port areo. RENTAL GALLERY parting orto exrtro staoge. $425 mo. 11., foe Bristol GREAT 93? 89 3 covered uhis. rms. private both, share Loundry (oft highway loc, $415. per mo. 4 bdms, patio, SALT LAKE FOUR Bdm. Victorian House, no 17Eost9So. fenced yd. $400 plus deo. past Derry Hill) Call Peter refrigerator, carport ond morel 77 WEST VALLEY kitchen, deck, den. Dove smeking or pets. $5 per month. & CO. 3 North. North Soft Lde. East 7 Dovs! Open Late Co ?6?to989, 2 bdm, RE SPONSIBLE femoie roommate to SECLUDED p.m. week days Townhouse, COUPLE WANTED VOOOY AND ASSOC. EAST MIDVALE 2w bom, linen, dishes, oil utils, and share 3 bdm home wfth some, EXECUTIVE-In I ocre Bdms., PARK WOODLAND Four bedrooms plus den; fireplace. LUXURY 3 bdm., fully carpeted, $150 mo, utilities paid. Soger omenrhes, mo. rent Hofiodoy aea, $9 To trve in beautifully furnished All on one level? Unfinished basehouse deo. frplc., washer dryer, refng Deod D'Lyna BEDROOM. 93 West nego, downtown model condo, ot gr eat-l$225, SMALL APARTMENTS ment Double gdoge ond f our car End street Neor St. Marks 1900 South, Bountiful, m tar reduced rent, exchange 7 bedoom apt, pool, tennis courts, $475, BENNION Area, 3 bdrtn. on cir-? fenced $8 $5 month carport; on 3 cto. fenced yard, frptc, I showing units. momh. Denny: covered parting. Free heat ond 2 bdm carpets, TOWNHOUSE 210 furnished krts of extras. No pes. water. No chiiden or pets. 4070 Unfurnished A 10T Of EXTRAS SUMMERHAYS etc, Adults, no pets South 900 East. 1822 EAST MEADOW MOOR Apartments $325 mo $1 dep. 2205 So. 155 Houses HOMES 6 LAND COMPANY These new condos otter 1, for appointment. bdrms, CRVE, 14960 So), 3 bdm, 112 East Wentworth Ave. with deluxe kitchen microwave, ABSOLUTELY DARLING!! baths, firepl., SS85. wosher ond dver Included Rent LOvly East Bench, 2 bdm., A cottage wrth everything Is warhng $525, LARGE 4 bedoom, 2 tooth from $375 mo. plus dep. No chii garage, motor odo's., oir for you! 5 Hollywood (1975 So.) No room, fomiiy West oetv frplc. or Rich AAA cond , no smokers, no pets. den pets. has 2 bdm., modern pic., 2 Volley City. 27?-lafter 6 p. CANYON Pood Towers, mognificent frp'c., huge porch, large bock vd. NICE 3 hookareo, quiet street. $465'mo., $3 bdm, carpets, dr view, )?th floor southstoe, newly COMMUNITY RENTALS LARGE 3 BEDROOM ups, appl, patio, good location, decorated, 2 bdm., 2 baths, $7 dp. No pets. 7 2038 So. HAS ALL EXTRAS e'eon, Kearns $387. East OPEN DAILY per mo. Includes condo fee ond ofl LARGE luxury West Jordon home 5 942.4780 241 East 0295 So utils, No or phone. except 341 EAST Kensington, re-smeking ; (1525 So), UTAHS RENTAL EXPERTS! on ocre, 3 bdm., 3 berth, o pets. Phone 3 stored NEVER bath, been lived in twin home, 3 bdm, gcroge, 4 kitchen, formal dining, fireplace, Overlooking hardwood 3 $525. 3 ? 2 floors, BEDROOM, 12 berth, oir, disposbdm., both, cor gar., firep'oee, rec ond family room, dbl gcroge mo. 4)0 East hups. 16 sq. ft $7 al, dishwasher, washer 'dyer, with opener, fenced Avail. Octo$395 FOUR bdm., carpet, dopes,! Meadowbiook 665 So. Ken 485-740deck, pertta, conven. to schools, y ber 10 $8 goroge, fenced yd, refer0 Golf Course stores, churches, dwntwn. 350 1922 EAST 2990 So. Clean ? 148 West 1985 So. ences, bdm., BOUNTIFUL, tovey 3 bdm., So. Rertwood Rd W. Valley. Lease dlvewov bath, bsmt., car3 parking, ? BENNON. JORDAN! immoc fully lovely bath, oir, both, dopes, MSI bdm., mo, plus dep. $4 hookups. No singles, smokers or svs. fomily rm., 2 frplc, fenced, par. peted, corport, sprinkling $280 2 bdm., ktos fine. $1 dep. EAST-$3 $2 QUAILBROOK pets dep. So. bdrm.. 3987 with Adutts $625 extras. rebate. Mony only. Colli Advance fee brawn carpet, covered parking, 8 FOOTHILL DRIVE AREA West, Btl FEDERAL HEIGHTS, $9. 5 bdm, no pets, swimming, tennis, $395 2 bdms., 2 $300 3 BEDROOM baths, carpet, dopes, 3 bath, 2 car gcroge. fenced DISCOUNT RENT 4 BEDROOMS per mo Cart Susan ydd dovs, fomily room, d'Shwosher, mony fenced for kids, storoge, more! 763 Virginia St. Just pointed, tenced yard, family eves, ond weekends. extras. $445. Advonce fee 485-7rm., dishwasher, disposal, $475 7541 SO. CASA VERDE (70 E) BELOW Lf$TtNG5 ADVANCE FEE $375 1783 Chateau Ave Taviorsville 3 bdm., Clean, 3 bdm. 7 bath, carport, Choke E. Murray, 2 bdm. Condo, AVAILABLE $190 4 rm., $75 dep.! IV, baths, (1783 West 5240 So See aft. 5 p.m. 395 fenced $485, $3. 