Show TV T 1 01 T I 1 IS DAUGHTER LUCIA 11 GRIFFA A NATIVE OP or STATE 69 ft II 11 airland well 11 camit as an r As an n r rall ab air time II 11 horn shown ho rn amt ability ts 1 jera ISS LUCIA D M kl a i griffin fame gained all who over merited has ba the country a public a n t e 9 1 tain ulm was born la in knoxville iowa she laugh tough lady tell her VI friends ahe she began her travels foly fo ly as she be left that village when ben abe she was only four week old and went with her parent parents to alala her present home the trip rip wa war made overland on an a beautiful april day in a big lumber wagon as railroad tlona in to iowa at that particular time were limited in early girlhood ahe the gave promise of an eventful career A born mimic abe she waa was always willing and anxious to do more than her share ot of aptakin pieces I 1 ml tit school old did a aullen aulten gawky boy aay say on friday afternoon faint prepared up would go lute OrIff las little hand teacher I 1 ve cot got a new piece I 1 know all ot of it I 1 kin speak lota lots of piece pieces she be jorga to toa a claa close ot at girls but little under stood endowed by nature with an utter disregard dia regard for and customs yet awong whom la Is bound many a genius purely a western girl fearless nd ond faithful in all aha under takes simple and unassuming in man irr bet atu lul ii aia us 2 ile me aa 14 alag grimn haa has a boat host of friends tri enda and it la Is said ot of her she la Is a genuine little some of the moat most distinguished writer writers commoner and not an aristocrat ariato crat she number numbers among her intimate friends I 1 11 1 N is f MISS GRIFFIN AS DAY DREAM and lecturers lecture ra of the al u and like them la Is deeply interest d in affairs of state and in the betterment of at humanity As might be expected of at an traveler abe she la Is broad in her view views and progressive 1 in her idea ideas being an ardent admirer of helen potter ahe she chose for her life work that of character impersonation and haa has spent much time and money in studying atu dying the underlying principle principles of at her art arl she baa has bad had instruction from some of the beat best tutor tutors of boston new york and chicago for nearly ten years ahe she haa has been adding to the world a aum sum of lightheartedness by delighting her audiences with costume sketches of refined comedy pathos and an occasional burat burst of tragedy all in harmonious harmon loua blending she has given il tn entertain ments in almost every state of the th union and haa has been warmly welcomed in other than her native land bob burdette says of her she la Is as ready with her pen as with her voice N hen other authors sketches do not ault suit her abe jibe write her own her ifer talents hare have a w wide ids and varied range I 1 beald besids s writing for several eastern magazines and newspapers miss grif ifon an baa has published several books which ave been read amoni among the latest and most popular books of recitation lathe star speaker pub dished in new I 1 ork containing perhaps fifty ball balt tone portraits port ralta of at miss griblin in many mimic mooda moods the book Is handsomely bound contains cont alna alx six bun butt dred pages of excellent recitations recitation selected elected 11 1 and arranged by aims mss and d especially adapted for parlor platforms and school room rooms she would still be delighting audiences but for an unfortunate accident which occurred at madison WIs in the summer of 1894 seriously Impal impairing ring her health and making reft rest an imperative necessity she hopes however in time to be able to reaume resume her work lu III a limited way giving an occasional abort short program |