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Show 40 HoEseoMe -P- ERSONALS S4-JO- Find Out What Yeu'v Always Wanted to lknew About afraid to E&r (DIlacoIlflllGsQ U-J- OU Now Message DIRECTORY , Got o iob to do f Call on someone who knows how1 Piano Tuning Air Conditioning PIANO TUNING Professional tuning, repairs and restorations. Full service piano technician for all models Solee and Imtallatlon of Arvin Swamp Cooler!. 3 Reoionobl. Phone Hinds Including players. Michael Mann Musk Services. 773-538- HUOI LIVOLOR DISCOUNTS ' Guaranteed Lowest Price on AlTwindoW Coverlngtl Our low overhead., meant unbeat. able prices, Shop by phone. Free Delivery. Measure and 479' Plana Tuning and Repair, Experienced Technician for artd oil moke serving grand County and vicinity. Take of care your life time investments by tuning now. Call F. BURTON WINTER AND SONS SK$?73 5 IIOOEST LIVOLOR COUNTS Our regular less than 50 pri.., on others advertised! Shop by Free phone. delivery Ogden SLc 479-303- Romodoling SANTERRA CONSTRUCTION AND DRYWALL Complete RemodeliM Service. All type of remodeling and new construction, large or Small. Free Estimates. Jfery Price. Coll Bob Competitive Mike Steve 7M-456- 1 T Cabinot Oak cabinet, formed or flat counter topi, flooring. Experienced kitchen deiign and Mike Malah 544- - remodeling, it Denni Falk Construction, new construction, residential, small commencal. All carpentry work, basements finished, addition, kitchens, decks, concrete and pluminum siding. 399-979Jeling, Coramic Tile ASSOCIATED CERAMIC TILE Specialists, free estimates 1 cra.,!OT pomtment at 731 5600 Disabled Amarli Thrift Store now 4 name, no selling k s ASSISTANT RECEPTIONIST For busy Chiropractic Office. Mature, love people, must type 60 WPM accurately, knowledge of insurance and medical terms helpful. Enthusiastic, self-stter, apply July 11, 9 230 noon and July 14 N. Main, Layton. Doctor's aesistantreceptignist for busy chiropractic office. Mature, love people. Must type 70 wpm accurate, knowledge of insurnace and medical terms. Enthusiastic Addition. Remodel, We Do Call Now 6 KIRKMAN CONSTRUCTION ciutom reiidential framing con. tractor. Spec and pre-iol- d houie. Wood tiding, wood deck, custom interior finish, remodeling and repairs. Free estimates. ! 1 years experience, 782-225- 392-953- 6 3 "Electric ture, let the computer teach you Speed Reading. Touch Typing. $20.00 for TO Languages, 9 hours ot instruction. Elm Tree Learning Center 9 am. 110 7 pm 360 Fort Lone 120 -- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Excellent last food operation Layton Hills Mall. Contact Bob Robinson 8 Liquid Embroidery. NAIL tips, SPECIALIST. wraps. i, Resident Managers far Largs Apt. complexes, Weber one edgers, trimmers, air conditioner, swamp coolers, Let me check it out. If I can t fix it, there's No Chargel Call now 546-404- 1 Entertainment - Pleasant view, by owner 4401 N. 250 W. Vj acre, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, basement 3782-252- Raceway 10 S. Moin, Clearfield. Behind Crown Entertainment open ev 11:00 , WOOD FENCING Specipiizing in cedar fencing and restoration of oldweather damaged fences. Installation of your own materials available. Guaranteed A-- 1 Work. 10 availyears experience, alsoContact able chamlink fences. Daren Howard, Bannock Fence 1 Co. Anytime FENCING-To- p quality wood chain link. Financing available Call for free estimate. Roylance Fence Co. 100 N. Main, 1 Locksmith LOCKSMITH All services available 7 after 4 pm. Call CLEAN... Super nice brick home, 3 bedrooms. large kitchen, patio, 7 assumption. Ogden, $49,900. Mourine Rheod Reoity. FANTASTIC BUY Newly painted, carpeted, tiled, brick home with 1 car 786 21 st St. Special garage, 50-4703 Terms. or Ride 'em Cowboy" 2 acres. plus with bams, corrals, and tack house. 