1 BDRM. FURN. FROM $225 2 BEROOM1 Ktos ok, hook-upfrp'c, aopis., oir, covered paVng, North 5 South 3 (85 East EASTSiDE1 $28 5 2 bdm., house! 2 BEDROOM, family pool, no peto. odufts only. Owner rm.rta storEXCEPTIONAL TAIN HOME or East) GARAGE1 $395 rm. pets. $730 pays gas So. 13 tost age, $4, 15 $845 Canyon Rocouet Club area All 2 BEDROOM duplex, 2h GAS PAID' Ctoon 4 rm., pets. S230 bain, 2377 Detoy, 3 $j South So. 130 west. $3 extras, frg. bdms. deABOVE LISTINGS ADVANCE FEE mo., $3 South area 3500 Eost BOUNTIFUL Exec home, view, 5 2 bdm. Condo, 4S or Diane posit. Ben, BDRMS. FURN. FROM $255 rm., 3 Carpets, dopes, oopts., gcroge td m, 4 berth,$1 krge fomily after 5pm 4 bdms, 3 EXECUTIVE home, pool, tennis, loundry, clubhouse, 'mo. 29?-- ? firepioces, tarpe 2 ddm., $100 deposit, coll toberths, 7 frpics., 2 car garoge, , CLEAN 5 vr, luxury duplex, frplc., 3 no pets. day! Advance fee 4674 fantastic view, ijth Ave ctoove 6890 VIRGINIA Hills (7715 East) bdms., storage, hkov, ooplce, HOOK UPS 4 bdm., 2 berths, frplc, fenced 13th 053 mo Ave Perk Ensign $)?00 view, No pets. Avo'iabto Sept. 2k $4, $245 STUDENTS1 For 2 washer dver. Lge bdm Oc vs W'H be pointed eves. 5679 So. 12 E $525. yard We'i kept 2 bdm oir cond.. no So. dea Under, condo 45 EAST BOUNTIFUL! FOUR Bdm., ? berth, fomily room, 2 BEDROOM Townhouse, yours! Advonce fee Adurts $375. ground only perking 3 bdm. 7 berth, dW. torn, West vrr fenced Valiev. d. room, BELOW LISTINGS ADVANCE FEE shoo, krge No pets. covered parking 2 berths. $425. ; Mo $5 garage opener AVENUES1 3 bdm.. 2 baths, $3 PMS 46-3drrs, i 22 East Leong DELUXE Townhouse, 11 otr. Avoi'Obie Immed Leose saft, HOLLADAV! $335 7 bdm carport? Lone (43 South). $435-bdm., oooge, ok, fenced. $7Sd Deposit bdm., ? bath, oir, frplc, fenced, 298.381, GARAGE! b.g 4 rm., $?s6, east" So. chito. Renta' 242 7 East 7909 ChADBOURNE DR. (33 E.) 3 krge cd gcroge Mouth of Bto $42$ 4 BEDROOM1 gdoge, frpc. LARGE 2 story 3 bdm. home with Gofierv. NO FEE Cottonwood bdm, 7 berth tamily rm, ? car Canyon $77$. RENT TO OWN1 $J40 2 bdm., more1 odarhonoi units odlotnlng. Beautiuttl., after 5pm gcroge, 0r. WEST JORDAN 4 bdm., W per $4. ADVANCE FEE ABOVE LISTINGS ful H ocre. Mature ydd. No smok after days ccrti 53 mo $1,1 required to move in. Ing or pets. Coll for oontment. ORCHARD $170 SANDY 309 So. 23 East EAST 5475 SOUTH 380 2 bdrms, 2 baths, fireplace Cov. Goroge. wepioc, fenced, pets! LEASE or Lease Option. $1.0 per 2 BEDROOM Carpet, dopes. Move! Advance tee parking. Pod. Ilj5ta?t Ft. Union. 3 Bdm, 2 Full baths, dbl gar oge, frpr, ma Otympus Cave 4455 $o. Lone ftsp, twkgpv, $575 mo. on circle. $535. Qir, $40 No pets. GARAGE WORKSHOP Pme (40 E.). 5 bdm., 3 berth DELUXE duplex. 3 bdm, 2 bath, 2 783 SOLTTH 330 EAST darkroom tamlty rm. Move ngm RENT to awn or purchase. $399 to s fenced 3 bdm., $300$ 3 fireplace, large fenced yard. h. Qwen after S CoD! Advance fee 485-7p.m. per mo. Several avail. Ross Contemporcry bdm., 2H bath twin mo. 31 East wrth hkps. $4 home ond $475. oir, frpc BELOW LISTINGS AOVANCE FEE Reofty, 770 So Gene GAS PD1 V deo., bg bdm., $lc Dai HOUSE 7 4 HOLLADAY Rambler, bdm., REGENCY REALTY ktos-ct3 HOUSE1 3 4 2 $3 $385, CLEAN, bdm., 1W boms, bdm., bdm, both, family rm firepioce, bath, torn, room, carport No pets s GARAGE1 3 bdm., fenced vdd, S deposit pvoii. So garden. 2f?l Eost 42 Sheila $4'j Irg. AMERICAN 3 bdm., ? ixrth, $3 751$ West 3320 So $5 mo. John Immediately, deo. 3 2 bdm.. ??nd floor, v lew $11 KEARNS, $375 mo. plus $7 BOUNTIFUL1 $425, 3 bdm., gcroge mo. Doug, bdm., ADVANCE FEE ABOVE LISTINGS bath, fenced, ccrport. o.m. 3 84 SOUTH 20THEAST evenings, TOWNHOUSE StVto-GOOd SChOOlS. btfms, 2 bedoom, 2 berth, patio, small pr COTTONWOOD Height bertM. frplc conversation pit, cen-t- r reo 70 3 bed-1 HOLLADAY $395. AREA: oi oir. 457 So 7 So. Spacious cafheidoJ ceilings, East. $340 mp voe vord, firepioce, Qoroge rooms, family room, fkepixe, Mcrk Adurts $475 or double firepioce. cd oaroge for oppt. 3 bdm., ? berth New 9434945 gcroge. NOWADAY 4 bdm., ? both, living $3 2 SUGARHOUSE new in 2 CLEAN fin Cioe btfms. rm fermol dm ng fcmily rm or, RENTALS