Show tk carf Ct rf couter conference orace ath emory emery cation tuie stake convened at optics pi ice ud old a february rebr uary 7 and ti 9 the ake and a fairrel fair rep of aud fr fro in the tile d isrl ward of ille li stake we were I 1 NI lynan and antone anions 11 II ln lan 1 I and J U kimball one of the tile art 0 T a tent lent of seventies vert with the tents th V of t tae e north part oct ont lo 10 great number bite 1 tho tb the moat h was wt writ 11 rese sited A rich trait of rood thing sound boni duc doctrine trian and aj nolle noble wu had haill through the cour tivy of the town board the towo town brai vrr was opened for ibe the three meet mee loxi on sunday between U O and ad WO people attended ibe the afternoon and andr evening meeting meetings flabb subrata soth school WM was bold hold in a the morn lag jug and nd the visiting elting Tt brethren abt ua with the tb children and gave IT timely nd boxi advice ad rice anoll encouragement to both pupil pupils and teachers ana bowed showed the great good to r relt nit fr tren sunday af al A general tue meeting eting was bel I 1 at t 2 0 clock in the afternoon when apostalo land and dwelled upon the Mity of apace pare life and the proper rapet for god and life hi holy word words both in the aiu and sod la in the church works and ati also of hating having fence in those woo who are placed ever the people in the diffrient department departments ia in the chore h a government johnithan U kimball addreen add reed main ly aba lb seretta i 8 abid urged upon them the great importance of their office and ossil almog lal and th t their ilves should be ex both in their families and among their fel at the evening mission apostle lyman was the walis speaker aud gare gave a very 4 clear nt the position tiou k of the apostles and sold pint first presidency to the deposed anotle al Af otle o tle moses thatcher audias and wu desirous de to hare have all under X that it waa was neither malica malice nor to a hite church interfere with tate state that the to be 41 4 1 elored lored action wai was taken but t that the tenet of the church might be preserved pree erred and that when the law Is I 1 the tho penalty mart mast follow ue ile referred to hie his own father who had about W 8 yean years ago boon been do posed from the apostleship and cut off from the tb church for preaching falee false do d corinee and denying the necessity of the atone beut of the savior apostle lyman wished the to that abe imp simp leand plain teachings ot J amas toniee ye cje ime imp ye are not giue it ae as nece necessary seary tody today to dy day to church die di cialone aa as it was in the day the savior adduced these w rd to bb his follower oo abe trouble with moses thatcher was that be coun no 6 f eye to eye with hil his brethren and the result wa was now visible he warned every elder ld r to be careful ot of themselves theme elvee and watch every word thought though and action test the tempter conid find them lipping at their and bring them I 1 codar knew jay waa WAS held in the ward bonse bons on an account of a ibe be district cuart court convening ening in jim the town hall ball the visiting brethren spoke to the upon the duties to god our neighbors tora end to ourselves oure elvee from the statistical Utis lepori report that bat was rea tea 1 emery carbon take stake bat ba 12 ward and nd two patriarch patriarchs V 6 seventies 1 high priests prie eto tm olden elders priests prie ete 79 teachers 31 deacons children over a 8 rears years of age and a membership of 4 60 which Yn clado the children under 8 years of axe age of the entire population of the stake I 1 aw are rec eving support which is generally furnished by the ward to whlor they belong |