4 bedroom, 1 bath, family room ond fireplace, with moss rock wall. New carpets throughout., brick built in barbeque area, fruit trees and large garden area and pressurized secondary water. Owneragent 731- 3499. JL. NICE STAKTER HOME 3 bedrooms, fenced yard, plus fenced garden area. Nice Country atmosphere, 782-898- 5 for appointment after 6 weekdays. 3.3 ACRES 3 bedroom home in Taylor 5 Low VO'S, CLASSIFIED INDEX Listed below in numerical order are the Classifica tion now being offered in the Lakeside Review Classified columns. RENTALS (ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 1 1 1 Office Rentals 360 Announcements Special Greetings Lost & Found Personals Notices 0 1 20 30 40 50 $2,000... 370 380 390 Business carpets and point, Ron Clare $3oOO. 62T-66E. Bench 2 bedrooms $50,000 1 down, family room, air, up, garage with electric opener. Fenced yard. Storage Rental Agencies Wanted ta Rent land for Rent Water for Rent 400 ATTORNEYS & Down, $455 monthly. 3 bedrooms, double carport, patio, fenced yard, brick, nearly new 4 0 6.4 Legal Services 60 EMPLOYMENTS Jobs of Interest General 81 Jobs of Interest Administrative 82 Jobs of Interest Clerical 83 Jobs of Interest Labor 84 Jobs of Interest Soles 85 Jobs of Interest Secretarial 86 Jobs of Interest Technical Skills 1 90 Situations Wanted 1 100 Child Care t 1 1 0 Instruction 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 yourself. Doing monthly GARDEN breast 1 , health, Business Service Directory 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1200 210 2 15 1220 225 1230 1240 1250 660 260 70 680 690 700 710 Box Elder County 720 Morgan County , Real Estate Wanted ' 730 740 Farms 4 Ranches '750 Income Porperty 760 Business Property Acreage & Lots , Recreation Property Mobile Homes RENTALS 290 4 300 4 3 0 320 330 340 1 350 got RECREATIONAL 60 Area 70 Condominiums 80 Weber County 85 Property For Trade 90 N: Davis County 770 youve THIS SMCE it all! Motor Homes Tourist & Trailer Parks Cycles 4 Supplies All Terrain C0HTE1BUT1D AS A FUIUC Beautiful Layton 3 bedroom, custom everything, completely landscaped, automatic sprinkl776-38or see ing. $817900. 3250 N. at BOUNTIFUL DUPLEX $69,950. Good income Al- ways rented. Close to everything. For more information lil . Don Reoity 295-47- 825-83- APTS A DUPLEXES lights, convenient location 1 21st St. Ogden. ter 5 p.m. ELDER 23rd St. HELPI 225 NORTH OGDEN 1 yr. old, 2 bedroom $360mo. plus deosit, can drapes, dishwasher, was! dryer hookups, 2 child No Pets, 8 2 PROPERTY 11. from $79,900 to $67,900. Attractive older posit. 2 home, excellent income producer. Rent as office, or live upstairs and rent base- Box A-- 1 5 life By owner- - Sunset 3 bedrooms. 1456 No. 350 W. $5,066 down, anyone can assume this VA loan, $39,565, $436mo. 6 0 Cali or trees and deck. Negotiable terms in S. Layton. $66,000. 