LEASE OPTION all sizes, prices, areas' bdms, hookups. Carport, star Ished bsmt., fenced vord, $315 4599 S Easts 'de location. Prime Smoll 'ease avail. no Workshop Luxury gcog. babv, AAA C0WJVTY RENTES PHjs d'Yisrt, no peto Rd about 25th East) Condorrmiumv 1, 2, and 3 bed Pts 2T38 So Fast 405-room All gmenhes Cafi 3 BtDROOM, errpets, acres, ofr, TOWNHOUSE 3 Mrm, Ij berth, TOWNHOUSE, 2 txfrm., V betas, 2 BEDROOM, TA.'Kr uAur Cottonwood frplc. Southeast I dorian. $4 G'Ove hookups, oahn ond loro hkiiny dixhwtnhef cdport, pah ncwnd Pets Otr. Storoge, tomiTy rm, New Wose Noting Storoge. pom, mge vwd, 4j99 bo9'0 East, Garden Two, three, and four bedoom or WS-Park $4J5 8?nn $390 O 7 kitcten, poho 21 dishwosfer, ClL fenced AN.ne ok. bdm vd. Ccrpnrt- garage SJ'S to 1500 per S') 8540. 797 white Mapto Woy-stauge, bsmt., ccrport, aftrer exrrto no Soum uuo West, west iMMAcULATt 3 bd'm., fom bdms., tras $4 mo p'us dep 94.)ti $375, LARGE $795 mo., $1 bedoom condo Jordon. Rondv Moore 96-room, fireplace, fenced yad. dnp, hookups, Beautiful setting, wosher dver OPDIS , carport, O' $0.4441248or East 11040 So. Cal 3 BLDROOAS, gcroge, Granger 1ST T1VF for RENT, very nice 2 78 after (pm. hkups dShwosher. Nicety decor $425 7 bdm. condo, pool, $375 ho'ne 4 bdm 2 we extra fi g Lisa Cal' Mr Homer RENT OR LEASE OPTION THREE bdm duplex, South SLC, air 7 car goroge. fun basement, lrg LUXURY HILLS fenced vad with outo jprmkier Spacious 3 bdrm., both, tamily cond, wosher diver hookups. yuiD Y 4 bd m ? bath eathtanes, $3 mo $1 Bountiful, breath tdiing viewy rm., eertfttones. frp4cv deoosrt. Eec paid vstem 39 West 57 So $625. grr hookvips, finished bsmt., fenced, 31 2 yrs. oto. Sondv, $00. No dogs. Saft $10 aft 6pm. carport. $5 943-3- 2 MICROWAVE IN EVERY APARTMENT Jacuzzi 3 NO FEE $280 Starting $335 mo. unit and get $100 olfl So. 7938 $460. NtCE 4 bdm., family rm frpic. carport, fenced, nvmeds. NLaru. 1161 East 8 So. 2 bdms., firepioce, hookms. $350. East Wilson Ave. 2 bdm., fenced, gcroge, bsmt., GRAND OPENING OVERLOOK POINT or 10 BEDROOM, single garoge, fenced cleaning deyard, $460 mo. $1 West. posit. 3259 So. 48 3 21S8 bdm. eves 2 lokups, $460, WEST JORDAN AREA bdm., fomiiy room, W bams, carport, star oge, fenced, $525 mo 3268 West Bigar-od(5070 So ). PMS 4 bdm., 3n 4 antes, new carpet, $310, 3725 West. 4 Gallery. condo-- bath, $1100. dovs bdm., cdport and more! 4 wet ber, dbl. gcroge. $425. Rental BROOKSTONE 3 West 4 bcim rambler type home on 7b acre land. Animals Ok. $600. CLEAN 4 bdrm., h bam, firepioce dW. carport, fenced yard, $45o mo Coll after 6 fufl So. 2bdmv, fenced, 8260 West 31 bsmt. Non smokers-nodrinkers. $375. Rental Gallery. NO FEE $385 plus Jim, 100)8 SOUTH hkups NoprV CONVENIENT southeast ioc., 7 bdm., poo!, firepioce, oir cond, $395' mo. 2664)715, ORCHARO CONDO, 2 bdms, 2 baths, tennis, swimming, $415 month Crolg 4 bdm., 2 bam, dishwasher, swamp, fenced yard, $465 firepioce, gtr., WEST Valley 3 bd m., fenced, extra nice mvde ond out. $425 per mo. 13614 SOUTH 2080 WEST 4 bdm. brick rombtor. ccrthe-doceilings, 2 frptc., family rm. DATA U. VIEW APARTMENTS bdms. Adufts. barm, CAPITOL 151 2 2 TRAILER: 2 Ddm , no pets, no chi3280224 lden. VIP Campgrounds, de lue kitchen, d'shwoshe, dspns' ai. cCve ed prtg. no pets. $320 NICE Eost, BEDROOMS pets 930 Eost 300 227 downtown, Tempie, $175 mo. We oil appliSo. hookups, 4. cieon, ouiet. $295 BEDROOMS $195. No pets. 283 East So. Temple. bdm, I NEW, great 4500 So. 795 E, BEDROOM, bsmt., ok. needs refrigv West Voftev toe., $450 9674859 Sm (46 ?bdm., lb berths, Stonge, $395. 3 Dr EAST QUAfl BROOK 1039 bath-tar- fenced, unfinished basement children and pets OK. ? $6. NEWER Kearns, ?ar Exceptional Option, $10 mo. 3 bdrms, MURRAY bath, toft, frplc, pool, heat oir incl See after 3 pm. BEDROOM, Westsrde BEDROOM bdms bam, dishwasher, carport, vad, baseQuail BROOK, 7 bdm., ment $425,942-199- . BEDROOM., bath, fiesh point, new carpets, garoge, fenced yard, 928 East 4 So. dovs $25. bdm.-- NEWER KEARNS. $8. 4 bdm. collect. fence 5502 sprin- 3 $, 7 ELEGANT s or eves. nego SANDY AREA, near Alto high bdr m., 2 fomily rms formal an-ing, 4 berths, main floor laundry. 