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Show 4C lakeside Reviaw North, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 IPps ,n i Sofl The fifth annual Pops Concert and Fireworks Spectacular has been scheduled at Weber State College for July 17 at 9 p.m. The annual outdoor concert j by the Utah Symphony, v fol- lowed by a fireworks display, is sponsored by the Ogden et Association in cooperation with Weber State. Daniel L. Martino, coordinator for the event and director of the Office of Cultural Affairs at Weber State, said the concert has grown from modest participation to last years estimated high of over 33,000 people, the largest crowd ever gathered for a single event in the history of Ogden. Martino said that this years format will follow much the same as last years, with a few minor adjustments. The symphony will be located (i , lit C f V H 57-- Jyly trouble," Martino said. We only had one or two lost parents and a lost dog." Parking will be in any of the regular parking lots on campus and those wishing to attend the concert and fireworks display may sit on any grassy area with the exception of the field north of Promontory Towers. Martino said that people are directly south of the Miller Administration Building and enclosed in a sound shell. He said the sound shell will increase the ability of the electronics department on campus to capture the sound and relay it through the ' speakers. Loud speakers will be added, and Martino noted that the fireworks display will be moved from the Ada Lindquist Plaza to the large field north of Promontory Towers. The move will ensure greater safety for the spectators, he said. A number of buildings will be open for restroom facilities including the information booth for restrooms for the handicapped. Paramedics have been placed at both ends of the area and communications center will be located in the Lindquist Plaza to help in the location of lost items or children. Last year we had very little welcome to bring picnic will be lunches. Refreshments through the WSC food services at locations around the Lindquist Plaza, but vendors will not be allowed, Martino sold said. , He noted, Last years crowd was superb. There was very little trash left on campus and people were very patient with a staggering amount of traffic. Im sure well get the same amount of cooperation this year. Sites Approved Building Plans Up in layfon LAYTON If an increase in building site approval is an indi-catof an upswing in the or economy, Dayton residents should feel confident that the recent building slump is at least retreating if not actually over. Six developments in Layton have received final approval from the City Council and developers can now go ahead with construction. One other was gi- ven preliminary approval. Preliminary approval was gi- &'& m$4i Ts i i (right) during change of command monies at Hill Air Force Base. cere-que- the deputy chief of staff for logHILL AIR FORCE BASE Saying that the two years he istics and engineering, Headserved here were among the quarters U.S. Air Force at the. most satisfying of his Air Force Pentagon. Reynolds, 55, was born and career, Maj.Gen. Leo Marque2 handed over the command of raised in Chamberlain, S.D. He the Ogden Air Logistics Center is a graduate of the University to Maj.Gen. Marc C. Reynolds of Rhode Island, Air Command last week in a ceremony at the and Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., and the base. Marquez has been nominated Naval War College, Newport, for appointment to a lieutenant R.I. Reynolds flew 230 combat general rank and reassigned as missions in Vietnam and re-- , ceived the Distinguished Flying Cross among his numerous military decorations and awards. He has served at Hill Field as the director of distribution and later as director of . maintenance. : . Reynolds said he was humbled at the thought of serving his country at this level of responsibility but that he pledged his fullest support in his new duties. Hill Committee Seeks Artifacts For Display During Program Heritage -Items wanted are photographs, scale models, cutaways, anything of historical HILL AIR FORCE BASE An artifacts Committee for the Hill AFB Heritage Program has been formed to collect historical items for display in the Hill AFB Aerospace Park, and Museum Committee members would like to know of anyone who has artifacts they would be willing to donate or knows of potential donors. Artifacts are defined as any object made or modified by value about Hill AFB, Wendov-e- r Army Air Field and the Ogden Arsenal. Hills history dates back to 1920, when the west area and 9 missiles. Coming in soon airand are an craft, and a Minuteman III, B-2- 9 Maverick, Titan, Bomarc, 1, man, something made with F-8- T-3- 5, 3 Quail, Minuteman I and AIM skill. 7 be withheld. Free cheese and butter will be distributed to senior citizens, 60 and older, at the Roy Recreation Complex today from . ta Mr. Steak e.nuront. m, t. ... .y ili' vilil Are Only ceme m e.t your Mrthday after 4:00 p.m. be 16 years of use or older end prove It by a valid driver's license or birth certificate. 