Show bobov still continued roat innee tn to fall the farmers are jubilant over the prospects of a plentiful butet the cora ing autumn aid iid to together gother with the pro MeK luley prosperity good times are expected diphtheria I 1 till still tiling mr mrs marina barley a 7 old on tell to if un mrs cheshire Is t going almoite day and night nigh visiting the ick sick under her still nl ad tran nt few cam prove fatal the rabbit inhabitant inhabitants of drel arC C C bookma to be a tire abot in lit their vicinity when h prience la discovered diaco tle the bunnies eeli seek their barrow burrows in the contest offered the residents of berron by roster and cooley for the greatest grea teat number of worda words exclusive of proper nodes to be formed oat of the letters of the word I 1 four s is aeu ken chua come of assorted california fruits ir awarded in four prix of 3 14 12 ft 6 aa each to the pets penoia in order hies bert Beha ain mr mrs T pert petri elvard ami isal un amanda cox with W 2 20 and nd lit ill wora boy having good elgba and belli bells are ata at premium with the young wise sleigh riding la is the chief source of am all public gathering gatherings being wilt prohibited |