57V596J cooler, dbl. garoge, "U Or U" AREA RENTALS All below Hsftngs odvonvee fee BDRM. duplex, $50 deo. $150 pvt. $105 oil utilities poid, prime 4th AVE. $195 2 BDRM. singles or couples fine $275 close enough to walk to compus $225 2 BDRM. good east bench loc bdrm. PETS OK! $245 HOUSE $275 oil brick 2 bdm. house eastside $325 charming cottage, Aves. fine! $350 3 BDRM. $350 highrlse CONDO, close campus All 0 oave listings odvonce fee Ldgest Selection Coll Today COVE-- covered parking, sta oge. heot included Eiceienl downtown locd'on firvshed sa BROOKSTONC, 23 Avoiiobie immea Leose or lea$e bdm, home new carpets, no pets. THREE mo $3 2 9 baths, 2 fomily rms., 7 frpics., spectacular view, immoc. '900 PETS, HORSES! Advonce fee Weekly 24) So. State. Brand bdm, 2chikJren, bdm CLEAN North PMS bdm, BRAND NEW! Rent $595. SANDY. CLEAN 4 BEDROOM mo. extras, $5 OLYMPUS AvtNuES bdm, pool, loundy tacits., heat oir Included, no pets, ClTE Guest Cottage. bdm. bam, carport, $300 mo. 2465 Kentucky t 804. (43C So ) Newly remod., leose. COUNTRY HOME BDRM HOUSE, new EXTRAS INCLUDED! bdrm. 7 bath townhouse, HIGH, air, fenced, $665 4 Fair Moll. Nkre VALlEY family $450. bam firepioce, deck, klers, storage, some ocreoge for KIDS, $445 7 room, fomily East Midvoie home, 7 rec rooms, boms, fenced $495.260 6. 7390 So 1545 West VonBuren Circle. $510 mo plus aep SANDY 4 bdm, 2 bam, wood burning stove. IS garoge, tenced vd wosher dryer hkup, dishwasher, reftig. good ceea, no smoking 9 pets. $595 mo, dep 77-14 YEA 9 OLD, 3 Li m. Iiunif, ptr'tai-tfin. basement, $Se0. per mo. Great neighborhood. See at 721 West 1)75 No, West Bountiful, $300 MALE ONLY. Sleeping room. No cooking, smoking or pets. $110. MfLLCREEK-shjderr- OPTIONS listings odvonce fee HOUSE, tow deposit $325 luxury CONDO, omenrhes $365 large HOUSE wrth GARAGE LAKE 3 bdm. house $365 SO. $375 3 bdm house, country kitchen $450 Sogarhouse toe fenced yd $450 4 BDRM HOUSE, bsmt, garoge $475 prime SANDY orea, 5 BDRM. All above listings odvonce fee THESE ARE JUST A FEW Call for More into Largest selection of luxury rentals avoiidie dolly, ah ?eas, prices, sixes. Advonce fee. Rooms QUIET drsy by same, $'50. FREE utils. Rjom for rrun in nice home Shore krt living room. No smokers. eves. Ddm. Aps Coy TV, Weekly rates, STUDiOS AND BEDROOMS C'ose to downtown SOUTH vw A LEASE mole students. M'DVAlE: Kitchen. Atr. M.o0 wk. 39 NO. MAIN. 25 home Ron NON DRINKERS. UTILS. PAID. 222 West 3rd SO. 40 So, STUDIOS ond sleeping rooms mo. utils mci 222 West 3rd bdm. seek femoie to share $42 Find FuRN'SHtO South 540 Eost dep. South 540 Eost pep. mile from East $775. $255-u- bdm, bdm, BASEMENT Apt, 7 bdms., I or 2 wort Ing odufts, No smokers, 2 ml. from u of U. Southeast. pets fenced. 25th So. bv school 5295.973-9- 2 loun-dr- Bachelor bdm, Parquet floor, city view, $300. Garden Apt, spoctous bdm. $225. NO pets. So BOUNTIFUL BEDROOM $240 month NiCE d Tiffany Town bdm, carpet, parting, bdm, Y APT. $250 ond $255, 4700 storm S, (56 2 bd m townhouse, V) bath, carpet, appls.. gaiooe, $565. LUXURY Cottonwood HPis condo tor rent. $5 So 13 82 East, Sandy Coll Mart MflLCRCEK 3bd ms, flrepioce, if 9. fenced yd. Easy freeway access. $390, 58M770, spirt entry home, 3 full bam, fenced yard, win w located on circle. All betow $300 7 BDRM. roommate days, FEMALES spacious ATHlETiC Shore 2 $265 Con BEDROOM $190 monta, dep. GRanada near Trade Tech, large aot, $2o0. carpet, & opes, washing focilfhes, off Street park ing, 174 Coayon Pd. ONE 3965 West 4100 So. 235 LAST CHANCE UTE S. Dose to U. 2 carport. bdm, no pets, tinno kids, 272-noon. 13. $300 mo Can 9 P.irTin i,w-rr- l 969-742- Sp.l UR 2 ances, new carpet, $316, 5450 bdm, hookups, oft street prto , no pets. 255 South 600 East. SP5 mo $150 dep $775 HEAT incl. 2 bdm., 1318 living rm, 2830 So. 8350 West. liin. lri.iU oir, CONDO-- TWO v.iil.iliK- LU ehos. TWO bdms., West Voile 4. $270 Near moll. Carport. No smoke. Aft. 5, onyftme wkends. nor Smmi area, $200 2tdm DELUXE 2 BEDROOM HkuPS, Oir, dishwasher $775. 245 S. Montgomery (1580 West) BEDROOM aot, $80. 