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Show 4B lakeside Review North, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 At Hospital Kaysville Toon Solocfod To Compote in Pageant - KAYSVILLE Usa Malan has been selected as a candidate in th 1983 Miss Teen of Utah Scholarship Pageant to be held in Provo, Utah, August for the coming school year. The state pageant winner ' re- i 'X to ceives a $1,000 scholarship within diabetics work- -' hygiene, hypoglycemia, diabet- patient at McKay-De- e shop has been scheduled at the ic acidosis, prevention of the last year. For more information please j. McKay-De- e Hospital Center for diabetic complications, and ext. 4323. A the school or university of her 18-2- 0. choice. The national winner ceives a $15,000 scholarship. ' Miss Malan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Malan of Kaysville. She is an honor student at Davis High where she will be a senior this fall. She ! re- plays the piano, flute, and guitar and is an officer in Future Homemakers of America appear- $ LISA MALAN J ignnnj - " v---"1 Is Complotcd Army Pvt. LAYTON Robert L. Zamora Jr., son of Robert L. and Dixie R. Zamora of 682 N. Colonial, Layton, has completed basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C. He is a 1982 graduate of Lay-ton High School. . ':s 23 CACCR URAPPID 544-510- 2 C3 - 'y 627-280- 0, Dasic Training i , and the call 3, service and categories; scholastic record, general three-da- y diabetic foods for special occaMonday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 18, 19 and 20, from 7 to sions. 9 p m. The workshop will be in Diabetics of any age, newly room W-located adjacent to diagnosed or those who have the Green Auditorium on the had diabetes for several years, are invited to attend. Referral hospitals B level. During the workshop, diabet- from a physician is encouraged, ics and their families will learn but not necessary. Family about diabetes what it is, who members are also invited to attend. , gets it and how it is treated. , The cost to the diabetic outpaParticipants will learn how to live with diabetes. Instruction tient is $10, and there is no cost will Include nutrition, insulin for diabetics with a medicaid administration, foot care and card or those who have been a Contestants are judged in six achievement, personal development, awareness, poise and ance in formal wear judges interview, Workshop Sot IS FILETS te the first NO MONEY DOWN, NO PAYMENTS TILL OCTODER 2S sectMMrs CJLUC3 MTwAY U UZH AU ETJY t '03 - NO DAYS SAME AS CASH INTEREST OR FINANCE CHARGE 4- - -7 BC0-DJ- 02 USDA CHOICE EXAMPLE 1 22.: ibHoJi oniy...i3Scooi U ib. per payment for 4 payments. First Paymont Down . DONUS PACK 30 lbs. I Jl J f Porterhouse steaks ORK CHOPS 10 lb steaks Standing ZlillTl. ..J" SLICID BACON 0 lbs. Chuck steaks VCO 10 lbs. SAUSAGE steaks ABSOLUTELY NO Ground TLI3 AC-3 bonus with special Sir Rib Fillets Ribs Bar-B-Q- examples shown on this ad are based on minimum weights and are for explaining purposes only. All beef sold according to weights available at time of purchase. All 1 orders carry extra plates and flanks for ground beef and thrifty , Beef CHARGE YL-I- D SO lbs. Beef Loin Steaks No. USDA cuts. 18 lb. processing charge. Beef sold gross hanging weight and subject to trim loss. 1 160 lbs loin rib plates & flanks at $1.09 lb. equal $174 40 plus free 60 lb. Bonus Pack lbs. Sections 1C, IB, 3F, 3G, SEE BEEF CHART Avg. weights 160-35- 0 - 4 L ee i S i HUM 8!(iJW: iD To (JjlYuQiU j ti.uel' 'I'-Cl- ii tniWi 3 4.1. sjiB 7 t i '033 M33 wir '033 tJirt-1'1- n .I-- i '033 'lU I Mil M Ox j , - hi.i yarters at $1.19 lb $173 50 plus 30 lh Bonus absolutely. I V - no charge. Weight V 5;50 lbs. to 375 lb Sections' V1C.JD. 3E, 3? 3G, Yield 2 - ".ehar? ' a, lArli, -- 13 ' sy' I) . cjytJV) 3 Average Weight 4CP t0 675 lbs. Yield 2 -- 2.-- .! t -- I' ' l).l is fill 1I I'll.! ut 13.13 t-r o tsrtor. uj-irs--i -- JhnS j . ,11 . DAYS rtAf-- t A ' i - ' ' 1 '( t J' - 0 CACON PRIMAL CUT BEEF ORDERS s WHAPFiD EXECUTIVE ALL MEAT SOLD BY SICTION ONLY CHOPPED SIRLOIN To - f. TENSmIOIN steaks. . AVIRA6I WTS. SO TO BS LSS. . '1vp anyone opening a 90 day account ' During ThU , ; ,'W I - K'.'i ".V'A y 1 ?. . AH meat told - wgH. trim lew. 3. AM meat told by wmgh- - available. 3. Ilf lb. proceuing charge, time 4. AM meat cut by unxwmirent uni permits othemme. . 5. AN beef cut on premnet 6. AN beef guaranteed. Choice yield 2 7. Unit quantity right!. e Q IB 9. AN ardor indude enwo plate and f)anli 10. Eeample PAYMENTS DO NOT IN- -' CLUDE pracenmg o- - sa'et --ax rstk , wbd i 1 ,;:ncir x I'y.'C-z- . . K J Hanging t V 1 ATKXT&N a Cr: . SIRLOINS, BEEF LOINS, STRIPES, FILET MISNONS, RIB EYES, CELMONICO, CLUS STEAK, . CALL NOW TO HOLD THESE PRICES AND RECEIVE .YOUR BONUS w ? lit.' co ' SPECIALS - (. f.Jl (3 lit'l I'll) 41 AS CAS! I v!- , Wb (WU -- f, I ? ;; r ; riir ; - HD xYM. i; Yield to 07$ IS. ? OF, 5G - on frpo GGFCJa2 I3t3r (SyOMTijc , 10 ; V.VT i "MM A 3!ih .150 lbs; USDA Choke Forequarters at 99 Us. $143.50 plus. 25 lb. Bonus absolutely no , ' 1 1 Ixcm-l- si I ) TO I 133'lfiD 3 '03. ul33 !: 13330 V43' liU'iK-- i 3 ,r ixertylet v--' Xr. lip fcs USDA Choice v ; '033 fi3i in 'I. tnii J" Tan it- oA 2 ALL BEEF YIELD All GRADE A FRYERS LEAN Sirloin Tip Steak Rib Roast Roast Blade Club 1 CAIU3 KZZ? 90 . - J t W r :.y; 4 ' - 'S " ' t 'C ' " v ,:.H -- , m .r . ' ' t ' - - ; ; ':hSAYTC:r r r---- r Si. n -- ' n- .- -4 U; - 4 - , :r ; c;.v.c: ri N V Wf V fi , , v J ' n 4 J A X' X - 4 r' wC j v V- -; t X LIk i t 'C A.: - , ; lex.. . 4 xi , x 4 v,. - f' A ' ' , t f V.. 7. i |