Show go to any grocer and ask for schillings best tea japan F english Break breakfast fasti oolong ong ceylon or the blend lira hywell will pay you your awtey back if you dont like it alk A lk 6 pw s ati art frt ltd 11 d aideen for f birty T tr tors ors ath with abhold abo old four yer years 11 y WY mother who had b awn bed ridd tai silv r abi o 0 aly yer years beard board of nol a tain balm a we tried it tad and her bar rm y v so mn much M that ined little by th he w aaboe to get abort a a chair we Wr live never hh or maw baporia San voria alrie arge clea claib AW 1 I UNd 41 kissi 4 dr lers atut aper mits 1 I 1 01 I 1 we I 1 W to T t serve SIC r vp v balle Y CLO 4 WITH N COOPS AT i HONEST PRICES PRIC ES COME AND SEE OUR t v 1 t BARGAIN LOT if t OF GOODS sold at HALF PRICE EMERY mercantile COMPANY wit lion or arbuckle cofty coff at t 16 centi cents per package 11 in eb 9 tt P F A tamer turner of the state insurance Inen rance office salem ore aya says ont of the scores of cough medicine in the market thre is i only one I 1 hare any confidence in and that Is i chamberlain a cough remedy I 1 make this arment tr ment after an experience of twelve rear tue use of this valuable ral remedy for concha coughs and colda colds it la is splendid bat but where its it work ie is infallible if is with children subject to cromp I 1 keep it U in my home bows at all times for ale sale by til il medicine dealers when moat most needed it la is not unusual for your family physician to bo be away from home bach such was the experience of mr J Y schenck editor of the caddo ind ter danner banner when hen his little girl two an of axe waa threatened with a severe attack of aze cromp p he fie ay says my wife insisted In that I 1 fo to for the doctor bat but as our family physician waa was vat tout of town I 1 purchased a bottle of chamber lains cough remedy which relieved rell ered her immediately I 1 will not bo without it in the future U 23 and 50 vout eat bottle battles for bale sale by all medicine dealers the state slat carmera Far Fart mera ners institute will be held hold at provo february nary 23 to 27 lye 1 under toe too auspices of the agrical tural college the following topics will be discussed fruit industry daerr dair hus bandry Inix atlon problem problems diseases and andreq rent ral tuna farm topics luclus Ing InKa ngar augar beet culture the evening tension will be firm to u on subverts anbi erta of graam interest in prominent farm firmer erp trait fruit growers rower and other others from differ different eat parta parts of me 11 diate barn beba requested to discuss dl cri special subjects all are in Tit J SMITH seme IT AND WILL HORSE SHOEING INCa A SPECIALTY GENERAL BLACKSMITH INC ALL WORK guaranteed 14 f take rake the SANTA FE ROUTE for all points east AN OPEN LETTER n you can get more and batter GOODS for your CASH or PRODUCE at L LOWENST EIRTS r than at any other store this nde tide of salt lake ALWAYS IN THE LEAD 4 and other stores will have to fol fols low this is the naked truth I 1 can t help it it is my motto a L lowenstein price FORTIFY YOUR FEET no leal campaign campal fB li is over but bit the inter winter campaign to 1 on teu you must array yourself against the cold and dd snow uy my platform Is I 1 good honest goods bodi at t very low prices pric do can I 1 serve you rou rr misac boot boat k shoe UTAH for b Coofer wice of day AdT t to be b h beu I 1 at lincoln bebr february 8 to march 8 a rate of a fars an and it third on the cc plan Is t by the R U G W sale dy days february 7 8 13 U and llarch id arch I 1 on february nary 7 oula aa an op of one cuts single 1 far fare plas for or th abw above oo 00 esiel baini 6 Is I 1 also 10 lo aathur 0 BRANDON DALR SALOON OLSEN DRADON BRANDON IX wiese arb dl cleats 4 poolroom room in connection with troon laoo 1000 gif give us u a cl call CAST LEDALE UTAH no one is to biame b bi 9 yourself you rIf if it your ticket to t borha BL loul louail kau city ir dew does oot not road vf the burlington Burll niton routs the local ticket agent kt bas ticker via vl the burlington te the and na all it other easters und and ao OA fl H 01 wilt will furnish you with oa an it i you k for it but you at ak ask for it let at ora r of inquiry andross hr ed 1 to the th undersign will arrive atten lilas W ilc con I 1 AL ast salt lake atly walker block I 1 buy oat oats wheat and hides L lowenstein chambor chamberlains lains lah rady alwy proves fhe A R G Rafi road SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD rho ausit line running two through ut dally daily to ASPEN rebolo COLORADO buringa AND DENVER Arr sonva aram ax iff train no 2 leye leaves pric 14 lp P M H arrive at t pueblo 5 50 A H Cok colorado arado springe A M H denver deaver 9 30 A M trin tr in ln no 4 leave price 12 17 A M N arrive pueblo PuebloS 15 P M H colorado Co lorido sarif gs 6 49 P bl denver deaver 9 14 connections Connect lone arde at pueblo colorado springs and denver deaver with all lines east elegant day cu achee chair can cars and pullman sleepers oa on all aralue take the D A Q G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy tho finest scenery on the shortest line to cripple creek colo ados great gold camp train no 2 9 leaving price al a 1 04 p m arrive atU at cripple creek next nett na orning at 10 AS A S traffic manager 5 tl hooper G 11 A T A denver colo 3 P F nevins general ageal agent II 11 M U flushing T A bait salt lake zake utah 90 20 pound pounds of sugar for L |