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Show 2C Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 Viewmont Legion Team Leads Northern Division With two weeks remaining in finished in the basement of Regthe season, two Davis County ion Four, but is now in second American Legion baseball teams are at the top of the Northern Division race. Viewmont, coached by John Caputo and Wally Beck, has won 12 straight games and is in record. first place with a 12-- 2 One of those losses could be changed to a win if a suspended game with Roy is continued. The game was stopped after four innings because of darkness and will be continued if it is needed to determine league standings, said Dave Nelson, the division director. Viewmonts play this summer has been a carry over from a third-plac- e finish in the high school state tournament, according to Caputo. The team also has Davis High players on place in Legion play with a record. Bountiful Coach Larry Johnson, whose son Eric plays shortstop and pitches, said the difference is the players are finally getting a chance to play baseball games. The high school team never got enough practice games, said Johnson. They had five or six games rained out and the kids were never in shape. But they were never really blown out of any high school game. Johnson said he has received good pitching from Scott Ong-leEric Johnson; and Randy Upton. But, said Johnson, the entire team has played well this 12-- 4 y; CALL summer. Craig Smith, the second baseman, has had some clutch it, said Caputo, and that is hits, and catches anything withanother reason for the success. in 20 yards of him, said Caputos pitching staff is ex- Johnson. The top five teams in the ceptionally strong with Kevin division will play in the for who will play Smith, Brigham Young University in state tournament, said Nelson. the fall; Jaren Pack, who pitch- The only other school in the ed for Viewmont last spring; area still in the race is Roy, with record. David Johnson, who pitched for a Davis and Doug Mayfield in the The Royals were throwing the hall. middle of last week but lost two Viewmont has several playstraight games. ers who will be playing college Woods Cross is in eighth place baseball. Outfielder Doug Lee with a record, Layton is in will play at Utah, Steve Caputo ninth record, place with a and Danny Hansen will be playis in Clearfield last and place ing at the College of Southern with a record. r Idaho and other players could The Falcons won their first decide after the Legion tournament in August. game of the season Monday Li mi tod 5-- 4-- 20 All teams guaranteed a minimum of 2 games 6 9-- to 44 'Aten's and 24 Women's Teams August 1 4th Stroot and All American Parks m 9-- Fm IMS 4 conducted under USSSA rules in this double elimination tournament. 8 3-- 1-- Bountiful, unlike Viewmont, evening, beating Layton 7-- 2. Skating Club Sponsoring Copper Cup Competition The Utah Figure Skating Club has announced its annual Copper Cup Figure Skating Competition for July 15, 16, at the Bountiful Ice Arena, 150 West North, in Bountiful. More than 100 registrants from clubs in California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Minnesota have signed for the two-da-y event, promising to make this Utahs biggest Copper Cup to date. Skaters will compete in eight divisions. These are the pixie (with skaters ranging from tots up to age 8, with several in their first competition), prepreliminary, preliminary, subjuvenile, juvenile, intermediate, novice and junior. Special events include solo dance for the preliminary, in600 sions; artistry on ice, where competitors listen to a music selection, then skate their own interpretation upon hearing it played again. Starting time is set for 7 a.m. on Friday, July 15, beginning .with figures competition. Late ' afternoon and evening events scheduled for Friday include solo dance and the junior ladies termediate and junior divi is a qualifying tournament for the USSSA Western Men's Slow-Pitc- h Class C Division Tournament. The two top registered teams will qualify for this tournament. The short programs. Saturdays schedule, beginning at 8 a.m., is devoted premarily to freestyle competitions for the various divisions, with artistry on ice as the final event. A special exhibition will be presented during the Saturday lunch break by Christopher Mitchell from the Los Angeles Figure Skating Club. Mr. Mitchell is the current gold medalist for the mans novice division. Kaysville Boy Places in