5t5, heat 700 No. Incl, $100 deoosrt, 300 West, TWO bdm. n nice 4 pie, west Vcl lev, fenced yard, hookups, small kids Ok $285,942-464- "ni ,..li- T uh's, see ot WEST bdm. 157 EAST PARK PLACE, SUGAR HOUSE, 2 bdms, formal (bnmg 516 tost Romono Ave. (1940 So ). $425. BEAUTIFUL girls $175. Own room. LADY to share wfth lomes home ond mobile home. cote 7 BEDROOM. Corpet, fenced. Close to town. $280 unfum. $305 furn. Uhls deposit. No pets. $60 dep oir, dishwasher, 1 All share new home micro wove D'Shwosher, $200 mo. Uttts paid 96 0447 MALE Comeioogi$t needs roommate. $ 60 plus W uhis. Near Utah Tech. Leave number at MALES to shore W. Volley home wrth mole, 21, dean, no smoke, Will shae BEDROOM pets To ond State Utils. COMFORTABLE furnished effe ciencv. AH util, paid West Voiiev or $250 486-744- 323 weet SumptartMOu So.) 3 bdm, I bath, fuH bsmt, fenced yd. carport, $410 $350 dep, SUGARhOUSE toveiy 3 bdm, fenced vad, di cr goNo pets $525 mo 77? 2790 re des, no i $150 ih new $240 CLEAN, Av enues, most uhlities pd, no pets ktos smokers $190 mo. $550. Stadto $325. South 3300 SOUTH kim renrea Exclusive East So. Temple locaon. redec, oder available OAfLY smoll pets, no smokers dmkers, $4. Weekly rooms from $85 per week hookups, RENTAL DATA-461 3300 S Color cable T.v. Free In room 2 BEDROOM, $320. mo, 309 East EXECUTIVE Penthouse by U, sec, 2 bdm. ROSE PARK. Nice locci & free A Co. bath, of Miller Division Realtors movies, private 4500 So. Coll covered prtg, big parting loc. Nice vd. Nice colls, 24 hr. desk. Maior credit OPEN LATE 7 DAYS T SUGAR HOUSE-GUtarea. After 3pm. SUGARhOUSE NICE 7 bdm. $300, CLEAN bdm. near U. All uhis. inedds occepted. 140 Eost So. $7. bdrm. $200. clean, hookups, no FREE RENTAL SERVICE uft'S po d. Temple. Coll cluded. No pes. $215. GRANAQA near Trooe Teen, new decor. Family children or pes, carport $050-bdm. 7h berth FURNfSHED 3 BEDROOM, 1W bath, carpets, bath apt. Phone ADULTS, no pets. 2 bdms, rm., bdm, d'Shwosher, carport. 1000 7 BEDROOM, $395-bsmt. fenced NEW GRAND HOTEL bdm. garoge, ft. $325 plus Uhts. 5 p.m. after Sa mo. $350 ccotcs., hookups, CUTE DU?lEi(-$ya d, carport, $950-85 parting. bdm. 2' bath, ytiirtes poto NEW LOW PATES good loc., more. $487. $495-ONE BEDROOM DOWNTOWN. bdrm. fenced, bsmt. pets ok bd m Ccmet, dopes, smoi pet ok TOWNhOuSE 2 bdm. East Soody. LARGE apt. hos 4 bdms. eoch Weekly $55 ond up, daily from $14 $525-2 555 East 9th So. bdm. berth fenced pets BEAUTIFUL cieon 4 bdm., 2 bath, 2 Hkps, carpert, fenced yard, no HEAT PAID $2)5. Eoch has private bath. 24 hr. phone. Color TV. Restauront pets. S320'mo. Call fom'ly rooms, fenced, washer' next door. Comer of 4m So. ond $850-- bdm. 2'a bath, oir, Qoroge AVENUES. ONE BEDROOM 7 BEDROOM, BDRM. ALL UTILS AVES, $750. bath, oi' oois. Lower areas Details Many more-AI- I Moin. dyer, 7066 Soge Brush Way (3 15 bdm. $?so mo. $235. OUIET. Refs. No pets unit Aspen Gfen, 44.1 East 560C So. Clean, sunny Come into our office for your mo. Call E). $6 No Bv leose rea Deoosit, pets. 533 plus oep STRATFORD HOTEL heat. Near Sa. Troiiev Free ond numbers or BEDROOM phone oddess edec. studio, ceon, SANDY AREA-oopt. 234 1st Ave. bdms., firepioce, Adutts. No smoke pets. Weekly sleeping rooms, for older 3 BEDROOM, $350. fenced vixd, furn.unfurn, gas pd, family rm., fruit trees, fenced ond retired, from $48 'week, STUDIO, $200 Mo. $160 deo. No bus stop. loundry RENTAL GALLERY BEDROOM opt $220 month Plus beck yard. Poss. leosexophon. BEDROOM Lower Aves. Porting 1st 234 Rooms wrth $12.00 Ave. eose day. reauired. pets, privcrte 278 1700 58H So. 4015 West. util. 1480 So. 1100 Eost. heat included. Shown only by appt bath, $55 a week. Ceon, auiet, 1007 Eost 900 So. , CAPET OL hu L, od m. semi TWO Bdm duplex, $200. mo, 870 MEN. No smokers. Everything turn, 1373 MiHstreom Lane. 3 bdm., respectable. 169 E. 2nd So. LIKE NEW 2 STORY heat loundry turn, $325, $350 ROSEPARK 2 bdm, oir, frpl, Sckth 400 Eost or bath, firepioce, gdoge, fenced) phone. By L'berty Park. hkups, cable TV. small pets, yrs 4?4 Wolf St. Features country k itchen, firepioce, with no pets. $475. paho, yord DELUXE Townhouse 2 bdm. $350. leose, $150. dep. 4 bdms., 2n bams, formo dining, BEDROOM, 7 blocks from U. $215 WINDSOR HOTEL, Downtown et. 27. $225 SUOARHOUSE, 2 bdms, corhotel for older and retired. Many exiros Mtovoie. 1 No smoking or pets. oir, 3ar garoge ond more. Ex$240 BEDROOM, hkps, loundy no pets, oir, pets pertino, Quet, dean, comfortable, securiclusive area; new schools, park. mo. $150 deposit. 