Show 11 basso slid elide loo about bout noon friday a disastrous disia now snow slide ita occurred in costly ull alipat 85 93 mild ewt of one man and nd one boy was buried in it tb the to nw WM fart la ogden by toy william Wil liuni pearce vibo bo Is i inheres In teres d in creot of that locality hit ills ulm floo flo o same in the form oft of a tier 9 rain am from A van patten n sent at from li er the boy wy of 0 george williams Wil litro the lh of IN 11 lays too no all ilia Is hu has been recovered but that of justus van patten put ten Is L till still Ioen beneath esth the on air jw thi search for f r the bodies boil ie begea shortly after the tb slide kiil occurred d and lu 1611 us new w ot 0 of f t the h a dir soter spread 1 ret twelve parties went from green peterson fon morgan nud tb WM prosecuted furiously nunly iu all 11 II night ai as hope that the men be rescued lire alive encouraged the woi k kro ro abbat A loot midnight the tody body of willi nu ons was wit dug out he bad had fro from ap pp arnon been dmd dead several boon hours I 1 1 be earch search was oot not stol ia ped pod about 4 oi ick saturday when bo the tb condition ot of the lh o 0 of now snow on the th slopes lope above duade Is i perilous to stay lodger longer tb the workers r wit adrew and nd had barely pt vt absy to abu bru another b g slide iid rushed down under hundred of ton tons of snow the kite site ot cot their former inborn 1 all hope of van Pt nd body outly the DOW snow fretze fret wn wee then thou abandoned it la Is doubtful it if it can be until pring spring jaws T ibe the well known w m of 0 slig cottonwood willing district and for drasny a years a prominent political durive the liber liberal dap dam SDI nl wilb with UTO lim one of the brighton brothers uthen br ar monk waa was living 11 a short distance above tho the big cottonwood power comp tays works fa in a babin and ad mr aft brighton asai VM staying with him the ha hu been swat ly alde aulala no trac trace has been faund of I 1 Ihen he alog rates ba it is i believed they were ere it awu when the catastrophe tj i IV or lion U unee as oksook pw pc kg lowanta Lowa ata 1 |