Show tc 11 the met la in special will atun on it and considerable blu lafi the toft most important wee WAS allowing a boctot of I 1 ild old over bill bills from I 1 the he batlak oanna latiin it WM gonad that the bon I 1 auml fur tb ill pj 0 of ibe the oat standing tan dlag in loban 0 th tax county prior to janay 4 VM was not drawn and a u cukr ir lae b rl a sary the county attorney was ju lo tract ed to inbuilt resolutions ant nl fona fortu of boad bond which wu w ailon dou following M w near the of the uke looks county in the lene of their bundi bonas rhe attorney wai authorized bohte the th binde printed and advertised fur for sale 1 I the county physician W P winter was let oat out of bit LI job md hi isi atis marv irv rid raid op up to february I 1 lie U was liona I 1 guilty of wiling selling liquor without ri thoat a lieno llon llo n ref il wt ort bf bat it that be he fontinot fonti nut to sell ater ble bit A bid to fanroth stationery by the eastern utah advocate wae was rec wired ved and th el ik was tl tj itar 11 A almiry and expense fund wa was crat crest ed out of which the salary iry and expenses of county will bo be paid also 1 the various county 4 the law of V iffet bog allow allows carity coin com to tx tax dog dogs and with this iu ill view the ashmor wai was in to assessing property to assets aee it digs go at 00 per bad head and land list them on the gent funeral gral assessment roll to be collected with other the most important 1 of the apselon wa was f C bills p atod to the bo old at art net notwithstanding the county attorn attorney eyd prot pr amt tried billa bills were on file in may 14 and up to the time the old board r retired there was upwards of 0 in bills to oa band ahe board did not how Ilow them because tl atey ey supposed they had reached their debt limit not the trouble to as cartain we consider coir lder this tb an it injustice to the new board by addling saddling ona on them that should bare mn been handled by the board the giblon of the attorney general was that bome of these should be paid while others should not be paid not withstand ing lob 31 artial aril cirt o 14 ot of the coo con which is very emphatic thit no donnly ahall incur in an indebtedness greater in any one year than the rev eluo of that year section 5 of the county g Tern vern ment bill provi lee lea that no county hall shall incur indebted nem in any manver or for any purpose to an ami amount ant ex beeding the revenue for the carrent current tear year thu klud of work pati no limit indebtedness to that may be incurred by county go Korm cru menta ments will the legislature interpret the meaning of he the constitution and law and ob law suits in the future this ia in a matter that the ure should look after and if it something cannot be done to remedy this kind of work following were bill bills allowed lor for tw we win Il howard oward I 1 oa 0 A wood 0 it P Ites 4 ta N wilia wi william lil tou lila t OU A ATu tuttle 00 FOllow following lug W were ere billi billa carried carded over flow 18 1898 U C caryn bryan W 11 II worthen Wort ben beis 00 will alx lx eastern Ett lerr utah advocate aw scott 9 miller 1250 so A AC 0 vito vanburen buren 5 ad mul Wll am john W uke ul U l II 11 11 p U oo 8 1 8 0 young acu H W curels curu nao T A william williams 2000 mcfarland Mcra rland 1100 andrew 1250 geo gem W cike slake 1200 J robertson berta Ko 12 L L killer 20 0 W S peacock ock J 11 II abke J S 80 LM george W aa scott M miller james jam zoli ZOLIO C it U maler A tuttle A mcnell mcneil J Ju alak ALak it I 1 y 0 t Z W fox B lewites waw iw 1 1 8 wr W inter 10 L 11 am 1 1 LL larsen ren lad 1 L jeffs L jackson it 8 9 W satir ax alm 1 sorensen SM IT W burss J jekely seely J J cain I 1 dja doila P r C 90 A O 0 omen t Q 11 I 1 anderson too 1 koriun 1 I arans J lo 10 w 1 J sorena soren foiT Diwa a too J bjone jones I 1 ua it hioko T studson 20 11 leran down 1 00 tf N C LAMOU A I 1 11 carven W 11 II worthen 3 too VT it porthos laou jn a CH R oliphant eta J 0 D A X 11 pw so it C petty flow r P anderson I 1 sli 3 Hi dimun mun TW pounds printing co W hinell iu W r bikers woo CP anderca A tuttle A N dr dal K KA A kinf kloor e ILM LA IA laoko Oloa I 1 A alj jaw IS W K reid iteld moo 3 X RH R ie H W K held reid |