2063 East 3335 5290 CLEAN 2 bdm. 2539 So. DUPLEX: $720. One bdm. Mon pi BOUNTIFUL smoke 1150 Gorfield. ty. From $12 day to $44 week. $745. 8810 Scum Piper (1760 East) So. Portcrtsf (1860 W), No pets. 3129 So. 8th Eost. $285- -2 'iM-n-- $0. Mom. 17th MAGNA DUPLEX, 2 bdm , wosher, dver, carport. Only cieon responsible people need reply 5300 mo. 5 50 deo. b lost mo. 250-5? so 1'l.iSJ.TclJlld' harm. bdm. with wosher ond plus 136 $275. TWO barms. 1P39 West 3300 Ond 7 CuTE 95 860 So. $ RENT TO OWN: $350. MfdrOte. 5440. 419 ids ok. No Near downtown. bdms. $295. Dr, Mldvole. GREAT c'ose in location 254 So. 300 Eost Brond new carpet ord point, 2nd Eost. $325. bsmt oportment TWO "U K ST'S. VERY aftroctue apt. All uhis. poto but iohts Adufts. Rm Apts, 435 Eost So, Temple West $TTX)iO: $180. 127 FIRST AVENUE Landlord poys oil utils. 3634254 INCLUDES UTilS. odurt. De luxe new bdm, Southeast loc No pets. No smokers. now 2 barms, 2 baths, carpel 1,00 sq. ft Air cond, cn.ered prtg. No pets. 1659 ONE BEDROOM: $230. 127 FIRST AVENUE. Ail uft's. poto $295, new bdm, bdms, BEDROOM So 300 E East bdrm. Temple TWO bdrms, eceiient cond, no pets, $150 dep, WVC, Dove BEDROOM, $265 heat inc'uded. Washing tocilfties. carport, pets 1521 Lincoln st available So. 527 bdm. home 2 BEDROOM, bdm, basebdm. basement $230. 2 2 CLEAN BEDROOM $235. Clean palm. 346 West 600 No. ViDvalE, Utils Incl. oir, WEST vollfcv CTy, ? Ira. bedroom townhouse dude, I'j bath, 1100 sa. ft , hookups, carpoH, no smew-eror pets Ttm9&8-I4l- ) aft 5 3400 no BACHELOR PAD: $160. Nice ond cieon Ore bdrm. Carpet, No pets. 840 South West Temple. 153? , New corpet, Laundy. ELEGANT exec, model. Belvedere. 2 Modem Clean HOLLADAV bdm, large rooms, carpet, daoes, no pets. 5270. 177m Osoge Otonge AND 2 bdms, $225 and $260. Gos, included. stove, refrig, Newly painted. 564 Eost 6th So. BEDROOM vara, prtg, $280 $2ftC 300 South $260; 2 1515 E. 200 So. rooms far men kitchens, living pets. 2 VERY nice bdm. Washer, dyer, cable TV, sauna, gcroge. $375. 620 So 800 Eost 3594)1 e TWO bdms., oil cw1s., apes, no pets; 2 kids 4686 South mgton Park Drive (4725 West). OP dr leelors, parting. porting, bdrm, pdking. $310. u, nice 2 bdm, $365, includes except lights bock $330 pets, advance FURNISHED students. Share rooms. Kecrns $160 NEAR ut.is bdm. Carpet, daces, th Eost. Poss olio for adults, EAST $650 fenced 9427796 Condominium! for Rent 275 270 UnlumisHd Houtet bdm., 7k garoge. G9 12, 1984 SEPTEMBER WIONESDAY, BEAUTIFUL krge Sandy home, 3 bdrm air, fenced vd. $500. or Kim, RENT OR LEASE WiTHOPTiON 7 Immocuiata, bdm, 2 bam, krge finished bsmnt, sunoeck, large fenced vara. West Valley. $545. Com eves., OFtCE MAIN WEST VALLEY OFFICE 2530 yad 4 Lap needs femoie to shore Pat LDS MAlES need moes, 4 bdm, 2 bah, $15 pnjs V uhis. 2 LDS Girls to share house wrth 2 ROO MATE ond Guoweed SALT LAKE 469 EFFECTIVE yOOOYYQ roomates. RESPONSIBLE femoie wonted to share 3 $150 mo. Coll Y 3235, spacious, spotless, 3 rooms, near Soger House, lovely flrepoce, plush carpet, no smoking, nr pets. FORnShED Downstairs (7t. for eort single, bdm, $200. For 2 bdrm., $230. Ail carpet. All utils pd. Coll In opts. SVdfo, Cleon, view, potto NEAR 33rd BEDROOM, fireploce, corpets, lev tors, back porch. Off street park ing $315 oil utils paid. 2625 Midvo'e AVENUES bdrm. Heot paid $745mo. Tom after 6, AVENUES Modern, smo 2 bdm, baths, hkps, double 1265 East 5600 So. BEDROOM, carpet, porch. Off street heat poid. Coll 15. 3059 hodups, BEDROOM.-studios- AVENUES $195 BEDROOM apt. carpet, dopes, , oir, balcony, 4801 So. 17 $300. 1740 East 2 fu'n, no ITS P'oeefnem U, $145 IDS BOYS lOVELY 2 bdm. for mol dine, oir cond, tile both, heat pouL no , pets 156 St. smokers, dmke.-s- $210. 