7 FANTASTIC VIEW LOT New Home under construction Oak Forest. Pick own colors.1 Many extras including hot tub. SIMM t Ut. CaGrousecreek. bin. corrals, private fishpond afte $56,000. Coll 5 pm. or oil day weekends. in BY OWNER Hooper-- 1 acre, $17,500. or 2 acres $30,060. Utilities road, 3 KAYSVILLE CHOICE LOT All improvements. $16,560. 544-486- 3 or lakeview BUY NOW! Save Realtor tees Beautiful Woods Cross Rambler, 3 bedroom, double gar. age, loarge lot, fireplace, 4 old, graat assumption, or 295- 169,900. Call ranchret-rea- SHOT GUNS Four finished levels, Homes RC 546-256- 2 TSI New close-i- locations, n ? 6 RIFLES roof cooler. t - Irisis. a Hybridized wjnnin 150 Phone 544- varifies. 4993 brakes, automatic, air, tires, vinyl roof, rear window defagger, very clean, $1560. Dennis Call 731-18- Clean 1968 Muetang, hard top, automatic transmission, SlObO or best offer. 4 1977 Lincoln Mark V, excel lent condition, loaded, $7200. ask far Anna Call 621-74'78 Trans Am, low miles, 4 excelspeed, TA 6.6, WS-6- , CUSTOM TOPPER lent condition, 5445 So. State DELIVERED OR AVAILABLE INSTALLATION 261-540- 9. 1972 Fiat 128, $700. 1974 Opel Manta $00. Make offer 3 or 3923762 S.L.C. UTAH 1 Timbertown 864 W. 17th St., Ogden 3 Earn $1.00 a pound John King Horseshoeing We'll pay you $1 00 for every pound you lose on The Shaklee Way Slimming Plan the plan that helps you lose weight while gaining good nutrition. Standard or Corrective Phone: 825-479- 8 INDEPENDENT 292-644- 3 SHAKLEE DISTRIBUTOR RAMBLER! Only $54,800. Minimal downminimal monthly payment. 5 bedrooms, Ron T. -l , 409. , R- VIW and a beautifully finished 6 bedroom BEAUTIFUL acre scrub oak lot home. Rhea j tiI a aae wmussiMR $2,200 Down Feymmts Art less Then $2S5 P.r HORSES? '2 ACRE, LAYTON n 'Beautiful 2500 sq. ft. home, extra large rooms, formal dining, 2 cat garage. Bert R- -l 51 9 Mo. kkkkkkkkk ABSOLUTELY Beoutiful 3 bedroom Comet double wide with 2 baths. This home features a great room, 6 inch walls, large utility room for storage, skirting and cooler. Reduced to ' . only , With Less Tbui $2,400 Dswit Ftyment era Isss thee 205 Pr 3 bedroom J 2'2 bath ify and Integrity I" ' GORGEOUS Oak Forest. Over 2500 sq. ft. formal R- -l 069 COUNTRY LIVING IN CITY East Loyton, fruit trees on .5 acre. Must see to R- -l appreciate. Nodine 634 Me. in Over ,800 sq. 1 Ron Topik CLINTON CREAM PUFF! $57,100 ft. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Low downlow monthly. R- -l 320 UJordleu corporationW r 1 in dining and rnore. Carol 6 bedroom "Grtr 25 ears of Service, thpndabil ' 1 1978 Ford Pinto, power radial t 394-944- Layton, Utah 04041 excel lent condition. Great mileage looks and good. Asking $1300, or Before you buy anywhere Ss our product comparison disployroom, origin al CUSTOM exhibiting and UNIROYAL'S test results side by side with competitors products SEEFOR YOURSELF WE WONT BE UNDER SOLDI SOD 1039 W. RivwtSal fcoed 2 J 5 to. tain 546-223- 9 '73 Dodge Colt Wagon, NOTICE . Prize 990 -- ALL MAKES 1976 Chevrolet Monza, Excel lent condition $1595. Will trade for pickup for equal 730 -- CAMPERS 550 WEBER VALLEY D0BILE HOMES lakeside review Dependable Car, 1970 Bug, new radialsseat covers, Rebuilt enginetransmission, ready to 0 deal $950. $3800 TRAILERS FINEST Music Camp Ranch frozen Raspberries and other varieties. Order 0 by July 19 Asking AMFM cellent condition, vim.ii.,.1' $3,500 773- 3166. after 6 16 ft. trailers, tandem flatbed, 3 ton payload, $1 190-u- ORGEON'S condition. 