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Show Page ID v North Edition Lakeside Review Wednesday, July 13, 1983 By Roy Officials Disagree (;( Mme Business Ordinance fi suj: i i Sharks Debate, N Change policy statement. Councilman Richard Tubbs, a local businessman, said he is opposed to people having home anywhere else, you can. He also encouraged the counfined as 30 hours or more per cil to consider the impact of week during a period exceeding four months a year, or more recent changes caused by the then 20 hours per week for nine economy. Many more women .are working and they want to months in one year. Due to the rapid growth of work at home so they can be home businesses as an alterna-- . with their families. tive work style, Roy is exLarry Brown, a local resident and businessman, criticized periencing an increase in for home occupation what he perceived as the coun authorized Kirkwood to include a detailed questionnaire about business plans with each license application. It will theoretically give the council more ability to monitor whether an applicants plans comply with regulations. One applicant who did meet the requirements is Rick Mottes. After reviewing his application, Kirkwood issued him a business license. resident, decided he wanted to use his computer skills to start a home business. e A , employee of a local firm, Mottes plans to use his free hours to design and sell computer software. His routine application to the Roy City Council for a home full-tim- occupations business license opened a Pandoras box of con- flicting philosophies about regulation of home businesses but did not result in a change in the current ordinance. The ordinance states that home businesses must not opere basis if the ate on a business is similar to those commonly found in Roys commerfull-tim- cial district. ' , i SIMPLE concept in food marketing j offered at. new Canned Foods store in Clearfield. is Nothing Fancy at Clearfield's Discount 'Canned Food' Store ween the two is a Grocery Warehouse also carries a dairy and meat section. The new Canned Food store is the first one Albertsons officials have By BARRY KAWA Review Staff CLEARFIELD Fancy it isnt, but the Canned Food store which opens in the former location of Albertsons in Clearfield this week appeals to the penny pincher in everyone. Theres no dairy, meat or bread section, items only grocery and which can be bought !by the opened in Utah. Small said everything in the store is geared to savings which are passed on to the shopper. Stpre hours are the prime non-foo- d business hours of 10 a.m, to 7 e sons chain p.m. daily and the store will be closed on Sunday which Will prices are stocked thf Lighting is cut o' a' minimum save on salaries, he said.'Stock in the store to save bn electrick on pallets is taken off the truck ty bills and no stock is kept in and hauled directly to the floor. The merchandise on top is the back. Everything for sale is out on the floor. V--1 then cut and priced and the botYet, theres a method to this tom stock is left in cases. When madness, says Sherm Small, A- items are sold out, then that will lbertsons district salesmans-ger- . probably be the last time the Anything we can buy at store carries it. As soon as its the righCprice. well carry jt,r Ui, you. may never see, it claims Small. Were not a again, says Small.' Small emphasized that most complete food store, but a bargain store. Everything we carry items are national brands in sizes that the companies have is a value. Albertsons Incorporated op- discontinued and have to clear erates a chain of Canned Food out of inventory. Albertson offistore? nationwide along with cials buy up these items and their Grocery Warehouse then sell them at one of these new concept stores. franchises. The difference bet Al-be- rt 4 cut-rat- -- - - licenses. Concerned about the implications of this trend, Roy cil's current philosophy. If you cant work at home it seems like youre just trying to squash the trend toward home businesses. Brown said some businesses are paying employees to work at home because they can be By SHILIEY KANCITIS Review Correspondent Rick Mottes, a Roy ROY Full-tim- is e say people City Manager Richard Kirkwood asked the council for a full-tim- e, more productive. businesses that directly comCouncilman Kimber in pete with merchants Roys assured Brown Wayne intent of the that commercial district. He said it the council was not to stifle is unfair to those businessmen We just want to competition. who have to pay for use of combe fair. mercial property. , ' Another local resident, Neill Councilman Lynn Taylor, Meister, said he was worried however, is concerned there are about traffic problems caused by home businesses. Mottes misconceptions about the ordinance. I attended a meeting noted that his type of occupation and heard that some people would not cause any traffic. think if you live in Roy, you Apparently satisfied with the cant have a home business, but current ordinance, the council de- appli-catio- Insurance Group Cites Sunset Man Youll have to swing by here every week to see what we have, Small said in explaining that new items will be coming in every week. Were the kind of store you come shopping to ev-- . ery week before you go to the regular supermarket. You stop here and fill up on everything that costs you more there. of dog , Whole food, canned soda and paper towels fill the sides of the store. Hundreds of empty boxes for purchases are available near the checkstands. Unusual brand name items such as products from Denver and Kroger grocery products from the east coast fill the shelves. The store employs 12 to 15 stockers, checkers and baggers at the moment. Although that is less than half the number of employees that the old sons empldyed, Albertsons officials are confident that the new