Show I 1 V I 1 M I 1 11 11 0 k Z a h international At a PART II 11 1 III ai As a nil rule tbt the more churlish IM nature tbt more avaricious IL isbit to be my ot of liberal rebun oration was after 11 all II not without its effect upon the strange couple whose refusal to afford die me refuge bad had so 50 nearly endangered my life thea con descended to get me ins ome some tel te aid a id lit routh food after I 1 had disposed ot of all that tho the man produced a bottle of 0 gin we filled our claw glasses and then with the aid ot of ay my pipe I 1 settled down to make mate the brut text ot of a night brent la 14 A hard chair I 1 had bail rome come across trance strange people in my travel travels but I 1 hare have no hesitation in 8 A ying that my ray host bastas bo stas aa the silkiest sulkiest sul kiest klest inn t boorish specimen ot of human nature I 1 had as a yet met with in spite ot of hia his recent treatment ill III ot of me ins 1 I was quite ready to establish mitten matters on a friendly footing tooting and made overal u to draw him into conversation the brute v oaly only answer in or often not answer ansier at all bo so I 1 gave up tall IDE ing as a bad job and eat flat in silence lence it smoking and gild looking into the fire thinking a good deal it 0 alty u be of boire no I 1 should have met that morning at LIly mere had that wretched snow but kept off the long clock that cumbrous eight day machine which aich inc inevitably stably occupies oae one corner comer ot of every sotta gerr struck nine mine the louian rose and left us UL I 1 concluded the he waa was 90 going inc to bed it if so I 1 envied her her husband bowed showed no sign signs ot of retiring he lie till still tat over the fire opposite me dy by this time I 1 was dreadfully tired ev err rr bone in in body ached the hard chair which an hour or two ago seemed all I 1 could desire now scarcely came up to my ideas of ut the comfort I 1 wa was justly entitled to claim my sly sulky companion bd hoi been drinking silently but steadily perhaps the liquor bo he had poured into himself might have rendered bi moo frame of 0 mind more pleasant and amenable to reason my ity good fellow I 1 said your chairs are ercel excellent lent ones of the kind but deucedly uncomfortable I 1 am horribly tired it the resources ot of your establishment cant can t furnish a bed to me to sleep in you find a mattress or something to lay down before the elret are youve got all aull ou 11 get to night be he answered knocking the ashes out of his big pipe oh but I 1 sayf so do I 1 say I 1 say this it you don dont t like it you can leave it it we dida f t ask ou on tr in come lou infernal beast I 1 muttered and meant it too I 1 declare had I 1 not been so ettely sorn out I 1 would have bad had that bullet headed ruffian lp for a few rounds on his own kitchen floor and tried to knock him into a more amiable frame of mind never mind I 1 ild said but remember civility costs nothing and often gets rewarded however if you eldh to retire to your own on couch dont let your native politeness in your way pray don t hesitate i a i my account leave plenty of fuel and I 1 shall manage until the ii tz orning N where here you stay I 1 stay he an then he filled his pipe and once more relapsed into stony silence I 1 bothered about him no more I 1 dozed off tor for a few minutes woke dozed off again for seme some hours I 1 was ws in an uncomfortable cort sort ot of halt half slee crammed full ot of curious dreams dreame dreams from which I 1 started wondering where I 1 was and how I 1 got there I 1 even began to grow nervous all sorts so arts of horrible travelers tra velere tales ran through my head bead it was in just such place places as this that unsuspecting voyagers were stated lo 10 0 o have been ten murdered and robbed by just such unmitigated gated ruffians rumans as my host boat I 1 can tell you I 1 spent a most unpleasant to make mait matters tri worse and more dismal the storm raged outside the wind moaned through the trees but it bad again changed and I 1 knew from the sound on the window panes that heavy rain bad had succeeded snow As an the big drops ot of water found their way down the lag old fashioned chimney the fire and sputtered like a spiteful vixen everything combined to deprive me ot of what do dogs gs sleep I 1 could by sheer persistency snatch I 1 think I 1 tried every position which an ordinary man not an acrobat Is to caa capable able ok 0 adopting with the aad assistance stance of a common wooden chair I 1 even lay down on the bard hard cage I 1 actually tried the th table I 1 propped u up P the upper halt ot of my m body against g t the be corner walls ot of the room but found no rest at last I 1 gave up all idea of Ble 8 leering and fully aroused myself I 1 co comforted myself by sayin baying 9 that my misery was only temporary that the longest night must come to aa an end ily companion had bad now succumbed 0 to o fatigue or to the combined combI effects of fatigue and gin and water 1114 iia head bead was hanging hinging ald sideways eways and he be slept in a most uncomfortable attitude I 1 chuckled as I 1 looked at him f feeling oe I 1 ing 1 quite sure that if such a clod was capable I 1 of