546-601- 4 1979 Toyota Corolla, 720 -- MISCELLANEOUS TO EAT Phi Many more models on this sale to choose from, don't miss your chance to buy now and save J $6400. 20 ft. self contained Jet, very good shape, tandem axles, 6 $4800, 540 -- GOOD THINGS 1983 Skyline 14x66 with 2 bedrooms. This home is deluxe in every way, including a built-i- n stereo, microwave, 2 bay windows, and mirrored closet doors. This home also features, A" natural wood paneling, triple glass windows and furniture. All of this 22500 9604 excellent TRAILERS NIFTY CLEARFIELD v 980 -I- MPORTS '78 Saab Turbo, 61,000 mi. travel trailer. Excellent condition, GOLD PAWNS MONEY TO LOAN WASATCH GUNS & LOAN 0 2606 Wall Ave. We ore overstocked and now is your chance to really save. Here are (ust 2 examples. . 5 pm 18Vh ft. 1971 Terry TO BUY SALE for only CARS 6 5 MGB, good condition, great stereo. Mechanically after 3 strong $1300. 4 710 -T- RAVEL diamonds Houses far $2S0-$3S- INVENTORY REDUCTION Autos lor Rent Wheel Drives Sports Cars Imports All Mokes , Many $455 monthly, $200 deposit. All applies towards purchase, 3 bedrooms, double carport, patio, fenced yard, no Ron Clare, Brick, basement, great shape. No singles, no smokers, no pets. WHY RENT? I can build your new home with 3 bedrooms. fireplace, basement, 2 car gar. age on excellent lot. Tot choose carpets, colors and appliances. Payment (after estimated tax deduction) will start at $350month principle and interest. Call builder 546-141- or Owner 40 acre Railroad tias for sale, all sizes, all grades, all shapes, will de6 liver, will cut to size. A&K Railroad or and 2 OPTION.. & LOTS 970 -S- PORTS ? J pi Rental Information Service. Fee S35. Ogden's Personalized referral, we escort and negotiate for you 7 Building lot in Roy, $14,500 BT'xlYo' 2899 W. S. By 1 Studio, S130-S24- or Over 0 1 510 -- WANTED 310 -- HOUSES Rent, Call anytime 9 8' Hydro Plane Race Boat, good condition. $425. Includes steering gear and throttle. bundle 8 Spsed Excellent condition 1750 sq. ft. Lease, call Call APTS. . Co-o- 240 -- ACREAGE offer Materials. Ogden 7 4 area. Apts., all sizes $140 to .375. paid. Ogden jme with utilitiesor392-7597 area. CO Ogden Standard Examiner p aundrydry Layton, 45 cleaner. i. About 3 . ...r. board motor, tandem axle trailer, great shape, $3200b-es- t ' rw take anything in trade. 3 or after 5 '76 Toyota Land Cruiser, aead condition, new engine, $3500. ft MATERIALS EDGED SLABS, For fencing or firewood, large bundle, 6 or 8 45 and $55 per ft. lengths. TIMBERTOWN GMC 1 ton cabin chaspoint, sis, 454 new tires, new condition. Will 18 Vi hord top, 500 -- BUILDING DRIVES NICE 804 W. 17th St., Ogden with all utilities paid. PROPERTY Building and two scree of land including parking lot. good location, suitable for Medico lDental clinic. Daycare Center, Wedding Reception Center, Restaurant, Offices Write 6 pm. 8 Apartments bedroom 9 key- - 4 WHEEL 977 Chevrolet ton, pm ringbrakes, automatic, cassette, $4,600; dials, ..ith 1976 Camper, $5409 1982 Fiberform boat, 19Vj ft. 77 350 engine, wrap around seats, 3 piece camper backtop, stereo system, travel cover, tandem wheel trailer, 782 8575 fancy foot, walking base, arpeggio. For more in6 formation caTI after A DUPLEXES 230 -B- USINESS details board, 621-10- 300 -F- URNISHED 8 or evenings TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, Brinker 1529 Basement apt. $48,800 Low Down, Terms Color- - lighted auto-rhyth- 12th ST, Bedroom townhouse. You Children pay utilities, no pets.479-667OK Fenced yard. 0 Mon.