Show ANCIENT DILLS BILLS OP OF EXCHANGE credit entered into transaction of 13 ciula aes centuries As afo the united state states consul at dirce dime lona iona recently mentioned the acquisition by a public institution there ot of seven I 1 old bills of exchange all 11 II made payable in barcelona the most af ancient ll 11 dated at mallorca palma la in 1392 anil Is 1 thought to be the oldest bill of al x j change now in existence the second ll 11 dated 1399 the third drawn in ll 11 alio also dated 1399 the next two wen were drawn in valencia in 1411 and 1530 1630 re ra ively the sixth was drawn at in france in 1445 gad nd the laal last at naples in 2535 A translation of the tb fleet first read reads as follow follows sir in con with this fint first letter you will pay within the next two month months count ing from the date of this to the woman slilla wife of the deceased mr jaime castello Cai tello byll libra x su sheldom eldom about 35 of barcelona money which obtain from the rent of the university of at mat mal lorca force on oil the bilth of december the pay ment of which you will require in dui duo time without fall dated at mallorca the day of october year 1392 guillean GuIl lern de administrator ot of the mint it bears the following in to the Ilono honorable rable seno and mr confrere lorenzo luques ez ex change merchant of barcelona barcelone |