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Show Loksside Review North, Wednetday, July 13, 1983 '' ' , 7C IM 'Ill . vt li i Ci ' v-c- ' ; ',4 ' '" KEITH HOLGREEN STEPHEN NALDER LOLA NALDER SCOT PAUL ALLEN GEM HOLLY REID I HILL Four LDS Missionaries Leave , Three Return Four missionaries from the Review area have been called on LDS Missions while three have returned. Eldar Keith Christopher Holgreon has completed a mission for the LDS Church. He served in the h and Northern Ireland Mission under President K. Gunn McKay. Scotlan-dEdinburg- Pennsylvania Pittsburgh LDS State College. Mission. While there they workHe will enter the Mission ed with the inactive members. Training Center on July 21. Elder Nalder served as part Holly Gam Hill, daughter of Mr. of the branch presidency in and Mrs. R. Don Hill, 300 South 100 West, Kaysville, has been Steubenville, Ohio, and Bradford, Pa. The Nalders also serv- called to serve in the ed as instructors on a genealogy LDS Mission. She will enter the Mission program. They will speak Sunday July 17 at 1 p.m. in the Training Center in Provo on Juer England-Manchest- Layton West LDS Stake Center, 1591 W. 1600 N., Layton. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. ly 28. She will speak Sunday, July 17, iii the Kaysville 16th Ward Chapel, 50 W. 300 S., at 12 at her home after church services on Sunday. Eldor Michal D. Johnion, son of Don K. and RoseMarie Johnson, has been called to serve in the OregonPortland LDS Mission. Prior to his July 21 departure for the MTC, Elder Johnson will speak at the Clearfield 11th LDS Ward on Sunday, July 17, at 11 Eldor Paul W. Allan, son of Way- ne L. and Virginia Allen, 161 N. Hwy. 89, Kaysville, has accepted a call to serve in the CanadaHalifax LDS Mission, headquartered in Nova Scotia. He will speak July 17 in the Fruit Heights Fourth Ward, 201 S. 600 E., Kaysville, at 1:10 p.m. Allen will enter the Mission Training Center July 27. He is a m 1 . - BJSBi a.m. Friends and relatives are ingraduate of Service High vited to meet with the missioSchool, Anchorage, Alaska, noon. nary at 1000 E. 1700 S., Clear- where he also completed the ly meeting in the Val Verda Miss Hill is a graduate of field, after the meeting. Eldor Scot four son of Mr; and Seminary program. Fifth Ward building at 2500 Mrs. DonaldRaid, Johnson graduated from He hasyear School and the LDS. Davis H. Reid, has rereceived the Duty to God High Clearfield High where he was on Award and is an South, pn Davis Blvd., approxceived a call to serve in the Seminary program. She attendEagle Scout. honor roll and attended the imately 400 East, in Bountiful.) BYU and has West VirginiaCharleston LDS ed a semester at Allen was employed by the MICHAL JOHNSON Friends, neighbors and rela- Mission. been a secretary with the Boys State. U.S. Forest Service last year He tives are invited. LDS from graduated American Safe Company for vited to visit with Elder Allen, Reid will speak Sunday, July two Seminary and received his Duty before moving to Rexburg, years.. is son of the Gerald following the church service, at Holgreen to God Award and is an Eagle Idaho, to attend Ricks College. 17, at the Roy Second Ward, at I. and Rosalyn Jones Holgreen, 11:30 a.m. She was a member of Madrig-al- s Scout. Family and friends are in-- the family home in Kaysville. 2864 South 500 West, Bountiful. at Davis High and has servElder Reid graduated from' He has been attending the Un- Stophon i. and Lola F. Naldor Roy High School and LDS Semi- ed in several church positions. iversity of Utah and working in have just returned from the nary and has attended Weber Family and friends may call his father's business. DAVIS CREDIT ' Holgreen will speak July 17, at 4:40 p.m. in the Val Verda Sixth Ward (which is temporari- In UNION Salt Lake DAVIS FARM formerly CO-O- P CREDIT UNION open for membership to all residents and those employed in the Kaysville, Fruit Heights area. To celebrate, all new members and existing members who deposit $25.00 or more in their share account for 6 or more months are eligible for drawing of prizes to be given away August 3, 1 983. is now Autism Meeting to Focus on Religion's Place The annual meeting and conference of the National Society for Children and Adults with Autism began yesterday at the Hotel Utah and will go through July 16. A session pertaining to the responsibility of religious or- will be held Friday, July 15, at 1:30 p.m. in the Hotel Utah Empire Room, said Gates. She adult. ery 10,000 children, makes it extremely difficult fo relate to PRIZES INCLUDE Session presenters will organize their materials in written form prior to the conference so that those attending will be Gas Barbeque Grill, Convection Turbo-OveRadioTape Player, Sun Camera wCarrying Case, Clock Radio, Folding Camp Table and Sleeping Bag. Members need not be present to win. workshops proceedings. Those unable to attend may request a copy from the Utah Society for 56 East 200 North, Kaysville Panelists will discuss various support systems and recrea- his environment. tional services churches may will be led by Rt. Rev. E. Otis offer. Religious leaders will be Charles, Bishop, Utah Diocese, instructed in identifying and asEpiscopal Church. Other panel sisting autistic children and members will include Elder their families. The public is enRex Pinegar, First Quorum of couraged to attend. Also of interest will be dethe Seventy, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints; Sis- monstrations of behavior man- reports that a panel discussion ganizations concerning autistic individuals will be held this year, according to Christena ter Angela Marie Hinckley, Gates, Public Relations Director for the Utah Chapter. Coordinator, Diocesan Commission for Handicapped Persons; Of particular interest to religious leaders and teachers will Eve Bier, Camp Director, be a session devoted to The 'James L. White Jewish, ComRole of the Church and Synagomunity Center; and Jeri Child the R.N., Huntsville, Alabain Recognizing gue and Supporting the Family.' It ma, parent of an autistic young Hen-rikse- n, n, able to obtain a booklet of the age ment techniques and Autistic Children. Davis Credit Union methods of teaching autistic children in regular religious classes. Parents will be taught how to improve the church behavior of autistic children.: Autism, a severe neurological impairment present in 15 of ev , Headforjhej Bluegrass Festival Now, during our special introductory trial, start gatting your fabulous now figure for just $10. Try our amazing equipment that does almost all the work for you whils you relax. And, receive a special dist plan that can really satisfy your appetite. OGDEN 021-411- 0 3553 South 150 West I I Offer expires July 10, 1983. I LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS I Eiy crKlit ttrmt tvaltabl.. . m I I. Gloria Marshall Figure Salons, 1S83 i - 1 5-- 1 6 There's no need to change clothes. . treatments for two Based on unlimited GloraSesslon weeks only. This introductory offer is to interest you in purchasing aregular program. Offer subject to salon availability. Other programs will be offered. Llmit one per patron, new patrons only. LAYTON 546-340- 7 2051 Layton Hills Mall n 1 1 1 ft Sound the fiddle as country ng and, Saturda y. fflfumU!Many ffyouhuvea. musicians will the perform in V LAYTON mr. HILLS MALL t fiddling , don miss U! All performances are free to the public . 1 1 1 ni P! i |