-Fr- ment apt.. Modernized throughout, approximately 2000 sq. ft. zoned R5. 393-334- 1 322-243- year old Thomas Glo Organ, one finger chords, 2 bedroom 2671 Jefferson 4. Tenant will show. $250mo. plus lights, $100 de-- , reduced 960 1 Utah Canvas Products 619 South 600 West, SLC 8 2Vk 6 come $400. SACRIFICE SALE BY OWNER 479-318- . 2 bedroom apt. in Ray, near schools, washerdryer hookups, $265mo. plus utilities. Her 6;plex, ap Desperate ,se praised $1 1 0,00b. Sacrifice for only $95,000 with only $6,000 down, carry contract In-at payment $958. Negotiable appointment By Want Ads Sell Airplane' boS. INSTRUMENTS For Sale: Antique piano, in goad shape, $400. Call Nola ' 2 bedroom, Cable, carpet, air, close to town, $280. NCOME -I- 825-194- 0 & MARINE That fit your Choice of fabrics and colors. One day service an appointments. Easy freeway accost, next dear to Marine Wholesalers. Visit our new showroom and racaiva eur brochure. 480 -- MUSICAL CARPET BEDROOMS, PATIO, WASHERDRYER ADULTS. NO PETS, AREA, $306. - BOATS BOAT COVERS one 4 Burr L. - Priced Home loan assumable. 2 for quick sale. avail References and nozzle Whirlpool or Kenmore only bought and sold. Expert overhaul or repair service. Good selections of rebuilt washers and electric or gas dryers. Everett Olson 731 3389 NO. DAVIS AREA Need 3 bedroom resi able. Call COUNTY 3 acre building lot, with new 1900 sq. ft. luxury mobile home. Fully developed with well, septic tank, electric, gas, fencisd, water shores, mobile home can be permanent or build new home on frontage. QUICK CASHSfi top prices paid tor clean trucks and 4X4 1 Butters Auto Sales, Boy WashertDryers 8 S325-S37- 210 -- MORGAN 670 RUCKS -T- Am 2 TV. STEREO Rainbow Vacuums New with power worranty $450. 950 1963 ChavrolqtTruck 'a ton. $300 621-36- 660 -- AVIATION Hang Glidar or Ultra Ught, Super condition $750. Pnc 460 -- APPLIANCES, dence, company transfer 9 For of AUTOS FOR SALE BOWEN ENTERPRISES 839 W. 17th St. gold naugahyde $100. Velvet 9 red and gold couch $50. 2 920 -- AUTO SERVICES PARTS A ACCESSORIES Small Block Chevrolet 12.5, 030 RocinPistons withnngi never ran. Wooden Feed Boxes, all sizes, 7 piece dinette set. Red and 1 Apts., ail sizes $140 to Jf375 ome with utilities paid. Ogden 7 or area. Clean 1 bedroom, heat, re. frigerator and stove furnished No children or pets. $206. 556 COUNTY Vs acre Willard, 2 bedroom, 392-801 1 water, lot, $34,900. or Studio $120. $150. You Apartments, pedroom, 7 200 -- BOX metal frame $40, 2 twin mattresses $35 each. All near new 4 condition. Call 290 -- UNFURNISHED ljown Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St., Ogden Registered Vs Arabian, Bay Good pleasure iare. 8 yi n and posse. IV2 yr old gelding, Arabian,' 4 whita socks, white blaze Hal ter broke, good disposition 5 or 392-7- 0 12 1 910 Heavy Equipment 920 Auto Services ' Parts 4 Accessories 940 Vans 950 Trucks 970 980 990 BAR-GAl- Price reduced to y owner, terrific family home, 5 bedroom rambler with fireplace, 2 full baths, finished basement with work room and family room, large lot with fenced yard, garden area, fruit American Cancer Society t 2 AUTOMOTIVE 900 Unfurnished Apts Duplexes Furnished Apts Duplexes Houses