store can replace the sales tax revenue Clearfield City lost Mill Division Monored In recognition of SUNSET achievements in the insurance field, Kevin Johnson, Sunset, Utah, was a guest of Farmers Insurance Group of companies June 26 through 29 at its Topper Club convention at Banff, Alberta, Canada. semi-truckloa- Topper club honors are awarded annually by Farmers Insurance Group to agents and Mile-Hig- h district managers throughout the companies operating territory who meet production standards in all affiliated companies of the organization. Spouses of club members - at- tend the business sessions. Johnson was one of 65 delegates at the Banff meeting who were chosen from the Northern when theistore moved to Layton. Engineering Mountain. States region, includ-- . ing the states of Idaho, Montana and Utah. Force Base Architectural Environment Standards, took nine Division was recognized by the months of research, documenUtah Chapter of the American tation and identification of dePlanning Association during the sign elements and planning conorganizations annual confer- cepts that would be effective in ence held recently in Park City. improving the function, workThe base received an Outing environment and look of the HILL AIR FORCE BASE Hill AFBs Civil Engineering standing Award in the unique contribution category for newly adopted architectural environmental standards. The award was presented to Col. R. Allen, commander, 2849th Civil Engineering Squadron, and Scott, Louie, and Browning Salt Lake City, who developed the plan. According to the Association, the bases study developed standards for the creation of specific and distinguishable use areas within a unified base development plan. Architect-sEngineer- The document, s, Hill Air base. Each base in Air Force Logistics Command was tasked to conduct these studies and develop standards because of the commands involvement with more modern systems. 4, X, r ft rn re r In order to develop a functional design study for Hill AFB, both an overall view of the base and a focused view of specific areas and systems were required. After evaluation, each of these systems trends for the base as a whole were identified. Kaysville Business Gets New Name KAYSVILLE SECOND SESSION .Recently. Wood VanCott of Eden became the new owner of R&R Builders in Kaysville.-- The builders supply will soon be known as Kays- BEGINS JULY 10 , ville Home Center. Our. market i?a geared to-- , said ward,, the homeowh, VanCott. You can "pretty much build a home from start to finish. We will carry everything from sheet rockjto, lights and " i vanities. The . store will be for o oriented people. Were the problem solvers Js their motto. We have time to' spend with, our customers to help solve their problem, said We can hit mbhf VanCott. ans-wer- s. Each employee is over a certain section of the store and becomes a specialist in that area. The back portion of the store, will soon be remodeled to estab- lish more retail space. Store hours are from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. six days a week. Specials are advertised each week with rtsome specials also, jAeoinjunity, sign in-sto- $25 per class plus materials Classes in Bountiful and Layton Taught at different levels, 9 K-- WOOD r VAN COTT t board is kept outside. One side advertises store specials while AEROSPACE the other side tells of communi. ty activities. The new Kaysville Home Center is located at 86 East 200 North. ' DseuGcod ling book Teaching Children preschool concept called Joy, by Richard and Linda Ey" ' TCJ Parent Group will be discussre. Tues on -' advoed at a special meeting "Teaching Children Joy at the the cates impressionable day, using east jHytontatti nail fdr res- preschool years not to teach , reading or math, but to teach idential .iSi.layton-Kaysvillchildren the capacities for varU For residents in west Clear- ous types of joy . . . to teach field, Syracuse, West Point, and them how to be happy. Those having any questions Clinton, this meeting will be held at the West Point town hall, , about the program can contact: 3026 W, 300 N. in West Point. ' Joni Fry, Layton, KayThe program is primarily sville; Nanette Glauser, oriented to families with young west Clearfield, Syracuse, (preschool) children. The public West Point, Clinton; Mary is invited. Clearfield, Erickson, TCJ is based on the best sel Sunset, Roy. LAYTON- .,- A f , e , 544-265- 2, , TV . , Professional, ArtistTeacher Basic Drawing principles,' caricatures and cartoon fun! Travel Great Cookl A different country each time - give taste buds a world tour! .. KMtBHTH KHXNCH Utah Arts CouncilLallapalooza As a class build a 6 foot high dinosaur plus do some face painting and balloon messages - great funl SPANISH AND FRENCH uvtsauma KIM SANDY GAY SCHARP WeathermanMeteorologist JvJyForcsn Every week fan experiments, kids get involvedl Solids, liquids, gases, weather and morel SMALL ANIMALS DiuuMuem BeekeeperButterfly Collector Zoo class animals brought in every week. Plus learn about bees, butterflies, birds and real butterfly art proect. UNUSUAL ART KATHY RAVENSERG Pun Certified Teachers Conversation A potpurri plus songs, dances, foods, etc from the culture r J 776-143- 6, I 825-840- 5, f A. smmmmAui Certified TeacherWorld ; SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS . ' COOKING ' DINOSAUR PLUS US LAUHA CZISCIS Pres, of Hogle Zoo's Docents Council Different live animal brought each' week to present birds of pray, mammal, reptiles and more. jyJ3at7,)p.m. ALIEN RICHARDSON INTERNATIONAL I ZOO-PENDO- Bo; DRAWING AND CARTOONING eeomst uutst Chief PilotFlight Instructor 1 Aerodynamics, Parts, Model ' Planes and Rockets Level DTake both sessions - tlm Ffy A fed Hone!! Fve T SKETCHING Art Education Major of different, exciting things - pottery, etc. wear dad's old shirts! |