Show oa on mond ty morning the dad dera body of a man wu conod lu one of the empty coke anke ovens it appear appears that one of th ahn coke loader loaders WM was looking for lowit pul of bu his ec awning fog ind and oa on toor loob bog foaad around fl for it discovered liT erod it ia in the oren oven aad and is man mau apparently asleep leep upon it Finding that the lb man conid oot not law awaken aken by boating shooting lit h got into the novt and and found tho man oa on search log jug the tile body were found which so bowed that the ferwn wae was by name i J brazier and that he bad lately 00 come me from batts bo tie llon tari other article articles were found among waa was a IS bottle holds 01 0 Isu laudanum danum ach tord suicide ad Abe be werl alard mod ad SP pan part antly atoll ull na to y aa an ww beld held before jn tica of the harry ibid IQ Id ell who bo ei 01 palle paneled led wade andrew yono or a aad zd W T L ph jaron arom bitao WM WAS worn sworn two ild that they hail had on only Y seen tho the nil ins n wh wb n he ws lon conod tool one oils bud bad wi bim blin oo 00 8 star lay waihing washing himo elf lf at the warr rip of the ov 0 n la in who Is be was w found ard had on him on if isi lax ing down but him salera 1 as invy vinny trav travellers ellers called there to pass the aught it being A warm warra spot dr ass doordan inside a poet post mortem to we if it it wae was really a caad of elf self die dt traction lie clime to the conclusion that the nin yuan hed died from beart heart failures fei larf need br by hunger and mod a lre ilose of navo otic olle not i rot of the pol ou being taken to kill him A to that off ft ct was wa accordingly ion light tight to in lie wa a a Is man about 83 33 aars ol 01 1 in tro ollum rile was bly wa was it member of K of L of butte city was lo 10 food good ft t in ling jan I 1 wi wal it cook br by pro assion th facie facts were med br e found on him an I 1 by gertia to whom he a i cited for f r work 11 aga were ant sent to unite batts for inform la forra re hid his aal ant ds d r position bof the Ibe holy boly innone none is I 1 forth coming jhb body will bo be buria I 1 ere another no ther hooting shooting scrap occurred set ii aday bt wean ai As luck woold would have it toaono wash wu b lit two port pir 1 a anti inti rioted are nn ler arafat ant an will bilal before wore julg darden da we hop hopt i t that a atoo if toa will wilt bt b takht th the Ps t alloi ll oi co na us usi i giving anni at I 1 might as e wen write ancas mil tt L an the c ewe lise l lie tween him ani Mill bara of inci watch WA was I 1 appealed A number of Castle gits went down to the district coart court and out their catiz a papera papers bilte a few ot of ou oil umen but A paid ull n a it avult thia this beok am lug we aw saw V aei R W P VV 8 carr john beveridg BeT erid robert howard and other others county ebyn an anil hoell were in the p fir fr bri bradli ditle g the river aal ant we hope that qu bri IR gio wilt will soon lira sloan too tole stream aa a it la Is jut juat nor now a baj bad croe ein thi italians Ir altin ave a dance la in the tb K X of P hll hall saturday SAta evening tb price labat bud hold a is bd bad runaway on starly saturday afternoon klont a mile below town damaz lug their WAR on the horbes ran to hoper 1 before thet the could be topped stopped wrt wo are re informed that the owner got braised up one some W atell tell |