Sleeping Rooms Nursing Homes Mobile Home for Rent Mobile Home Porks Aviation Boats & Marine Sporting Goods Skiing Equipment Snow Vehicles Travel Trailers Miscellaneous Trailer Campers n and getting regular cancer checkups are good ways to stay healthy. And if youve got your 1 1 COUNTY Beautiful 2 story home, 4 bed- full basement, rooms, roam, formal dining room imilj 'RC appraised. New Hi getting certain kinds of cancer. Thats why you should talk with your doctor about how you can protect 540 Good Things to Eat 550 560 Christmas Trees FINANCIAL 570 Fertilizer & Top Soil 120 Business Opportunities 580 Hay, Grain & Feed 590 Firewood 30 Money to Loon 40 Real Estate Contracts 600 Pets & Supplies 610 Livestock & Poultry BUSINESS SERVICES 620 Farm & Ranch Suoplies 630 Farm Implements Listed under 1 yard, near HAFB. 190 -- DAVIS Women risk LAWNFARM REAL ESTATE unfin-fenc- RENTALS 2nd mortgage, balloon, dose to HAFB, Freeport, 5 bed rooms, 2 baths, family room, re- 4 White French Prevencial sofa $85. Modern chrome dinette table $40, carpets for camper or trailer $30 and $20, mirror and medicine cabient $20, spindle double head board with hwasher, payment! $150. A CARPET 14x60 2 bedroom, dis. shed, air, nice loca-weekdays $r afterdown! 8 9 5 '82 773-407- 9 Auctions Miscellaneous Furniture & Carpet Appliances, TV, Stereo Shoes & Clothing Musical Instruments Antiques & Coins Building Materials Wanted to Buy AND Irooms. subdivision, MERCHANDISE 80 I Interest Mortgage, 3 isheabai Assumable - feet Frmidairo cubic frigerator 9 (after estimated tax deduction starting below $350monfh and interest. Call Builder 346gljlJ)jjQ assumption, nc qualifying. 3 bedrooms, wooc burning stove, doubk oarage, patio, much more. $44,750. Mourine 6216654, Rneaa Re olty. LAKESIDE REVIEW with Sears tabiq taw $125. 7 Black and white TV $50. Dinet. to set with 2 chairs $25. 17' home, 2 bedroom, Vs baths, fenced yard, near Hillfield. 1 8 or Why buy a used heme with colors you don' carpets and like? My New Home, 3 bed room, fireplace, 2 car garage basement, on a beautiful lot, be yours $100. mobile 1975 Glenbrook 1 . will many 1973 Nashua mobile home. 2 bedroom, awning, deck, washer and dryer, water softener, and swamp cooler. $6,000 firm. See at 205 Woy or coll 773-866- 7 NEW HOMES Built, Low mainte nonce. Excellent financinc. North Davis County Area. Wi Meat or Beat Any Price! Glausor Construction 8 Or Cry! 6 home, ,1982. Fireplace, 2 extras, $38,500. House Realty 544-904FARM HOME We have Lots ond Will Build Glausor Construction or Hotpoint refrigeratorfroozer, 9 cubic feet, almond colored, $400. Basketball standard with steal pole and fiberglass back. boara$85. Call 542-86Toyota 901 knitting machine. Lacer, ribber. Tracer, new 3 $950 or make offer. 82 Schwinn Scrambler bike! Mags, free wheel, hand brakes, excellent condition, 1900 sq. ft. luxury mobile Quality BUY... Looking for boats? The Classified ad section of today's newspaper features a good selection of items in this category that very likely will fit your needs! Whenever you're searching for specific articles, make your first Stop Classified! , Fencing 7 180 WEBER COUNTY leautiful Builder's Heme in c" - days, 6 nights. Davis Co. s. couples preferred. No Children. Must have referexperience, ences and be bondoble. Send Resume to Box CO Ogden Standard Examiner of Not because to $51,900. but to sa II brick rambler, earth fast. tone decor, carport, and low interest. MH146T Call Anette or Manoe 2 Haake rooms. 