2 BEDROOM, Mogno. No pets. 2646 South 8990 West. mgmt SECLUDED H0LLADAV Mrms. 5250. Solar child. dinkinq, Cove, 5 bdrm, 4 both, fomiiy room, secluded $1000 No pets. Sheo: 2 bdms, carpeted, heat $250-- WAY: YOUR SPECIF CATIONS! IT'S FAST LUXURY HOME both. fVeptoce, HOUSES FOMENT betow listings odooce fee $245 secluded 4 room HOUSE, pets NEWER 2 bdm, A really mce spirt $?15 2 BDRM. HOUSE easts ide ioc. entry honie In 0 good negrtoor-hoo$295 kids, pets, bock porch, 2 bdm Full basement, firegrate, $300 MURRAY HOUSE tow deposit mooem krtchea $400 mcxiftv $325 Charmmo AVENUES house 4g09 West 5900 So 3 bdrm. house $365 $375 family slied home. 3 bdms. five bed ooms, SANDY, Lovely, two baths, fireplace refrigerator, $P5 remodeled 5 BDRM. HOUSE air conditioned. tuU basement, $375 WEST JORDAN newer 3 bdm. $425 NEW 4 Ddm. 2 bath, fenced yd. corport, fenced coveted patio, no pets $500 $450 Southeast toe wrth extras! All axn-lutings odvonce fee TOP OF THE WORLD 100's MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Ldge 3 bdm, 3 bam, fomily roam, OR 1 CALL double oar oge $850. Avon. Oct 1, $500 dep. 1st ond tost mo $280 UPPER AVENUES Charming 2 BDRM., singles or 2 BDRM COTTAGE DARLING coupes ok, Advance fee $385 Sm pet ok 601 E Leiond Ave $375 NEWER FAMILY HOME (3015 S) 487 93i8 Affordable 3 BORM. house, full BOUNTIFUL, eost bench, 3 bdm., bsmt, fenced yad, kids, pets ok. 7' ? baths, 7 fireplaces, finished Advance tee bsmt., double gar air cond., dishSUGARHOUSE 2924. $e50 29$ view, washer, $150 Private BDRM. duplex only $S0 4 BEDROOM spirt entry, fenced vud on dep. Over SO voc ancies ovoliGbie Carpets, louna-- y daily below $200. CALL TODAY. hookups, kitchen applAdvance fee iances tarnished $550. Need mole EAST 5th SOUTH 11 SO 200 New opt, no smoking oir, rets, $250. BEDROOM Olympus MAKE CHATEAU PdtL, $370. $210 NfCE 245 So So LiBERTY park 2 o dm, Clean 853 South 400 Eost 5265 COZy bdm. triple, near 10th South 800 Eost, $245. Must see. No children, no pets. d '4 WEST No. Tempie, upstairs. $'45 ond up for 1. No Childen Appy Se Rancho Mutor Lodge, 64C West No. Temple. water in bah, MALES Share home near No smoker, inkers, or or 532 28 10 ONL 2 BEDROCV. Richmont Country Wood, ail omemties. $400 v mo. Monoger BEST 276 Unfurnished Mogjej Service Rental let our professional staff ond computers match you m seconds to all the voconcles that meet 47.?903 rr So call ,ed Com puw utu vod $295 EoJt. ATTENTION li ) 13v1 300 TT ior O & 2 BEDROOMS and Studios Mogno, U of U, DownSouth town, Aves, Sogarhouse, S.L No pets. 1 both. 845 Eost BEDROOM, oir. 7 Eost port Put Don. ge ad home. Gar aen. B.g $225 month plus uftis Close to downtown ond University. Share Heat studioayoii STORY, nicely decor aed, or female, private room 2 $l80mo., BEDROOM Completely furnished, TV, linen, dishes, pool, parking, tennis, clubhouse, downtown loc. bdms, poroge, )rpt, Hoiiodav area, $290 mo, $280, LARGE moie 11 ONE bdm. Capftoi Mill. Apo'lonces, tew carpet Cieon $65. intent, no hrs. hae $15 rienn Q.nf KJg 24 porting TWO dopes, 2bdm. ond furnhrt SANDY Deluxe, 2 bdm, hookups. No pets. Child Ok. $790 2 BEDROOM with fireplace, Cap rto! Hill areo, Mme RENEWED bdm., we pay gos. Adults, (infant ). 5775- 3406 So. 300 East. Mgr, corport, AND 1m2 BEDROOM NEAR 664 Eost 700 So $715. LARGE 2 bdm., oir cond new st. Salt paint, hkps, Montgomery Loke. Call after 5 des 2 bdm, 2 $285, mo. Carol bdrm. beout., south east tot. Ponds ond creeks. Hookups Poho. Air ennd, corpets carport, adults, no pets. SPACIOUS bdrm., centrol oir, dishwasher disp., stwoge, cover ec blocks from Temple prtg 5280 plus gos ond elec. SPACIOUS bdrm , centrol oir, dishwasher, oisp, storaoe, covet c prtg. I's blocks from Temple 5265 plus gos ond elec IE East pets, TWO bdm., new paint, clean, no pets. Ref. ond lease. $255. 355 No. 7th W. bdm, BEDROOM 5230. 5tud,0 apt. $210 5 50 dec. oir, carpets, levelors, oft St. parking, loundry toe No peh 52V4263 bdrm., J2&5 No So. 3rd East V oeo Fia. bdm. Ouiet 800 So $725,942-182Osrrrt U. $49$. NEW 100 So bdm., heat po'd, so.( Quiet LUXURY condo NEW Irg. ( 273 So. bdms.. 8eG LUXURY bdm. Firepace. Gos poid. No pets or kids. $325. 3414 South 3rd East. BEDROOM APARTMENTS ecept 7774)167 2 4 5th Eost part uhts. BEDROOM, dr, storage, loundy 05 rm $275 $42 So. 500 E. $245 ond N'vC PARTIAL furn., 250 So. oir cond., AVAIL: Houses, opts, level. mo. $100 depotrt. wyv'ivh. West 14600 So. vr or SOUTH 3200 WEST. 2 bdm., washer-d'ver- , carpets, appiis., $335. No pets. All utilities bd m 5315. Adults, no in pets. 2711 So. 700 Eost. inq. rear. or GRENOBLE 830 E. 2 bd. m., loundi y fools., codie, pkg 5365. 