dreaming at all hij bid dreams I 1 must net be worse even than mine I 1 filled another pipe the smoldering logs lop into a blaze arnd sat tat almost nose and knes knees over the fire finding seme some amusement in speculating upon the condition ot of the churl chart before me and thinking the lord t r was not like unto this man suddenly an idea flashed across me I 1 bad seen this fello felloe before dut but when or where I 1 could not remember ills faatu cs as I 1 looked at them with keener interest seemed to grow more and morp corp fa familiar millar to me us where could I 1 hare bare met him somewhere or other tot but where T I 1 rac me ed my brain to associate elm with some soma scene come event although he was wax but an ordinary countryman such ae as one sees scores ot of in a days dais ride only differing from his kind on an at account coulat of bis his un Vies pleasant siant face I 1 felt sure we were old oid acquaintances he be awoke for or a moment and changed his big strained attitude my feeling grew stronger and stronger tr yet puzzle and puzzle as I 1 would could not call to mind a former per encounter so at last lut I 1 began beg to think the supposed recognition waa was p ire fancy on my part having smoked out everal several pipe pipes I 1 thought that a cigar would be a slight break to the monotony mb of t the nights so go I 1 drew out my ray case and looked at its it ron content tents the weeds v as cne one of a lighter color ahw tho other others As I 1 took I 1 it out 1 I uld said io to mi it why old brand gave save me that one when I 1 was last tit lt hi his house houss iron Wot sly isly enough that cigar was WAB the missing link in the chain of 0 my imeln ory As aal I 1 held it in my hand I 1 anoil at once why whir ay my boats boat ugly taco face seemed to me about a fortnight before being in town tawn I 1 bad pent spent the evening with the doctor 11 lie a as hot ot alone anu anti I 1 was ta tit introduce introduced to a tall pale younce man named garriston Carrl dar riston ston lie was a pleasant plea gant polite oung fel felloe loir clu s sh zb set dt ir aroch itch in my line at first I 1 judged him to be a would be poet of the fashionable miserable school but finding that be he and brand talked so 0 o much shoot about art I 1 eventually decided that he was one of the doctor doctors many artist friends art lip a hobby bobby he hack backs about 0 on do grandly mem stem brands own aftem attempt vt at pic pie turc turee arc are imply simply atar loua loud jut just before I 1 left carriston the doc doe lore tor a back being turned asked me mi to into another room thuie he showed me the portrait ct a man it wined seemed tery verr cleverly cler erly drawn and I 1 pre pro ume he wanted me to criticism crill critic clie ise it 1 I am a precious pre clou bad judge I 1 aid said 1 I am not riot asking you to pasa pass an a opinion bold said carriston Car rifton I 1 wanted to beg g a favor of you I 1 am almost ached to ix tog it on so 0 o chort short an acquaintance lie I 1 emed seemed modest and not in want ant oil f money ao I 1 encourage tt him to pro med 1 I heard you ay say you biere ere solas going into he the country he returned resumed 1 I want to hk ask you it by any chance you should meet the original of that drawing draw lne to telegraph at once to dr druid brand whereabouts Where abek ta docs does he lire live 1 I have havo no ilea t lea if it chance throw throws mm in your way plaue do as I 1 aak ask certainly I 1 will I 1 bald seeing beear the young man made the request quest la solemn arnest farnest f oL rnest he ile thanked me and then eave gave me a email photograph of the picture thie this photograph be he begged me to keep in lay pocket book so that I 1 might refer to it in case I 1 met the man be he wanted I 1 put it there cn my way and am earry to eay say forgot all about it had it oot dot been for the strange range cigar sn in aly case bringing back Carri carriston stoa a unusual request to my mind min it the abill ties are that I 1 sh should ou id not hare have thought again of the matter now by a re coincidence I 1 was pending spending the night with abot tt very man who so far tar as my memory served me must have eat sat for the portrait shown me at brand x house 1 I wonder what I 1 did with the photo 0 I 1 eald sald I 1 turned out my letter cafe ease there it was right enough shading it with one band hand I 1 carefully compared tt it with the deeper sleeper not a doubt about III it so far as a photograph taken from a picture can go it wai was the man himself the game ragged beard the same coarse feature fe a lures the same surly look I 1 oung carriston Carrl ston was evidently a wonderful band hand at va knocking off a likeness moreover More oyer in case u I 1 bad had felt any doubt on the matter a printed note at the bottom of the photograph said sald that one joint wae was missing from a right band hand finger sure enough my friend lacked that small portion of his misbegotten frame this discovery threw me into an ecstasy of Jeli glit I 1 laughed so 0 o loudly that I 1 albort awoke the ruffian I 1 guessed I 1 was going to take a glorious revenge for all the discomforts I 1 bad had buffered suffered no one I 1 