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Show Now and Old Art Forms In Quilting Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 Quilting has flourished in Utah because it is a craft that means many things to many people. Quilts are a combination of the practical and aesthetic, tradition and modern art. Historically, quilts were made of scrap materials and flour sacks saved over a long period of time and then sewn into a much needed bed cover for the cold frontier winter ' nights. There are still practical uses for quilts, but for the most part they take on a different meaning. Quilts have become a canvas or mosaic art medium,. says Linda Tipton, Utah State University Extension clothing specialist. Quilting is also part of the Utah heritage of early settlers from the Eastern U.S. and foreign countries. Part of the preservation of this handicraft goes at the Festival of the American West Quilt Contest which features some of the best quilts in the state. Tipton, quilt contest coordinator, says the contest has been one of the big successes at the Festival of the American West. Each year the contest has grown in contestants and tators. Owens Corning Va'CDX STAIN DOLLED PLYWOOD Economical. Easy to apply! spec- Protect your wood investment. Real, oil stain. For wood siding, trim, fences, decks, interior woods. ROOFING APA 1st Grade CLEAR WOOD PRESERVATIVE O WOOD PRESERVATIVE This years festival is 'clear! scheduled July 29 August 6. Preliminaries of the quilt contest are now underway. ' Quilts have a lot of sentimen- tal value. The reasons people quilt are as diverse as the quilt designs themselves, Tipton says. Some examples of the reasons people quilt were given by quilt contest finalists last year: In January 1979 I broke my leg skiing. What in the world was I going to do for six weeks 4' x 8'. PLYWOOD At Boise Cascade, youll find plywood that SANDED SHOP meets all your project needs. 4' x 8'. . ELECTRICAL WIRE ATTIC VENTILATOR FANS 122 Keep your home cooler by removing damaging heat. with ground. 98 50' 100' 250' EXTENSION CORD POWER VENT REDWOOD 163 N340 LUMBER with ground. Safety orange C 88 50 9 each 100' Long lasting with distinctive quality. RROTJEGiTS y Galvanized Quality Appearance PINE BOARDS Many practical uses! Check Before HATIY irril IvF vUVCl(9 ,, BOX NAILS 4 H - Noting Quality picket fencing Using 2 square top pickets MIX 1x4x6' Just add water! 08 k 1x4x6',. PICKETS items placed in stream channels or any alteration of channels to be first reviewed and approved by building or public works inspectors. A call to the local building or public works department will let any prospective builder know, what is required. The flood control committee reported that record snowmelt flows overwhelmed some of the WATER SEAL ECONOMY CEMENT Protect areas like basement foundations rftv. against water penetration. STUDS RStlZ 1 largest pipes and culverts in the 1x6x6 Why pay more! -- h 03 linear foot. P' 4L each 1 ' QQ 9 Linear foot prica basad on 8' taction which inctudaa pott, two rails, and eelolfe each. POST HOLE ROLLER COVERS DIGGER Saves you time ' 9Q gallon. 2x4x8 4x4x8' ' PICKETS 90 LAP prices! 1x6x6' Using 2 square top pickets 189 linear foot. 90 lb. bag. have ordinances requiring ... at affordable 095 ' 11 4308 1 CEDAR FENCING POST stream channel obstruction, the : Davis County Flood Control Committee and city public works departments urge all residents to have any proposed stream channel alterations approved by city or county officials before they are installed. Included in this request are the building of any pipes, culverts, bridges or fences. ' The county and most cities' 10' x 16' 10 x 12 Assorted sizes. that much of the recent flooding was caused by unauthorized Sturdy, translucent fiberglass panels make the perfect patio cover. Available in green, white, or clear. ling Stream Flow FARMINGTON Adds a protective, penetrating coating to your wood projects. Stock colors. the refrigerator. Tipton says the festival quilt show draws all sorts of quilters first timers and old hands. She says the quilting story of Margaret Webster of Cedar City explains quilting best. When I was a young mother making quilts it was a necessity, but it soon became a fascinating hobby. Over the years my love for quilting has been a means of making wonderful friends who shared my interest. I found that when I was sad or worried it helped to bring out the bright pieces of cloth and lose myself in planning another pretty quilt. Now at 71 years old, though-mfingers are stiffer, and my eyesight not as good, I am still getting a great deal of pleasure out of the quilts I make for babies and my grandchildrens weddings. v LINSEED OIL Lets the natural grain show, but protects against rot, mildew, and harmful sun rays, while my leg was in a cast? I plan to use the quilt some day in a newlywed apartment with a large brass bed, neither of which I have yet. My quilt may not seem like much to some people, but in my home it is a masterpiece. Kind of like that first hand drawn picture your child brings home from kindergarten. You are so proud that you tack it on - BOILED WEATHERSCREEN and effort! each. county. Many of the driveway pipes, bridges, fences and landscaping efforts by residents constricted channels to the point where they backed up and 1 LAYTON STORE HOURS OGDIN ST03E HOURS Weekdays Saturdays 8-5:- 30 8-3:- C0 P.M. P.M. Weekdays Saturday Vi 8-6:- 9-S:- 00 00 P.M. P.M. Closed Sundays Closed Sundays determine what changes to make in drainage facilities. Part of that evaluation will be a determination of stream flows that can be anticipated. MORE! UUMBER overflowed. The committee said the flooding resulted in the removal of many of these obstructions. An evaluation is underway by the county to determine how best to rehabilitate those stream channels that experienced severe flooding and LAYTON OQDZN 1236 North Main 2089 Washington Blvd. 544-34- 51 We Cara Pain Chseka": Should an advtrtlatd Item not ba availabla during thia aale. you may requeat a Rain Chock guaranteeing tha aeie price on that Ham when stock ia raplaniahad. Soma llama availabla only at our larger leeatlona. Fleeco call tor your particular ntada. 621-77- 63 ) ; 3C |