5200 deo vt.eose days; COTTONWOOD TOWNHOUSE: 3 bdms,, 3 baths, fifeplocc large kitchen 1480. dur'ing hours. until 7:30 P.M. 5295.LUXLRV bedroom aot. dopes, aw Put. balcony. avoil. Can to see! or 412 Eost 3400 So. 2 units Please coir BEDROOM, city view, upper Aves, $325 mo. includes heat, 452 11th Ave SPACIOUS2&3 BEDROOM, U75 k'U, 3575 SO r DARLING 2 BDRM East d So. 35M121 722 140 SO 1945 ms. Nice bdm., SEVERAL condos, 534-;- 1ST 253 EAST 3 2 txim. wrm $?$ 322-- 19?. HCLIADAY off ANTED BEDROOM condo. Pool Hot tub Covered Adyry 246 East 3645 So. preferred. West Temple 3 utils, poid lights, no pets, no child en. eth East Con Rick eves. CONVENIENT LOCATION WOfXhOPP'fg ona ' ROSEFARK vceiient 7 bdrm., hookups, Str eet pork mg, $275, 453 No. St. (1350 West) & $210. PRtACY OF A bdrm, carpets, drapes, irg, yd das, renters. east sde loc. Washer-drye- r aep Tos-mo- No.). BtDROOM, oir, close to U, lease, $350 mo. No smoking pets 645 Eost 200 So. 2 Near pirport Ave. !1, very Cleon, 2 bdrm., V4?0 incl, oil ulrls. except hohts. incl. cable TV, laundry toe., ott street pkrQ. No kids 'pets nights Ctpcndohlc 75 (825 IDS GiRtS EXECUTIVE SUITE convenience of home Mold service ovoNGPte. Short term t bdm $650 Action or Gov Reofty RENIA1 DATA THE Need femoie roomates. Emov fom-Uhome evering wrth FEMAlE wonted to some, my town home. $250 met. MagtHihes, nice neighborhood. ture, quiet, clean only per week for ond up Also sieepmg rooms ovollaoie $?5 $85 ond up Se Rancho Motel, 640 West North Tempie, ohice West Sugar House $245, $'50 deposit. No for oppt no pev aea, houn-up- NEAR Fifth V. ;.i, $?5. txt m. New point Rose Part 1620 West All Houses FIND YOUR NEW HOME. aea net BEDROOM, 2 house wfth oeiy to same, no smoke (Sink, $90 mo plus $'20 ef. deposit Hoiiodav Contact Pot, noons ond evenings ROOM apt with kitchen aro bath, $250 per mo tor ou pav lights, gos and $25 water per mo. West No Temp. Appiy: Se Roncho, 640 West No. Tempie, or Scottyy poor Unfurnished J70 shat G'RLS ae covered prtg, mo. lease, 2 FuRniShED kitchen Opts. units, c'ubbouse, 5375. 1 OVOH, oil $195 TWO Circle APARTMENTS hookJW Of ?0 ViLwA t bedroom i 6dm. TWO 4th Lust pool So. 250 $235 53?.?)J, 77T.0I6 fco5 Cute 155 So ,i1S1,7linclw at paid of U. U - nr 0 3d 2 BDRM. 10-t.- 15CSO VvOC. bath 4850 baron, starting bdrm., appis., Ixh m. m West valley, ft pi., covered pty. re, dr Smart children ok l valley f air Won $30 2 ye 1, ts rtf Oof u Trollev Sq. Cor pet, drives, p'kg. No peto. n- 2l tip1( s laundr, NEW 4 PLE1! 5475, LOVE-lUtm, 2 batii Must see No smokers 41C2 Se 5m Eost, 2 2 BEDROOM Townhouse. CEDAR CREST Lrce'ient 2 bdrm., washlna tools, oh heet parking, 1926 So. Wesl A. Tempie U, orivon oiw IW'jr delight, cupboards tore-e- , dishwoshec, disposoi, cerrtiai 4 ocres pvt pork. Love kids pets. L g. 2 boms, West voiS3 5 up of bimt, ;n eh.. Con car 2 of iTCnf-- ni. AR U Jordan. .ociudei to SSor MAlE to shae ) turn utartment with some ctubhouse pool, sou no. tennis couits 1700 mdth plus b uhimev Ca after 6 p m ?66-- '97 WELCOME1 CHILDREN-ET- tentals J15 Aportments southeast ms BEDROOM 2 216 furnished fucks, ovoiiotiie. Shown 7pm, 56l East 1st So. 2. one bedroom $24s. Capets, dopes. (WJikioces. 9el 3006. no pets m AE J71 6dm. carpet, Fur5220. dopes, stove, rift'd, tTft. nished 5235 South l bdm., Quwt o eo. OFF l baby, No pets Loundy, Near bus line CAPiTOl Hill 2 tx ms., firep'0C6 " Ww irtli., 140 165 16dm, bp. dopes, gpp'S, i?45 mo. 90S uhis poKt. loandv Don't rent i6V7 So 250 tost, until you've seen these lounOv KOROOAMirO. partilna unity See at 448 South 500 East "A Tuet-Sa- t I eat No Redwood Rd areo, pool, G Orour'0 windows tor sun Wosher ond dr ,er ond POJ Oil utin . s Non ymoKnc mo 38l. lots uvAntown. Wheel chan otcessa-b.Aauits only. I a uoi Housing Opportunity 185: EAST J990 SO .uuembnek, 3 bdrms., 2 oath, with ioah. Neaecwmed, immocuiate i nepioce, covered parking, lots ot staoge $460 No pets. No le ifi f7.6,0 vv Ast 7rpQ ?. El HANDICAPPED? Ae bdrm. and studio opts OR OR hi.e l0 nt oauitr, cubic hooAup cow-- ' porVinq, loundry tocillfles S305 mo' Td I io JI50D) JS Clean tarn, i,"H o' View balcony, Pir, e v i CEWRYA?T$ t. CHOICE Vg 'f" g XJ DROOL B I 235 SClTh cOO EAST ge s jhny studio, inoudet oil Jtiiv Jis. j to both, cat pert $375 mopiusflepos Itp' U yi 200 Unfurnished Apartments 200 Unfurnished Apartments rJtwGn&S: ; y yv piiTii'r'iiirr ijy |