2 baths, tully finished, lots ol extras, (nexf to pool, 2 dis- disposal, sheds, awnings, sprinklers, fenced back yard, beautifully landsacapad. Excellent condition, $25,000 value-no$17,500 will finance 12 interest. Westwod Vil Adult Park, 1111 N. 2000 lage W. Ogden, space 319 Now 9 Open All 8 776-503- 5 eery shopping tr way. Every 6 months delivered to your home. Payment plan 2 available. Call Adela deck, Save 1,000 on this Kayivill E. Experienced, frigerator, hwasher, 2 3 bedroom sr in NO DOWN OR LOW DOWN Now homes, 2 and 3 bedroom models. Low 50's. Call New Homes RC 546-256- 2 dc Acrylics, Glausor Construction good area, ' July IS ond 16, 9-- 5 GIANT DOLL HOUSE Twin size bed on top $1 15.00 230 W 1981 Brood- more 14x70, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, extras. Evenings 745- 2311. Ready for Occupancy, Super Buy' 1978 BiltmorJ 14X702 bedrooms, 2 baths, re , 170 -- CONDOMINIUMS Beautiful Homelike FOR SALE Garage Sale-- 3 families, TV, baby stroller, toys, fabric, many numerous items. 4527 S. or 6 NEW HOMES Horseshoeing, over 15 years satis-experience, quality and 6 foctioi guaranteed. Only appointmnef. 776-384- Starting at $49,800 on full sued lots. Monthly payment starting as low as $42T .. Cal EA 440 -- MISCELLANEOUS Mutt sacrifice Realtors. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 160-AR- 731- - cabinets, double B2IaRit $435month or $49,303. tail Homestead Martin at 773-61- Call between October, South Davis County. 3 Will Clean. MOBILE HOME FOR SALE. Close to HAFB. 2 bedroom, 10x46. Asking $4500. Call for 825-726- 2 9 no pm, 390 -- WANTED TO RENT We need 2 bedrooms, ground level house or apartment by Mobile Heme 24x61. In adult park and loaded with extras. Shownby appointment only. OPTION TO BUY 3 bedroom brick homo, in now carpets, and Clearfield, home. bed-roo- 8' extension on living room, refrigerated air, ail qp. 8 plionces, Koysville 4 Nica heme, 2 Layton lOiOO lent location in Layton. Excellent porking, carpeted, individual central air conditioning 0 and hsatmg. moke offer. after 6 Far until 9 om-- 7 pm. Office space available, exce front room, large kitchenm hutch, air, washer, disposal, many extras, adult, evening kitchen facilities. Elm Tree learnira Center 366 S. Fort Lana $116 Fort Lone Plaza, conditi on, raised LEASE Lynn cture, recital,, meeting? $10.60hour or $25 tor whole 260 -- MOBILE HOMES leautiful 14x64. excellent Around on this West Point a ,3 bedroom Sere! Gorgeous main floor laundry, double carport, quiet. $59,900. Maurine 62 i 6654, Rnead Re- olty. In Clinton! Rambler on Vi acre ot. 3 bedrooms. car garaga, control qir, appraised in mid 70's, Make offer 7 e, sacrifice for $5000. Will consider trade on all or port. Hunters, 10 acre lot in Causey I, water and electricity to property line. Hunting prlvi ledges on 27,000 acres. S17,000Call 7 Mickey otter 6 p.m. Elder Box avail-abl- 2 DENTAL SUITE suite available. Lovely 3 824 24th. St. Ogden, Information of Suite 4. dead a clean carpeted room- with piano for your next le- will HORSE... Teacher of Singing. FUN ADULT PIANO, ORGAN lessons. Improvise fun popular songs. Mulhpli key theory, $12.50 investment. No experience Full or part necessary. Booth Rental daj Full Choice Sourdough lot Counties. Mourine Rheod Realty Barbara Jenkins in vocal Rich background technique and musical theater Elected to the performance. National Association of Instructor needed far Handyman itisw?