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Show - F Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 3B House Plan Country Front Porch Adds Charm to Adaptable roos L.V " foyer forms a hub which leads to all areas of the An open fe- - home. The impressive foyer atures an open rail stair. Stair to the basement is under for greater space utilize- - , include the game room. All W.D. Farmer plans include special construction details for and interconnecting bath and a game room if desired. The balcony rail is open to the great room. The country exterior is ac- cented by wood rail porch, vert- shut-ical siding and multi-lit- e energy efficiency and are guaranteed to meet all FHA and VA requirements. 4 fit' ; The master bedroom suite .connects from here as well as tered windows. is number 968. It The through the master bath to the includesplan1,959 square feet of A room. fireplace, large great for the two bed-- " deck access and view to the heated area or 2,276 square feet to rooms up accent the great upper balcony room. For further information on 968, write W.D. Farmer, P.O. Box 450025, Atlanta, Ga. plan 30345. . There is a breakfast room with bay, convenient fully equipped kitchen and a rate dining room. Entrance to the garage is from the laundry vicinity and a bonus pantry is here and in the kitchen. There are two eating areas, one being a full formal dining room. You have a choice of second floor plans. There are two bed- - r OlliMiirr; SSP1 n - rZ 20'-0- V 12-- CNTHV fc - 0" JH,F, O'' -- Lr. uvtr? 46 VLASIC L 20-- 13-- X 0" . ' SAYEl7$f Mfiod tT QL a 41 OUNCE BED ROOM 13'-- 0" Umim PORCH 40 -- 6" 6 -- 0" PioMos L.J 15-0- 0" ' . , 0" 11-- DEL MONTE OUNCE .6 X DININQ ROOM .. S - TW lZ. GARAGE o' V'u- TT ACTIVITY ROOM li 6-- 0" lAv-e" ao-- i 6AV 7 BRK AREA t jiAUNDAV SUN DECK 11'-- " Ooan& 61-- 0" FIRST FLOOR PLAN cme 5.98 lefri d Bear, 5 SAVE 1.31 SAYEW RALSTON PURINA Sen Dctorgoitf I POUND Saltas FAMILY SIZE ciisese-T- O rsestt ALTERNATE SECOND FLOOR SA PRICED you UOtlPf. SAVE 4 f FROZEN SHOESTRING RICE RONl Potato fAfSHftKUtA I wei? f ASSORTED 8 r OUNCE Jl I BED ROOM IS'-O- " 13 --O ATN SHORTMfW MTATOCS trwmuiw'iwia iSgSrSl f.C3 SAVE vammS, enSlNESSESHO AMERICAN BEAUTY 40 SAVEW OZ. EXTRA WIDE FIRST Molded Salad 'Elegant' Addition to Any Meal AHDSAVBW0HEY1 Cheese and fruit. This combination of ingredients can take its place on a menu in a variety of forms, from a peasant-lik- e meal served with chunks' of cheese, apples and bread to the more elegant cheese trays enjoyed with red and green grapes . AMERICAN BEAUTY 3 U POUND SAVE 7 27 OUNCE SAVE 4P MILE HIGH KUNERS and wine. 16 OUNCE way with this recipe for Blue Cheese Ring. The piquant flavor of blue cheese in chunky blue cheese dressing makes a tasty mold to accompany chopped apples, grapes and orange tions, or any selection of fruits you prefer. As well as being delicious, molded salads are a showpiece on the table. To make unmolding easier, brush the inside of the mold with salad dressing or oil before pouring in the ingredients. Garnish this salad with let Sll H r 0SH0PDIM6I IN AWEMWSE CASE 7.99 Y0UU RNOWJ'H NEVER Y0UU UNO, NEVER YOU'U KNOW FIND IT CHEAPER! ,J V, Plocp ,T5 S IAR6EM 1 VV DOZEN IQ llQQG ; OUR Q 0REAT c$ J mm f(p)& J Cc"sr(o)vy PRICES AS sr U: TEE OH EVERYTH.',"! BS-- a 209 EAST 200 SOUTH CtFARRfLQ f UU'JvlV AD PRICES z. bottle chunky blue cheese dressing 1 cup whipping cream, whipped Lettuce Vz cup chopped apple xk cup grapes Vz cup orange sections Soften gelatin in water; stir over low heat until dissolved. Cool. Gradually add gelatin to dressing, mixing until blended. Chil until partially set; fold in whipped cream. Pour into lightly oiled ring mold; chill until firm. Unmold; surround with lettuce. Fill center with combined fruit. Makes 4 to 6 servings. D w irWI EFFECTIVE JULY gelatin 1 cup cold water Y- CVV..V- - M envelopes unflavored D EVERYDA- PNEY Blue Cheese Ring 2 AS B OUR PRICES cttKcnH-tosE- tuce and surround it with the fruit sections for added color to your table. 1 . Now this savory mingling of flavors can be enjoyed a new W MAC FLOOR PLAN SECOND 7 FUU DAYS 1ith-l9t- N I I ' t f I $ I |