Tournament Wrestling KAYSVILLE Nathan cording to his father, Nathans n't Vm &ir fflim 0 D D Soccer Signup Scheduled o 3 first-plac- The Clear- shirt is not needed and $22 if a CLEARFIELD field Recreation Department is shirt is needed. This fee inholding a late American Youth cludes both fall and spring Soccer Association registration season. for anyone that still has not Age groups start as young as 5 signed up for the fall 1983 season old and go up through 17 years 1984 season. and the spring old for boys and girls. years Registration will be conduct-- ' ed now through Saturday, July For further information, contact Barbara Johnson, Clear16, at the Clearfield Swim Pool. The Registration fee, which field recreation supervisor at includes a $2 late fee, is $14 if a 773-330- 7. Course Offers Golf Lessons at 9 a.m. Both sessions will last an hour. There will be a limit of 10 students a session. ages 9 through 15, July to both The cost is $10, and students are lessons The open be will and can there and girls boys register by calling the Classes will two sessions each of the five course at 8 other and be a.m. the one the at by pro shop staff. taught days, The Valley View LAYTON Golf Course is offering lessons for golfers, or potential golfers, 18-2- 2. 546-163- 0. t t Young Angler Lands Dig One Crosby Bambrough, a Roy resident, has a fishing story to tell his ROY great friends. Crosby recently went fishing with his family at Blackfoot Reservoir in Idaho. His grandfather, Gary Kruitbosch of Clinton, bought Crospy an $8 Zebco fishing pole before the outing, said Crosbys mother, Marinda. The family climbed into a boat and Kruitbosch baited Crosbys hook with a night crawler and cast his line close to the boat. A few minutes later, Crosby got a bite and Kruitbosch helped his grandson bring in a 20 inch, 3 Vi pound German Brown trout. Crosby is the son of Monte and Marinda of 4016 West 5650 South in Roy. - 1983 o D D D D D D 0 D D Mail IDDDaDDDDDaDDaDDDDDDDa Community Services RECREATION DIVISION a a o & Department of D Fisher of Kaysville recently best match was against the in the Western Idaho champion for second and took third-plac-e Regional National Champion- third place. His competition ships in the kids division of was nearly 30 pounds heavier. the United States Wrestling He (Nathan) had him outFederation Tournament in pointed with just seconds left Meridian, Idaho. in when the from the match Youngsters from 13 Western Idaho did a reverse andboy laid just states participated, Nathan on him, explained Mr. Fisher. e in the heavytook was a sad one to lose beIt weight division in city, regional cause Nathan was winning and state competition, qualifythroughout the match. ing for the national event. Nathan will take personalized Nathan was accompanied to event by his training in wrestling this sumthe three-da- y father, Craig Fisher, and his mer. He also enjoys playing younger Brother, Adam. Ac baseball and soccer. 5-- aaonaiClip Dc a and Ogden City Recreation Division Standard-Examin- er by Ogden This One STANDARD-EXAMINE- Team Name Team CaptainManager 1220 23rd Street Ogden, Utah 84401 GRAND-SLA- R M Receipt No. Phone Address Sponsor's OF PLAYT T. B. D D a a D CARD, NON-OGD- EN PLAYERS MUST SIGN THE Phone Number Men's IF. ALL W Zip. (if applicable) Name a D H City Sponsor's Address DIVISIONS SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Fast Pitch Slow Pitch 8 1. Open 12 2.- RedWhite 24 WHO HAVE FOLLOWING NOT SIGNED ROSTER. City of Teams Zio 1. Women1! FI A HOLD HARMLESSMEDICAL No. Slow Pitch 1. Open 2. RedWhite INSURANCE HOLD HARMLESS D D D 1, the undersigned, for and in consideration of the permission granted to a D 0 a a a a a a a a a er SIGNATURE 4 1- 2- 3- 5 67- D 8- a 12 12 STATEMENT me by the Utah and of the Ogden City Recreation Division, herein after referred to Ogden, City as indemnites, to participate in this activity do agree to indemnify, release and hold harmless Ogden City Corporation, Utah, Ogden Standard-Examinand all of their officers, employees and agents against all claims, or liability whatsoever arising from the performance of this activity including, but not limited, to the damage to or destruction of any property or injury or death to any person and including such claims, losses or any liability whatsoever arising from the sole passive negligent act or the concurrent negligent act, whether passive or active or indemnites. a D Teams 1 a D D of -9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. SHIRT SIZE PHIF |