Show HOUSE OP OF COMMONS DEBATE urt last a r rally usually ravo rable time for filp athing A big debate often lute tests a fortnight that to to ay may it la in carried on during the monday mondays tuesday tuesdays thursday dar and fridays of two weeks the wednesdays being usually devoted to the con alteration alder alde atlon ration of 0 bills introduced by unofficial member members says temple bar the order in which the leading mem bera bers of I 1 do government goT emment and ot of the op position lou tiou speak to previously 11 arranged by the whips ot of the different martlea part lea ell and the speaker being informed d privately of the understanding demanding un calls on theae these members in the order appointed no matter bow how many small men may at the same time strive to catch his eye A member of 0 the opposition at always follows in debate a member 0 of the government the opening of a and toward its close or before and after the dinner hour houe that la is from 5 till 7 T and from 10 till 12 are considered the beet best and moat most favorable times for speaking jt la is during these periods of the bitting sitting that the big guns on each side are brought into action under the rules of the bouse house all opposed bujia bu alness ess ese must cease cene at 12 0 clock and the member who at that hour moves the adjournment of the debate baa has the right to open it the next nest evening if a member of the government speaks ins last at night the adjournment of the debate Is moved by an opponent of the government aad arid vice versa if it a member of the opposition concludes his big at midnight a supporter of the administration the advantage of resuming the debate on the following evening |