Show fit snow and mud grand ball tit t greear W r schoolhouse next saturday nahi nl hi county countr i F brown end rud county surveyor I 1 col george W ooran durant have to go goo to the be county eat seat on bas inces f chris A Aj fenon e rion and nd 4 ira have returns f from ca Cat Caiti t jea ledale edale 4 layr behind seb ail fu e time and report DOW iri 10 inches 4 crep P to a ebo canyon V Q M E atkinson has goa goo to new w tenae to imil bull I 1 a water wheel for R 0 smith the new fence aroun I 1 thy the use lot ia is a good improvement chris hae has gone to tha the col orado river with a load of provisions and machinery for the aoud placer mining om com pony party the retiring bom of county mInDers mi nera of salt like county made appropriations exceeding the revenue by |