Show rat 1 k edid rd id predictions of at a character in regard to the weather may do little h harm hm M the self constituted prophet outside the regular meteorological bureau li Is however alway always a fraud but the man who foresees fore eee an earthquake may do a great deal ot of ml mis chief the bulletin Dul letin of the america Am erict 1 a geographical society prints this pro floi falb of at vienna indicted inflicted grievous injury upon athena athens in 19 by predicting that the city would auser suffer severely from the earthquake on an may 6 nearly every one who could do 90 0 o fled tied from the city aud sud there wae was indeed great suffer caused however entirely by falb for there Z no earthquake clonus globus boj TAX 1 no 1 aay ya that another qt bl mischievous levou prophecies cles thiva alpa ralso chill into a of terror in garelt last lie ile predicted one of his I 1 critical day days I 1 tor for march 29 and for several days preceding c all the trains were crowded with fugitives bound for the mountain mountains the number cf of fugitive fugitives as about there w no earthquake or trouble of any ort sort except that caused by this irrepressible prophet |