3. You must present your identifica- tion ta yaur host ar hasten upon w.ic a o o offer D D 1941 Washington Blvd. 3 Ogdon 393-255- 1 0 0 0 arrive1 4. Nc. ether promotional attars ar discounts may ha used with this . COUPON I D a a a a a a D him isnai s 825-843- 1 Layton Wa Use the Feast Product sergeant. His wife, Kim is the daughter of Maurice R. and Carol Reopel-l- e of 1741 W. Gregory Drive, Layton. 546-412- 5 in LAYTON Approved by "All" Insurance Co.'s BROKEN WINDSHIELD OPENING 500H, IN THE TEN DOLLARS OFF WINDSHIELD DEDUCTIBLES LAYTON HILLS MALL ON INSURANCE EXPERIENCE HELP i 9 NEEDED IN ALL DEPT.S MEN'S AND WOMEN'S laa SPORTSWEAR FAMILY FOOTWEAR GUNS Factory Rebuilt FISHING TACKLE cu. in. SPORTING GOODS & ANDSKIDEPTS. C0V CHEVROLET Installed APPLY IN PERSON WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. i 12,000 Mil. K w OR. Warranty (Other engines available) L CSI . BEST DEAL AT... Automotive Machino lnc. COMPLITI AUTOMOTIVI MACHINE AND PKXFCXMANCI SPECIALISTS 91 Cross St. Phono Layton, Utah 84041 544-425- 9 THE BIG NEWS FOR SPRING HAIR IS FEMININE STYLE' MORE CONTROL SOFT CURL u D D eie s $20pErm We'll Not Leave You Flat" VIOLETS DGAUTY SALON If Hi complex. ,o Mr. Steal, Kestouront after 4 00 p.m on oirthdoy, and weft treat you to o FREE steak" ar e Ycr Happy Birthday Steak Dinner includes: i, dblM Choice Cut Sirloin, ciisp salad or soup, choice t potato, oread and beverage. There i absolutely no cost he price of the gasoline it takes to get our O you eiicep Ot SUmmER FRIZZIES! 2146 N. Main ACROSS FROM MERVYN'S tial. If anyone would like to volunteer for this and future cheese distributions, sign up at the .oo The FOR All who help with the distribution of cheese and butter are volunteers, so patience is essen- r. ie INFLATION FIGHTER - otgaci bk:::zi 0 -- vUate - O s Walk-In- Classified Rents Rapidly. tUUmllvumiit Bring Your Birthday Party area. Welcome 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. name, address and birthdate. All addresses will be checked out. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or until supplies Phase 11; Gjreenbriar West, second amendment; Greenbriar West, lots 32 and 33; East' Layton Hills, Phase 4; Ridgecrest; LaDonna Mesa, Phase D; and property owned GET YOU drivers license, senior citizens activity card or some other form of identification with ROY re- Sun-trail- s, LAYTON John D. Stevens, son of Joseph and Donna Webb of 1318 Reid Drive, Layton, has been promoted in the U.S. Air Force to the rank of staff SEE RANDY TURNER, Butter, Cheese to Be Given last. One five pound block of cheese per household will be given along with two pounds of butter per person. Bring a plastic bag to carry butter in. If a person cannot go to the complex to pick up their cheese and send someone else, give that person a medical card, F-8- 9 Scram and Genie missiles. Prospective donors should write to the Artifacts Commitcomplex was the Ogden tee, Bldg. 1102, Hill AFB, UT 84056. Include name, address Arsenal. and telephone number and a Items already acquired by description of the item such as committee members are size, weight, condition and hisand a torical significance. Upon rePT-1- 7 (Stearman) aircraft, quest, name of the donor would 0, Other developments which ceived final approval are Man Is Given A Promotion z OAIC Command Changes : been named the Layton Hills Condominiums. 300-un- it Staff Phota by Dan Millar rt and will develop the condominium project which has conven developers of a by Royal Rigby between Valley dominium project which will be View and Highway 89. located just north of the Layton Since Rigbys property is sur Hills Mall. McKeller Development, a firm with a base office in Boise, has built similar projects in California and Idaho, according f jf:'; COMMAND shifts from Maj.Gen. Leo Mar- (left) to Maj.Gen. Marc C. Reynolds rounded by property that has not been required to put in improvements he was granted a lien waiver for curb, gutter, and sidewalk for his property. Paul S. Kimmel, 2805 E. Oakhills Drive, was also granted a similar waiver because of lack of improvements in his to City Planner Scott Carter, LUNCH BUY ONE GET THE 2nd ONE AT Vt PRICE D D D a this caupaa liuy any lunch and at the second lunch of aqunl s. With Iasi value : D hetf price. I July 16, 1913 presort coupe whoa ordering. Nat goad with any oltier discounts. Expires tb 1941 WASHIN0T0N UVD. OGDiN 393-255- 3 Married or single, qualified men and women may save plenty on car insurance with Farmers exclusive 3060 Auto Package. Why not check with ers todayl Farm- JULY SPECIAL NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY WALKINS WELCOME MSN & WOMEN Pluosa Contact: Kavin Johnson or, Ray Thompson at Farmers' Insurance tunsut Office 24 W. 2000 N. Suneut, 'Jioh 04019 776-033731-433- 2 ur 774-OSS- 3 123-204- 2 3 VtOUT HZZNANDZ3Z ' , DONNA PAWZ3 STYUVA STCZLE i Violet's Beauty Salon J 1475 5. STATI, CLIAXFIXLD OPEN S AJ3 ? (N.xt to Sow-N-Sav- Sat. Fl gn thru n - .v. v l a) 776-43G- 4 irn 1 in 1 b |