Show 1146 for sleeping car the latest thing in railway Invent invention lons li Is a sleeping car in which the bed beds a an made ot of compressed comp air cushions th the private 11 car ot at J N vice president of the pittsburg PUts burg A lake ertl railroad baa has been thus fitted up and the test baa has been so successful that th the new system hlll be extended to ordinary sleeping can care col eo car does not differ la 14 appearance tron from the ordinary chair car instead ot at th the usual upholstering the chair cushions are filled with compressed air which lessens la in a great degree to the mccu pant the jolting and jarring of the eai cat when in motion it la Is not until the day da coach li Is transformed into a sleeper that the possibilities of the use of cant pressed air in this direction are fulia ful realized realised reali sed the transformation la Is ad d in thia this wise first the air in th the cushion cushions la Is exhausted the light framework folded up and slipped into aa an opening in alj side ot of the car thui that all the seats in the car are disposed of aad hd it la Is ready for the beds the pan Is on either side aide of the window open outward like a door on the inside ol d them these panels la is a metal track ove oves which la Is drawn a steel spring like atran arrangement ran gement which supports the bed fitting closely against the side of th the car and concealed during the day by the clas clor clord d 4 panels is a rubber bag folded fler after the fashion ot of an accordion by turning a valve connected with it storage tank beneath the car corn earn pressed air Is in admitted into the big which inflates and forces itsell itself outward from the sides of the car until it rests upon the steel framework and the bed Is ready to bo be made up the bead head and foot toot of the bed are panels which also SISO fit into the side bids of the cp wr cpr r |