- Smith-SUZUPIANO SCHOOL. Beginning students 3 773-551- 6 and up. years FIND FREEDOM-BIAUTRICHNESS in your singing. Diane n $10-$- 2 3 for one. hour, of your time this week. Coll 773584 Electrical Work Repair: electric - Housowives-ear- 823-744- 6, Habbs fenced yard, playmates, meals 1 included in year 7. and up. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN Nedea in progressive shop, paid holidqys, vacation, insurance benefits. If you like to work with good test equipment in a professional environment, this may be for you. Please send detailed resume with salary requirements, to Marla Mitchell 3870 Washington Blvd. Ogden, Ut. 84403 Phone state SMITH ROOFING CO Licensed Contractor All types of roofing Build-u- p and shingles Deck. All, We Do It Right It 100 -- CHILD CARE Babysitting done an HAFB, Earn extra money became a Sucker Shaper representa tive, demonstrate sucker molds, have fun, flexible ours, little or no investment, free training, Call Barbara 773-91- Construction 79,750, Owner property in Cache or Main. 5 Air, garage, greenhouse, will trade for 2646 time, only qualified please. Apply at 230 N. Main Layton on July 6, 7, 8 and 14 only, Between 9 am-- 4 pm. Roofing WANTED e work to part-tim- Social Security. perienced in general office and bookki work. Available to wor all irs. Phone 731- - solicitors sidi Lot! lake-lak- e IUSINESS A Clearfield 2160 sq. ft. build-ing- , with parking, has been a very successful corner will be available Aug. 15. 296 N. fhore subdivision 1 mi. of morino slips, tennis, low interest or A garden, a family pn this Syracuse Vs acrel 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, wood burning stove, patio, double Ex- Wort from be dependable. 360 -- OFFICE PROPERTY itA 4 bedroom, acre. Lots ot room tor kids and animals. Near Thiokol, $29Smo. water. Call Nolo 544.(1118' I 250 -- RECREATION 544-- 1 Remodeled, f. Tremonton home, yrith acre building let, Fully in Morgan County, ' 2 II GROW... 90 -S- ITUATIONS Veteran For leosei stream, Fere foil assumable note. JEost sell Earn $6 or more an hour, tul. -- part time. Call 546- 2308, Need $46- - . nette Hooke 310-HOU- SES 62ilii47'500 73,607 HA 215 assumption, beaut twin home In Koysville, $53,900. Custom decor. 3 i? OP- - ir 'round 2562 irge md RENTALS A LOTS One acre building let, Liberty, ulate condition. 70's.. Sale FHAVA. tional. New Homes stfixfbrhS1" kkkkkkkkkk Avan better than Who con Dletel Truck Mechanic, 2 yr. minimum experience required. Must have own tools, salary 240 -- ACREAGE DAVISCOUNTY N. Fantpstk 3 bedroom 2 co Full oofement, Work for TOP earnings, TOP company, TOP sals group demonstrating toys and gifts from now ti it $40 0 possible C0UN$ll6Thter's in Educe BUSINESS SERVICE 190-- NEEDED INT8A8ST GENERAL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MAysuryMWU irk kirk it irkMOTHERS irkGOOD 0 P- 1, Counseling groo, or Psychology required. Mat-ter'- i Degree preferred, Wil tram in behavior modification technlau for weight Ion. Part-tim- e $7hr. plui Donut. Interview! will be held on i. at 930 25th St. Ogden from and 6 p.m, Bring Resume OF INTEREST SALES BS -- 1095 N. Main Layton, UT. Better 0iVtTJHomes, r PHONE 544-420- 7 |