Show k F 1 lf I 1 of 0 all dwig ya avs av deliver us fron from f man who katits to 11 second t 1 A As li own as woman can cia demonstrate that that it ab abos b s stronger at ronger than nan man she he will b be 1 I left at to fight ber her own battles I 1 i the business buil ness of nult finding oon soon come to an end jend if every fault finder could only tx be well introduced to himself k i the man who does doft his belt beat at fit abo tb tart in setting YA pace that will ket keap P ala alm buy busy to lire live up to during a lone period of employment prof ira R remsen of johni johns ito ilo kins king university lait last ek read a pa per at the meeting of tho national academy of sciences on the isomeric chloride chlorides of ack lillian russell say says the la Is greatly annoyed by the report reports that rapidly fallow each other to the eft effect ct that ahe she la Is soon to marry thia this man and th that at 14 she asla h hom hair caa cat I 1 rrb ama allier kalher luau as long an I 1 now no have lv vue I 1 am not divorced froma from that ought to satisfy the reporters who start the silly yarns lillian a motto la Is one at a time out of thirty five ave boya boys and eiria girls who applied for adm admi lelon selon to a charity training school la lit chicago recently thirty had never been in the woods nineteen bad never seen their own lake michigan and eight had a flower those of us inclined i 0 to murmur because the hard times deprived us of a tuston customary iary eummer summer outing w or restricted our ordra for a few i needless luxuries may well draw a comparison of conditions condl tlona As an surely as bread Is the staff of life fo to surely la Is america feeding the world from the wheat fields of the west three streams of grain are flowing r one toward the pacific coast for t shipment to india and the far east one down the mississippi to new orleans and another toward the at lactic seaboard the last two for transportation por tation to europe tits demand Is a factor in producing th tho belter times that are dawning for the united states the king of sweden sad DA no noi a has given welcome gilem e of bis hl friendly feeling boward the neove of a this republic by erect erecting inh a menu nent neat I 1 at the in his big realm ahern an american traveller and bis his wife met death through a carriage accident the base of the abaft bars the inscription Jon I 1 oscar II 11 erected this memorial americans reciprocate the cordial feel eeling for the gates of the republic are never closed to the sturdy swedes and norwegians who come hither to try their fortunes fort unea in the nw world in the trial of a case etire the new york supreme court an ator ny ney remarked in extenuation of an acknowledged weakness of his client the best of men get drunk thereupon the judge quickly announced his dissent the best of men be he said sald I 1 do not get drunk if there ever was such a ot time it has gone by in this and au other civilized communities it la Is equally as much to the point too that some of the of men do not vat get drunk they that drunkenness trun kenness weakens the and anelu a man for carrying out his its purposes whether they be pe evil or good their abstinence Is also a temperance lesson aught a landlord to suffer ft f r c a ki tanta ant a misfortune mist whatever tie the landlord may choose to do for pei personal bonal 0 or charitable reasons what are his legal rights the result bf an action in the new ew york courts has an important bearing on tre inquiries owing to the dangerous dao ceroua illness of a member of na family the lessee of certain prop y i remained on it ind and in possession poa session it lot jor a fortnight after ahn expiration ion of his big beirl lease was se brought to recover rent ton the new year upon which he had oil altered A A wae was direct directed eft tor for tl it a e on exception to this thin verd ct there was a motion for a new trint this motion was overruled the court held chat that I 1 a qualification based on sickness in the lessees fancy cannot safely be imported into tee tre absolute rule of law that holding mer by a yearly tenar 1 creates a new ls tor for avalier aa Alier u for the reason that th the 8 landlord would thereby be chused to suffer lor or the III fortune of the leaym A writer in the bowdoin orient says gays that four of the five living men bers of the class of bowdoin college al and all but one ct of the six our of the class of 1131 1134 are mini mints r none of these Y venerable men rot under eighty their I es gg gregat seven hundred and tc arty four years these facts fur bish additional evidence la in favor of the familiar conclusion that eer elmen el men arc long lived men robil it Is to a moderate and reasonable stal emeit that religion has not a tendency W t shorten huma life 0 harry dewendt found the alkan 1 a bad 1 the dahring straits dewind la tie ile man who pro propos pod pored to walk arora frou eo nw new york to parts he lie bad had not studied bj bis s geography well and did not bow w that b a t the straits aro arg orty orly miles 2 irace w e at alro the narrow cat point and that r t they hl are never frozen over he ile has given iven up his task another bother er no calr cut tr till ulf he ho la ls elect ian an 1 I h baa hu turned up aa a la grange orange d ill his eay ear it la Is not in t I 1 tange go his appearance very a ia fla a thousand yearn I 1 |