felt sure could be looking for such a fellow as this to do any good to him I 1 wae quite happy in the thought and for the remainder of the night gloated over the idea of putting a spoke in the wheel of one who had bad been within an ace of causing my death I 1 solved resolved re the moment mome E it I 1 got back to civilization to send th the a de tired intelligence to brand and hope for the best beal IV HE end d of thit vr wretched etched n night I 1 g bt f came at lat lal when the welcome morning I 1 broke I 1 found to that a great change bad had taken place out of door the t fierce now storm bad had been the fare veil well of the frost the heavy rain that followed bad had filled the road roads with mushy and rapidly thawing enow snow I 1 inan managed aged to extort some tort sort of a breakfast from my hoet then baring having recompensed him so according to my promice not ble big deperta started as won ai as I 1 could on the bare beck back of my unfortunate teed for tidcombe Mid Mill combe which place plate after my nights experience deemed gifted with merits no not t its lt 0 own I 1 wax was surprise upon leaving the hou houm to find that it was cf of larger dl men ment flone than fron from the little I 1 saw of it during the night I 1 bad had imagined it wa was altogether a better b ater class ct of reel real dence than I 1 bad supposed my suria friend me until be he had laced placed me on the main road where I 1 could make no possible 1 mistake he ile was kind enough to promise romise to assist any one I 1 might send out tn in getting the dogcart dog cart once more under way then with a hearty wish with on my part that I 1 might never again meet with his big like we parted pitr ted I 1 found my way to Uld combo combe without much trouble I 1 took off my things bad a wash and like a sensible man inan for once went to bed dut but I 1 did not forget to send a boy straight off to the nearest telegraph st sti Atlon tion my to drand brand was a brief brie fone one it imply simply aid said teu tell your friend I 1 hae base found his hi man tbt this duty done I 1 dismissed all specula speculate ti in an as to the from my mad aid d ottlee down to make up arrears of f 11 jeep I 1 was surprised at tb I 1 reply received that ame same evening arc f a brand we WO cwi all bo be with yon as I 1 oon OIL aa we can I 1 get down tomorrow to morrow meet ui us at ata ta uon tion krom IM this it wan wals clear t that ht my friend wa was wonted wanted particularly all the betherl I 1 turn tol to the tim time table and found that owing to changes and delays they could not get to C the nearest station to until 1 3 in ilk tb ur afternoon I 1 inquired bout about the crippled cripi pled dogcart dog cart ca rl it bad been brought in so I 1 left strict in ill ruction thit that a shaft of some om sort ort was wa to be rigged in time for tn me to drive over the next day and met meet the doctor mil md his friend they came its a proa tied it waa was a umfort mr I 1 0 rt C t to woe e friends of ny any dea crip lp t tron n go 10 I 1 tv save them A hearty welcome baton t took ook hold of both my hand hands 40 v k 0 0 1 them so 0 o warmly that I 1 be pil to fear tw I 1 had discovered a father of hit his in lit my friend 6 I 1 had haa almost the youn young it fel lowi lows or h be looked a very different man to 0 o day from the one I 1 had een seen whet lot last we v met then be waa was 4 win wan romantic poetical looking ort sort of a tellow now dow he seemed full of energy vitali vitality and tit poor old d looked loo ked a AS ort sort ong ai an an undertaker enticed engaged 1 in bury ine ing hia his own mother began to question me but brand topped stopped hiro him you promised I 1 bould should make Inq ulric elret baid haid aid then be turned to rie n look here bete It lebard when he call calls roe me richard I 1 know he li to fearfully in earnesti netI earnest ear I kelleye 11 you have brought us u down on a fool it errand but let lot ue to go to ome some place where we e can tsik to cether tether for ft r a few rol minute led them across tho the road to tho the railway inn 9 filtered entered a room roo in and a n d having tor for the bake sake of appearance ordered a little light refreshment told the waiter walter to hut shut th ahlo door it 00 r from the butwid but cid liriand etolil ett lil d towi with the w air of a it counsel I 1 expected ta see him pull P ull out a now testament ament and put me on my oath now richard Ric hird he a A aid id before we go further I 1 want to know kno w your avia sons on tor for thia this man about whom you telegraphed ta lit CarrIs tons man aa you call him I 1 Reas reacon Re onal why of mires he to I 1 ur the man Car carriston we gave me his photo tra graph ph the likeness in undisputable leading leasing the finger joint out of the question que atlon 11 here Carrl carolston ston looked at my croe cross examiner triumphantly the mea meaning ing of that look I 1 have never to this hour n understood tood but lilt I 1 laughed because I 1 knew old drand brand bad had for once made a mistake and was ae going to be culled ailed r to account for it carrilton Carr Carri titon aton wae was about to speak but the doctor atad bim him aside ITO TO 35 |