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Show 2D Lakeside Review North, Wedneiday, July 13, 1983 A Fops Coneerv Is The fifth annual Pops and Fireworks Spectacular has been scheduled at Weber State College for July 17 at 9 p.m. The annual outdoor concert by the Utah Symphony, followed by a fireworks display, is sponsored by the Ogden Con-.ce- Association rt in cooperation with Weber State. Daniel L. Martino, coordinator for the event and director of the Office of Cultural Affairs at Weber State, said the concert has grown from modest participation to last years estimated high of over 33,000 people, the largest crowd ever gathered for a single event in the history of Ogden. Martino said that this years format will follow much the same as last years, with a few minor adjustments. The symphony will be located directly south of the Miller Administration Building and en Sorted Oovic AFS Froeirom Fifth Annual closed in a sound shell. He said the sound shell will increase the ability of the electronics department on campus to capture the sound and relay it through the Parking will be in any of the regular parking lots on campus and those wishing to attend the concert and fireworks display may sit on any grassy area with the exception of the field north of Promontory Towers. Martino said that people are speakers. Loud speakers will be added, and Martino noted that the fireworks display will be moved from the Ada Lindquist Plaza to welcome to bring picnic lunches. Refreshments will be the large field north of Promonthrough the WSC food sertory Towers. The move will en- sold vices at locations around the sure greater safety for the specPlaza, but vendors Lindquist he said. tators, not will be allowed, Martino A number of buildings will be said. infor restroom facilities open cluding the information booth He noted, Last years crowd for restrooms for the handwas superb. There was very liticapped. Paramedics have been tle trash left on campus and placed at both ends of the area people were very patient with a and communications center will staggering amount of traffic. be located in the Lindquist Plasure well, get the same za to help in the location of lost Im amount of cooperation this items or children. Last year we had very little year. e A carillon concert will trouble, Martino said. "We ontwo one had or lost 8 with the at concert ly parents p.m. and a lost dog. Elizabeth Stewart. chapter of the American Field Services is being formed in Davis County to cover cities from Bountiful to Sunset. AFS is an exchange student program with headquarters in New York City. The program began shortly after World War II when in 1947, 52 students from foreign countries were brought to the United States. Five years later the Americans Abroad Program was introduced. Students are given the opportunity to experience another culture by living in it. Fifty-nin- e countries now participate. The Americans at home portion of the program enables students to visit a different region of their own country. Students must maintain a B average and be a junior, senior or first year out of high school to qualify for the program. Families may also volunteer to host students from other countries or regions. Hosts and students are matched through the AFS offices. It is not necessary to speak a foreign language. An orientation is held with language courses so students are not unprepared. A debriefing is also held at the end of (SlGMir the exchange to help ease students back into their own families. Americans abroad programs last from eight weeks to one year depending on the program. Those interested in joining the Davis County Chapter of AFS may caU Susan Huggins at or Marian Hopkins, Western States Director in Salt Lake 546-133- at City, 8 582-738- 6. Families desiring to host students or students interested may also call Mrs. Huggins. (s)fi90u(S) (SODOvCO pro-ced- . ENTIRE COATS CHILDREN'S DEPT. TOPS PANTS KNEE HIGHS PANTY HOSE 2$l00 4$joo 0 MASTERCIIARGE 0 AM. EXPRESS VISA OR LAY-AVA- Y OODEN CITY MALL fafiOTfs) (flODQfffs) Called on a Mission? Coming Home? Let your friends and neigh- - free. The deadline for all know through the Lakeside sionary material is Thursday at Review. The Review will print a 3:30. You can drop off the of departing or return- - ture and story (forms available ing missionaries and story for at the office) at the south office. mis-bo- rs pic-pictu- re Layton, Antelope Square, 776-495- 1. : - Lakevlow Hospital Where advanced technology goes hand in hand with compassionate and convenient family centered care. Lakeview Hospital introduces AmCare, the finest available ambulatory care service. specially trained personnel. Unlike outpatient surgery departments in many . hospitals or surgical centers where patients are placed on cots in large recovery areas enclosed by curtains. AmCare patients at Lakeview enjoy complete privacy in the comfort Of a pleasant inpatient hospital setting. AmCare patients are given a regular hospital room and bed, color television and telephone. For many patients, AmCare provides the convenience of short term hospitalization in an atmosphere of skilled, compassionate care without the expense of admission to the hospital. Patients are scheduled for AmCare services by their personal physicians. If you do not have a personal physician, we would be pleased to refer you to a qualified member of our active Medical i Patients who have same day surgery, or blood laboratory tests, transfusions, may now enjoy the convenience of an efficient, cost effective alternative to inpatient services. AmCare patients report directly to a I Introducing tin fotemat Super Saver. 12 prints for 02.59. Now your pictures can have Fbtomat quality at a new, low price. With the prepaid Super Saver, any costs just $2.99 for developing similar savings on longer. exposure rolls. And your prints come back with the quality ' jyou always expect from fbtomat. ( Super Saver developing takes a little longer. But fa this kind of quality, at that kind of price, its worth the wait. roll K registration desk iocated inside the Emergency Room entrance, on the east side of the hospital, for outpatient tests and All AmCare surgical patients, or those scheduled by their physicians for same day surgery, will be contacted by telephone and asked to briefly visit the tests at least hospital for one day prior to the date of surgery. When patients enter the hospital for their outpatient surgery, they report directly to the AmCare nursing station, located on the third floor of the hospital. AmCares nursing floor is staffed sixteen hours a day by competent, ve ' JC?r ... 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